
Unidentified Justice: Poison kiss

Nanako_Thorn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

{~6~} Sometimes a sacrifice is made for a greater reason than we understand

She pulled to a stop three blocks away with her engine humming its way into silence as she found a safe spot to hide her things away. From the information she was told, they said she had a good bit of space to let all hell break loose. People from all over usually kept closer to the more tourist based attractions, so not many would be interested in the smaller town areas.

Ryu pulled her communicator out and brought it to her lips "This is Fang speaking, I've caught wiff of your fun time and decided to tag along. Gimme a hokey pokey if you're there and ready to make it rain, over."

They had a system for basically everything they could think of for when out on the field, so when she was out she often would use the more basic of lines when using the communicators. The only way for outside ears to understand what nonsense comes out her mouth, would be for them to have an inside mole. Something she very much despised because of how much they ruined her nap times.

When she got static and silence a frown line appears leaving her to put the com away and begin slinking her way to the site of reported portal activity. The dead body of a police officer came into view making her stomach churn a bit, has it really been that long since she has eaten?

As she bent down to see who he was the sounds of battle ring in her ears and the static soon spits out words "10/4 , Bring the rain mama bear, this cub is ready to rumble." The moment those words hit her ears, a sadistic smile spread across her lips. Oh how she loves her job.

The freshly paved roads beneath her feet, a darkened sky that hung above as the sun fell below the ravenous tides, the malicious winds that rose. It was the airs thick feel in her lungs that brought out her natural instincts and set her snake like eyes into a thinner dilation and her body to tense and relax a couple times. "Fang here you are, they are this way," a beautiful Frisian centaur made their way over to her carefully. Many people who worked there knew how dangerous she could be when it came down to her hunting patterns.

"I'll catch up with you, have you finished the evacuation process?" she heard an explosion and turned in it's direction. It seems she needed to put that off for later before she misses out on the fresh kill left for her amusement. "Take care of stragglers..people have survived this long..they can manage again." Though cruel her words, she knew how strong people tend to be in the face of dangers that came for their families. People become stronger for the sake of those they love.

Delightful fear of losing bleeds into her nose as she walks down the road that held not a single car on it to block her path now. The warning sounds that play over speakers begin to sound like something from a horror film. Eerie and reminding those who hear it that the dangers they grow content with are still very real.

Ryu began to pick up the pace until she was in a brisk jog heading into the direction she knew her father would located at, the screams of anguish filling her ears. Their sacrifices never went in vain, and if she could she would take that sacrifice as hers to make it so no one died like this again. Sadly, everyone knows life is never this way. Sometimes people need to die. Cruel or not. The ones who walk the Earth, soar through the skies, and swim through the vast oceans all love by Life's games. Not a single one of them are an exception that they too don't pay for the same things everyone else does.

Her eyes narrow slightly as she broke out in a run with her hair now blowing back in the winds rushing past her pale skin. She could smell it up ahead, their bodies unique smell and feel.

As she ran her eyes moved to the side and watched a mother throwing herself in front of an attack to keep her two sobbing children safe. Pain. She looked away with her face scrunching and her hand going out to the side "I'm sorry...." She shuts her emotions off while allowing the sadistic killer instincts to take over.

Behind her a large swarm of snakes launch and suffocate the monster. The mother had already lost an arm and may not make it, but Ryu managed to keep the one thing that woman prayed for safe. She didn't have to see to know the mother holding her children close to her the last ounce of strength she had left.

A single tear slipped down the stone features of the female hybrid as she chased sounds of chaos to their source.

I didn't realize people read this, sorry for those who enjoy it, a fair warning that this does get pretty violent.

I may go and heavily edit this book at some point..but I hope you guys are liking it so far!

tell your friends! leaven comments ! and stay safe :3

love you guys

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