
Universal Genocide System

Julian sanchez a young man at the age of 21 is a big fan of the Warhammer 40k universe as well as several other famous universes. in his spare time he reads manga and light novels as well as anime. He lives at the US border town of el paso in Southern Texas and lives a very boring life as hes stuck at home with online classes. He had been born with vast intelligence so although he had trouble learning online it was not much of an issue. one day he is attacked by a cartel during his routine trip into Mexico for business and gets randomly teleported to a new world. everything he comes across shocks him but he somehow adapts and survives. He learns he has a powerful system but little does he know what kind of consequences using it will bring to his personality.

ForgottenKnight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Arrendale City

In the morning Julian woke up and moved to the kitchen for some water. He wore His under armor and sat on the couch thinking about what his plans would be from here on out. He wanted to visit a Library, buy some Skill books and see if he could learn alchemy, arrays and blacksmithing. If it were like he thought then he could learn the skills simply by visiting an alchemy school and trying it once or maybe even reading a book about the subject would work. He planned the same thing for the other two Skills.

Thanks to the memories he received he knew where he could go to get these things. He also learned Of the Isvani mountain range and knew that it was infested with monsters which is why he asked for it. It was a dangerous place for others but a Treasure trove for him. He could level up quickly if he went there. He packed his things and put on his armor and helmet and walked out the door and to the first floor.

The attendant ran up to him and bowed politely.

" Did you enjoy your stay sir? "

Julian looked at him and handed him the room key

" yes. "

he walked out of the hotel after replying and looked into the blue sky contemplating many things. He whistled loudly and heard a Ka in the distance. A blue eagle Flew out of a building down the road and landed besides him looking happy. Julian jumped on and began to head towards Koryat Pavilion The Royal Library. While he was flying he debated on whether he should use the rest of the Qi pills now or wait until he needs them. If he leveled up quickly then all the low level undead and monsters wouldn't give as much exp. Soon he made the decision to keep on to them until he was a high level or needed to use them.

1 hour passed and he made it to the Royal library. He flashed his badge to the Guard outside and walked in. He was amazed by the insides of the Library. There were tens of Millions of books neatly arranged on several dozen floors. He made his way inside and asked a servant where the books about the 3 main professions were located. She spoke with respect

" Please follow me "

They walked down the hall for about 3 minutes until she stopped and pointed to an area in the library.

" All the books in this area Are about the 3 major professions "

He looked to an area that probably contained anywhere from 500k to a million books.

" thank you "

He scanned the shelves of books and pulled out several Alchemy books with names like ' Myriad herbs 'or 'Alchemic Process '

He Opened The ' Alchemic Process ' book and began to read it at an incredible speed. Thanks to his system and his intelligence being at 50k he soon finished the book under 3 minutes.

[ You have learned Alchemy ]

[ Alchemy Master Rank 1 ]

[ 0/1,000 ]

He put the book down and felt a mild headache. His Psychic conscious still wasn't very good which meant he couldn't read too much too quickly.

' I should purchase some soul stones then come back here '

He waited 10 minutes for his headache to go down then grabbed a Blacksmithing book called ' Art of the Craft '. It took him 6 minutes to read and his headache became even worse. He rubbed his head and told himself ' One more '

[ You have learned Blacksmithing ]

[ Blacksmithing Master Rank 1 ]

[ 0/1,000 ]

He pulled out a book about arrays called 'Basic Array Construction and began to read it. 10 minutes later he stopped half way and felt his headache get worse. He looked around and saw that no one was there so he pulled out a Bottle and took a sip before quickly putting it back in his ring. With this he pushed onwards and finished reading the book.

[ You have Learned Array Building ]

[ Array Master Rank 1 ]

Feeling weak he made his way to a chair and took a seat for 20 minutes. When he started to feel better he made his way out of the Library and flew to a place called Yellow Mountain Market.

' Princess Jessica has made my life turn around these days. If i see any of King Marks men I'll make sure to kill them. '

He felt Grateful for Jessica's help and really wanted to avenge her. Now he was too weak but it didn't mean there was nothing he could do to mess with Hathan. He landed on the street and attracted many onlookers who looked at him with respect and even praise. He made his way past several stores selling various things and saw the store he was looking for.

A magnificent building With a beautiful sign in front that read ' Arrendale soul Market '

Several hundred thousand cultivators moved through the market selling and buying Various types of soul stones from low grade to High Grade. There are two types of soul stones. The more expensive Natural soul stones and the cheaper Freshy Hunted Soul stones. Natural soul stones formed in the Ground from Natural Psychic energy while Hunted soul stones originate from Living Beings. Natural stones cost more as Hunted stones contained small amounts of Harmful energy within. As Arrendale was a human ruled city one of the most common soul stone types were fresh Elvish soul stones.

He walked to a stall selling Low grade natural soul stones and placed 2 High grade spirit stones on the table.

