
United Family of Whitmore.

Story of a woman who runs a multi-billion dollar company. At the tender age of 10 she took up the difficult task of raising 8 younger siblings and 9 cousins and ran the family business with the help of her sick grandmother and a manic depressed great aunt. Now the kids have grown up and gone on to do their own thing. Her estranged grandfather a powerful politician suddenly arrives to control her life. The Whitmore siblings must unit to defend her from him and others who seek to exploit her. She will overcome her insecurities to understand how deeply she is appreciated.

Ghaadha · Urban
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79 Chs

Calling All Whitmores

I was getting ready for work when I got a call from my baby brothers. The triplets Anon (Tyler), Breaker (Brian) and, Tank (Mason). These are their designated nicknames. They each got a message from Jasmine about HIS arrival and they call to tell me that they will be arriving in a few hours. So will my other siblings and cousins. They have activated Action stations and it is was on DEFCON five. I tried to dissuade them but they hung up before I could say anything. Anon works at NASA as an Astrophysicist. Breaker works at our family research and development wing. He got an offer to work at DARPA but he turned it down. He doesn't like people breathing down his neck when he works. He says he does his best work when he can have breathing space. My brother Tank is a professor of Machinal Engineering, he helps the authorities figure out how vehicular accident occurs on special occasions while he helps car companies design and build supercars.

The next morning I was walking towards the front door when it burst open and in came my entire family with their spouses and kids. The first one was my sister Sasha (Alexandria) and her boyfriend. The next batch was my cousin Lena (Helena) with her husband and four kids behind them. Then arrived my brothers Posh (Edgar) and Sembi (Johnathan) with their girlfriends. Then came my brothers Bats (Thomas) and Bob (Sam) with their wives and kids. The triplets were next of course. Then came the rest of my cousins. The first to enter was Edge (Edmond) and Ems (Alice) or Double trouble as I call them. Then came Di (Dyson) and Fin (Roland) with their wives and kids. Cole (Nicholas) and Basher (Fred) were next to walk inside with their wives and kids in tow. Max (Peter) and Dash (Esme) were the last to walk in their families. I was about to say something when GG (Gorgeous Grandma) and Hattie (Great Auntie) came in looking perplexed.

I stuttered a hello. And everyone started to talk at the same time. I had to raise my right hand. Slowly one by one they stopped talking as they raised their hands one at a time. It was something that I taught them to calm down so each of them will have a turn to converse. I let Bats start first. He was red-faced, "How did that monster get past security anyway?" Bob pitched in, "He thinks he can play puppet master? We were kids when we first met that creep. We were helpless then but not anymore. We are grown up and we are not gonna let him walk over us again." Posh growled, "I think we should consult with Indigo. She should be able to tell us what he is up to. Mini-mom (my nickname) nominated her to keep an eye on him right?" Lena turned to her husband Benji who works in the Pentagon. She asked him to assign me a new team of bodyguards either from the Army or the CIA.

I tried to calm them down but it was Phillip, my second assistant that calmed them down as he gave me my daily itinerary. I glanced at it and walked towards the sitting room where an army of angry kittens pretending to be lions was planning to pounce on the interloper. I sat down in my designated seat and they circled themselves around me as though it would defeat the fear in their hearts. I smiled to see my entire family under one roof after six months apart.

Sasha broke the silence as she called Indigo to confirm my theory. She was so angry that she couldn't decide which swear word to use. She starts one only to stop and try a new one. She was so pissed she couldn't swear. If it were any other situation we would be laughing. There is one other situation where it happened but it is officially classified. I can't even talk about it without an approved signature for our family court where GG is the presiding judge. Sembi fearlessly teased her as always without fear of being punched in the face. I originally named him Simba for his bravery and overall fearlessness but the younger kids were learning to speak, so somehow Simba turned to Sembi.