
Chapter Hundred and Seventy six

Whenever she finally came to conclusion that she wasn't daydreaming, that her daughter was finally here with her. She wasn't able to control her tears "It alright baby" she continued patting her back, she was speechless.

She wanted to say a lot but found that the only thing she does was to cry. "I fine Sunny....." But she continue to crying. Sunny looked up at her mother to find that she was also in tears.

"I found out that they have been lying to me all along, everything that they had said and made me believe are all lies....it just too much to handle, I really need a you wrong"

"It fine baby, I'm not angry at you, It fine, I'm just happy you're here with me" they embrace each other for what seems like an eternity. Rebecca still couldn't believe it, it still felt like dream but she wasn't going to wake up yet.

She would like to live in this dream because this would give her a reason to live. "Sunny" She turned to see her aunt smiling with an open arm, without a word, she rushed to embraced her.

"I'm so sorry Aunt, for not listening to you...." "Shhhh, Emily kissed her forehead. "Don't say any more word, we're just happy that you finally learnt the truth. Rebecca came again to wrapped her arm around her.

"I still can't believe it, I still can't believe you're her with me ....it still like a dream" "I overheard dad talking about it and I still couldn't believe it then John told me everything and also Andrew.....

I got to find out all the things that he did to you .....I'm ....so sorry, I'm sorry" Rebecca held her daughter's face gently in her hand. "Look at me, it fine, I'm telling you, I'm just happy that my daughter finally came back to me. To where she belongs, I feel like the happiest person on earth"

Sunny heard her name, this time, it came as a loud yell. She turwned instantly and saw Tara standing at a distance "What's she doing here" she felt overwhelming anger.

They all watch her as she walked toward them in rage, Sunny made to walk toward her but Rebecca held her by the arm. 

"Let's go Sunny". "And Why would she do that! Rebecca asked "Because she doesn't belong here, she doesn't belong to you". "She's my daughter and you know that, you took her away from me and now she's back to a place, she belongs"

"You can't take my daughter away from me, I have trained and brought her up.....she deserted you Sunny, she never cared for you or love you and she won't start doing it now"

"You had lied to me my entire life and you still have the guts to show your face , how dare you Tara" "You shouldn't talk to me that way, I'm your mother not that piece of shit standing behind you!  

Sunny was shocked in what happened next, Rebecca moved close to her in an instant and gave her a slap across the face. No one was expecting it, it still was just a big shock or will she call it surprise to everyone.

"This is for opening you shameful mouth to talk to me and another shocking surprise, Rebecca hit her for the second time across the face again.

"And this for taking my daughter away from me and feeding her with lies! Tara could only stand and watch her and the next minute, Emily walk toward her and hit her for the third time across the face. "And this is for causing so much pain to her!

Sunny watched her face turned pale, age deserves much worse than this. "I regret calling you mother and I curse the day I took you as my mum!

Tara tried hard to control herself, she felt like exploding, she couldn't endure this kind of shame and disgrace. "You all will regret this and you ..... Sunny! You'll come crawling back to me and then I would want you to remember all these!

They watched her turned and walked toward where her car was packed, she would definitely get her revenge and each and everyone would pay for raising their goddamn hand on her face.

Sunny finally turned to see the happy smile on her mother's face "What about you flight? She asked, just then the saw the plane taking off. "I think I miss it"

Sunny made a sad expression. "It fine, I'm happy that I missed it, she hugged her again. "It just feels as I'll never get use to this". "I think we should go home for a nice meal, the reunion need to be celebrated". 


Sunny's attention was brought to toward the children as the giggled and cheer in happiness, she was going to have so much with them.


Now both of them were really curious on why she wasn't in school today "You said that she called you?  "Yes she did". "So why did she not to school today? "I don't know seriously" 

Gina stared at Jade. "I'm telling you, I don't know". "You didn't hear anything, like Sunny telling you that she won't be in school because it just seems impossible for her to muss few days to exam"

 "For the last time, the only time I heard which I also told you was her apologizing to me.... nothing else, maybe something came up or she might be sick or not feeling fine" if this was the issues it means that she had need to apologize for getting mad at her.

Now she was feeling mad guilty, what if that had been the reason she couldn't make it to the Fair. God! What sort of friend was she?  "Or Maybe that crazy woman have done something to her"

"What crazy woman? Gina ignored her as she stopped a cab to Sunny's house "What woman are you talking about?  "Her mother" she replied making her way inside the taxi "What are you talking about, her mum is the one of the nicest woman ever, she wouldn't hurt a fly especially Sunny"

"Whatever" that was the last one she said to her till they finally pulled up in from of Sunny's house.

Jade toss a change to the driver and they both hurried toward the front gate, it was opened unlike their before, they made their way inside. It drawn to them that something was really wrong the way the environment was quiet.

They went ahead to Knock and waited for someone to answer, it took a very long time for the door to be opened and Tara with her usual smile was standing at the door.

Gina felt a sudden chill she knows Smile, the smile which say a lot has happened. They was a long silent, as Tara stared at both of them 

"We're here to see Sunny, she haven't been to school for two days now" Jade told her not yet noticing the awkward silent between both her and Tara.

"Why don't I invite both of you inside, I made some snacks and I would be glad to share with you guys. They both turned to each other, Gina pleaded with her eyes for Jade to refuse but it was like she didn't notice or worst didn't care.

"Sure, we have spare time but we want to know if anything is wrong with her? Is she alright? Tara smiled and made way for both of them to come inside, Gina felt her heartbeat increase but she walked in sticking very close to Jade.

