
Understanding the Void ( DxD Micilius SI )

I've always been a curious one. I've always believed that the best way to avoid fearing something is to understand it, so that's what I do. I should've known it would bite me back one day. Even so, I wouldn't trade it for the world. After all, how else would I have left my old life behind, and forged my path anew? Warning -- the fic has yuri elements & this fic technically isn't a Harem it is polyamory if u want a accurate term but as far as I am concerned it a Harem because it's built around my mc without him it would collapse quickly. don't take the details or facts seriously and get offended it's fanfiction not reality it's meant for entertainment.

Shivam_031 · Book&Literature
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39 Chs

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The final bell rang at last, allowing me to stand and stretch. I glanced back to Asia, seeing the adorable Angel snoozing softly with her head resting on her arms. I smiled, standing and walking over. Issei shot me an amused glance, slipping past me on his way out the door. I leaned down, brushing her hair out of her face, and kissed my Angel on the forehead. "Time to wake up, love." I murmured.

Asia blinked sleepily, yawning widely. "Wha~?" She asked.

I chuckled, ignoring the coos we were getting from the rest of the room. "It's time to go now." I told her.

She nodded, sitting up and stumbling to her feet.

"Kyaa! Look at them!" One girl squealed from behind me. "They're so cute together!"

"Totally." Her friend agreed, voice dropping to a whisper. "Kinda makes you wish he were your boyfriend, doesn't it?"

"Oh, hush. You'd never get him away from Asia, she's practically made for him." She giggled. "Speaking of which, I heard the two get into the wildest things in bed."

"Ooh, I heard that too!" Her friend whispered back excitedly. "It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?"

"Really? 'Cause I heard the bugger's STONE DEAF." I said loudly, not bothering to turn around.

Asia gave me a sleepily confused look, but the squeaks of surprise and mortification from behind me were extremely satisfying.

'Damn gossips.' I grumbled, heading towards the door. 'At least leave the room before talking behind my back.'

Asia yawned once more, leading me towards the entrance of the school. As usual, we attracted a fair amount of jealous stares, particularly after Asia noticed me wandering off course and took me by the hand. I just smugly accepted their jealousy. Asia is mine, and there's nothing they can do about it.

We met up with the rest of my girls in the entryway, and I noted the amount of sleepy expressions with some amusement. "So who was the one who fell asleep first?" I asked, glancing between them.

Shirone rubbed her eyes. "I dunno." She mumbled. "Ruby, I think."

Ruby nodded. "Yep, guilty as charged." She smirked. "But to be fair, we did stay up late last night."

I rolled my eyes. "You insisted we all go stargazing, and then you decided we needed a midnight picnic, and then you decided it was too cloudy where we were and insisted I Gate us to Norway."

Ruby held up a finger. "To be fair, Norway is only an hour ahead of us."

I sighed. "Ruby, it doesn't matter what time zone it is, the color of the sky doesn't make you more or less tired. My point is, we were out until two in the morning. We get up for school at six. That's four hours of sleep."

She shrugged. "So? We can just take a nap."

"Gil can't." I pointed out. "And she looks just as tired as you do."

Gil yawned, rubbing her eyes and attempting to remove the circles under them. "I'm fine, don't worry. I have a few items in my treasury that relieve fatigue. As soon as we're out of sight, I can use one."

I frowned. "Do you think you could use your Flames to recover?"

Gil blinked. "Ah, I didn't think of that. That would work much better." There was a subtle flicker of white flames around her form, and the dark circles beneath her eyes disappeared completely. "There. Much better." She decided, nodding once. "I could easily fight a Dragon right now."

"You would have the advantage." I pointed out drily. "Both Dragons are too tired to resist. I'm afraid we'd fall asleep and squish you."

Ruby yawned, illustrating my point perfectly. "What I don't get is why Gil didn't just use her Flames to begin with." She muttered, rubbing her eyes. "I mean, the Phenex may be known for their Flames, but they do no good if she never uses them."

Gil frowned. "Well, pardon me if I didn't think to use them. We were in school all day, and we're not supposed to use any kind of magic in public."

"It's because she thinks it's cowardly." I corrected, my tone distinctly irritated.

She huffed. "If I can never lose then it's not fair to my opponent, now is it? Instant regeneration and mind control are both cowardly tactics that rely less on skill and more on trickery. If my opponent is worthy enough to strike a blow on one such as I, then it would be insulting to them for it to heal an instant later."

I raised an eyebrow. "…I can understand not using healing so you can use it as a trump card, or even if you want to make sure you aren't dependent on it. But for honor? Honor doesn't keep you alive, or the lights on in the winter. If you're hurt, heal yourself."

Gil's face softened slightly. "Millicas-sama, I appreciate that you want to keep me safe, but this is important to me. If I'm on the verge of death, my magic will heal me with or without my permission. Otherwise, I'm going to fight to my fullest without relying on a crutch such as regeneration."

I still wasn't too happy about it, but I let it slide for now. This wasn't the first time we had argued about this, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. I suppose that's just the difference between a Greed and a Pride.

I felt another magic signature approaching, and I instantly recognized the clear gold of Kiba's life force. I turned, watching as the young )Knight( approached. Excalibur was at his side, hidden under a simple glamour that disguised it as a bokken. I smiled, waving him over. He immediately noticed and began weaving through the crowd towards us. He stopped a short distance away, smiling up at me. "You sure are easy to spot, sempai." He greeted warmly.

I chuckled, silently throwing up a SEP Field. "Being the tallest one in the room has its' perks. You all ready, then?"

Kiba nodded, shifting his tongue to match mine. "Latin? Odd choice, certainly. Why Latin?"

I shrugged. "It's a dead language, and it'll just mess with anyone trying to listen in. Everyone who needs to understand can speak the language, anyway."

Kiba glanced at Asia. "Really?"

Asia smiled mysteriously. "Yep. I'm completely fluent."

To his credit, Kiba didn't even blink at that. "I see. Good to know, then."

I nodded, turning back to Gil. "And you? Will you be okay?"

She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Please. As if anything could even scratch me."

I wrapped my arms around her, leaning down and kissing her softly on the lips. "Be safe, then." I murmured, resting my forehead against hers'.

She flushed, but held my gaze. "I'll be fine, Cas." She told me tenderly. "Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it."

I sighed, letting her go and stepping back. "Easy for you to say. You're the one going into mortal peril." I joked, giving her a smile. "I have to listen to Ruby's constant worrying."

She rolled her eyes. "Please. You'll be the one building the doomsday weapons while she's talking."

I smirked. "Aww, you know me so well."

"Break it up, lovebirds." Ruby called, eyes fixed on something in the distance. "They're here."

I nodded once. "All right, then. See you tonight."

