
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
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31 Chs

First Date (2)

"Wait, is all of this Glutty's fault? That bastard, I'll punish him lat-" he thought, before being interrupted by a sudden rise of temperature.



"Hina, c-calm down" Seichi said, scared for his life in that moment: she was getting up like the angriest of all the demons. "Please, i-it was just a little m-mistake"

"..." but, despite her anger, the girl didn't mutter any word and slowly advanced towards the handsome lad step by step. As soon as she was near enough to him, she raised her hand and Seichi, thinking that a slap was going to meet his cheeks, immediately closed his eyes.

But, unlike he expected, all he felt were little, weak but repetitive hits on his chest and a petite beutiful voice saying "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Opening his eyes, he saw Hina puffing her cheeks in a cute way as she continued to hit him. "Hey, Hina, wh-" and just as Seichi wanted to say something to the orange girl, someone else interrupted him "Fufu, what an amazing couple you two are"

"Your love for each other can even be seen directly in your eyes" a grumpy voice said, making the two youngster immediately turn towards it, only to see a old woman with a wooden fan in her hands "Ah, such love... or did I perhaps just forgot what love truly is... well it has been twenty years since I last loved with all of my heart someone.. "

"Ah, youth is such a beautiful thing..."

There was a moment of silence before both Seichi and Hina's skin color both turned red. "A-a couple?" the orange haired of the two immediately said "Y-you m-misunderstood, we aren't a-a couple, we are-"

"You two aren't a couple?!" a choir of voices suddendly cut Hina's words: all of the female workers of the shop were now awake.

"Does that mean he is single, then?"

"So, he is free, huh"

Two of the workers said, before all of them looked at each other in the eyes and then at Seichi. "Ehm, do I have something on my-" the handsome lad was saying when all of the female workers suddendly jumped on him.

"Hey, young man, please give me your number, please"

"No, give it to me"

"Are you free later?"

"Hey, handsome, my house is free tonight"

"Give your number to me, too"

"Wait, girls, i don't it's appropriate for me to-" Seichi tried to say, but as always, he was interrupted and this time by an outburst of jealousy "Return undet the counter, sluts!! Or I'll make sure that each strand of hair of each one of you wenches will be burned one by one personally by me!!! Understood, bitches?!!"

"Y-yes" all of the female workers said in unison, completely terrified, before doing as Hina said. "You sluts!! Jumping on a boy just because he is single!! You have no manners, no education and no fucking respect!" The orange haired girl's anger was so big that she would have burned apart all of the shop, but since she prefered not to, she vented it trough words.

"Ha ha, what did I say, little girl?" The old woman returned to speak after Hina calmed down a bit as she was scared as well when the the orange haired girl was that angry. "I saw love for that handsome boy right there in your eyes, that's why you got jealous, right?"

"Old bitch!! I'm gonna turn you into ashes earlier than what you are supposed to! You, old slut!" With just a little bit of words, Hina's anger came back once again, but this time even worse than before.

"Hey, calm down, Hina, calm down" Seichi was trying to stop her at the best of his ability but since she was tossing too much, his hand finished on something soft and big like a cushion.

Immediately, the red color of her skin wasn't anymore due to her anger anymore, but due to her embarassment now.

"Kyaaa! S-seichi, w-what are you doing?!" She quickly turned back and gave to the handsome lad something he expected a couple of moments ago, a slap.

Seichi was sent flying, but even despite this he couldn't help but think about the softness of what he just touched "So soft..."

"No, Seichi" all of the female workers made a step forward, wanting to go to the lad and check if he was fine, but a terryifing gaze fell upon them making them unable to move "You fucking sluts aren't going anywhere now"

"I said not to move from the counter, but all of you made a step forward..." Hina said with a demon looking appearence as she walked slowly but loudly towards the other girls, who were nearly dying from fear "So, you know what this means, right, s-l-u-t-s?"

"Kyaaaaaa" the female workers screamed when they saw a demon with fire covering her hands coming towards them.

"S-l-u-t-s, why... are... you... screaming? You knew this was coming..." Hina continued to slowly walk towards them. She then raised her hand as to throw a fireball to the poor girls

when, fortunately, some tentacles made out of water came out of nowhere and locked up the demonic girl, cancelling even her attack.

"Hey, what's going o-" Hina tried to say, before the water tentacles tapped her mouth and lifted her from the ground. She tried to get out of the tentacles hold, but she just couldn't.

"Excuse her, she can be a bit irascible sometime" Seichi said as he get off dust from his suit, while returning to the counter.

"So, how much do I owe for this glasses?" Seichi asked, while Hina was still trying to get out from his water whip.

All the women were still too scared to talk, so the old woman replied to his question "It's one milion yen, young boy"

"One milion?! Just for a pair of glasses?" Seichi was shocked to hear about the price. How could a simple pair of glasses cost that much?

"Well, do you know that usually you should know what problems your eyes have and order the adeguate lenses?" The old woman said with a gentle smile. "You see, this isn't needed for our product, because all of our glasses have a Uniqueness, the Eagle Eye, and so they are able to boost everyone's vision regardless of if they really even need glasses or not." She carefully explained.

"What? Did you just tell me objects can also have Uniquenessess?!"

...to be continued