
Uniting The World With My Headphones

Everyone, I'm restarting the story in another book in my new account. The title is Alteria. Feel free to give it a look!

OwariDa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Jazz Harmony

Several events after waking up in the middle of a flower field, the so called peaceful and quiet world turned out to be the home of creatures that are only known to exist through the games in Lyrica's world.

For a while now, Lyrica has been on the run against the bouncy creatures known as slimes. Although the slimes aren't exactly agile, those that are ahead of Lyrica are being attracted by her footsteps. That is why she couldn't widen the distance no matter how fast she runs.

Several minutes later, Lyrica's speed had started to dwindle. Her breaths are becoming shallow. But the slimes aren't slowing down one bit.

"A magical weapon... or an item to kill these things would be really appreciated right about now."

As the slimes get nearer, Lyrica hoped for something that would enable her to fight the monsters that are chasing her nonstop. Just then her left hand reflexively begin to reach to her left ear. But instead of her earlobe, Lyrica felt something solid, round, and is connected to a band over her head.

After threading her fingers, she soon found out what was covering her ear.

"My Headphones...!"

The Headphones that she always use when she's playing games with her computer, or by listening to the music with her mobile phone whenever she goes for a walk. It was the wireless Headphones that her friend, Erika, gave her.

"I have it on me this entire time? I was pretty sure I had it in my bag. And my bag wasn't with me when I woke up, so I thought I lost it."

Lyrica was wrong. What she didn't realize isn't her Headphones being on top of her head since she woke up. Lyrica's Headphones wasn't with her from the beginning. When she thought of something that would help her deal with the slimes that are chasing her, Lyrica's wireless Headphones slowly takes shape on top of her head before her hand begin to reach out to her ear.

"No matter. I don't have a magic item or anything, but at least I have my Headphones."

Unaware and confused of what happened, Lyrica turned on her Headphones as she continued running. And then...

[System Online - Headphones Connected]

User: Lyrica Ley Rael

Level: 0

Health Points: 100%

Mana Points: 20


Strength: 10

Endurance: 10

Agility: 10

Stamina: 10

Senses: 10

dB Limit: 10

"Huh? System online? Status?"

The words that came out of the Headphones wasn't the same as when it's usually being turned on before connecting it with her mobile phone or her computer.

System Online, Status. Something along those lines reminds her of opening a device and when she's checking up her character stats in a game.

Lyrica halted for a brief second to look back at the slimes who are still chasing her. Particularly, their floating names on top of them.

"... Could it be that I'm inside a game like Jumanji?"

Boing! Boing!

"Ah, jeez! No way this is a game. I was about to die in a car accident before I got here!"

Yes. Lyrica wasn't in a game world, nor in the world where she left. This is definitely a whole different world.

Boing! Boing! Boing!

"How troublesome!"

But, she was unsure what kind of world she was sent into. The only clue she got are the Game UI-like names on top of the slimes, the System and the status information given to her by the abnormally working Headphones.

"If only I can listen to some good music, I'll be able to run as much as I can even if I am exhausted."

[Now Playing: Jazz Harmony]

As the thought came across Lyrica's mind, a harmonious jazz music started playing from her Headphones. In that instant, a soothing feeling began enveloping her body. Her exhaustion mysteriously disappeared and her breathing had finally calmed down.

Lyrica's eyes are staring up front, but her consciousness had already been enthralled by the calming tone of the music. Without realizing it, the slimes were already a couple kilometers away from her. In fact, the slimes already stopped chasing her when she went passed the 500-meter mark. Even so, Lyrica's body kept going forward even though her consciousness aren't intact.


"The slimes are gone..."

Almost three minutes later, Lyrica returned to her senses, as Jazz Harmony were nearing its end. She looked back to see if the slimes are still on the chase, but it turned out that the creatures are long gone. That aside, Lyrica began inspecting herself. From her arms and her legs, to the speed of her heartbeat and her breathing, everything about her seemed to be normal. And that is what's confusing Lyrica.

"What's happening? Shouldn't I be dying for air and exhaustion right about now?"

[5 Seconds Until Jazz Harmony Stops Playing]

"5 seconds?"


Unbeknownst to Lyrica, Jazz Harmony didn't just help her forget her exhaustion from running.


Jazz Harmony helped ease Lyrica's mind and body, erasing her exhaustion, her mental fatigue, and the physical strain from her endless sprinting. Jazz Harmony gives more than just erasing her overall exhaustion and her physical stress. But, it also has a downside.


As written in its description: Once Jazz Harmony hits the duration, the effects will disappear immediately and the user will feel even more in pain and exhausted.


That being said, once Jazz Harmony finishes playing, all the fatigue and physical strain will then return to Lyrica by twofold.


"Argh! My legs... It hurts! Pant...! Pant...!"

Lyrica was clueless of this information. She stood there, unaware of what was about to happen until it did. She fell on the ground from the shock of pain coursing through her feet to her thighs. Her labored breathing became even rougher than it was not long ago.

"Seems like you had fun playing with the slimes, Lyrica."

Just then, a familiar voice started speaking from inside her head.


It was the same female voice who asked Lyrica of her ideal world before sending her into the complete opposite of Lyrica's answer.