
United Family of Whitmore.

Story of a woman who runs a multi-billion dollar company. At the tender age of 10 she took up the difficult task of raising 8 younger siblings and 9 cousins and ran the family business with the help of her sick grandmother and a manic depressed great aunt. Now the kids have grown up and gone on to do their own thing. Her estranged grandfather a powerful politician suddenly arrives to control her life. The Whitmore siblings must unit to defend her from him and others who seek to exploit her. She will overcome her insecurities to understand how deeply she is appreciated.

Ghaadha · Urban
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79 Chs

Knock knock

I walked out in my PJs towards the dining area. Breakfast was waiting for me. I sat to read the newspaper when the butler came running. "Ma'am your grandfather has arrived." I thought I needed to see an ENT doctor. He is here? He hasn't been here since dad's funeral. He made it clear mom may be from old money but she is not good enough for him. He wanted a place in the White House and mom wasn't going to get him there. He wanted to offer dad to someone else as a bargaining chip. I knew he has come to sell me as well. I am precisely what he needs to rise. I am not going to let him manipulate me. I have the perfect plan to send him packing. But first, it was a polite courtesy to figure out if I was right about his ulterior motive. It was written on his face so boldly that the international space station could see it.

"Hello, Richard! Lost your way or decided to use me as a pawn to land an office in the White House?" His face was one of shock but it switched to anger and quickly turn to a fake grandfatherly smile. "I was hoping you would join me for lunch" I flicked my wrist and security moved towards him at record speed. "I am not interested in your games. So take your dreams for power elsewhere. Or I will call the FBI and have you interrogated and send the Secretary of defense after you as well." This seemed to encourage him more. "You know the secretary of defense?" I looked at him with boredom, "Mom's family made money by building weapons for the military so yes. I meet him every few months. I am an inventor. I design all sorts of things. It is neither your concern nor your priority. So run along before I have you arrested for trespassing." He gave a look that befits the theaters. "You would arrest your grandpa?"

I waved my hand again. Joseph put the phone on speaker, "Nine One One what is your emergency?" I looked at him with the purest loathing, "I am Shimmer Whitmore. I would like to report a breaking and entering at my home in Whitmore Estate. My security has caught him. Could you please come quickly? He has a gun!" The woman answered immediately "All units there has been a break-in at the Whitmore Estate. Please be advised that the intruder is armed and dangerous." He was shocked, "How did you do that?" I eyed him with disgust, "I am the most influential woman in America. That's all you need to know." His security watched as SWAT arrested him and took him away. One of his bodyguards approached me, "Why do you hate so much?" I looked at him with the isn't it obvious face. "He murdered my mother and three older brothers because they were in his way. The evidence was undeniable but he got acquitted in court. I want nothing to do with him. Every time I see him he has to take something precious from me. He is not going to get the chance. In a few days, I will be on a shelf out of his reach. He is here while he still has a chance. After that, if he tries anything he will see the inside of a black site prison."

Jasmine my personal assistant came teetering in her heels with the catalog from Christie's. I always look through as I enjoy my breakfast to decide what I want and the lawyers or one of the junior assistants play absent bidder and get it for me. I walked away knowing the storm has decided to turn towards my family. The November Man has arrived at my door. When he finally gets bored and decides to leave nothing will be the same again. I would say goodbye to someone I love.

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