
Chapter Hundred and seventy five

That night she got a call from Andrew telling her that Rebecca plans leaves by 11 am and he was going to drive her to the airport to meet her.

She was overjoyed and at the same time, she was very nervous. What if Rebecca wouldn't want anything to do with her again, she had really hurt her feelings. 

Ho would she be able to face her, she was the worst daughter. She sighed and felt the heaviness on her head, she wished, she could have another if Andrew's coffee.

It had soothe in a kind of way, calming her throbbing headache. She had deserted this people because she had believed in lies all along even when they tried to correct her, she still didn't believe.

She looked at the cell phone that was given her by Andrew and felt the urge to call her friends making speaking with one of them who help calm her down a bit. She picked up the phone and decided to contact Jade.....

And did her best to ignore the crashing sound downstairs, she would leave here the first thing tomorrow morning. The last thing she wanted was for them to be a hindrance to her.

And they'll definitely be if they found out that she's going to meet her tomorrow. She was sure to file a report against them but her father wouldn't take that lightly because she was sure he has enough funds to bail himself out in a minute.

She dialed Jade number and listen to the phone ring after some minutes, she heard voice at the other end. "Who is this? Jade groan on the phone "And isn't it too late to call someone on the phone?

"It me Sunny" she replied, hoping that Jade would want to speak to her after disappointing and failing to turn up at the Fair. She wanted do bad to apologize to her, it wasn't her intention to miss the event and she hopes she forgives her.

Their was a pause for done seconds and Sunny decided to speak up "Look, I'm so sorry that I couldn't come, it wasn't my intention......"

"I'm very sleepy and I need to go back to bed" Jade cut her off, she wasn't ready to listen to any excuse she was going to come up with. She was mad angry at her, it she knows she was the one calling, she wouldn't have answered the call.

"Please, just listen to me, please Jade....I'm sorry I couldn't make it...". "Theirs no reason for you to apologize, it now in the past right and I don't want to stay up listening to your lame excuse and by the way it late at night, I need to sleep" 

With this, the line was disconnected and she was left sitting in the middle of the bed with a hurt feelings. She would have called Gina but that also wouldn't help because she would be also angry at her.

She just wished that she had been there fir her friends when they needed her but....she wasn't there and now she had hurt their feelings and that added to the pain she was feeling tonight.

She just wish that all this painful feeling would just disappear, she spent the night half pacing, talking to herself, trying her best to sleep and finding decided to sit by the window and wait for for dawn.

Rebecca lay on her bed, she was finally leaving today. She had stayed awake all night waiting for morning not that she was anxious to leave, it just that ...their was a lot of things that she kept on thinking making her unable to sleep.

She had drank few glasses of wine, just to clear her head a little bit but she couldn't stop thinking about her daughter. She had spent years thinking about her, the day they both would finally meet.

And when the day she had been waiting for arrived, it turns out to be get worst nightmare. She was finally going to leave since it was useless to stay even more but she hope that her daughter was going to be happy.

She thought about John, the both had dinner last night. He seems calm and okay, that means he had finally come to understand that nothing would make her change her mind.

Emily had promised to escort her to the airport with her kids, she was going to miss her kids. They both were cute little angel but she couldn't stop feeling bad for not spending enough time with them, she knows of course that the gift she sends them for time to time wasn't enough.

They also needed her presence but that was one thing she had failed to do for them that why she also insisted to meet them before she leaves.

When she finally got up from the bed, she found out that it was already 7 in the morning and decided to pack her things and arrange the few things left in the house.

Gina waited at the school gate for Sunny, she would definitely be in school today. She stood there for half an hour but she didn't show up.

This was because fustrating, she watched as Jade made her way towards her. "Who are you waiting for? She asked coming to stand with her "I'm waiting for Sunny" she responded totally ignoring the look on her face.

"That's so nice of you Gina and I guess she would appreciate". "Fine, I guess you're angry but if she isn't in school today, you know that's something wrong". 

"I don't think theirs anything wrong" Jade shrugged "And how did you know that, if you didn't want to visit or check on her". Jade paused dir a while thinking if it was necessary to tell him about the call last night. 

She had angrily switch off the phone, she couldn't bear to hear her apologize because she knows that she would forgive her instantly. She was just furious on her and won't like to hear anything.

"She called me last night". "But her cellphone is switched off" "With a different number". Gina just glared at her not knowing if to believe her or not.

"I told you the truth and can you stop glaring at me it freaking scaring". She shoved her on the shoulder a little bit. "what happened to her cell phone and what did she say?

Just with the look on her face, Gina could tell what she had done. "Why would you? She groan. "Because I didn't want to listen to any of her excuses and you see nothing is wrong with her and she probably be in school"

"Let's hope so.... and what did she say before you disconnected?  "Why asking? She turned away from her as she try to avoid the question.

"Just tell me before I knock you down!  "Nothing much, she tried to apologize..... "But you didn't give her a chance!  "I'm angry at her, do you get it". 

She walked away leaving Gina standing there, she just going to head to class and for Sunny. She would definitely be in school, so theirs was nothing to worry about.


Tara woke up to find that she dozed off on the couch, groaning hard. Her body ache so badly and looking at the floor, sge found out that everywhere had been tidy up.

Why would she even sleep on the couch, she groan again, this time sitting up abd that was when her mind played on what happened last night.

