
Chapter Hundred and sixty four

Andrew stood and watched his cell phone he has to do it, that's what he had promise after taking a deep breath. 

He picked it up and finally dailed the number, anxiously he waited for the line to be picked up. He had to sort out things now, he couldn't keep on postponing things.

He had given his wife enough space to be alone and think things over, it time to wrap things up. "Hello, he heard her voice from the other end. "Hello Christina". "it a huge surprise you called"

"Yeah I know that.....he stopped and waited for a moment, he didn't want to say anything that would push her away from him again, he just have to be careful with his speech.

"Andrew? He heard her call his attention. "Ummm sorry, but....can we meet up". "Andrew..... I'm busy" "Please don't say no, we could meet up whenever you're free....what about Wednesday night?

"I can't Andrew, I have things to do" "Then what about Thursday night or Friday? Please don't say no....I want us to meet... please Christina" he waited fir a while for her response it seems as if he would never reply him.

He just wanted to meet up and settle this miserable disagreement but he need her to accept this week invitation and when it drawn to him that she would never reply him or even agree to meet up with him.

He heard her exhale heavily from other end of the line "Fine, I guess.....I'll be free on Thursday". "Oh.... that's... great, very great" he stuttered hiding his excitement.

When he finally disconnected, he felt much relief, he could sort things out now. Josh would be able to see her mother, he just wanted everything to go back in it's normal way.

Rebecca stood at the door step contemplating if to knock or go back but going back wasn't an option, she knows that her sister was super angry at her but she couldn't change things.

She couldn't change things or undo things, she had done the much she could and now it's left for her to make certain decisions here. She sighed and without thinking further pressed th door bell and waited for it to be answered.

It took forever before she heard the sound of approaching footstep. She couldn't explain why she was feeling this uncomfortable maybe it was because she wouldn't be able to change her decision knowing it would hurt her sister the most.

The door pulled opened and she found herself facing her sister who had an apron "I didn't expect to see you here....ever" "Why won't I? "Oh, because someone decided to disappear again!

Rebecca sighed "At least ask me in first". "Tell me if you'll stay long so I'll be prepared incase you disappear under a minute". "For goodness sake Emily, let me in" 

Rebecca sighed watched her as she stood firm on the door, contemplating if to allow her in or not. Without a word, she stalked inside leaving the door open behind her.

Rebecca took a deep breath before following her in and shutting the door behind her. 

"Would you like some coffee? Emily ask pouring out the black liquid on the cup, she would have suggested something stronger but she wouldn't want to be any kind of request.

"Yeah, sure" she answered as age made herself comfortable on the counter stools. "where are the children? Rebecca asked looking round the house. 

"Oh, well....if you want to know they're in school". She nodded sadly. Why did she think that she doesn't care about her kids, she send them gifts every week.

She really loves and care so much about them but she still wouldn't ask her anything, she waited till Emily drop the coffee in front of her and went about to sip hers.

She watched her walked to the window while sipping her black coffee, it feels as if she doesn't care about her presence. Without a word too, she gently lift the cup to her lips and sip hers.

She moaned silently as she drank it up, it really settle something inside of her, like a calming heat. "You're coffee are always the best" "Why are you leaving, you promise to stay this time". 

"Yeah...." She muttered and drop the half drain coffee in front of her. "I'm sorry that I didn't inform you on time.....it just hard to make the decision and also to tell you"

"You're still leaving...." Emily voice cracked but she still didn't turn to her instead she kept sipping her coffee. "Yes, Emily, I'm still leaving". 

Then their was a laugh, a sad one. "I thought...I just thought when I saw you in front of my doorway that you had changed your mind but ..... that isn't going to happen, you're so determine to leave.....I was okay the first time.... You know....

I also encourage you to leave then because you needed it, you needed to leave from here then in order to live and heal....I was very okay the first time even though I knew that I'll miss you a lot, even when you left. 

I kept convincing myself that it was best that you left and I was happy that you're going to return one day, happy and well.

I really missed you Becca and when you finally came back, let's say I was the happiest sister on earth and now! I don't see the reason you're leaving again! I don't!!

She face her this time with so much sadness and anger. "Whatever is happening now, could be sorted out, you don't have to leave again....you really don't"

Rebecca dragged her hand through her hair, she really understand her and wish she could do just like she had said, that she could stay here and sort things out but.....she kept hearing those painful words from her daughter.

Sunny had denied being her daughter, what else is she still here for, it then was useless to hope, to fight when that person you fight for denies and ignores you.

Their wasn't anything left for her here, it just feels like an empty and dark void "I just wish I could stay Emily" She finally found her voice. 

"I just wished that I could sort things out ....but.....I don't think so, I don't think so, it just felt as I'm just wasting my time, that theirs nothing left for me here....I can't stay Emily, 

I can't stay and watch my daughter live happily with those people, even though I want her to be happy and all, I can't stay and watch"

There was a Silent for a while, Rebecca just stared at the coffee as she wrapped her Palm around it, feeling the warmth spread through her body.

Emily drank hers in total silence "I didn't mean to hurt you, but sometimes certain decisions are necessary to make" "Would you like another one? 

Emily raised her cup, even though she haven't finish hers, she still nodded for some more. Emily went over to pour out another one. 

"How about Sunny, how's she doing?  "She's fine, I went over to visit weeks ago, she's doing great, very great..... Emily dropped her cup to watch her.

