
Uniting The World With My Headphones

Everyone, I'm restarting the story in another book in my new account. The title is Alteria. Feel free to give it a look!

OwariDa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Lyrica Ley Rael 2

Two days later, Lyrica was discharged from the hospital. After that experience, Lyrica feared causing more trouble. She became cautious of whatever she was doing. Make it drinking from a glass, or eating her dinner, or simply just walking around their house. She's making sure that she doesn't do anything that would cause her and her parents trouble.

For a while, nothing has happened inside Lyrica's house. Her parents aren't fighting like they usually do in the past few months, they don't seem to look troubled even after paying Lyrica's medical fees. In fact, they are actually the ones who invited Lyrica to have dinner together. They're doing what they used to do back before everything went south for Lyrica and her parents.

"I should be in relief knowing that we're somehow back to normal. But why does this situation feel so out of place?"

"I have something to tell you both."


It was then her Father told both her and her Mother that he finally got a job as a manager in a food manufacturing company.

It was supposed to be a great news worth celebrating, but Lyrica sensed that something isn't right. Just because he got the job, doesn't mean that it'll solve all their problems immediately.

"Something isn't right here. I can feel it. If I don't find out what it is, this unusual atmosphere will continue to creep me out."

Lyrica didn't utter a single word afterwards, she quietly gets along with her parents as they spend the night together. And then after that night, Lyrica began observing her parents. From the time they had breakfast, to then leaving home. Both of Lyrica's parents never had any eye contact. Even when they are talking to each other, the two wouldn't even bat an eye in front of one another.

"Come to think of it. Last night, although we were all celebrating Father for getting the job, the two of them never talked to each other unless I was part of their conversation. Why?"

"Lyrica, do you want me to take you to school?"

"N-No, I'm old enough to go alone now."

"I see. Well, you're a big girl now."

Lyrica didn't go to school. She quietly tailed her Father towards his workplace. But, Lyrica's Father weren't exactly going to the job he proudly announced to his Wife and Daughter. It was a house just a couple kilometers away from the food manufacturing company he was supposed to be working.

"A woman?"

After following her Father for a while, Lyrica witnessed her Father approaching a rich-looking woman standing outside the giant gate of a big house. It wasn't even a house, it was a mansion.

"You're a little late. Did your wife suspected something?"

"No, she truly believed that I got the job."

"Huh. Well, you do have a job. As long as you devote yourself to me."

As it turns out, the woman whom Lyrica's Father was talking to was the owner of the food manufacturing company he mentioned. However, what they do inside wasn't just manufacturing food, but also producing illegal drugs. The woman who seem to have a liking towards Lyrica's Father offered him money to pay all his dues and debt as well as Lyrica's medical fees in exchange for having an affair with her.

After finding out his secret, Lyrica rushed back home to tell her Mother about her Father's affair. But right outside Lyrica's home, she witnessed something that made her leg froze in shock.

Lyrica saw her Mother with her lips pressed into a man's own lips before they entered a car and went off to somewhere.

"I knew it. I knew what happened last night were all too good to be true..."

It is said that no matter how many hardships the world may bring, a family who support each other's backs would always be able to overcome any hardships in life. But that's not entirely true at all. No matter how many times you tell yourself that everything will be fine, there are things that are just too much to handle that one would just think of running away from their responsibilities. That's what Lyrica's parent did.

Lyrica and her parents had gone through many hardships within just a year. They persevered for some time. But in the end, they both surrendered against a difficult enemy known as life, leaving all their responsibilities behind.

Feeling betrayed and disappointed towards her family, Lyrica begin to despise people who wouldn't face all their troubles, as well as the cruel world that tore Lyrica and her parents' lives apart.




Time passed, after enduring every single day listening to her parents' woes and their lies about their affairs, Lyrica was finally at the age where she could cut her ties with her family.

"Whatever happens between you two, it's no longer my problem."

At the age of 16, Lyrica severed her ties with her Mother and Father.

"You can have this, Lyrica."

"A Headphone?"

"If you're feeling stressed, or if you feel like life is being hard on you, you can use this so that you can forget about everything and relax."

"... Thank you, Erika."

"Don't forget to message me time to time. If you feel like returning in the game, just let me know via message. Having your OP fighter in boss raids always makes it easy after all."

"Yes. I'll see if I can enjoy playing RPG games again."

"Oh, one more thing. Let me know if you ever find a boyfriend. I need to make sure that whoever gets your heart is someone I can trust and will never betray your love."

"... Yes, yes. Then, I'll be going."