"Sunny! Immediately she scrambled up and quickly made her way to up toward Sunny's room, she almost bumped her leg. The pain shot through her body but that have to wait for later, she have to go meet her daughter.

She won't lose her, after all this years that she had sacrifice her time just for her, just to make hers. She wouldn't let her go, she had done a lot for that girl to allow her leave her like this.....like a hopeless when her child dies.

She pound her hand on the door but the door slide open by itself, she rushed instead to see the messy bed no one was laying there.....this wasn't going well.

She rushed to the bathroom to find it empty, just as the same as yesterday. She left without informing anyone. The question now is where to?

Where did she go, she rushed downstairs and passed few servant....she wanted to take her anger out on them but she doesn't have time fir then till this issues is resolved.

She glared at the time when she got down from her room, it was already 9 in the morning. She hadn't planned on waking this late now she have to think on how go get hold of Sunny before she so something unacceptable or stupid.

Tara walked up to the room to find his husband sitting in the balcony with a cup of coffee in his hand. 

"Sunny is missing again!  But Sam ignore her and continue sipping his coffee. "For goodness sake you should care, why are you being silent?  "Because I'm going to get my daughter back no matter what she does, she have to know that her place is here"

"How are your going to get her back, if you don't even know where she is! "I think I know exactly where she is......

Sunny found she couldn't calm down, she had been really anxious since morning. She just hope that they'll be at the airport on time before her mother leave.

And the worst part now is there was traffic, she felt really anxious and resolve to continuously tapping her feet "We"re going to meet you with her, you should relax". "Do you think so?

She turned to stare at Josh who was glazing worriedly at her and without a word, she turned away from him and focus her gaze in the window.

Wishing that the other vehicle disappear and that their vehicle would speed up even more. She wouldn't be able to bear the guilt and pain if she couldn't meet up with her and apologize.

How was she going to live knowing that she had hurt the one person that have sacrificed a lot for you.  

She blinked away her tears, hiding get face away so no one would be able to see her tears, she didn't want anyone to feel pity or sorry for her. She thinks she deserves all this pain, she wasn't a good daughter either was she a good friend.

She can't stop thinking how her mother felt all those years, she had been in pain and when finally she thought that she was going to reconcile her daughter.

Her daughter rejected her, she was the worst daughter ever. Instantly she felt something warm on her fist, she looked down to find Josh palm on her clenched fist.

"I don't think you understand" that was the word she found herself saying. "I'm the worst daughter that had ever existed" she wiped away now with the her thumb. "And who said that you are? Josh asked wanting to know her answer.

"I don't need to be told, I'm just worst and if I finally meet her....I....I don't even know what to do or say". "You're not a worst daughter, you were just mislead and you don't even need to think of what to say when you meet her....

It would come naturally from you, so theirs nothing to worry about" she tries to ignore the warmth of his hand and pray that they finally arrive at the airport in time.

Tara finds herself speeding toward the airports, she had asked her driver to speed up and hope that she would somehow catch up with Sunny. Sam have given her enough information, if he knows about this then why was he being so carefree about this.....

She just hope that she catch up with her before she does anything crazy.....

Finally Andrew pull up the airport, they hurriedly made way to the waiting are but found that it was few minutes fir the passangers to board.

"It can't be....! What if her mother was already in the plan wouldn't that be another disaster, Sunny found herself running toward each persons there. 

Checking if anyone there look like her mother, she couldn't afford to lose her mother this time. She found herself running around in search of her mother with the help of Andrew and Josh.

Maybe Andrew was mistaken that her mum would be here, maybe she had already left already. But she didn't give up, she kept searching, bumping into a lot of people.

It was already time to board the plan and she was out of breath, was it a coincidence because she found herself looking up at the woman coming out if the rest room to find it was Rebecca.

She pause in shock, even though she was urging to run to her and throw her arm around her. But she found that she was freeze to the spot and that was when Rebecca turn to see her.

She also was shocked and found herself staring at the figure that so much resemble her daughter or was she actually her daughter. Maybe she was daydreaming because it wasn't possible 

She looked up to find Andrew standing behind him, she was way confused and just then Sunny broke off and made her way toward her. She could only open her arms and wait to embrace her daughter.

Sunny rushed into her arms and felt tears sliding down from her eyes, she didn't even try to hide her face and try to hide away her tears. She was hurt and she was going to show her mother how deeply sorry she was.

She wasn't able to say a word but kept on crying, Rebecca stood embracing her daughter in her arm and also she was the extremely confuse. "Sunny" she called softly and felt her own tears? dropping from her eyes.

Her heart broke seeing her daughter in tears "I'm sorry mum, I'm so sorry for hurting you, I didn't listen to what you have been trying to tell me. Instead I went about to hurt you witt my words.....

I'm really sorry, please give me a second time and I promise to make it up to you.... please! Sunny wept Even more. Rebecca found herself in tears while she look at Andrew for answer.

"Please, don't leave me again, give me a second chance to make everything up to you, please don't leave. Please mum, I'm so so sorry for cursing you a lot of pain.

She felt more guilty remembering all that she had said and also the necklace she had thrown away when she told her that she wants nothing to do with her.

Rebecca couldn't believe any of this, she feels as if it was all a dream. It felt so unreal and by now Emily was watching them both.