" I'll take everything you have "

The man raised his eyebrow and looked at him with surprise. He picked up the Spirit stones and smiled at Julian speaking in a satisfied tone.

" Give me a moment to pack them "

The Old man packed all the stones into several crates and placed them on the table.

" Here you are "

Julian spread his hand over the crates and got the item information before pulling them into his Storage ring. 84 Low grade soul stones in total. A Single High Grade spirit stone was equivalent to 50 Low Grade soul stones so the man was making a killing from this. Julian did not have any medium or low grade spirit stones and didn't mind it so he used 2 High Grade for Exchange. He looked at his Soul stones in delight. A single Low grade soul stone was the same as devouring a Black soul Stage Fragment while Medium and High Grade soul stones were the same as devouring a soul purity stage Fragment and a silver soul stage Fragment.

Many cultivators looked at him with envy. For them buying a single Low grade soul stone was incredibly expensive while this man bought 84 without a second thought. They also wondered why a Royal guard was Purchasing Low grade soul stones as most royal guards were above the Psychic Knight stage and such low level stones were useless to them. Many of them came to the same conclusion and that was that he was buying them for His Children or for lower ranked soldiers Below him who had earned merits.

Julian ignored these stares and moved to another stall selling Natural Low grade soul stones. He was about to purchase the entire stall but out of nowhere he felt a strange feeling in his body. His blood reacted Violently as if it had found something it craved Desperately. He left the Stall causing the sellers excited smile to disappear, he thought this man was going to buy out his stall but was instead disappointed. Julian moved across the square to the Hunted Stones Section as His blood began to React even fiercer. He saw a Large Stall selling Elvish Soul Stones and he realized this is where his blood was leading him. He walked up to a stall and picked up a stone to inspect it. Unlike the other Blueish Color Natural Stones These stones Were Red and orange and gave off a Violent Feeling. He picked one up and before he could do anything His Blood Moved out of his Hand like a tide and devoured the stone he was holding.

The seller looked at him annoyed but kept his calm looking at the armor and skin of the man who just stole his stone. He wanted to yell at the man but his identity was not something he could offend so he politely asked in a calm voice.

" Are you Going to pay for that Sir "

Julian Didn't Respond Immediately as his Blood was Raging within his Body and he felt a small amount of pain.

+ 20 Psychic Force

[ You reached Energetic Mind Stage ]

[ 0/100 ]

' 20? shouldn't it be 10 per low grade stone? '

As he was thinking he felt a wonderful feeling in his blood and felt a Great need for more Elvish soul stones. He didn't realize why but it seemed his blood was addicted to these stones.

He looked up at the man who was becoming a little impatient and looked around his stall counting a total of 600 soul stones.

" I'll take everything here "

He placed 12 High Grade stones on the table and watched the mans angry face turn into a Grateful smile.

" Thank you Very much sir! Allow me to pack these for you "

" No need "

Julian moved and sucked all of them away into his storage ring before Moving back to his eagle as quick as he could. His Blood became restless as soon as it sensed the stones and Began to cause him pain. He would have Allowed his blood to Eat them then and there but he saw in Jessica's memories that once one reaches the Psychic Sensitive stage their soul Upgrades into a Black soul and enters the Black soul stage. This in itself wasn't why he was worried. When one enters this stage it creates a black beam of Psychic force that Is viewable From several hundred miles away. If he Broke into that stage in front of all these people then he would be exposed and people would start asking questions. He hurried Away into the air and flew to a store selling cloaks and hoods that covered the entire body as well as a mask. He tossed a bag of gold at the clerk and ran to a empty alley while his blood Raged inside of him. He sat down and wiped the sweat from his Forehead before placing the stones in front of him.

He stopped Holding in his blood and it flew out of every part of his arms Madly Devouring the elvish soul stones in front of him

+ 20 Psychic force

+ 20 Psychic force

+ 20 Psychic force

+ 20 Psychic force

+ 20 Psychic force

[ You have Reached Psychic Sensitive ]

After the 6th Notification sounded His soul began to change quickly and soon it began to take on a blackish Color. The constant influx Of Psychic Energy into his Mind caused the Black soul to Tremble and Grow at an alarming rate. Within seconds His Psychic Force exploded and a black beam of Energy Rushed hundreds of feet into the air causing many to look over in surprise.

An expert at the Nihility Stage saw this and began to count in his head with shocked eyes.

' 100 feet, 200 feet 300 feet, My god! 400 feet!! '

The man felt stupid as the beam grew to a staggering 734 feet High.

" I must take this Genius in as my Disciple! "

Hundreds of Experts saw this and immediately flew over to the location where it came from with haste. King James was in the middle of a heated discussion when a man came in quickly Yelling. James and several other Men Looked at him with anger and one of them yelled at him

" Why have you Interrupted us! "

The man bowed and said in an excited voice

" some one has Broken through to Black soul state Near the soul Market! "

One man looked at him annoyed and spoke with anger.