She smiled back a me, giving me a little wave, and began walking to the door. I watched as the two )Knights( reached the Church ambassadors, and continued watching until the small group was out of sight. Asia moved beside me, taking my hand. "They'll be fine." She murmured. "We'll know if anything happens, and we can be there in an instant."

I nodded, tearing my gaze from where Gil had disappeared. "You're right." I dismantled the SEP Field, turning back to the rest of my girls. "So, what are we going to do while we wait?"

Sera yawned. "I think that nap sounded nice."

Shirone nodded sleepily. "Nap sounds amazing."

I chuckled despite myself. "Well, I guess someone's got their priorities straight." I glanced between the rest of my girls. "Any objections?"

Asia shook her head, yawning adorably. "No, a nap is fine. Gil will wake us if she needs us."

Ruby hesitated, but eventually nodded. "Sure, we can sleep for a bit. No point in waiting to fight if we're going to be sleep-deprived when we get there."

I smiled. "All right, nap it is then."

I was woken by my alarm, and I blearily shut it off with a quick telekinetic pulse. Say what you will, alarm spells just aren't as useful as a good old-fashioned clock.

I shifted, confused as to why I had two weighs on my chest rather than one. I opened my eyes, seeing a head of golden hair alongside the white cat ears I was used to. I yawned, my half-asleep brain placing the new addition as Gil. She seemed to have been there for a while, judging by her comfortable position and the rumpled state of dress, so I didn't feel too bad about waking her. I sat up, slipping out of Ruby's death grip on my arm with practiced ease, and brushed aside Asia's soft wing. Both girls now on my lap stirred sleepily, blinking awake as I held them close. Shirone immediately noticed that she wasn't alone on my lap, and her eyes narrowed. Her ears tilted back, but I stopped her with a flick to the ear as the beginnings of a growl rumbled in her chest. She twitched in surprise, glancing up at me in innocent confusion. "Master?"

I sighed, kissing her on the forehead. "Gil couldn't have taken her usual spot without waking Asia. Cut her some slack this time."

Gil yawned, apparently not noticing our conversation as she rested her head on my chest and closed her eyes once more. Shirone twitched, and she really did growl this time. I rolled my eyes, creating a clone and swapping with it. I reached over, picking up the white-haired Nekoshou and setting her on my lap. "There. Problem solved."

Shirone blinked up at me. "M-Master?"

I sighed. "Yes. Now, can you help me wake the rest of the girls up? It'll be dinner soon."

Shirone nodded, slipping off my lap and moving over to Asia. I swung my feet off the bed and stood, walking over to where Sera snored softly while clinging to Ruby. I woke the little Dragon first, knowing it would take a bit to fully rouse her. Sera came next, yawning widely and rubbing her eyes. She never sleeps all that deeply, not that I blame her. Ruby finally sat up, grumbling to herself as I woke her for the umpteenth time.

I absently ))Requipped(( into my normal clothes, stretching and stumbling over to the door to retrieve my jacket. The rest of my girls did some variation of the same thing, slipping into clothes of their own or smoothing wrinkles in the clothes they had slept in. Sera accidentally Requipped into a magical girl costume, much to our amusement. Not the slightest bit embarrassed by her error, Sera just struck a pose and started spouting off random quotes from what I recognized as episode three of Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven.

'…Dammit, Sera. I've never seen that show in my life.'

I slipped over to the magic circle in the corner of the room, followed by the rest of my girls. Sera remained in her magical girl outfit for some odd reason. I decided not to question, instead feeding a pulse of mana into the circle at our feet.

A moment later, we were in the dining hall of the mansion. My father glanced up, lips twitching upward in amusement. "Millicas… why are you giving Serafall a piggyback ride?"

I sighed. "You know, I don't even know that myself. I'll tell you when I find out."

Sera raised her staff. "Mush!"

The rest of my girls broke into giggles as I grumbled to myself. We took our seats, and the maids brought out the meal.

As my father cut into his steak, he glanced over to us. "Any particular reason you were late?"

I shrugged. "We were napping. Ruby wanted to go stargazing last night, so we were all a bit tired."

He nodded, returning to his meal. "I see." There was a brief lull in conversation as we all began to eat. "So how has school been lately?"

I washed down my own steak with a quick drink. "Fine. I haven't had any issues yet, and I've been maintaining a stable grade."

He smirked, glancing back over to us. "I know that you do fine, I was asking the rest of my daughters."

There was a collective blink of surprise. Poor Asia, having just taken a bite, almost choked. "E-excuse me?" She managed, looking lost. "What was the question?"

Gil leaned over and whispered in her ear. Eyes widening, she glanced over to my father. "O-oh, sorry. School has been going well, and all the people are very nice. Cas is kind enough to explain anything I don't understand, so I've been doing well enough to get in the top ten."

Gil smiled, setting down her fork. "It's much the same with me. I'm first in my class, and only below Souna-sempai and Millicas-sama in the rankings." She smirked, closing her eyes and crossing her arms. "As if it would be anything else."

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Oh hush, you ham. I seem to recall a certain someone struggling with her sciences."

Gil stiffened, flushing. "W-well, i-it's only natural that a King be supported by her lover."

My father chuckled, used to my girls' antics. "And the rest of you?"

Shirone sighed, looking mournfully down at her empty plate. "I'm doing fine."

Sera nodded enthusiastically. "Yep~! Sera-chan is doing great!"

"Except for calculus." I pointed out drily.

"But numbers are no fuuun." She whined, drooping.

Ruby nodded solemnly. "Math is worse than hell."

I sighed. "Well, if you would let me help you with it…"

"Nope." Ruby and Sera answered simultaneously.

I didn't bother pursuing the topic for now, instead allowing the conversation to die out for a bit. After I had finished my meal, I turned to my father once more. "So, my girls and I learned something interesting recently."

My father paused. "…All right, I'm listening."

"The Church seems to have lost several of its' Holy Swords." I replied, voice light.

I took a drink, watching as several different expressions flickered across my father's face. Worry, fear, rage, and finally a stony mask that hid his emotions from view. He sat up, glancing briefly at my mother's empty chair. "Go on." His voice matched his expression, cold and deadly serious.

I sighed. "Well, you know how the Church practically worships its' fragments of Caliburn?"

He blinked. "Caliburn? But the Pendragon family has that. They passed it down from generation to generation, with only the heir holding it. The Church has fragments of Excalibur, not Caliburn."

I shook my head. "The blade they have was passed down, but since King Arthur killed her only daughter on the field of battle, there's no possible way that they could've been descended from her. They're not descendants of Arthur, they're descendants of Gawain. Thus, what they have is Excalibur Galantine." I paused, letting him process this. "And besides. In the stories, Excalibur was never broken, was it? No, Excalibur was returned to whence it came. Caliburn was the one that broke, which is why King Arthur even needed Excalibur in the first place."

