
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

A new master

"What did you call me for, Ms. Akiyama?"

"What do you think about becoming my disciple?" The green-haired alchemist asked him.


"What? M-me becoming your disciple?" Seichi stuttered in response to her question, taken aback by the suggestion.

"Yes, I believe that you have a genuine interest and talent in Alchemy to be my disciple!" She said with enthusiasm, taking the white-haired boy's hands. "I will teach you everything I know and help you become a the best alchemist this world has ever seen."

"Really? You'll teach me everything?" Seichi asked eagerly, to which the woman replied promptly, "Of course, I'd be happy to share all my knowledge with such a hands- i mean smart and talented individual like yourself!"

"Then, yes! It would be an honor for me to learn from a respected teacher at Nobunaga Academy!" Seichi accepted without hesitation.

"Now that old man can't say I do nothing all day..." Ms. Akiyama muttered softly to herself. When Seichi inquired if she had said something, she quickly responded, "Nothing important. I'm just pleased that you've agreed to be my student."

"When can we start the lessons?" Seichi asked excitedly.

"I haven't planned that far ahead... How about coming over this evening?" she suggested while jotting down her address on a piece of paper. "Here is where you can find me."

"Thank you, Ms. Akiyama. I'll see you tonight then!"

"See you later, handsome," Ms. Akiyama bid farewell before leaving the classroom and closing the door behind her only to realize moments later, "I didn't even ask for his name..."


In the meantime, an orange-haired girl politely entered a limousine, and Okumura closed the door behind her. The driver, a bald man, took his place in the driver's seat and asked, "Miss, how was your day?"

"It was great; I even made a new friend!" she replied cheerfully as her bodyguard adjusted the rearview mirror.

"Is it that Seichi guy?" he started to ask before realizing something and turning to Hina. "Miss, where is your watch?"

He noticed her bare wrist in the mirror.

"What? That was the watch my father gave me!" Hina exclaimed as she opened the door. "Wait, Okumura-san, I'm going to check if it's in my classroom!"

"No, let me," but she dashed off before her bodyguard could finish his sentence.


"I hope it's in the classroom," she thought as she hurried towards it until reaching its door.

She placed her hand on the door about to open it when she overheard voices from inside. "I never considered that option... maybe you can come over to my place tonight."

"What's going on? Is Ms. Akiyama inviting another teacher to her house?" She wondered while inadvertently eavesdropping on their conversation, feeling embarrassed for misunderstanding.

"Here is my address."

"Thank you, Ms. Akiyama. Then see you tonight," a familiar voice responded to the green-haired woman.

"What's happening? Is Ms. Akiyama inviting another teacher to her house?" She pondered as she overheard the conversation, feeling embarrassed due to a misunderstanding.

"Here is my address."

"Thank you, Ms. Akiyama, then see you tonight!" A familiar voice responded to the green-haired woman.

Hina felt an unfamiliar emotion surfacing upon recognizing the voice. "What is Seichi up to? And with an older woman... it can't be. Perhaps I misinterpreted the-"

Her thoughts were interrupted by the mature woman's remark, "See you tonight, handsome."

The term "handsome" triggered a realization in Hina, fueling her anger. "Okumura-san was correct about him! Seichi is just like the rest of guys! The worst of the worst!"

As her anger escalated, so did the temperature in the school hallway until footsteps approaching from another door prompted her to swiftly depart.


She hurriedly reached her car and got in, still visibly upset by what she had heard.

"Did you find it, Miss?"

Hina remained silent in response to the bald man's question. He then remarked, "From your expression, I assume you didn't find it."

"Don't worry, Miss Hina; your father can easily purchase another one-" The bald man was cut off by Hina's boiling frustration. "Don't speak; just drive."

"Miss, there's no need to be-" Okumura attempted to diffuse the tension before being abruptly silenced again by the enraged girl. "I SAID TO BE QUIET AND DRIVE!"

Her raised voice caused Okumura to feel uneasy, prompting him to comply silently and drive her home.


Returning to Seichi.

"I have a teacher, and quite an attractive one at that. Not bad," he thought as he exited the classroom.

"Now I should head ba-" he considered before remembering, "Oh no, I still have to take the test at the Martial Arts Club."


Seichi sprinted through the now deserted school like lightning. "I hope she hasn't left yet; otherwise, I won't be able to sign up for this week since tomorrow marks the start of the weekend!"

He ran tirelessly until he reached the door labeled "Martial Arts Club." As he reached for the handle while running at full speed, it suddenly swung open, causing him to collide with Ohara Miyuki who was opening it.

A moment later, he found himself accidentally falling on top of her with their lips touching.

Regrettably for Seichi, Ohara did not react well. She swiftly kicked him away in response to his unintended action.

"How dare you steal my first kiss like that?!" She shouted as she advanced towards Seichi in anger.

"How dare you even lay a look on me!" Ohara yelled as she repeatedly punched his face. "I swear that I'll be to one to ruin your handsome face today!"

The determined girl continued to voice her anger and aggression while attacking the young man.

Just as she was about to strike Seichi's face with a punch imbued with a peculiar blue glow, a hand intervened to stop Miyuki's action. A feminine voice advised, "Miyuki, cease this. It would be regrettable to damage such a beautiful feature as his face."

...to be continued


This is the rewritten version. Please tell me if you like more this one or the previous one.