
Chapter Hundred and sixty three

Sunny made her way downstairs to the dinning table to see Tara's smiling face. "Guess what darling? Tara asked stirring her tea. "What? She asked taking her seat in yh dinning chair.

"Are we going in vacation? "Ummm not yet but....." Tara slide out a slip and passed it across to her, in there she found out a written payment for all Gina's family debt. 

"It have been paid" Sunny stared at her in shock and happiness "Oh, my mum" she covered her mouth in surprise still staring at the slip to her mother. "I'll do anything for you, anything to make my sweet daughter happy"

Sunny came over to hug her "Thanks mum, thank so much" "Sure baby, you can give her that and tell her how much I care about her, they don't have to pay back". Sunny nodded with a smile on her face.

"I'm I missing something? They both turn to see Sam questionable look "Dad, Sunny called with a smile and walked up toward him. "muk is the best$ She smiled thinking or how happy and relieved Gina would be when he hears of this. 

"Well, I'm all ears, tell me the big news" Sam asked looking from her daughter to his wife. "One of my friend really need a help with money so I told mum about it and she helped pay all the bills for her". 

"Oh.....Sam stared at Tara in shock who was all happy and sipping her tea. "That's great" he turned to his wife. "You need very well and deserve the praise" "Sure I do" Tara respond. 

Sunny went to the table and grab an apple. "I have to go now". "No, you don't, you still have to eat your breakfast"

 "This would do" she raised the Apple for her to take before rushing out "I can't wait to tell Gina" she laughed and made her way toward her private car.

Sam slide the dining chair out and sat opposite his wife. "That's do kind of you" he said without even looking up as he sip his tea. "Of course, it is, just want to help"

"Is that so....I can't recall when you did something generous like this". "What that suppose to mean, you know that I usually do a lot right?  "Of course, I don't Tara" he finally looked up at her and shrugged. 

"I don't know and if you say you always do a lot of generous things, why don't you tell me one of the things you have already done ..... Tara"

Tara looked at her husband speechlessly, why was he this way ... she clenched and unclenched her fist looking for an answer. "Go on tell me, I'm waiting". 

"Why are you this like this!  "Ummm I want to know the truth I guess" Sam smiled at her and gave her a knowing look. "You know I always know when you're lying" 

"I'm nonot lying Sam". "Then answer me, it very simple" they both stared at each other for a while "Fine, if you want to know, I.....I...um......". "I'm listening go on" Sam chuckled. 

"I raised your daughter, how about that huh? "Really? "Fine Sam, I only need that because Gina helps me to monitor Sunny, I told you that I was not going to take any risks that's what I did"

He nodded as he ate his bacon. "Great, her best friend is your little spy" "That's the only way we could keep close eyes on her, I can't wait take the risk of her doing something stupid"

"Well, make sure you don't get caught" he gave her a quick stare before returning the his food "By the way, I heard that Rebecca is going back overseas". "Isn't that great" she smiled tapping her finger continusly on the table.

"Where is she? Sunny paced while Jade watch her. "Ummm, she's usually late, don't you know?  "Of course, I do but I'm getting impatient". 

Jade gave a weird look. "Can't you tell me what's this is or are you going to wait till she arrive only God knows that when she'll be in school". 

"Fine" Sunny stopped pacing and turn to her "You know I promised Gina that I'll speak to my mum? "Yeah you did, so ..... what did you mum do". "Well..... she paid all the bills they're owing and now they're are not owing a dime.

Jade open her mouth in surprise "That's such a happy news, trust me Gina is going to be freaking happy". "Yeah, she is.....but first she have to arrive". "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I get now why you're over excited". 

"I can't wait to break the news to her, she'll be so happy". "who would be happy? They both turned to her. "Gina" they chroused. "Yeah, I'm here so why the curious looks? She asked sitting down beside Jade.

"Where have you been since morning? Jade asked glaring at her. "Nowhere". "What did you mean by nowhere? Jade asked still with her eyes fixed on her. 

"Forget about the questions Jade, the most important thing here is ....." She turned toward th curious Gina. "Guess what?  "What? Gina asked looking from Sunny to Jade. 

"Moron, they said guess and not to ask" Jade growled. "come on guess? Sunny beckoned her. "I don't know what exactly, you guys should tell me". "You haven't even made any attempt Jade" Sunny scolded. 

"But I don't even where to start? "You can start from anywhere"Sunny replied her. "Okay.....are we going on vacation?  "Nope..... Sunny shook her head and took out the slip of paper and waved it in front of her face. 

"What's this ...." Gina collected it and gazed at it. "The bills have been paid" Gina tried her best to sound surprise. "Yes, I promised you that I was going to be in talk to her about it and see...age didn't even hesitate to help". 

"Yeah, she didn't....." She replied dejectedly. "what's wrong? You're not happy". "who said so ..... I'm happy, very happy" "Then fine, you see theirs no need to be sad again, we're here for you anytime you need us"

"Yeah, thanks for that" she forced herself to smile, this wouldn't have happened if she hadn't gone back there, that woman is all fake and she hopes that Sunny would see all the lies she's been told beneath her fake parenting.

"Let's get to class, I think it have already started" she turned and mae her way toward the classroom. "Yeah Sure" they both followed suit. 

"Have you spoken to your sister? John asked when he came over to the house. "No, not yet". "You know you have to speak with her. "I know that.....but I'm not ready"

"When are you going to be ready, you have to speak with her ready or not" "I know that John, I ....I....just don't know, I think I have already disappointed her enough". 

"You haven't, you just have to make some tough decisions" "Tough decisions that's hurts her, she said I only thinks about myself and I think it true, is not that I don't want to speak to her, it just that I don't even know how I'm going to face her....to tell her I'm leaving.... again, it so hard"

"I know it is but that's what you're going to do no matter how much you hide or tried to run away from it" Rebecca exhale her cigarettes smoke.