Sirzechs nodded slowly. "Yes… I can see that being the case. And since the Church was weakened at that time, they called it Excalibur rather than Caliburn. That also explains why it was so hard for them to find natural users." He chuckled. "Hell, I can even see Michael agreeing to the plan." He looked up, staring me in the eye. "Now. Two questions. First, why do you call King Arthur a she?"

I shrugged. "Because she was. A girl, I mean. If you check the old records, you'll find that Ulther Pendragon never sired a male heir, hence the whole 'sword in the stone' thing."

He blinked. "…You're kidding."

I shook my head. "I'm afraid not. And the only reason that Lancelot's scandal was so… scandalous, was that he was supposed to choose only one wife."

"I see." He murmured, even though he clearly didn't. "So why was 'she' called a King?"

I shrugged. "King was the title of the one who sat on the throne at the time. 'Cwēn', the Old English equivalent, only meant the supervisor of internal affairs. They had the same duties as a chamberlain did, regardless of gender. King was really just a bad translation on our part."

He raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

I gestured to the blonde by my side. "Why do you think Gil goes around calling herself 'King'? The Sumerians only had one word for that position, 'lugal', which meant everything from ruler to head of state. The literal translation is 'big man', like we would say 'big man on campus'."

Gil frowned at me. "I don't know why that bears explanation. Should he not already know this? I've been using the word lugal to describe myself this whole time, after all."

My father coughed in embarrassment. "Ah… I never really…"

I chuckled. "Most Devils rely too much on their Silver Tongue to actually translate for themselves. If they hear the word 'king', then they assume you meant 'king'."

Gil huffed, glaring at my father. "Sounds rather lazy to me."

I rolled my eyes, deciding to reroute the conversation before it derailed itself any further. "So what was your second question?"

My father blinked, taken aback. "O-oh, right." He cleared his throat, turning serious once more. "How did you know for sure that it wasn't Excalibur?"

I shrugged. "Easy. Excalibur isn't a Holy Weapon, Caliburn is. If it were Excalibur that they found, then it wouldn't do any more damage to Devils than it did normal humans." I paused. "Oh, and because I found the actual Excalibur myself."

That second part got me a full five seconds of stunned silence. "You what?" He finally managed, rising to his feet.

I sighed. "Oh, calm down. It was actually rather friendly, actually. I couldn't use it, due to not being 'kingly' enough, so I gave it to Kiba."

My father stared at me. "You found a weapon of immeasurable power… and rather than keeping it, or telling me… you gave it away." He paused. "Why."

"It's not like I could've used it." I replied easily, finishing my drink and setting the glass on the table. "And I couldn't exactly just tell you that I found it. It would wind up locked away or shoved under the biggest rock the Council could find."

He chuckled, sitting back down once more. "Fair enough. Now. The Church lost its' fragments of Caliburn. Who took them?"

"Oh, that was Kokobiel." I replied flippantly.

His face darkened as he absorbed that. "I see. And knowing that old warmonger, he's probably trying to reignite the War."

I chuckled. "Quite the opposite, really. If he were doing that, he'd just nuke the school, or convince one of the dumber Devils to destroy all of the Church's Holy Swords. That would be the smart thing to do. But not only blatantly stealing the blades, but letting himself be seen doing it? No, he's painting a target on himself for some reason. Now…" I smiled. "I wonder what that might be."

"The Three Factions Meeting." My father murmured softly.

"Yes, that one thing that I know nothing about." I agreed pointedly. "He's probably acting on his own, trying to draw representatives from every Faction. Being a Cadre-Class, he would definitely know of the Church's policy to send their Excalibur wielders after the thief should a blade ever be stolen. And by taking refuge in Kuoh, the only place that peacefully houses members of all three Factions?"

He nodded. "I see. Bringing us together under a common goal, proving that coexistence is possible. Genius."

Ruby spoke up, joining the conversation for the first time. "You can probably guess what we want to ask you."

My father nodded. "You want me to make sure that his ploy succeeds."

"Exactly." I confirmed. "And if you could delay reporting this little scheme indefinitely…"

My father exhaled, lacing his fingers together. "When will the attack be?"

I shrugged. "Dunno. Gil?"

She shook her head. "We ran into an uncouth ruffian named Selizen, but he escaped using his blade's special ability."

'…Right. Freed has Rapidly. I hadn't considered that.' I paused. 'Actually, come to think of it, I think I made a promise to shoot him for some reason. What was that again?'

"We couldn't follow, and none of us had the means to track him. We did discover a former hideout of theirs, however." Gil continued, shaking me from my thoughts. "I estimate that they'll attack within a week."

My father chuckled. "That would indeed make sense. Excellent job, Ravel." My golden-haired girlfriend preened under the compliment as he continued. "All right, I'll stall for time for now, and try to divert attention from Kuoh. The fact that Serafall is both aware of the plan and present in Kuoh should help immensely."

We all nodded in agreement. Rising to his feet, my father swept his gaze over my girls. "Make sure to take care of my son for me, will you?"

I blinked. "Wait, wha—"

"No problem, tou-san." Ruby interrupted, clamping a hand over my mouth. "You can count on us."

Gil smiled. "Don't worry, we'll make sure the big idiot doesn't get himself killed. We have a vested interest in keeping him alive."

"Dead people don't give good cuddles." Shirone agreed.

"Or watch anime!" Sera chirped.

I snorted. "Thanks."

Ruby swatted me in the arm. "Oh, hush you. What's the point of having a Clan if you don't bring them to battle with you?"

My father's lips twitched. "A Clan?"

I sighed. "A Clan, also called a Thunder, Pride, or Wyer. Basically, a group of Dragons. She used Clan because it encompasses more than just Dragons."

"I see." He chuckled, turning and heading towards the doors of the dining hall. "Well, enjoy your dessert, little Clan. I have business to attend to."

I waited for the large double doors to swing shut, before turning to Ruby. "Really? I'm the head of a Clan, now?"

Ruby rolled her eyes. "Issei, Riser, Rider, Minato, and us. Name a single one of those who wouldn't march into hell if you led them."

I paused. "…Point. But to be fair, most of those you listed are a part of my Peerage. Your job is to march into hell with me on a daily basis."

"My point is no less valid." Ruby replied smugly. "Face it, sweetie, you're the head of the League of Legends."

I snorted. "Plagiarizing is bad, Ruby."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the hypocrisy bleeding from your words."

Shirone sighed loudly. "Flirt later, sweets now."

Ruby laughed, and I grinned. "Yes, ma'am."