" So what! Don't interrupt us for this kind of meaningless News "

The Man endured the Yelling and spoke again

" His energy Beam is over 700 feet High! "

All the men looked at him in shock and before one of the men could say anything the King Stood up and spoke

" Quickly take me to him! "

All of the men inside looked at each other with shock, excitement and doubt. 700 feet high hasn't been seen since the Second Era when Humanity was at its peak, before the War with the elves. Due to Emperor Callan's Curse the potential of Humans has Dropped significantly and the highest seen in the past years was a 290 foot tall beam. The man who Achieved this now sits at the top of the Humanity.


Julian looked at the beam in the sky and felt dread and excitement. He was happy that it reached so high in the sky but from the memories he knew of the storm this was going to cause but he couldn't do anything as his soul was still upgrading.

[ You have reached Black Soul stage ]

[ You have reached Novice Psyker ]

[ You have reached Adept Psyker ]

[ You have Reached Apprentice Psyker ]

[ 0/12,000 ]

He finished and his blood settled down but was still a little riled up. The black beam returned to his body and he stood up. He looked around and saw hundreds of Experts standing around him on the roofs and at the end of each alley. These men all looked at him with excitement and looked at one another with fierce eyes. Some wanted to recruit him to join their respective power while others wanted to kill him and devour his soul. some even had the idea of transferring into his body and cultivating from scratch. Many men were about to move but they all looked up into the sky and saw a Rank 7 Lava King Wyvern Flying over. A lot of faces turned sour at the sight and dozens of men left the scene as they would be in trouble if they were seen by the king. The only people that remained were the Righteous Sect Cultivators and a few Incredibly Powerful Cultivators from neighboring Kingdoms as well as a few Independent cultivators.

Before the wyvern arrived one of the men flew down catching hateful eyes from everyone around him.

" Young man i am the Third Prince of the Zavalla Empire, Jake Zavalla. All you have to do is nod and I'll take you out of here. Under my care you'll have all the cultivation resources you'll ever need! "

Once he finished another man landed drawing Jakes angry glare.

" Kid if you agree to be my disciple No one within The Blue sun Territory will dare lay a finger on you! "

Several men landed and began to give him various offers.

" Kid My kingdom has a Black dragon Body refinement Furnace! say the word and you can use it anytime you want. "

" My Sect Produces High Quality Pills. Join me and you'll never have to worry about anything! "

" I have a pair of Blood Demon Swords at the High Heaven Grade ready for you if you join me! "

" if you join me I'll get you to Ascension stage within 100 years! "

The various offers sounded in his face and he looked at all of these men's eager faces and shook his head.

" I refuse "

" refuse? bullshit! "

The man who offered him the Refinement furnace stared at him angrily.

" Kid don't push your luck! You may have great talent but you are nothing now. "

A couple other men voiced their anger except for Jake who looked to the sky and spoke.

" the Party killer has arrived "

A loud and angry voice sounded along with intense Spiritual and Psychic force as well as intense killing intent.

" The man has refused you! Now hurry up and scram out of my city! "

King James stood On the back Of the Lava Wyvern with his hands on his sword hilt. Jake looked up at him and smiled

" Leave? Don't make me laugh you old fart. This Genius will enter my empire, not some weak little Kingdom that can't even beat Rank 8 spiritual beasts. Under you His talent will be wasted. "

A man wearing the Uniform of the Alchemy Association spoke up as well

" I hope everyone here can give me face and allow me to take in the boy. "

Everyone's turned to look at this man and Jake as well as James became shocked.

" Old Man Smith why are you here " Asked Jake who was shocked.

The aura of a Half immortal stage 6 broke out and suppressed all present.

An old man in grey robes who had yet to talk felt this Aura and Spoke Mockingly before releasing his own.

"Face old man? Your Face means Nothing In front of me "

The Aura Of a stage 8 Half immortal Broke out suppressing the old man's

Everyone turned to look at who would dare talk ill of Old man smith. Many faces became terrified and some people wanted to leave immediately but decided to stay as they weren't willing to miss such an opportunity.

" Demon King Yusef! You dare set foot in my kingdom! "

King James Yelled with rage and shattered a jade talisman in his hands. Within seconds The Aura Of a Half Immortal Stage 8 broke out from the heart of the Imperial palace and locked in on this Location.

" I'll take what i want before that old man arrives "

Yusef Rushed forwards and was about to grab Julian but was blocked by Old man smith who had Broke out all of his power. Although King Yusef was only 2 stages Higher, the power gap was not something he could take lightly. A drop of blood flowed from his mouth and he shouted with Rage!

" Fellow Cultivators Of the Human Race! Help me to Eradicate This Filth who has stepped into our lands! "

All the men around him had cultivations ranging from Nihility to Ascension and were nothing in the eyes of a half immortal stage cultivator but they all charged forwards at the call of old man smith. At the same time several Powerful auras emerged from the surrounding buildings and over a hundred Masked Demons flew out flaunting their Auras.

Man ch 6 gonna be crazy. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day.

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