"Except that she didn't want to see me, isn't that great". "At least try to show her that you're not the person her make believe parents convinced her that you are, show her that you actually care for her, make her see the lies Becca"

"I bet it sound so easy right, convincing someone who had already made up her mind" "Yeah it does and I'm sorry for being so harsh with my words the other day, I didn't mean to .....". 

"It fine Emily, I get it, you were angry on me and I fail to think about you in some certain decisions". She nodded as she finally took a seat. 

"I don't want you to quit.....no matter what she's still your daughter, you could still make her see beneath the lies". "I can't Emily, I can't make her see if she didn't want to see, I can't make her believe if she doesn't want to believe....

It like beating about in the bush, I think it time to move on" Emily shook her head. "I think you could still make her believe, just give it some time Becca". 

"My flight is already book and I can't miss it, I have to go". "But you know that this place is your home now.... Becca".

 "Not anymore Emily, I just wish that things has gone according to plan, I just wish.... Emily but sometimes our wishes never comes true and we'll be stuck at a places"

She went home afterward feeling her last happiness drain from her, she didn't want to leave like that, she could see the tears in Emily eyes as she left and at the same time heard Sunny's loud scream on how much he hates and never wished she was her mother.

"She sat in her car for close to an hour staring at Emily"s house, Emily had tried to understand her pain and at the same time try to discourage her from leaving but she had already made up her mind on leaving"

Sunny saw herself lost, age couldn't find her way back, it seem all strange, why would she ever get lost and now....she couldn't tell where she was exactly.....

"Help! Help!! She found herself screaming as loud as she could, it was getting dark abd she want to get out of here but it was like she was stuck, she kept screaming and found herself crying all at once.

"Help me I'm stuck here, someone please help, just as she was about to give up, she sighted Tara.

Her mum would always be there to help her, she yelled for her attention. "Mum! Help I'm stuck and when the woman turned to her.....it wasn't Tara but Rebecca.

Sunny jolted up from the bed and found herself sweating profusely. "Mum" she whispered to herself as she tried to catch her breath.

"It...it was all a dream" She dragged her hand through her hair and tried to think if the dream again, why.... Why would she dream of that woman.

She covered her face with her palm and tried to calm her racing heart, it was just a dream and she shouldn't worry or stress about it....it was just a dream.

Finally dragging herself off the bed, she headed to the bathroom, a shower would help clear her mind the last thing she wanted this money was to have to think about that woman.

But throughout the bath, she couldn't stop thinking about it, why would she call her mum. She shouldn't have even if it was a dream she still hated the fact and the part of being stuck in the middle of nowhere still gives her some chill.

She made her way out if her room fir breakfast, it was already weekend and she have few days to plan for the fair.

She want to make the best out of this celebration,just few steps to the kitchen she heard her parents.

"I want to crush the company and since she's leaving she wouldn't know where and when the disaster would hurt her". 

"What if she changes her mind, what if she finally decide to stay because it unlike her giving up easily and going back overseas.....it not what Rebecca would do"

"But that what she's doing now because Sunny had strike her in a good way, she never expected the big blow.....after what we had done to her before.

 She heard his father chuckled silently  "she's giving up and that's what a coward like her does...give up and run.....

"Dad, Sunny called as she climbed down the final staircase, they both turned surprisedly and stare awkwardly at her. 

"Is everything okay? "Ummm, Of course, everything is fine, we didn't expect you up this early, why do you ask? Tara smiled at her as she moved toward her and placed a kiss on her forehead. 

"How was your night? Her mind went back to that dream but she shook it off and gave a mum a warm smile. 

"I slept well" "That's good to hear, co it breakfast is ready" Tara beckoned her and she followed suit. "Good morning Dad"

She did her best to sound casual and not trying to think about the awkward conversation she heard. Where they talking about Rebecca, of course who else was they talking about but......

"Morning, hope you slept well" her father interrupted her thoughts. She could only nod and wait for her mum to pass her the plate of pancake.

She stared at both of her parents, they were somehow behaving awkward. "is everything okay? I heard you guys saying something......

"It nothing of course" Her mum chipped in immediately, Sunny turned to her father with a questionable look. "Oh my! You're going to make me spoil the little surprise I have for you"

"Surprise? She asked still very confuse "Yes a surprise, I have wanted to keep it till evening but guess I have to tell you now"

"What's the surprise about? "I'm taking you along with me for a conference meeting, a lot of well known and influential men are going to be there and I'll like you to go with me, I'll like to introduce my brilliant daughter to them, what do you think?

"That's awesome, I'm happy, Thanks Dad". "You're welcome, we're going through be leaving on Friday and we'll sure be back on Saturday, the conference is on mainland.

"This week? Sunny asked almost choking her food? "Yes this week". "But the fair is Saturday" she said heartbroken. 

"Fair? Which fair? Sam asked of course he knows about that but he wouldn't let her daughter choose done Fair over an important meeting.

"Ummm, it nothing, I'll be glad to go". "That's my girl" he kissed her forehead and stood up to leave. "You're not staying for breakfast? Tara who had been silent asked.

"I have some important things to take care of" he said before leaving. Sunny stared at the food, of course the Fair means a lot to her but she couldn't say no to her father.

She remembered what had happened the last time, she didn't do what he had asked of her. She shook it off her mind immediately, it was in the past so their was no need to think about it again.

He had apologized to her and the problem had been resolved later on and Tara had explained clearly to her, how it had been her fault and she had promised then never to go against his wish.

But she shouldn't worry, since she was leaving and coming back in Saturday, she could still make the Fair but that wasn't what he had overhead them talking about and also thinking about the dream now is so disturbing.