There was a loud, sensual moan. "Oooh, yes. Right there. That's the spot." A moment later. "Harder! Harder!"

I glanced at my watch, sighing. "It's time. Sorry, Gil."

The girl beneath me sighed in contentment. "Don't worry, I'm fine with what I got."

Ruby subtly lowered her phone. "I got that recorded, you know."

I blinked, slipping off the bed. "I was giving her a massage. What are you going to do, upload it to DevilTube?"

Asia shook her head rapidly, face red as she snatched the phone away from Ruby. "Nonononono. No one is uploading anything!"

I just scratched my head in confusion. "…Okay, then." I turned to Shirone, looking confused.

She sighed. "Universal Law of Ecchi."

I blinked, glancing over at Gil's prone form. "…I see."

The silence that followed was broken by Sera stepping through a Gate. She wore all black, and had a skull mask hanging from her belt. "All ready?" She asked, face uncharacteristically serious.

I nodded, checking to make sure I had everything. "Yes. You?"

She nodded once. "You got the coordinates?"

I gave her a look. "Sera, why on earth would I appear right in front of the guy? That's just an invitation to get sniped."

She blinked. "So then how are we…?"

"Talent." I replied, amusement obvious on my face.

She sighed. "Right. Easy to use, impossible to track. Got it."

I concentrated, tapping into my core and bringing forth the necessary mana. ))Avatar(( hummed to life, covering my entire body in the familiar form of The Red Man. I gave Sera a cocky grin, making her flush. "Shall I carry you, milady?"

She shook her head, clearing her throat. "N-no. I'm fine." She took her skull mask off her belt and placed it over her face. Instantly, a thick cloud of darkness filled the room, and Sera's voluptuous form became that of an androgynous figure in a skull mask and a heavy black cloak. They held a large sword point-first in the ground, both hands resting on the pommel.

Ruby sighed. "Can you not? I have to fix that."

The red lights that made up Hassan's eyes dimmed for a moment. A low, rumbling voice echoed out. "Mine apologies, ally. But fear not, mine blade only harms that which sheds blood." As if to prove a point, she effortlessly pulled the blade out of the floorboards and slung it onto her back. No hole was left where the blade had been.

Ruby blinked. "…Okay, that's pretty cool."

I extended my arm, offering it to my companion. "Shall we go, milady?"

Her eyes glowed. "I wouldst not advise thee to call me as such."

I shrugged, returning it to my side and walking towards the door. "All right."

I opened the door, and my Talent triggered. A harsh wind blew through the room, making my Avatar's lab coat flutter. Hassan followed me as I stepped out into the thick snow. I used a slight levitation spell to hoover over the fluffy layer of cold, but Hassan simply froze it solid and began walking. I shrugged, closing the door behind me and moving ahead of Hassan.

Four bogs, a sandstorm, and a rural town later, I opened a door into a dark church. I grinned. "Jackpot."

I cut off all excess mana, essentially turning me invisible. Since my Avatar was really just a system of self-contained mana, it only ever made noise when it touched something, or I made it speak. And since I was levitating under an SEP Field… well. Let's just say I'm matching Hassan for sheer levels of stealth right now.

We passed the first few rows of pews, and I finally spotted the man I was looking for. He was in the front row of pews, eyes closed, head bowed in prayer. I glanced around the small church, not seeing or sensing any threats. And since I have the Instinct and senses of a Dragon, then either he's alone, or has some seriously stealthy soldiers.

Without raising his head, the man spoke. "I can see you, you know."

I blinked. Twice. Someone noticing me, even through my SEP Field? That's new. Just in case, though, I stayed silent. He might be talking to someone else.

"You needn't hide, this is a house of God. All are welcome in His light." The man continued, head still bowed. "And through His grace, I become a Star of God by which all is revealed."

I gave it up as a lost cause. He knew we were here, and seemed to have the same idea we did. I decloaked, dropping the SEP Field and dropping to the ground. 'Remember, play the eccentric madman. Unpredictable. Powerful. Untouchable.'

I threw on my best smile, walking slowly down the aisle. "My apologies, stealth isn't normally my style. But my companion, see, is a bit more shy."

I reached the front pew, genuflected, and entered. Hassan, not having moved an inch, seemed to disappear more fully, to the point that I couldn't even notice her while looking directly at where I knew her to be. I simply pulled out a thin book, and began flipping through the pages. "Do you mind if I read?"

The man chuckled. "If you can."

I rolled my eyes. I had enough Light in me to make myself look entirely human. "What do you take me for, a madman?"


"Good. You're absolutely right." I found the page I was looking for, clearing my throat, and began to read. "Then He said to them, 'My soul is consumed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with Me.'" My lips twitched in amusement as the man across the aisle from me finally glanced up. "Going a little farther, He fell facedown and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.'"

"Jesus prays at the garden of Gethsemane." The man murmured. "The hour before he is handed over to the chief priests and the elders."

I smiled. "I understand that you're in a similar situation yourself, yes?"

He looked up at the cross hanging behind the altar. "How can I be?" He murmured. "God is dead."

I blinked. "Wow. That got depressing fast. I just came over to chat, but you had to go and make it weird."

He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what, pray tell, did you come to chat about?"

I shrugged. "Well, see, I have a vested interest in not having another war. My companion is the same. We hoped you weren't actually dumb enough to do it, but we weren't certain enough to bet the peace on it. Hence why we're here." I shut the book in my hand with a quiet thump. "So." I turned to look at him. "Are you working for or against the peace?"

He looked at me for a second, a smile playing at his lips. "You know, I had heard how humanlike you were, but I never quite realized the truth in the rumors."

I shrugged. "I was human once, and it never really left me."

"So I see." He chuckled. "A Devil would've tried to bargain with me. A Fallen would've tried to use me to their advantage. An Angel would've turned up their nose at me, even if I were completely innocent. A Dragon would've killed me first and asked questions later." He tilted his head, eyes glowing a soft gold. "So what are you?"

I blinked. "Okay, first? That's racist. Second. I can think of one Angel in particular who'd be more likely to buy you ice cream and convince you to talk about your problems than snub you. Third, I don't even know what the hell I am anymore, but at least I'm alive. Now, what about you? What's your plan?"

He unclasped his hands, spreading them out in a dramatic gesture. "Why, war of course."

I sighed. "Well, yes, that much is obvious. But to what end?"

He smiled sadly. "I know of the coming peace meeting, and I do hope for peace. But as it is, the Factions will never accept it. And do you know, young one, how many innocents died in the crossfire of the first War? How many humans died, unknowing of the reasons behind their—"

"All right, I'm going to stop you there." I interrupted. "I'm not the cliché hero, wanting to know the reasons behind your evil machinations. I'm a guy who wants to make sure you aren't going to fuck up the planet for some petty grudge."

