
Unguided Souls: The Lost Soldier

Marc Felton, a retired soldier dong random stuff in his time is now faced by the need to survive and adapt. Nothing like good scary mother nature in sending you a wake up call in the middle of nowhere with your pants down. That is how Marc found himself, half-naked, drenched and cold as the forest breeze passed through his family jewels. How will Marc adapt to the harsh world he is thrown into? Will he be able to make a way to find himself back to his old home? Will he even go home? This story is how a man that has no ambition but is thrown into a world filled with powerful beings with only his own wits with him and years of his training at hand to face the storms that are about to head his way.

Bottomlanefeeder27 · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chp. 51 Chosen for Candidacy...

Just as advertised, two months after the wave the raining season arrived. Marc was looking above the thick dark clouds and felt that this place is totally weird.

He has been bathed by this rain before when he arrived here but he got no sickness or whatever that made these animals in this place go into hibernation.

Even the Hill Turtle and Behemoth were in hiding as they made burrows at least a kilometer deep. That was why he was not able to find where they were before.

But curiosity bugged him as wanted to learn as to why do they hibernate like this for a whole year.

So he took out one of the farmed rabbits he has in his small town where all the chickens are now in their basements sleeping soundly.

And he did see what happened, nothing but the rabbit struggling in his arms and suddenly freezing up as soon as the rain toughed its body.

Marc was surprised, it just suddenly stopped breathing and died in a quick and sudden manner that he cannot explain. Marc did this a few times to poor animals he caught and it all resulted the same thing.

Yet oddly enough it does not affect him making him confused, because even Philip and the freed slaves and the three assistants of his said that they have a dreading feeling when they see the rain.

Marc was totally flummoxed, so he gathers up some rain water and experimented. He placed a bunny on the tub of rain water yet nothing happened, but when he brought it out they panic and try to escape as much as they could.

There he found out only the falling rain affects then yet Marc does not feel any energy at all that happens when they get hit.

But he did notice that the tree in his tree house started blooming again and is growing fruits. Yet even now he found no records as to what this fruit was but he liked it.

Though Tyrone and Bacon seem to not want to eat it anymore after their tenth share for some reason.

So in this whole raining season Marc plans to make as much as he cold to prepare these monkeys for the next dry season.

Meanwhile the populace in the Dungeon are busy as well since the land is recovering, they are all trying to grow a lot of crops. Marc even gave them various seeds as well to plant and gave them a book he bought with the dungeon core that explains about farming.

He did not hurry ins spending the lot of Dungeon Points he has and sees no need for him to use it He was busy enough studying various books in crafting as the core helps in in comprehension.

It was about a year of development unhindered without trouble passing by.

Marc was going about his usual day checking the Earthen Wall where the Monkeys are still awake as well as Tyrone and Bacon present after veeing woken up from sleep.

The Raining Season just ended and Marc was planning to at least make plans in doing trade again with the people in the Fort until he suddenly arrived in a brightly lit corridor making him alert.

{{Congratulations, you have been chosen by heaven to be the candidate for this Era's Demon King.}}


On a majestic place that exudes holiness, tranquil living and paradise in every step. A being made of golden motes of light is walking back in fort as he looked at a amber dot glowing in the star chart he is holding.

{What to do!? What to do!? How come such a thing happened without my knowledge? Now of all times when we are at the zenith of our plans, 'He' must not know.} the being worried as he looked at the amber star that was totally out of place in the star chart where their plan depends on.

{Hmm, I seem to have forgotten to check this guy's Karma levels… crap! How in the hell did he kill so much three star potential fates as well as some four star?!} the being was shocked as he saw the Dark cloud that loomed over the amber star.

{Wait, I could use this. The Heroes will arrive soon and I think the initial demon lord seed might not be enough to push them forward. The Dark Fates and Karma on this being is as dark as the fate of the future Demon Lord. Maybe I can introduce this one as a spare in case things get awry…} the being paused in his walk and was thoughtful.

{…that seems feasible, haish I am totally a genius. Now how should I use this wildcard, maybe I should call this mortal and tell him about his fate. Maybe he'll be grateful to me and I might gain a subordinate in the Mortal Realms.} the being sat down on air as he floated and contemplated while two hands sprouted out his back and weaved an intricate spell that is filled with divine power.

Slowly he is thinking on how to make this mortal his servant but then he shook his head thinking that it might push the mortal away. Maybe he should at least give some freebies at the moment.

Soon the spell circle was complete and it was totally intricately designed that not even Sages could make this without a year in preparation and assistance from four others.

The spell broke apart and the motes of lights it came to turned into a confused Marc Felton who was looking around left and right. The being looked at the small mortal on its table and said.

{{Congratulations, you have been chosen by heaven to be the candidate for this Era's Demon King.}}

"Huh?" Marc said as he focused on the golden giant that sat on air hundreds of meters away from him.

"ARGH!!" Marc suddenly screams as his eyes burned after staring at the gigantic figure on the large room.

