

Tempers flair, chests heave with anger One loves and the other despises... Head over heels.. heart trampled upon, Forgiveness isn't as easy an option as it sounds and hate flowed sweetly through his veins yet left a bitter aftermath He had given up the one he truly ever wanted, craved, desired and loved silently Yet when he thought it was all over, the tables turned and now he becomes the prey again!! Only this time the predator would devour him whole! Things are never what they seem to be for a secret revealed at the wrong time could cause things to fall into caos. Similarities with people and places are all coincidental. Happy reading.

Samaelia_Mccarthy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Shattered bonds{18}

Mike sat in utter silence, his hands tightly gripping the steering wheel of his car, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. The drive back from the hospital should have been a simple one, but the weight of his recent breakup with Lucian hung heavy in the air. The windowless hospital walls had managed to suffocate him, amplifying the pain and regrets that plagued his mind.

Beside him sat Sandra, his closest friend and confidante. She knew about the breakup, the wounds it had left behind, and the state of confusion Mike was currently grappling with. Yes, she had eavesdropped on their conversation. In the backseat were Damon, Damian, Ethan, and his cousin Lanor who's shift at the hospital was over, all carrying a palpable disappointment that only added to the already heavy atmosphere.

Ethan's actions, the cause of Ashley's current state, had put a slight wedge between their little group – an action that felt almost unforgivable. Ashley was a constant source of light and cheer to Mike and Lanor, and to see him hurt because of Ethan's careless and reckless actions was something none of them could comprehend.

As they stepped out of the sterile hospital, Mike's mind barely registered the voices surrounding him, the concern in their eyes, or the tension that seemed to grow with every step towards the car. He knew the blame for what happened fell squarely on Ethan, but at the same time, Mike couldn't escape the agonizing realization that he, too, had let someone he loved slip through his fingers and his other source of happiness lay injured in the hospital.

The sound of the car doors clicking shut felt loud in the stifling silence that enveloped them, and Mike slowly turned the key in the ignition. The engine growled to life, but his mind was still trapped in the abyss of his broken heart.

Sandra cleared her throat, breaking the silence. "Mike, are you okay to drive?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Mike blinked, tearing his gaze away from the parking lot. His eyes met Sandra's, and he nodded weakly. "Yeah, I'm okay," he mumbled, his voice barely a whisper.

Damon, always the mediator, leaned forward, his voice carrying a hint of anger. "Ethan, what the hell were you thinking? This is all your fault!" he spat lowly, gripping the back of Mike's seat. They never thought he could cause that much damage, adding to Mikes conflicted feelings.

Ethan looked down, unable to meet anyone's gaze. The weight of guilt clung to him, visible in every line of his body. "I know, I messed up," he admitted, his voice filled with regret. "I should have never bullied or acted that way with him. It was stupid, I was stupid."

The car grew heavy with Damon's silent anger, the unspoken disappointment that echoed in every shift of the vehicle. Mike gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white, his mind unable to escape its own turmoil.

As they drove through the evening traffic, the setting sun cast long shadows across the road, distorting Mike's vision. Thoughts of Lucian fought for dominance in his mind, the memories of their love and laughter mingled with the pain of their fight and parting. The road became an abstract blur, and Mike's focus faltered.

The sudden screech of tires brought everyone's attention back to the present. Mike's eyes widened in horror as he realized he had veered off the road, dangerously close to a thick oak tree. The car jolted to a stop, the smell of burned rubber filling the air.

Shaken and disoriented, Mike took a deep breath, his hands shaking on the steering wheel. The tension in the car surged, fueled by the close call. As the reality of the near accident settled over them, Damon turned towards Mike, his voice laced with anger and fear.

"What the hell, Mike? Are you trying to get us killed?"

Mike's heart pounded in his ears as he frantically searched for words to explain himself. "I...I just...I didn't mean to!" he stammered, his voice filled with desperation. "I'm really sorry, guys. I'm just... I'm so distracted right now. I shouldn't have been behind the wheel."

Sandra's voice came next, softer but no less filled with concern. "Mike, maybe you should let someone else drive. You're clearly not in a good state of mind. Watch your words Damon, you're not the only one upset over Ashley, and can't you see that he just broke up with Lucian? Stop being a jerk!"

