
unexpected LOVE

"You are.....a Vampire!" She spouted out enthusiastically, rendering him speechless. "You-- you sound like you are happy," he suttered, not sure of her expression. "Yes! Because I am happy! I'm happy that I've finally figured out what you are! I can't believe, I've been living with a vampire under the same roof, for the past three months now," sighs.. "You have to go, Harley, please go, I can't- I can't control myself," he let out difficultly through his fangs, but she stood there not minding his warning. "Although, I knew you were something, but I couldn't figure out exactly what you were, but now I know that, you are a vampire! Shhh, I didn't mean to shout, but I'm so excited," she said in a whisper. "Okay, we will keep this as a secret, even from my friends, but you will have to control yourself and shift back to a normal human before someone else sees you," she said, as she rush to the door, looking left and right to see whether someone was coming. "I--- I can't, I can't control myself, I am hungry, and you're bleeding, you have to leave now, please, I will hurt you, run!" his voice sounded tensed as he begged her to leave, but at the other hand, the color of his eyes changed to bloody red, as he stared down at her like a predator ready to devour his prey. "Wha-- what are you say-- saying, Leon? Leon you have to control yourself, I can't leave you like this, you have to control it?" she said, as she trembles in fear. She was about to say something, when Leon came right at her like a lightening, and grip her by the neck. "No Leon wait, wait..." she cry out, but the next thing he did mesmerized her to the fullest.....

Twinkle_Blue_2240 · Fantasy
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3 Chs



Harley pull out the drawer and brought out a small white bottle that contains a green liquor, known as an antidotes.

It isn't an ordinary antidotes, it was made by her grandmother before she died, she stared at him and said,

"This is a magical antidotes, it cures any type of poison including supernatural, hope it works on you," she said knowing that he could hear her.

She then open the bottle and pour the liquor on his open wound, causing him to groaned.

Harley has studied and learned how to make native medicine from herbs, and also antidotes to different kind of poisons and injuries, by her grandmother, in Mount Shao's village.

Her grandmother was a native doctor in Mount Shao before she passed away, luckily she learned and continued from where she (her grandmother) stopped.

This type of injury was way beyond her technics, she hasn't seen anything like it, she just prayed and hoped for it to work, it was her first time using this powerful antidote, she hasn't learned the side effects yet.

After some minutes, the poison stopped spreading and the wounds began to heal.

"Oh my God! this is incredible, is-- is working! Yes!" she let out enthusiastically.

"You will regain your strength, anytime soon," she said .

His breathing slowly becoming stable, the rising and falling of his chest convinced her that he was really getting better.

'What will he do if he gets better? Hope he won't rip me apart? Because he doesn't seems human to me at all. What kind of thing is he?' Harley pounded in her head.

"What kind of being are you? Where do you come from?" Harley's curiosity couldn't help, and she throws questions at the unconscious guy who look dazzling cute, despite in the state of death, he still look attractive and hot.

Seeing that non of her questions has been answered, she then, decided to let him rest.

She went to the end of the room and sat on the chair that was near the wall, before placing her mopping stick beside her, while she folds her arms on her chest and stared intensely at him.

She seems so alert in case if he wakes up and act indifferent towards her, then, she will have to kill him for the second time, but this time, she nane sure he doesn't survive.


Harley's eyes were becoming so heavy for her to keep up, she couldn't stand the sleep, for the past three days, she hasn't had a normal sleep, she has been studying so hard for her up coming exams.

She shakes her head and blinked her eyes multiple times to take off the sleep in her eyes.

"No, I can't sleep, not when a stranger is in my house, I gotta.... stay....." she trailed off as as slowly falls asleep.

"Awake!" she yelled out, on seeing that she has already slept off.

"Harley! What have you gotten yourself into??" She cry out exhaustedly.


The sun has risen up in the sky, shining brightly in the city of Shanghai, bringing in new day!

Everyone except the older people, began to prepare for their work, while the students headed down to their schools.

Harley who didn't know when she doozed off, suddenly scramble out of the chair, her eyes turn widely opened,

"Gosh! How come I slept off?" She asked herself.

She then sweep her intensive gaze towards her patient and noticed that he hasn't budged from his position, then she let out a sigh of relief.

"Hope you are not dead? How come he hasn't waken yet?" She asked, as she made her way towards him.

She noticed that he was actually breathing, then she took out her stethoscope, to listened to his heart beat.


She let out a sigh of relief on seeing that he was okay,

"Your condition look stable, but, why are you not waking up?" She asked tiredly.

"Oh no! You gotta wake up right now, I gotta prepare for school, I can't leave you all alone here, not till I know what you are!" She said worriedly.

After some minutes of trying, she gave up on seeing that it wasn't working and, she was already running late for school, then she decide to let him be.

"Alright, I should go and dress up, right now," she said and with that she drop the stethoscope on the table and headed towards the door, se took a second glance at him, before making her way out the room and shut the door behind.


Harley Davidso is a final year student of Shanghai University, she will be graduating as a medical doctor in her next year. She's a young girl of twenty-two, the only surviving child of her family; DAVIDSON.

She also works at a whopping mall in Shanghai, which she uses to support herself in her education.

She is also a kind of girl who believes in supernatural creatures, most of her friends calls her fictional lover.

She believes that the more she read her romance and fantasy novel, the more she learn about them.

She rushed into her bathroom, and brush her teeth before taking her bath. She quickly dressed in her yellow gown, combed and parked her with a yellow band, before applying a lipgloss, she put on her canvas, and parked her books inside her school bag before rushing down to the kitchen to take her breakfast, sandwich and juice.

After eating, she cleaned her mouth, pick up her bag before turning to leave, but something came up on her mind, then she hurried down to the next room where the stranger was kept, after checking on him, she locked the door and dashed out of the house.

On her way she ran into someone.

"Harley!" Merida her school mate called out excitedly.

"Hi Merida, aren't you..... Going to school today?" she asked on seeing her not prepared.

"No dear, actually, i won't be attending school today, my grandmother is sick and I'm the only one she have, so, I need to take care of her," she explained pitifully.

"Oh, so sorry about that, don't worry, she will be find, my prayers for her," Harley said.

"Mm, thank you, have a great day!"

"And you too, Merida,"said Harley, and with that the both bide goodbye to each other and went their sperate ways.

Harley took the bus and arrived at Shanghai's University, one of the most popular and prestigious school in China, a qualified school with standard education.

The school has a very massive building, and well developed requirements for student of different disciplines.

Harley made her way inside the medical apartment, but unfortunately the lecturer has already started his class.

"Argh! Not now," she exclamined before plucking the fruit of encouragement, and with that, she headed inside the class.

Clearing throat...

"Morning, Harley Davidson. You are late today," said the lecturer. A huge man, who seems to be in his earlier forties.

"I'm so sorry sir, I couldn't make it in time," she apologized.

"Fix yourself some where," he said before turning to continue his lecture.

Harley hurried inside and fix herself in one of the front chairs, she unzipped her bag and brought out her book to write.

"You are late, girl," Melanie, her best friend half whispered to her from behind.

"You won't understand," she whispered back before turning to face the lecture.