He chuckled. "Oh, I know. I already met the hero, he threatened to eat me. I'm pretty sure he was serious, too. Anyway, the point is, this is my little test for you Factions. If you can all work together to stop me, I'll concede defeat and let the Three Factions Meeting take place. If you can't, then I'll be proven right, and all the worst monsters will kill each other off. This world will see war on a scale never seen before. All the Factions will fight, and it will make the previous Great War look like a cat fight."

"You seem very confident that your plan will work." I remarked, unconcerned by his confidence. "And you underestimate cat fights. Girls can get pretty territorial."

He smiled, ignoring the second part of my reply. "It will. The gears have already been set in motion. Years of groundwork and planning have led to this moment. There was no possible way this plan would have failed a few weeks ago."

I raised an eyebrow. "Ooh, scary. So, you either want to get your ass killed, or kill off everyone but the humans. Nice plan. Problem is, you can't kill gods without first killing all the humans. And the moment shit starts going down, all the fence-sitters will miraculously find faith in time to save their own asses. You aren't planning to kill off the monsters, you're planning to escalate a war so far that there's no way any living being could possibly survive."

He shrugged. "It's better than this eternal stagnation. And you underestimate the tenacity of humans. They'll survive, watch you kill each other off, and then begin anew."

"With new gods, breeding new problems, starting this whole mess again." I finished. "Yeah. Wonderful plan there, dumbass. I'm sure genocide is the only possible solution."

"It is for me." He replied simply. "The first of us fell because we refused to bow to God's creations. The rest fell because we loved them too much. And now that He is gone…" He shrugged. "What point is there in the rest of the world?"

"Making a loooot of assumptions, there." I deadpanned. "All right. So say we somehow fail miserably, and you start your crusade against the entire Moonlit world. What's your endgame? At what point would you call it good? What could possibly convince you to stop your genocidal rampage?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

I sighed. "Look. Your main problem is our stagnation, right? Expand a bit on that."

He nodded slowly. "Very well." He took a deep breath, and began. "Tell me, what method do the Factions have to ensure peace? Even if the leaders declared peace right now, what could they possibly do to ensure that it lasted? Furthermore, the main method of repopulation they seem to have is pillaging the talents and abilities of the human race. Sacred Gears were never meant to be used by anything other than a human, and it's only by pure dumb luck that the current system evades that obstacle."

I winced. I had experienced that one firsthand.

He continued, seeming to work himself into a rant. "And what's worse, is that Sacred Gears are meant to be humanity's protection against you. Not a means of cheating the System to more efficiently kill each other. Every Sacred Gear you steal from humanity, is one less they can use to protect themselves. How many humans die to the claws of Stray Devils, or the machinations of some being that finds amusement in their pain!?"

He was well and truly ranting now, voice rising in frustration. "And what about all the other Factions? They can reproduce endlessly, yet we're stuck with low birth rates and jury-rigged stopgaps to save our declining population! The Devils may have found a way out, but what of the Angels and the Fallen? How could we not be threatened by your greater numbers and increasing power?"

He stopped, panting. "What say you, Red Man?"

I blinked. "…Do you need a glass of water or something? Because your face is looking really red, there."

He stared for a moment, still panting, before bursting into laughter. He almost fell over as he clutched his sides, chest heaving as tears of mirth rolled down his cheeks. "N-nothing phases y-you, does it?" He managed, leaning against the pew in front of him. "S-sure, I'd love a glass of water."

I shrugged, Tracing a glass and pulling moisture from the air. "Here."

He took the glass, still chuckling, and drained it. I waited until he was finished, then began. "Valid points, if a bit off the mark. Let's go one item at a time. First, you're right, we don't have any way to maintain peace. So create one. I'm sure there are hundreds of people willing to act as a stopgap in case of infighting. You could co-found it with a leader each from the Angels and Devils. Hell, if you're worried about racial ties getting out of the way, we can make it so that members of the group have to give up all ties to their previous lives, even their wings."

Kokabiel blinked. "You expect them to cut off their wings?"

I was taken aback. "What? No! Hell no. I've been experimenting with the System since… well… forever, really. I already recreated the Tree of Knowledge—"

"You what?"

"—and I've been planning this meeting out since before the Three Factions even spoke the first words about peace talks. Believe me, I want this to succeed more than anyone." I coughed, returning to the original subject. "Anyway, I have a way of creating artificial beings that are completely outside the System. They won't be able to use Darkness, Light, or anything in-between. They can do whatever the hell they want. Curse God, praise God, have sex, get married, whatever. But the catch is, they can't use the Magic System that the Factions use." I grinned. "And before you ask, I already made a magic system for them."

He stared at me for a good minute. "…My God, you're serious."

I shrugged. "Wait 'till I introduce you to the Angel that can't fall." I took a deep breath, ignoring is look of surprise, and continued. "Next point. You're right, Sacred Gears are a problem. The Reincarnation system is too new for the Devils to realize the flaws in it. Hell, it was only last decade that Ajuka figured out how to reincarnate people with Sacred Gears." My gaze sharpened. "And you're right, they have no idea what they're messing with. Some of those Gears? They'll eat their wielders alive. Once the humanity of their souls wears off, so does their protection against the denizens residing within their Gears."

Kokabiel's eyes widened. "Truly?"

I snorted. "Hell no. It'll take well over ten thousand years for the humanity to wear off a being's soul. Souls can't change very easily, and cramming them in a different body does jack shit. But the point is, I can not only prove that it's an issue, but also offer an alternative. The amount of Sacred Gears won't go down, humanity can still protect itself, and the Moonlit world still gets its' superpowers. Everyone goes home happy."

I paused, considering. "Actually, that takes care of your last concern as well. Ajuka and I figured out a different system for the Fallen, and the Angels already have the Brave Saints system. Now we just need to regulate them."

We sat in silence for a while. "Well." Kokabiel finally said. "Now I feel rather silly."

I shrugged. "Hey, it was a good plan, just a bit extreme. I give it seven out of ten."

He sighed, mulling over my words. "Your plan of creating a peace force… what would it entail?"

I grinned. Hook. "Well, I would need a test subject, a proof of concept, in order to show that it is possible. And, wouldn't you know it, there's even a handy exhibition stage already being set up. If a powerful, well-known figure were to take the step necessary, they could appear at the meeting as an overseer in order to ensure the peace. And if the meeting were attacked, which it most likely will be, that person could both demonstrate the necessity of their new Faction and prove the sustainability of such a system."

He nodded slowly. "And what of the Sacred Gears? How are you certain that you can safely extract them? All efforts so far have killed the subject."

