
Permanent Place

Regardless of how hard you try to keep your emotions under control, your actions always speak louder than your words.

"Riya's point of view"

After that day, I didn't talk to Rachit, and he didn't talk to me either.

I didn't tell Harsh about what happened that day, but Rachit had left a permanent imprint on my mind.

Of course, I stopped talking to Rachit, but I couldn't stop thinking about him.

When Harsh sensed I was upset, he asked what was bothering me, and I ended the conversation by mentioning the tension in the office.

Rachit spent most of his time in his office. He'd show up late for the combined meeting, or he'd show up early for the meeting and then leave under the excuse of work.

Rachit was trying everything he could to avoid me, and I was fully aware of this.

On the inside, I was sad, so I kept my distance from him, but I knew what was going on was right.