
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Just as she was about to strike Seichi's face with a punch imbued with a peculiar blue glow, a hand intervened to stop Miyuki's action. A feminine voice advised, "Miyuki, cease this. It would be regrettable to damage such a beautiful feature as his face."


A beautiful and sexy woman was the one who stopped Miyuki from entirely smashing Seichi's face.


"Master, don't you dare stop me from smashing this son of a bitch's face!" yelled Miyuki at the woman, who was about to reply to her before being interrupted by the victim of the girl's acts. "Who said that you can smash my face so easily?"

As he said that, a whip made of water appeared from Seichi's hand and entangled around Miyuki's still mysterious energy-coated fist, making her fly away.

As soon as she was sent flying, she entirely disappeared from the majestic boy's vision, making the latter surprised. "What? Where did she-" but soon he was interrupted by a very acute and low ultrasound coming from behind him, which he heard thanks to his Batification Uniqueness.

He immediately turned towards the sound with incredible speed, blocking a punch thanks to his enhanced reflexes (Enhanced Body) that was coming in his direction.

It was Miyuki's fist, the one coming toward him.

"How did you block-?!" the girl yelled as her fist was being held by Seichi, but she stopped doing so when the boy's grip force suddenly increased.

"How does he have such strength? Is he already a 2nd rank Genetic Soldier?" She was shocked due to his incredible great strength, even stronger than hers, a 1st rank Genetic Soldier's.


A Genetic Soldier is a human whose body has been enhanced through alchemy. The enhancements to the human body make it similar to a form of unique enhancement.

Genetic Soldiers are categorized into nine ranks, ranging from 1st to 9th.


After snapping out of her shock, the girl threw another punch towards his face. However, just before it could connect, she vanished, leaving Seichi's hand, which held her other fist, empty. This made him wonder, "Where did she go?!"

In less than a second, he was struck with a punch to the back of his head, causing him to be flung against the wall.

While airborne, he conjured water whips on both hands and used them to wrap around a door handle in the opposite direction of his flight path, slowing down his momentum.

Subsequently, propelled by the water whips back towards Miyuki at remarkable speed, he attempted to kick her but once again found her disappearing.

As he continued flying toward the door due to inertia and landed a kick that pierced through it, he thought," How does she vanish like that?"

Realizing he had damaged the door and got his leg stuck in it while trying to dislodge himself from it,"Shit, I can't afford to pay up this door's damages! And my leg is even trapped now!" He exclaimed in frustration.

As he struggled with his trapped leg and pondered what to do next amid yelling about it, the girl's voice interrupted him sharply, "We're in the middle of a fight and you're worrying about this?! Die, you pervert!!"

Standing right behind him, she had her fist covered in that mysterious blue energy, ready to strike. However, just before making contact, the woman stopped her punch. "Miyuki, you do realize that would have been fatal, don't you?"

"Master, let me go; I'll make sure that this cunt doesn't steal the first of any other girl anymore!" Miyuki shouted at the woman who responded with a stern look that instantly made the fierce girl obedient.

With Seichi out of immediate danger, he breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm safe now... Oh no, I still need to pay for the door!"

"What's your name?" The woman asked the guy who was still yelling loudly. He immediately stopped and composed himself before answering, "My name is Tetsuo Seichi."

"Seichi, what a lovely name. It suits you well," she complimented him. "It matches not only your appearance but also your skill. You utilize your Uniqueness in an intriguing manner and adapt swiftly to your opponents."

"Well, thank you..."

"By the way, why were you heading towards our club?" she inquired while slightly bending down due to her height, bringing her chest closer to Seichi.

The young man hesitated in his response, blushing at the sight of her impressive assets. "I j-just wanted to j-join the club," he managed to say.

"To join our club? Why did you arrive so late then? Couldn't you have just filled out the paperwork during lunch break?" she inquired. The boy explained, "Ohara-san said I needed to pass a test to join and instructed me to come after school."

Upon hearing this, the elegant and tall woman shot a few stern glances at her student, who nervously remained silent.

Turning back to Seichi, she apologized, "I'm sorry for that. She struggles with trust issues and is anxious because we are short one member for next week's competition, isn't that right, Miyuki?"

Miyuki quickly agreed, as she was prompted to do so.

"Why don't you go ahead and sign these papers now," she suggested as she retrieved some documents from her bag. "Do they meet your approval?"

"Yes, I will sign them now... but what about the door? That's Ms. Kano's personal office!"

"Don't worry about that; I'll take responsibility for it. I can't allow such a charming young man like yourself to be expelled from school," she assured him, who promptly expressed his gratitude by bowing. "Thank you, ma'am. I truly appreciate it."

"You're quite adorable; if I were Miyuki, I wouldn't have been so upset about you stealing my first kiss," the woman playfully teased the boy, who blushed in response.

"Ma'am, I'm ready to sign the contract now. Before that, may I ask for your name?" he inquired politely. She responded with a cheerful expression, "My name is Fumui Kumiko, but you can just call me Kumiko-nee."

"Alright, Kumiko-nee!" he replied feeling more at ease than before as he proceeded to sign the papers.

...to be continued


This is the rewritten version. Please tell me if you like more this one or the previous one.