
Fighter plane

You are not alone in having out-of-control emotions; I, too, have struggled to keep my emotions in check.

"Rachit's point of view,"

At 2:00 p.m., I was having lunch in the cafeteria.

Then my gaze was drawn to the cafeteria door, where both Riya and Ashish were about to eat lunch.

I was confronting Riya for the first time since telling her about my feelings for her that day. I've avoided her since then.

I know Riya isn't mine; she's in love with someone else, yet I can't seem to stop thinking about her, no matter how hard I try.

"Hello, sir. How are you doing today?" Ashish said, drawing my attention to him.

"I'm fine," I replied."How are you?"

I drew my gaze to Riya, who was standing alongside Ashish, and we exchanged glances.

She averted her gaze from my face right away, but she remained silent.

She followed Ashish and sat at a table off to the side.

I was listening in on their conversation.