
Unification of the Wizard World

It’s been 131 years (1998) since the death of Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore, with the fall of the 2 Greatest wizard of the current times, the title of greatest was for anyone to take, While the world was trying to rebuild no one would’ve expected that 22 years Later in the Year 2020. Rufus Scrimgeour EX Minister of Magic, would re-emerge in the World as self proclaimed Blood King with a Vampire Army at his Back and King of All Magical Creatures promisingly to Abolish race discrimination and slavery, started the most deadly war the Wizard World has ever seen. Harry Potter, now King James, the current Head Master of Hogwarts, King of the current Vampire Nation in England, and One of the 7 magical leaders of the Unified Nation of Magic, sacrificed his Humanity in exchange peace with the magical creatures by becoming a Vampire, right before removing Rufus Scrimgeour‘ head with the Gryffindor sword becoming the second and Last Blood King, stoping the Vampire Army. Solomon Everlife a raising talent from a deep and Prestigious Family that moved to London, right after the death of Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore, Alumni of Hogwarts, that Year Harry James Potter marched his Vampire Army along side, Tut Everlife youngest minister of Magic ever, wielding his newly created Philosophers’s Stone and thousands of Wizard fought a deadly battle with ancient magical creatures, in the end it took Solomon Everlife ripping his own heart out to preform a blood rite, replacing it with the immortal elixir the Philosophers Stone, creating a Treaty Signed with the Blood of his heart, which grant certain magical race Human form and equal magical rights. Putting an end to war of the Blood Kings. Our story begins 131 years after Lord Voldemort’s Last Stand and 112 years after the Blood Treaty and the War of The Blood, and Follows Larz Everlife, seventh child of Legend Breaker, Immortal Raven, Treaty Protector, Solomon Everlife and the foremost Brilliant witch who had ever been born Helena Delacour Everlife, in his pursuit of mysteries of magic and having a kings destiny

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Freedom at Last,

"Are you sure were gonna be able to sneak these past the Finches and Vampires guarding Hogwarts, Uncle Cedric?" Inquired a young seemingly thirteen or fourteen year old who was in fact on the eve of his twelfths birthday. The age of which all young wizards start their profound yet never ending pursuit of the mysteries of magic.

"Young Master Larz, please don't call me Uncle" said Cedric Diggory in Spectrum form as any ghost would be. "How could a ghost as young and boyishly handsome as myself be an Uncle? And Madame said these four magical protection tools have never been released to the general wizard world. As long as you store them in your newly created Everlife family crested Undying Crow ring how could the wards of Hogwarts detect them young master"

"And Young Master please don't Call me Uncle Cedric at Hogwarts, I'm finally gonna register as a ghost of Hogwarts and apparently be the first ghost to be the Head of a House; Ravenclaw! And you know what that means Young Master?"

Larz eyes brighten as streams of endless mysteries and legends to be broken pop in his minds as his mother past him 35 books; each containing tales and mysteries of Hogwarts,

The young man referred to as Young master Larz is in fact Lazarus Everlife, 12 years old, and sired by two of the most powerful wizard and witch families in the current wizard world. His mother, Helena Everlife maiden name Delacour, know to be the foremost witch expert on spatial magic* and transmigration magic, she graduated Beauxbatons at the age of 15, was the fourth witch in recorded history to have been granted a license to use magic at the age of 13, she's had the ability to aparate before she could even walk. She represented herself on trial at the age of 23, when caught by Magic Imperial Enforcement Union; Helena aparated the entire restricted knowledge floor of the Heriome Granger Knowledge Accumulation Pavilion, the Accumulation Pavilion is said to have the gather books and information from all over the world time and history, the books in the restricted floors are said to contain mind breaking truths and soul altering apprehensions, Two years later all 7 floors of the restricted section reappeared back at the Accumulation Pavilion, the same night she walked straight into an empty cell in Azkaban and announced she was awaiting trial for her crimes, the most unexpected thing happened that night, all the dementors fled in terror the moment she step foot in Azkaban that night no one knows why to this date. The public was told she represented herself in a private trial and got off scotch's free. She then reappear 5 years later married into Enigmatic Everlife family, and Vice President of the Taboo Tools; the long standing and world famous magician tool shop and trade establishment. She recently invented the number one selling And most coveted item in the wizard world since The Weasley brothers bottomless flask broke the barrier on dimensional magic, the spatial storage pouch!

Lazarus's Father was none other than Solomon Everlife, the man who started his quest to create the worlds second philosophers stone in his 6th year at Hogwarts, at the most dire time of the Blood King War , the darkest time in Wizard history. His power along with Current Head Master of Hogwarts, King James! Forced an end to the war, signing the Wizard Magical Creature Unification blood Treaty. Both Harry Potter and Solomon Everlife had to make equally terrifying enormous sacrifice as digging your own heart and replacing it with immortal Elixir stone or Harry James Potter, sacrificing his humanity in the expedition to kill Rufus Scrimgeour, self proclaimed Blood king who took up the mantle of Vampire King and King of All Magical Creatures, aggressor and main culprit in the Blood Kings War,

Larz Everlife had the structure of a pre teen but you could see the youthful excitement in his eyes; being the only child of his mother and the favorite child of his father, Larz has been going through hellish wizard training by his Ambitious god-like father and competitive older siblings, spent a fourth of his time in the lab with his genius mother theorizing the endless mysteries of magic, he was mentored and some what supervised by Cedric Diggory, the ghost that haunts the tri-wizard Cup in his Fathers possessions, You could say Solomon and Cedric has been friends ever since a young Mortal Solomon won the Tri-Wizard Tournament that year. He never brought the trophy back to Hogwarts. It was recently used to created and power Larz Everlife newly created spatial Immortal Raven Ring,

Cedric Diggory, knowing that turning the Tri-Wizard Cup into the Raven ring would mean, he would be attached to it until he moves on, but he has no problem with it, he practically raised Young Master Lazarus since he was a child, he felt more Admiration for Larz then he did for "King James" or Solomon Everlife; He's seen the wonders Young Master Larz have and can create. Natural born Wizard King, he calls his young master. Being Attached to the Raven Ring mean that he would be going to Hogwarts and Registering as a ghost. Cedric was excited himself to be going back to Hogwarts. Eyes twinkling. Only Larz knew what was in this 170 year old ghost lewd mind.

"Uncle Cedric you're already a 170yr old ghost yet you're still oogling over a dead Ravenclaw Princess, with the massacre that happened that year at Hogwarts, I'm pretty sure a lot of Hogwarts young ghost were created with the thought of pursuing the Ghostly Ravenclaw Princess" retort Lazarus Everlife

"None of those ghost has the backing of the Everlife household Young Master" said Cedric, nodding his ghostly head in a "matter of fact manner"

"Young Master you have to hurry up and Pack, even though you have the Immortal Raven ring, no one is to know it's magical qualities, these were rules set down by Master Solomon himself"

"I know Uncle Cedric, I've already packed my treasures, just direct a servant to my clothes and books, I have my private matters to attend to in the Crows Perched Garden, Tell everyone I'll be back in time for dinners" replied Larz as he makes a running start to the Open castle window. He jump! Back to the fast approaching castle grounds, Eyes staring up at the setting sun, they went through a plethora of colors before turning bright yellow and black feathers started appearing on his body under his crested sweat suite.