Mike nodded, his head heavy with the truth of her words. He knew he couldn't continue driving, not when his emotions clouded his judgment so completely. He put the car in park and slowly stepped out, his legs trembling beneath him.

Lanor, his cousin, stepped forward, her voice a soothing balm in the sea of tension. "Don't worry, Mike. We'll take care of it. You just need to take a moment to breathe and collect yourself."

Mike nodded gratefully, leaning against the car as his friends took charge. They made arrangements for someone else to drive, ensuring their safety on the rest of the journey. Meanwhile, Mike's mind wandered back to Lucian, the heart-wrenching ending that had spun his world into chaos. He knew he had to find a way to heal, to mend the broken pieces of his heart, for his own sake, for the people who still cared about him, and for Lucian.

As the car pulled away from the side of the road, Mike closed his eyes, letting the breeze wash over him, hoping it could somehow cleanse his troubled soul.

The car rolled to a stop in front of Mike's house, the engine silenced with a final purr. Damian, the designated driver for the night, turned off the ignition and sighed heavily. He knew the weight that burdened his friend's heart, and wanted to offer some solace, even if it was through a simple gesture.

He turned to Mike, who sat in the backseat, his eyes staring blankly ahead, lost in his own thoughts. Damian reached over, placing a supportive hand on Mike's shoulder. The touch was gentle, but spoke volumes in its understanding. Then, he handed the keys to Mike, their destination reached, a symbol of trust and responsibility.

Mike accepted the keys, the weight of them heavy in his trembling hand. He offered Damian a small nod, grateful for the unspoken support. One by one, his friends climbed out of the car, their exhaustion evident in their gait. They were mindful of Mike's fragile state, giving him the space he needed, respecting the turbulence within and retreating to their designated shared rooms to rest for the night.

As Mike walked through the front door, the silence engulfed him. It was a stark contrast to the chaotic noise that had filled his mind just hours before. The empty house echoed with a loneliness that mirrored the hollowness in his heart. Each step he took felt heavier than the last, as if a heavy fog weighed down his every movement.

His surroundings faded into the background as he made his way to his room, his thoughts a jumbled mess of emotions and memories. The events of the evening replayed in his mind - the dreaded conversation with Lucian, the tears and accusations from months ago still fresh in his memory, the shattered pieces of a once beautiful love. And then the car ride, the near miss, the reality of how close he had come to losing it all.

The bathroom offered him a temporary refuge, a place to collect himself, to let the overwhelming tide of emotions crash over him. Mike turned the shower on, its cascading water providing a soothing background noise. He sat beneath the stream, his body and mind numb, while the water washed away the physical remnants of the night.

Time seemed to blur as he sat there, lost in his thoughts. Two hours slipped away, but it felt like mere minutes. The water ran cold, forcing him out of his trance-like state. He stepped out of the shower, the clear glass mirror facing him reflecting a man with puffy red eyes and damp, disheveled hair. His conflicted emotions made it hard for him to breathe, as if a weight was pressing down on his chest.

Leaving the bathroom, he found himself in the eerie silence of his room. The only light came from the moon, its cold gaze seeping in through a window, casting a lonely shadow over his heart. He stood there, feeling the weight of the night bear down on him. The tears, held back for so long, threatened to spill forth.

Finally, in the confines of his room, he collapsed onto his bed, his body shaking with the force of his sobs. The tears flowed freely now, a release valve for the emotions that had threatened to consume him. His cries were silent, but the pain behind them was palpable.

It was in this moment of vulnerability that Sandra, his closest friend, opened his bedroom door. She stood there, her eyes filled with concern and love, wordlessly taking in the shattered pieces of their friend. Without uttering a word, she walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his trembling frame. The embrace was warm, a lifeline in the throes of despair.

Sandra held him tight, her silent presence a comforting balm to his wounded soul. She allowed him to pour out his heart, his sobs merging with the rhythm of her steady breaths. Her touch was gentle, simple, but contained an unspoken message of understanding and support.

Time lost all meaning as Mike's sobs eventually subsided. Exhausted from the emotional turmoil, he found solace in the comfort of Sandra's embrace. In the quiet of his room, the moon still casting its lonely shadow, he drifted into a numb sleep. Sandra stayed by his side, guarding his peaceful slumber, offering the silent reassurance that he was not alone.

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