I tilted my head. "Let's just say that I have the world's foremost expert on Sacred Gears and the System on my side. I'll take you to meet him in a bit if we can come to an understanding."

"And you truly intend to give a Reincarnation System to the Fallen?" He confirmed, eyes showing genuine curiosity.

Line. "Yep. It's nothing like the other two Factions' system, and it can easily be replicated." I paused. "Actually, we already tested it. Would you please tell Azazel to make sure Barquiel is present at the Meeting?"

He twitched. "You resurrected—"

"Shh, spoilers." I hushed, cutting him off.

He nodded, and fell silent. I allowed him plenty of time to consider, idly chatting with Sera in the back of my mind. Finally, he sighed. "Well, you seem to have this all planned out. You truly believe this will work?"

I nodded. "Without a doubt."

He chuckled. "Well, my plan really does seem rather petty now. Any ideas on how I'm going to get my ass out of this one?"

I waved my hands dramatically, casting a silent illusion that turned his golden eyes red. "There. You are now under the control of an unknown, yet incredibly powerful evil. You fight them seriously for a while, leaving no question of how 'committed' you are, but make it look like you're moving erratically or really slowly. Then, once someone lands a heavy blow on you that gives off a lot of light, break the illusion and collapse dramatically to the ground."

He stared at me. "…You're kidding."


"It could not possibly be that simple."

"It is."

He closed his eyes, eyebrow twitching, and visibly counted to ten. "How is it that you seem to be so effortlessly finding solutions to problems that have haunted me for centuries?"

I shrugged. "It's a talent. So, you in?"

He stared at me for a moment more, before nodding once. "If you truly have everything all planned out…"

I smiled. "Yes, I do. But if we somehow ruin any chances of stopping you, you can go ahead with your genocide route. Blow up the school, piss off the Maou."

He smiled back, rising from the pew and holding out a hand. "You have been more than patient with me, and have viable methods of achieving what I could not. I would be happy to go along with your plan, so long as you truly desire peace."

'Sinker.' My smile stretched into a grin as I rose and accepted the handshake. "Not bad for a madman, eh?"

"Not bad at all." He agreed. "Now, I believe you offered to introduce me to your so-called 'System expert'?"

I simply laughed. {Asia? Is Adonai ready?}

{Hm? Oh, yes. His bar is pretty busy right now, so I'm helping him out.}

Suddenly, our private conversation was full of interested minds. {Asia is in a barmaid uniform? Sera, you're taking pictures.}

{Will do.} Sera agreed readily

{Guys…} Asia whined, and I tuned out the rest of the conversation.

"Ready to go?"

Kokabiel blinked. "Now? Yes. I have no prior engagements, though I should probably alert my subordinates to my disappearance."

I shrugged. "Leave a note or something on the altar. I have some paper if you need it."

He nodded, and I handed him a notebook and pen I had procured from my lab coat pockets. He wrote a short note, tore out the paper, and placed it where he had sat a minute earlier. He handed me back my belongings, and I tucked them back into their pockets. "Thank you. How will be travelling?"

I simply opened a ))Gate((. "Hassan?" My companion appeared by my side without a word. "Go get your mistress. We're going to a bar, and I think she'd be put out if she had to stay behind."

Hassan nodded, and the shadows gathered once more. Blackness spread through the entire church, and when it dispersed, I was tackled from behind by an exuberant Maou. "Red-sama!"

I rolled my eyes. "Hello, Serafall."

Kokabiel looked on in amusement as she began chattering about some random topic. "You seem to be missing your Majou Shojo uniform." He commented, bringing her babbling to a stop.

She smiled, dropping to the floor and giving a little twirl. Her Adult Nepgear cosplay outfit fluttered, but thankfully didn't reveal her panties. Or lack thereof. "I got an upgrade!"

I sighed. "Let's talk about that later. You won't want to keep this guy waiting."

Kokabiel raised an eyebrow, but followed as I walked through the Gate. We came out in a back room of The Prodigal Son, one that Adonai kept open for the sole purpose of his supernatural guests. I pushed open the swinging door, striding into the homely bar like I owned the place.

Which I technically did, but whatever.

I caught sight of Asia, and grinned. She was wearing a plain purple dress with black trimming, which went down to her knees and revealed very little skin. The ballroom gloves I had given her reached to her upper arm, and she had apparently realized that I made them able to change color, given that they were black silk rather than ice-blue.

Despite her dress being the perfect picture of modest, she still managed to make it look sexy as hell. Her curves were only emphasized due to the lack of design on the dress, and the plain fabric clung to her tight rear very nicely.

I'm torn between killing Adonai and giving him a handshake. He certainly knows how to pick out uniforms.

I ignored the blatant stares of the rest of the bar seemed to be giving to my oblivious Angel, and valiantly restrained myself from harming the ones with the more lewd gazes. Of course, Sera being Sera, seemed torn between staring and joining her.

Fucking Kokabiel smirked and gave me a thumbs-up.

I sighed, walking over to the bar and sitting down. Kokabiel sat next to me, still smirking.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Why the hell would I reveal both Asia and Sera in front of Kokabiel, when only Millicas would have any connection between the two? Especially considering that both Millicas and Red have red hair and wear lab coats, as well as how similar our moveset is. Well, that's actually deliberate. See, once someone has drawn up a theory and been forced to discard it by themselves, they're much less likely to consider it a possibility again. Their own faith in themselves prevents them from doing so. Of course, this only works when the evidence against the theory is so substantial that—

Ah, who the hell am I kidding? I just want to troll somebody.

I returned Kokabiel's smirk. "Do you mind if I drop my disguise?"

He blinked. "Not at all. Go ahead."

I smiled, dropping my Avatar to reveal… myself. The female loli version. Rather than a lab coat, I wore a thick, fluffy, hooded robe of pure white, trimmed with embroidered golden ribbon and woven with incredible defenses. It could easily stand up to the full might of a God-tier spell without so much as a scratch.

All that didn't change the fact that I looked like a little girl snuggled into a fluffy robe.

I watched in supreme satisfaction as Kokabiel choked, eyes almost bugging out of his skull. I kept my smirk, speaking once more. "You're a bad man, bringing a little girl like me to a bar."

My high, clear, bell-like voice drew stares from all directions. My innocent expression didn't help matters.

"Mira, stop messing with my son. You're over forty years old, if memory serves." A voice called, getting louder as he approached. "And that robe of yours isn't exactly practical at this time of year."

Kokabiel's face went entirely blank, his mouth silently opening and closing.

Adonai sighed, eyeing his wayward son. "You didn't tell him, did you?"

I shrugged unrepentantly. "I thought it would be funny, and it was. I regret nothing." I paused. "And the Celestial Maiden's Robe of Feathers is always the perfect temperature, no matter what."