"I don't see Sunny, I thought she came back.....? Jade kept pressing for answer "Of course, she came back but unfortunately she isn't here....come let's eat and talk, you girls are her friends so it fine talking to you because it feels as if I'm speaking to her"

Gina knew already that this was a huge lie, she was now pretending to be sad. Something was definitely wrong and get only option was to stay and find out where their friend was.

She looked up just in time to see Tara gaze on her, her heart skipped a beat and she e became really nervous. "Come this way I'll have the snack brought to us right away.

They both nodded and followed her to the sitting room, Gina took a seat close to Jade and also Farther from Tara but that doesn't change the fact that they were still in the same room.

Just in few seconds, a servant brought in a tray of doughnuts and glass of Juice for them. "I made it for Sunny, she like those but....it seems I was ready to throw it away before you girls came, I'm really happy that you did"

"Is she alright? this was the first time Gina opened her mouth to talk, she was more than curious to know what happened to her friend. 

"She left me....it too sad to say..." Gina watched her sniff and pretended to damp her eyes "She left me after all that I have done for her, It made me look like a horrible mother" Jade immediately felt the doughnuts turned to dust in her mouth.

"That isn't possible, she loves you so much and wouldn't do that" Jade turned to Gina for approval but Gina didn't say anything, she was just stunned and happy if that was the truth.

"We have a small fuss and she left, She just left me, that's the first time....." They both watched her damp her eyes again and the blew her nose on the handkerchief in her hand.

"I'm hurt, I'm really hurt" she smiled sadly, she was pretending, Gina wanted to felt the urge to shout but pinch herself really hard to close her mind. She knows that Sunny really loves her and would never leave her if something hasn't happened.

Something that made her take such a hard decision to leave a woman she adores. "where is she now? Gina found herself asking even more. "Don't you girls know? They both shook her head.

"That's why we're here, we don't know" "Yeah, How foolish human of me to ask you girls that". Jade turned and looked at Gina. "After having a little misunderstanding with her, she left me and went to her .....mother, the one that had abandoned her for years.

She made me know my place, because I have always considered her real mother because I have always been there for her when she needed me.....but now he made me realize that I wasn't anything to her.

That I was just a woman who had wasted her time" They watched her shed tears for some minutes "I'm sorry girls, it just that I can't hold back my tears". 

"I thought she hated Rebecca....." Jade was lost in her confused thought, Why would Sunny go back to the woman she had hated so much. The one that had abandoned her all these years because of some misunderstanding, it just feels as if she was missing something.

"Yeah she hated her but things happen, things you could not believe". Gina felt Tara's eyes on her throughout the conversation. It really made her uncomfortable, no matter how hard she told herself to relax.

She just found out that she couldn't while still in the present of that woman. "Gina" she almost shrink to the sound of her name in Tara's mouth, she turned to stare at her teary face.

"I had asked you to keep your eyes on her, to always tell me what she's been up to now ....I have lost my daughter, I don't know now who to blame you or her....." The last sentence made her sends chill to her bone and made her forget how to breathe for some minutes.

"I really wish I could speak to her because I knew very well that she had been filled with lies that Rebecca would had cooked up but all I know is that I'm going to get my Sunny back, I'm going to be her mother again. Her real mother and all those filling her life with lies wouldn't be there again"

Tara didn't escort them as they leave the house, she had a lot of questions she wanted to ask but first.....she stopped and turned to Gina when they were out of Tara's house.

"When did you start acting like a secret body guard for Tara and you didn't even bother to tell us what she had asked you to do! "I don't....."Gina tried to speak to look for the perfect answer but found out she don't really know what to say.

"How long have she told you to keep your eyes on Sunny? "It haven't been that long and I thought if telling you guys but I don't just see the reason anything there". Jade glared at her for a while and made to walk away but stopped again.

"And have you been giving her feed back on how her daughter has been doing? Gina wanted to ignore the question. Telling Jade would mean letting out the Truth and then they would mask her as a bad friend.

"No, I don't" she started walking away from Jade not ready answer another exposing question. 

"So where are we off to now??  Gina asked after some many silent "I thinking home, it still not clear to me why she would go back to the woman she hated so much just because of a misunderstanding". 

"It seems theirs more to the story" "Do you think so? Jade asked drumming get fingers against her back pack. "Why don't you try calling the number she used the contact you last night" Gina suggest wanting to know what really happened, everything was super scary now.

She just hope that Sunny was alright "Would you follow me home then? "Let's go then" they reached Jade's apartment, Jade shouted greeting to her mum who was in the sitting room watching a sad television program before slamming her door shut.

She grabbed her cellphone and dialed out the number, she found herself the next minute waiting for Sunny to order up the call but it kept ringing for a while but nobody answered.

"This is just messed up, I know she isn't dead, she's somewhere ignoring her call or probably she doesn't know it ringing" Jade fuss while pacing and calling the line up to twenty times. 

"She's probably ignoring my calls" "You don't know that" Gina finally spoke up after watching her for a while. "Of course, I do, she's mad at me". "She might......just then they were interrupted and the phone ring out and Jade looked up at the screen hastily.

Thinking it was sunny who finally called but the caller's ID said something else, it was Josh.

Why was he calling but she answered even though she knows as disappointed.

Update guys to know what really happened at the last part and I apologized for the repeated chapter and delay in updating. Please forgive me.🥺🥺🥺🥺 This month I'm going to finally complete the novel and I want you guys to join me throughout the journey 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