

Tempers flair, chests heave with anger One loves and the other despises... Head over heels.. heart trampled upon, Forgiveness isn't as easy an option as it sounds and hate flowed sweetly through his veins yet left a bitter aftermath He had given up the one he truly ever wanted, craved, desired and loved silently Yet when he thought it was all over, the tables turned and now he becomes the prey again!! Only this time the predator would devour him whole! Things are never what they seem to be for a secret revealed at the wrong time could cause things to fall into caos. Similarities with people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
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30 Chs

we need to talk{17}

The air in Ashley's room felt heavy as everyone slowly crept out of his room, their faces etched with concern and confusion. Jessica, Mike, Sandra, Damon, and Damian exchanged glances, but no one spoke a word. They knew they needed to discuss what had happened, but for now, silence reigned.

In hushed tones, the group gathered in the living room, trying to piece together the events leading up to Ashley being hospitalized. The name Ethan hung heavily in the air, each person struggling with mixed emotions. They didn't want to judge him too harshly, but they couldn't ignore the fact that he had tormented Ashley to this point.

Ria, Ashley's mom, walked over to Ethan, finally breaking the silence. Her eyes were full of compassion and a hint of anger as she pulled him aside. The others watched from a distance, giving them their privacy.

"Ethan," Ria began, her voice tinged with sadness. "I want you to know that what you did was wrong, and I won't pretend otherwise. But I also believe in forgiveness, especially in times like these. If Ashley can find it in his heart to forgive you, then so can I. We all make mistakes, and it's important to learn from them."

Ethan's expression softened, his guilt-ridden face now mixed with a glimmer of hope. He nodded, his eyes welling up with tears of both remorse and gratitude.

"Thank you, Ria," he murmured. "I never meant for things to get this out of hand. I'll do everything I can to make it right."

Ria smiled gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I believe you, Ethan. Just remember that words alone won't bring healing. It's your actions moving forward that will make the difference and remember what I told you earlier"

As they rejoined the rest of the group, Mike found himself face to face with Lanor, and his boyfriend, Lucian, whom he had been avoiding for months. Their relationship had been strained recently, and Mike's concerns for Ashley had only made matters worse.

However, seeing the couple's argumentative exchange somehow made the others pause. Lanor, standing to the side couldn't help but appreciate that, despite their own struggles, Mike and his boyfriend, Lucian were standing strong through tough times.

Lucian caught Mike's gaze, and it was clear he had noticed the internal conflict playing out in his eyes. They both stepped away from the group, finding a quiet corner where they could finally address their own issues.

"M-Mike, we need to talk," Lucian stuttered, his voice laced with vulnerability.

Mike nodded, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and longing. "I know, Lucian. We can't keep ignoring this."

The tension hung heavy between them as they began to unravel the knots of their relationship, not sure if they could salvage what was left. But deep down, Lanor couldn't help appreciating their commitment to working through their problems, even if Mike's boyfriend could be a pain in the neck sometimes.

In the end, the atmosphere in Ashley's private ward remained slightly tense, the weight of past mistakes and current struggles hanging in the air. Yet, through it all, forgiveness and determination to overcome prevailed. As the group united to support Ashley on his road to recovery, they also found strength within themselves to mend their own wounds and come out stronger on the other side.

Mike anxiously stepped out of Ashley's private hospital ward, desperate for some fresh air and a break from the tense atmosphere that had enveloped the room. His boyfriend, Lucian, followed closely behind, equally tense and ready to address the issues that had been plaguing their relationship.

Once they were outside, away from the prying eyes of Mike's friends, the tension between them grew palpable. As they walked in silence, Mike couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and frustration. He knew they needed to talk, but he also feared the painful memories that might resurface.

In an attempt to break the ice, Lucian reached out and gently clasped Mike's hand. "Mike, I think it's time we discuss what's been going on between us," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Mike nodded, his heartbeat quickening. "Yeah, I know. We can't keep avoiding this." He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. "But let's try to keep things civil, okay?"

Lucian's expression hardened, a flicker of annoyance in his eyes. "Civil? Is that how you see this? Just another trivial argument?"

Mike's temper flared, his frustration getting the best of him. "No, Lucian, it's not just another trivial argument! This goes much deeper," he snapped.

As they continued walking, Lucian's tone grew colder. "Oh, so now you're going to throw that in my face? Remind me of my mistakes?"

Mike gritted his teeth, his face growing red with anger. "That's not what I meant, and you know it. But bringing up the past won't solve anything!"

Lucian paused, his eyes narrowing. "The past, huh? Like that time you broke my trust and lied to me? Let's not forget about that, shall we?"

The memory hit Mike like a punch to the gut, reopening old wounds he thought had long been forgotten. His fists clenched, and without thinking, he shoved Lucian away.

"Shut up! Just shut up, Lucian! You know damn well why I lied, and you know damn well I regret it!" Mike yelled, his voice filled with a mixture of anger and regret.

Lucian stumbled backward, caught off guard by Mike's sudden outburst. Hurt flickered in his eyes, his voice barely a whisper. "I thought we were past this, Mike. I thought we had moved on."

Mike's anger began to dissipate, replaced by a deep sense of remorse. He reached out, wanting to comfort Lucian, but hesitated, unsure of how to bridge the gap between them.

"I'm sorry, Lucian," Mike said, his voice filled with sorrow. "I didn't mean to shove you like that. It's just...everything is so overwhelming right now."

Lucian sighed, his gaze softening slightly. "I understand, Mike. But maybe we need some space to figure things out. I need time to process everything, too."

Reluctantly, Mike nodded. "Yeah, you're right. Maybe some time apart will do us good."

They stood in silence for a moment longer, their hearts heavy with the weight of their emotions. Mike finally mustered the strength to speak.

"I love you, Lucian. And I want us to work through this. But we both need to heal before we can move forward."

Lucian nodded, a sad smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I love you too, Mike. Let's take this time to find ourselves again, and hopefully, we can find our way back to each other."

With a final embrace, they parted ways, both uncertain of what the future held for their relationship. As they walked away from each other, the tense atmosphere lingered, but deep down, they knew that sometimes, taking a step back was necessary to find a way forward.

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