"F-Father?" Kokabiel finally managed, voice faint.

Adonai chuckled. "Indeed. You were just speaking to me ten minutes ago, if I recall."

Kokabiel turned to stare at me. I shrugged, answering his unspoken question. "I know a girl with the Holy Grail." 'Technically true, just incorrect in the current context.'

"…I see." He murmured, turning back to the bar. "So… you're his… her expert on the System?"

Adonai nodded. "I am, at that. Would you care for a drink? Tea, perhaps?"

He stared for a moment longer. "…I'm going to need something a bit stronger than tea in order to get me through this conversation."

I woke the next day, male once more, with a sleepy Nekoshou on my chest. To my surprise, she seemed to be mostly awake already. "Morning, Master." She yawned.

"Morning, Shirone." I replied, amused. "Why are you up so early? Is there bacon for breakfast again?"

She frowned, sitting up and crossing her arms. "I wanted to make sure that Gil wasn't butting in again." Her tail lashed, irritation obvious in her body language.

My lips twitched, but I said nothing. 'I really do spoil her. Oh well.' "Mind helping me wake the others next?"

Her ears twitched. "Can I cuddle them awake?" She asked hopefully.

I raised an eyebrow, sitting up and wrapping my arms around her. "Are you going to be waking them up, or helping them sleep?"

"Waking them?" She said it like a question, but I could see that she was already planning out how best to carry out her self-appointed mission.

"Then yes." I kissed her on the forehead. "Go ahead. I'll be getting ready."

She smiled, butting her head against my chest, before moving around me to take the spot I had just left. I simply made use of a recently placed Hiraishin gem to flicker over to the dresser without disturbing either Ruby or Sera. I carefully hunted through my drawer, looking for the underclothes I had specially made for defense. I was planning on ))Requipping(( into my battle clothes before the showdown with Kokabiel, but if I Requip into skintight clothing, I'm actually naked for a few seconds, so… yeah. I normally rely on Avatar for my main defense, but since Kokabiel knows that The Red Man has it, Millicas Gremory can't use it.

…Eh, still worth it. The look on his face was priceless.

I finished dressing, pulling my tie tight around my neck, when I felt a pair of arms encircle my waist. I turned, looking down at Sera. "Yes, love?"

She buried her face in my chest. "Tell me I'm valuable to you." She murmured, sounding desperate.

I blinked. "Sera, were you having a nightmare?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. Just…"

I smiled softly. "Serafall Leviathan, you are extremely precious to me. I would face the rest of the world to keep you safe. I will never leave you, and I will always love you."

I ignored the d'awws coming from our spectators. I was comforting my Sera right now. If they wanted to join the hug, they were welcome to, but otherwise they knew Sera needed some time.

Sera's face flushed, but she didn't look up. "Thank you." She whispered, and I felt something dampen my shirt. I said nothing, merely stroking her head and staying still. A few minutes later, Sera looked up, face cheerful once more. "You have a nice ass, Millicas-sama."

I rolled my eyes. "You already knew that. I believe you called it 'well-toned' last time you saw it."

"No regrets." She agreed proudly. "You should've let me in the shower with you, though."

I sighed. "Sera, I was in the boy's bathroom in school. Literally anyone could've walked in."

She just smirked, letting go of me and prancing over to the closet. "That's what makes it fun~!"

I didn't bring up her previous behavior. If she wanted to tell me about her dream, she would. Otherwise, I wouldn't press her.

"Remember to bring your protective gear." I reminded, returning to dressing myself.

"Millicas, you literally had to take away their Guardian Configurations yourself in order to get them to take them off in the first place." Ruby deadpanned. "And I wouldn't be surprised if these things can tank nukes by now. Combined with the gloves you made us, we could probably take on the rest of the Three Factions at the same time. I think it'll be okay if we don't wear body armor as well."

"I have my own armor, anyway." Gil agreed.

I sighed. "Well, suit yourself."

"I'll wear that slip you gave me to wear under my habit." Asia offered. "That has plenty of protection magic on it."

I smiled in thanks. I knew that Shirone and Sera were at the closet, hunting through it for outfits I had woven protection spells into. Well, more Sera than Shirone, considering Shirone was already pulling on a white hoodie with cat ears sewn on. The ears of the hood were hollow and large enough that Shirone could fit her real ears inside them. Both practical and fashionable. Oh, and adorable. Extremely adorable. A Nekoshou wearing a matching cat hoodie is diabetes-inducing.

Once everyone had finished dressing and getting ready for the day, we unanimously elected to eat at the restaurant near school. Shirone apparently decided she wanted bacon, and no one bothered to argue. I'll spare you the details of the rest of the school day, as a courtesy. It was boring enough for me to go through, let alone forcing someone else sit through it. After school had run its' course, my girls and I all met up in the OCR clubroom.

And so here we are.


I knocked on the door, politely waiting until Kiba opened it. My girls were all relaxed and chatting with Akeno about something while sipping tea. Sera and Gil were absent, Sera having left for a position that would allow her to take Kokabiel down from a distance if the need arose. She was rather bored, though, so I don't doubt she's watching our surroundings through our eyes. Gil was waiting at the school gates to tell the Church duo of our 'findings'.

I walked in, conversation petering off as they noticed my serious expression. "Rias, gather your Peerage. I found Kokabiel."

Rias's smile was wiped from her face completely as she stood and began barking orders. "Akeno, go get Gaspar and Valerie. No, better, have them go to defensive positions. They have good enough teamwork to at least stall Kokabiel if he gets this far. Kiba, go tell Sona what's going on. I'll call Issei."

"We'll gather by the school gates." I added. "Girls?"

My girls nodded, finishing the last of their tea and setting their cups on the table. I opened a Gate on the wall, and stepped out into the school's courtyard. I had waited a sufficient amount of time to 'find' Kokabiel, so there were no students to see us as we joined Gil.

I greeted my blonde girlfriend with a kiss, making her light up in a blush. "Have you filled them in?"

Gil nodded, giving me a scowl. "We're in public, you know."

My lips twitched. "God forbid I kiss my fiancée in front of an audience. The world shall surely perish."

She rolled her eyes, turning to the Church duo. "I apologize for him, he has no sense of decency."

I clutched my chest as if wounded. "Ah, that hurts me, right here."

Ruby poked me in the side. "Take this seriously."

"All right, fine…" I sighed, looking the duo up and down. "…You two have jack shit for defenses."

Xenovia seemed slightly offended. "What use would we have for defenses?"

I raised an eyebrow at her skintight, extremely revealing, ridiculously flimsy bodysuit. 'DxD logic at its' finest.'