Lyrica started living alone in the mainland of Luzon - Metro Manila. Although being self-reliant were a little difficult than having someone who are supporting her for her needs, Lyrica felt much more alive and satisfied to be alone rather than being with her parents who gave up on each other and their own daughter.

Since then, Lyrica led a life free of stress and away from trouble. She even finds herself a new interest which is listening to the music with the headphones her friend Erika gave her. Things are finally starting to go for the better for Lyrica. But when she thought she had overcome all the obstacles that had come her way, the wheels of fate begin to turn her life once more.

"That's dangerous."

One morning, Lyrica was on her way to her school. While on the way, she saw an old lady trying to cross the road. However, that morning, the road was busy with rushing vehicles left and right. Even then, the old lady continued making her way towards the crossroad.

It occurred to Lyrica that if nothing is done, the old lady may end up losing her life in a car accident.

"I have to help..."

But then, why does she have to do it? There are other people on that busy street staring at the old lady trying to cross the road but it never hit them to approach and get the old lady away from harm. It's not her responsibility whatever happens to the old lady. She doesn't even know her to begin with.

"... I'll just put a blind eye to it like anyone else and pretend I didn't see anything..."

Lyrica thought to herself. But then, as the old lady took a step onto the pavement, instead of just walking past the imminent tragedy, Lyrica threw herself towards the old lady.

After cutting her ties with her family. Lyrica swore to live a life without getting into trouble. No matter what happens, she'll avoid things that will only bring or cause her trouble.

But as she watched the old lady trying to cross the road, Lyrica was reminded of her parents who tried to run away from their responsibilities. When she looked towards the people idly watching the old lady from the street, she came to realize that avoiding trouble is just her being the same as the people she despised the most.

"How troublesome!"

Lyrica violently pulled the old lady by the arm back to the sidewalk, saving her from the imminent danger. But as a result, it was Lyrica that fell on the road with a car rushing towards her.

With the speeding car dangerously close to her, even if she tried to stand up, it was already too late for her to avoid being hit by the car.

On the face of death, Lyrica came to a realization.

"No matter how hard I try, I can not run away from this troublesome, cruel world."

Lyrica closed her eyes as she awaits her inevitable death. At that moment, the screams of people and the sound of engines revving disappeared. And everything went silent. That is, until...

"This world sure is troublesome."

A voice spoke out of nowhere.

"A family's quarrels, the struggle of looking for a new job after being fired, and the stress of working with your grades. Just having personal issues is already stressful enough..."

Lyrica thought she was just hearing things after passing to the next world, so she didn't pay the voice any mind. But then...

"... But what if problems other people have are also getting into you? Or world issues are being brought up wherever you go? Of course, you'd want to escape from this troublesome world. From this problematic reality. Don't you think so, Lyrica?"


Lyrica thought she was just hearing things. But when the voice spoke Lyrica's name, her eyes shot open, and there she was perplexed on what she's seeing.

"What in the world...?"

Lyrica was confused. From what she knows, she should have died from being hit by a car a few minutes ago. But, the car that was supposed to ram her hadn't moved an inch since. The people who were screaming hysterically had turned into a group of screaming statues. On top of that, there's this voice who's seemingly talking to Lyrica inside her head.

"Unfortunately enough, reality do not allow such a thing as escaping from your troubles and responsibilities, no matter how hard you try, you cannot run away from this harsh, cruel world. But what if that rule were to change?"

"Change? Are you saying reality can be changed?"

"You catch on quick. Yes, reality can be changed. I can change reality for you. But only if you answer my question."

"A question?"

"If you were given the chance to live in another world, what kind of world would you like to live in?"

At first, Lyrica thought that this is what actually happens to people that have passed away. A voice speaks directly inside one's head, guiding them towards the next world. But the words that the voice had spoken doesn't seem to correlate to what she had in mind. Instead of guiding those who had passed to kingdom come, the voice was speaking about changing the rules of reality, specifically for Lyrica. And then, the voice gave her a question.

"If I were given the chance to live in another world...?"

It was then, Lyrica recalled the time when her friend, Erika, was talking to her about certain novels where the main protagonists were suddenly sent in another world. Perhaps this is the same as those novels, but she cannot be so sure about it. Whatever the case, a once in a lifetime opportunity had appeared, no, it was more accurate to say that this is an opportunity not anyone but her will ever get. And so...

"If I am given the chance, I want to live in a peaceful, quiet world where no troubles are going to stress me out."

Without a hint of hesitation, Lyrica answered the voice's question. And just like that, Lyrica was swallowed up by a blinding light. And in the blink of an eye, Lyrica was sent into a peaceful, quiet world. Or was it?




Boing! Boing! Boing!

"These things are too persistent..."