"I just wish that I never have to leave again, that the reason I came home was accomplish but it seems date is never kind to me and I have to accept it that way .... again"

She sighed as she remembered the necklace at the jewelry stand, the way she had thrown it away like it was nothing, her anger was like a flame burning down everything, she just wished that she had seen the Truth and not to be so blinded by it.

And no matter how much she told herself to be angry at her, to hate her for making her pass through this after everything she had went through because of her, no matter what age couldn't bring herself to hate or be angry on her.

She was her daughter, so precious to her, the only people she was mad at was those son of a bitch, she wanted to hurt them so badly that she had spend some night thinking about what to do to both of them.

But killing them won't make Sunny come back to her, it would only make her hate her more and distance herself away from her if not worst but..... If her daughter was okay, comfortable and even believe those people she called her parents.

She had no choice but to let her live with them, just for her daughter sake she was going to have mercy to those heartless freak, just because of her daughter.....

She grabbed the glass wine on the table and clenched it hard till the glass broke and pierce her palm, she wanted the pain to overwhelm the anger she was feeling inside.

"Becca, she held John half screamed and rushed toward her, taking out the glass from her hand. 

"You hurt yourself!  "That's was the plan John, that's was the plan so I won't do it to someone else" She said as she watched her blood smeared the floor, she looked up and read the concern expression on his face.

"You don't have to worry, I'm okay, I'm perfectly fine". "Some on who is okay won't hurt themselves this way". 

"I'm Sure they would, Maybe worst" sg stood up not wanting to hear anything again, she needed to sleep, to sleep the pain and anger away.

It would help and maybe tomorrow she'll visit her sister, maybe.....but John grabbed her arm lightly. "I might be heartless or emotionless but the Truth is that I won't let someone I care about do much to bleed to death.

*You're still needed mostly in the office, do you hear" Rebecca didn't fight the smile that spread across her face. "of course, I won't die, just a little reminder if how death might feels" 

I have to show him my first aid later on and watch him clean, disinfect and bandage my wound "I didn't know that you can wrap wounds perfectly". 

"What made you think that way? He asked staring at me intensively. "well, the man I had known all this while isn't someone who would be so bent on learning how to treat a wound"

"Well not the man you know but the man you haven't known". "And what's that suppose to mean? 

 "It means that theirs a lot you haven't found out from me, I only show you the one you want to see and kept the other personality hidden away from everyone"

"Makes a lot of sense" Rebecca nodded. "Hope it does but you know everyone can bandage a wound". "And who said so?  "Me, of course"

This made her to laugh this time "You'll know that you're wrong when you see me trying to bandage a wound". "well let's wait till then"

She watched him leave before going to soak herself in a bath for a while. She thought about her sister, what she had said her.

She didn't want to remember but she kept hearing the word over and over again and then Sunny's. She wanted to shut her minds, from remembering or hearing any of the words.

But it felt like a scream now, reminding her how bad she was, her daughter hated her and now she had hurt her cousin sister, Emily had called her selfish.

Those words hurts the most and it felt as if it was pulling her down, shattering her into a thousands pieces. 

She held her head trying to stop the throbbing pain or the word that's keeps drawing her to disaster, the voices grew louder making her want to scream.

"Stop, she muttered hearing Sunny and Emily repeat each word that they had both said to her. It felt as her g ad was going to explode. 

"Stop! Stop!! Stop!!! She screamed much louder this time as the voices tear her down, she dragged herself under the water.

Wanting to escape from those voices, wanting to find some sort of peace, she stayed underneath until she knows she knows that if she stays any more minutes underneath that she was going to get drown.

When she lift her head above the water and exhale heavily. She dried herself afterwards and made her way to her bed, she was feeling a little relief and this was better than nothing.

"So how's your parents doing" Jade asked Gina who was as usual lost in her thought. "Umm they're fine now, they both went the previous day to thank Tara". 

"She's such a nice woman......" This hurts more than she can ever realized. "Ummm....I guess so" she muttered turning away from her.

"You have been acting strange, what's the matter?  "What are you saying? Gina asked still without looking up and pretended to be focus on the book she'd holding.

"Of course you know what I'm talking about?  "No, I don't, explain it to me please" the last thing she wants now is to have someone who would be on her neck.

"You know exactly what I'm saying Gina, you've been acting really weird at first I thought it was about your family issues but now it had already been settled I don't see any reason you should still be acting this way"

"I really don't know what you're talking about Jade, I'm okay and I'm not behaving strangely". "you're sure about that?  Yes, Jade, I'm sure now will you leave me alone to focus on my book"

Jade watched her silently and after a while decided to break the silent. "I just want to let you know if theirs anything bothering you, you should be free to talk to me, I'm always here to help"

"Ummm thanks so much but theirs is nothing to worry about it fine" both of them turn to the direction of the footstep to see both Sunny and Josh walking towards them.

"You been avoiding us? Jade asked more like a statement than question. "nope, why would just have stuff to take care. "well I'm glad you came by today"

"Me too" Gosh replied as he sat on next to Gina "Well, so what are you guys saying about the fair, are you coming? Sunny asked Josh, who she haven't seen since that night.

She didn't know what to feel exactly, the truth be told he misses his company. "well....I told thought it only for school".

"Don't be such a nerd, it the months fair, everyone is invited to the celebration and I'll be looking forward to see you ...no excuses!

"Ummm yes ma'am, I'll be there if it so". He smiled even when he felt the tug to tell Sunny about her mum, that she came by to the house but he had promised her already, he won't include himself in her personal issues ever again and he knows quite alright that she wouldn't want to hear about bit.