
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
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31 Chs

First Date (1)

"What? What does that me-" Seichi was confused by the bald man's words, but he didn't have time to think about them as he was suddendly dragged away by Hina with force. She didn't want to waste a single second more.




The door of a shop opened, a beautiful girl and a likewise handsome guy entering. All of the place's workers looked at the couple with amazement in their eyes.

The men looked at the girl's beauty while the women couldn't help but stare at the handsome lad's perfect face: their looks were out of the world. The female workers were too stunned to go and greet the couple, except for one of them. She quickly reached the couple and bowed down to the "Good evening, miss"

"Good evening, mister" the female worker said as she slowly lifted her head, only to see the handsome lad smiling at her "Good evening to you too"

The girl blushed, dazzled by the light of the guy's white as snow teeth "Y-you're welcome, sir"

"Yes, yes, now do you mind telling us where the best glasses are, if I am not interrupting you that is" Hina said out of jealousy when the female worker welcomed only Seichi.

"Ah, y-yes, miss, please f-follow my lead" the worker could barely talk as she was a lot embarassed for having been caught at staring at her boyfriend. So, with her skin red as a tomato, she quickly brought the couple to where the best and fashionable glasses were, before returning behind the counter with all of the other female workers.

"What do you think of those, Seichi?" Hina picked up an expensive looking pair of square glasses and showed them to him "I think they'll suit your face perfectly"

"I don't know Hina, those will make me look like a nerd" he said, but his words weren't taken in consideration as she put the glasses on him anyway.

And, in that instant, blood started descending from the nose off all the female workers and even from that of Hina: he was even more handsome with those glasses.

Even the male workers started doubting about their own sexual orientation...

"W-why are you all looking at me like that? I am that ugly" Seichi said, embarrassed because of the looks he was feeling on him that moment. So, he immediately looked at the nearest mirror to him "What did I say to you? It makes me look like a total nerd"

"Well, If a nerd looks like that, i'd spend all of my time playing videogames..." one of the female worker said, amazemed by such an awesome view. All of her colleagues agreed with her in unison "Yeah..."

"Yeah..." even Hina was agreeing with them and for God's sake there were some men doing that too!

Seichi was now red from embarass. He himself knew that he had good looks, but he didn't think them to be so much to the extent of even making both women and men drool for him. "Ehm, Hina, you think I should buy this pair?"

"..." Hina didn't say a single word as she was too busy contemplating his face perfect features.

"Hina" he tried to call her out of her amazed state, but nothing. And so, he tried once again, this time louder than before "Ohi, Hina!"

"Huh...yes, w-what is it?!" Finally Seichi managed to wake up the orange haired girl from her astonished state "W-what did y-you say? I wa-asn't hearing you, s-sorry"

"I asked you if I should buy those glasses or not" Seichi repeated his previous question, only to receive an answer that surprised him "No, I think there are other glasses that suits you better"

And after saying that, she took off the glasses from Seichi's head and placed them back to their place, this time taking a circular shape pair of glass. "I think those would make your face stand out even more" she said, as she put them on the handsome lad.

[Image Here]

If before his looks caused the sorrounding people a nosebleed, now it made them instantly faint. Women, girls, men, all of the people inside the shop fainted, including other customers. Even their dogs lost consciousness after seeing that god like figure.

"Yes, this is it!" Hina exclaimed as her eyes shone with the brightest light Seichi's eyes ever met. She was surprisingly still awake unlike the rest of the people.

"Seichi, you look very handsome with those glasses" she said on a whim, her emotions taking the lead in that moment as she wouldn't have given him those kinds of compliments without at least stuttering a bit.

"Really? I don't see myself different, though" Seichi said while he was looking himself at the mirror, trying to spot those differences without succeding in the slightest. Do all women have the Uniqueness of spotting even the smallest of details when looking at someone?

"Thanks for the compliment..." Seichi began, having already surrended in trying to find what made him so different when having glasses on "But, I can't absolutely be compared with your angelic beauty"

"S-seichi..." her skin immediately turned as red as a tomato due to the handsome lad's flatteries. "You're e-exaggerating a b-bit, don't y-you think?"

"No, when I talk about your beauty nothing is too much" Seichi said as he once again brought Hina towards himself by her waist "You are the most beautiful girl my eyes have ever seen"

"S-seichi, you're e-embarassing m-me?" Her skin gradually became even more red as Seichi's face leaned more and more towards hers. Their faces were now only two centimeters distant from each other. Hina closed her eyes and prepared herself to get her first kiss ever, but the only thing she got instead was falling with her butt on the ground.

"S-sorry, Hina, I don't really know what took me" Seichi said all embarassed, he couldn't believe what he had done just now. Why was he acting like this? Even before at the gym something took control of him and he almost kissed Hina even before...

"Wait, is all of this Glutty's fault? That bastard, I'll punish him lat-" he thought, before being interrupted by a sudden rise of temperature.


...to be continued