
I can't live without you

I'm not bothered by your presence because I'm becoming increasingly familiar with you. However, the prospect of living without you makes me sick to my stomach.

"Harsh's point of view,"

It's 7:00 p.m., and Riya is in the kitchen, as she always is, cooking dinner together with my help.

To meet my deadline, I must accomplish all of my tasks ahead of time. I just have tonight to spend with you, so please be understanding. Keeping her gaze concentrated on me, she explained, "I have to depart for Shimla tomorrow evening."

"All right," I said in response.

Will you please double-check my luggage to ensure that I have forgotten nothing important? She enquired as she was preparing the chapati.

"All right," I whispered.

"Can you tell me what happened and why you're so upset?" After observing my somber demeanor, she asked what was wrong.

My approach to her with a platter of chopped vegetables was slow and deliberate.

"Nothing, I'm alright," I said.