{{Hohoo! A Mortal dares blatantly stare at a God, I commend you for being able to last at least three seconds and get to keep your eyes for your actions. Now kneel and heed my command, as I Fluxolas, the God of Plans has decided hencefort that you shall be a candidate to become a Demon King! Rejoice as this is a chance for a mortal like you to even reach the level of us divine beings!}} the golden being waved his hand and Marc was suddenly forced in a kneeling position as a heavy force landed upon his back forcing him to brace himself.

As his eyes bled he gritted his teeth as he tried to get up but no matter how much he tried he cannot budge or move.

Then he remembered that he still has the dungeon core so he tried pulling power from that thing to resist yet somehow he cannot feel it at the moment.

'Bear with it for now…' then a voice sounded out in Marc's mind as he gritted his teeth so hard his gums bled.

'Huh?' Marc was confused as he found this voice to be familiar.

{{Ho? A feisty one aren't you? You seem angry but can you do anything about it? Hehehe… I have seen everything you did, from your escape from the Western Continent and to your life in hiding near the Wildlands. I have only called for you here as you have made much Karma to be able to bless you with a chance to see what is beyond the Treshhold of power. Be glad as no other mortals have the honor of being chosen by the gods, now go and become the Demon Lord you are supposed to be!}} The golden being's words made Marc confused as he wanted to force himself to look into this beings face so he could at least know who he'll beat up later.

'Hide your thoughts for the moment… I'll explain later to you fellow Earthling.' Again the voice sounded out making Marc realize who the one speaking in his mind was.

'Just keep looking down and never show your eyes to him, keep it closed for the moment.' Marc calmed down a bit but his body is still trembling as he resisted the heavy force in his back.

{{Oh before I forget, here's a 'gift' from me. For I am a Generous God, this is but a mere taste of divine power. A skill or so you call it for your meager mind but it is a magnanimous mercy we gods gave you mortals. Be thankful and revere me as this is a power gained only by those selected by the Goddess of Love herself, Venuth.}} Fluxolas smiled as he thought that he was a genius, the main Demon King Candidate was a bearer of Wrath so he cannot give out such powers to this mortal.

"Urgh!! What is this?!!" Marc growled as he trembled but if the God had looked properly his eyes are currently emotionally blank but his face still showed contortion like he was in Pain.

{{Like I said a gift, you surely are a curious mortal but I find it impressive you still are conscious while in my divine presence. So I will not leave a mental message to you to waste my time, you will be fated to be the Demon King of Lust and shall make it your mission to bring suffering to humanity. Do you understand Mortal? Will you serve or not?}} as the god said this the pressure he placed on Marc tripled making him puke blood.

"Gragh!! I-I will…serve…" These words came out of Marc's mouth while a pink energy ravaged his insides changing something within.

{{A great choice hahaha… This gift will surely make you stronger and much more of a Demon King once you are consumed by this hahahahaha… farewell mortal…}} that was all Marc could hear before he was again warped away from the halls of the Golden being.

{{Hmm?}} the being was contemplating a bit as he saw something in his table.

{{Cracks? Did the mortal do this? No, I think I just used a bit of force on his body when I made him kneel. No Mortal could damage a table made of Astral Marble, yes. That's what happened… now how should I explain this to the Goddess, If I play my cards right maybe she'll commend me for thinking about a spare Demon King hahaha…}} the Golden Being was in a pensive mood as he thought about how to use this newly shining star in the star chart but as he looked at the chart he paused.

{{Huh?}} the being stood up immediately and held the star chart on his hands.

{{What? Where is it? Where is the Amber star?! How did his Aura vanish from the eye of Fate? Don't tell me he fell on a damned cursed land?! Where is that Mortal!!}} the God Fluxolas panicked as his newly prepared spare Demon King vanished from the Star Chart.

There are only a few places in the world where the eyes of the gods were not able to peer from but he was sure those places are not an area humans live in so he did not think that this new Amber Star would be in such an area if he became a Saint.

Only powerful human forces could raise a Saint which was in the eyes of the gods, he can search for him using a much more active method but that would affect the mortal world and is taboo in the rules of the Divine Palace.

{{Fluxolan, where are the plans and the Star Chart? Goddess Astra is looking for them, the preparation for the world's fate is almost ready.}} another being appeared on Fluxolas' halls and called for him but he paused seeing his fellow God seemingly panicking.

{{R-right, I'll be there in a minute Phobos…}} Fluxolas said as he tried to calm himself down.

{{Whoa, I'm supposed to be the one panicking here so don't take my job man.}} Phobos said while another God appeared.

{{I smell someone feeling Dread right now… was it you?}} the god asked as he looked a the ones inside and looked at Phobos.

{{No, it was him. And he was panicking too so I am worried a bit that he'll take my job at this point.}} Phobos looked guardedly at the God of Plans.

{{Oh no! Is he planning to take mine too?!}} Deimos looked terrified as he also looked at Fluxolan with a defensive pose.

{{Shut up! Just shut up you two! I need to think!}} Fluxolan was feeling a bit confused as to what he missed in his brief meeting with the mortal.

{{…we'll just leave…}} Phobos and Deimos did not care anymore as they went to another place.

{{Damn it, how should I explain this.}} The God of Plans was feeling a bit troubled as he stared at the star chart.