Asia smiled awkwardly at the nun. "Er… Xenovia-san… aren't those clothes just a bit…"

"Flimsy?" Ruby offered.

"Dangerous?" Shirone offered.

{Sexy?} Sera added absently, eyeing the bodysuit through our eyes.

"…impractical?" Asia finished diplomatically. "They don't even look enchanted, so they'd probably tear really easily. Wouldn't they just be a liability?"

Xenovia glanced down at her suit, examining it. "…I see your point." She agreed, pinching the material between her thumb and forefinger. "We could use some more sturdy clothes if you have them."

Sera's interest rose as she watched the slinky material stretch.

{…You are not getting a bodysuit like that.} I deadpanned.

Sera pouted. {But whyyyy? Don't tell me you don't want to see me in it?}

I blinked. {Oh, I have zero doubt that you would be as sexy as hell in one of those. I just don't think you'd bother taking it off before going to some important meeting.}

It was a testament to the sheer ridiculousness of the little Maou that everyone actually paused to imagine that. It didn't seem that anyone had any trouble doing so, judging from the collage of mental images.

I shook my head to clear the images, tossing the duo a pair of Requip gems. "Use those."

Xenovia frowned, sending an experimental pulse of mana into it. In a flash, she was in a far more durable tee shirt and jeans. Irina copied her, leaving her in a similar outfit. Xenovia's frown grew more pronounced, and she shot me a suspicious glare. "How did you know our sizes?"

'DxD Fanbooks.' "Structural Grasp. It's a spell that lets me see the entire composition of whatever I use it on. Three sizes included."

She scoffed. "Despicable."

I raised an eyebrow. "Would you rather fight in clothes that don't fit you?"

She paused. "…Very well, you have a pass this time. But I will not tolerate any further lecherous behavior."

The second eyebrow joined the first. "I think it's a bit presumptuous of you to think I would perv on you when I have five willing girlfriends."

"Five desperate girlfriends." Ruby corrected irritably. "Shirone's sweet sixteen can't come fast enough."

Xenovia seemed genuinely taken aback by that. "A-ah. I see. Well, my apologies, then."

'…So she apologizes for that, but not for insulting Asia.' I grumbled. 'Dammit, Kokabiel, you'd better kick her ass for me. It was only after she got her ass handed to her and lost her high-and-mighty holier-than-thou-art attitude that she actually became a decent person.'

Rias finally arrived, Sona at her side. "I have them." She reported, a bit redundantly. "Issei says he's getting a friend of his. He'll meet us there."

'All according to plan, then. Minus Issei being late, of course.'

I nodded once, turning to Sona. "Do you think your Peerage could put up a barrier around wherever we're fighting? We wouldn't want any attacks to hit the city."

Sona smiled, adjusting her glasses. "I was about to suggest the same thing."

"Where is Kokabiel?" Xenovia demanded, hand drifting towards her sword.

Gil sighed, thoughts grumbling about impatient knights. "You know that abandoned church? The one you refused to stay in because you thought it would collapse on you?"

Xenovia blinked, a light flush spreading over her cheeks. "A-ah. In hindsight, we should've checked there first."

'Wait… so where are they staying?'

Sera's immediate mental image of the two sexy nuns offering 'favors' in exchange for shelter was less than helpful.

Irina smiled, turning and beginning to walk away. "What are we waiting for, then?"

The corner of my mouth twitched. "Irina… where are you going?"

She paused, turning to look at me in confusion. "The church, of course."

I stared at her for a moment. "So you're telling me that you want to lead over twenty oddly-dressed teenagers across town to a place you might or might not remember from your childhood, when we can teleport there in less than a second."

She blinked. "Er…"

I opened a large Gate behind us for emphasis. "Well, enjoy your walk, then."

"W-wait for me!"

Ten seconds later, we were all in the graveyard of the church, an embarrassed Irina fidgeting with the hem of her cloak.

I glanced around, making a show of looking despite my Lifesight telling me there were precisely two beings inside the church and none in the graveyard. "All clear. Rias?"

She nodded, leading the way with Sona and Akeno by her side. We cautiously approached the double doors of the church, and Rias gestured towards Akeno. She stepped forward, a ball of lightning forming in her hand. It collided with the door, blowing it off its' hinges and effectively ruining any chance of immediately getting sniped by someone on the other side. A sound strategy, if not for how long it took to charge and throw the lightning. It would've been faster to kick down the door, or open a new door through the wall.

I sighed to myself, following as Rias and Sona as they began to enter the main body of the church. We passed several rows of pews, and were getting fairly close to the altar when the suspense was finally shattered.

"Oh, look!" A voice called, amusement dripping from its' warped tones. "A bunch of shitty Devils!"

We all tensed as Freed materialized about fifteen feet in front of us. He waved us off, swaggering forward. "Ah, calm down, shitty Devils. I'm just a messenger. Someone wants to talk to the red-haired young lady over there."

Rias lowered her magic circle suspiciously. "Someone?"

Freed grinned. "Yeah." The grin widened, turning dark with malice. "My boss."

The light filtering in from outside changed instantly as the sky turned a violent shade of purple. The roof of the church was torn off in less than a second, tossed aside by a dark figure with glowing red eyes. The figure spread his wings, ten individual limbs folding outward.

Rias's eyes narrowed. "Cadre-Class Fallen Angel, Kokabiel."

The man chuckled, brushing off his hands. "Close, but no dice." He sighed, straightening his immaculate tie. "My name is… well. 'Other' will have to do. I may be confident, but it's fool's play to reveal one's name to the enemy. Nice to meet you, daughter of the House of Gremory." He bowed mockingly. "I do hope you'll treat me well."

"Greetings, Other." Rias replied, stepping forward. "Am I to assume, by your refusal to name yourself, that you are not Kokabiel of the Fallen?"

He chuckled, red eyes glowing brighter for a moment. "Hmm… I wonder. Does it matter who I am? Or do you merely wish to fight me?"

She smiled, shaking her head. "I suppose not. Well, then, I am Rias Gremory. I'm glad to make your acquaintance."

He raised an eyebrow. "Did I not just finish saying that it is folly to reveal one's name to the enemy? A name is a powerful thing, girl, and not something to be used lightly."

"I'll take that under advisement. Now, tell me, why did you wish to speak with me?" Rias called back, voice still calm and cool.

He grinned widely, showing teeth far too sharp to be natural. "Oh, just a little bit of genocide. I was thinking of starting with your stronghold, Kuoh Academy, and then running wild in this town. If I do that, then surely Sirzechs will come out and play." Light flickered behind him, and his eyes darkened in color. "Right, sister of Lucifer?"

Rias tensed, her calm voice cracking. "If you do that, then, the War—"

Kokabiel burst into mad laughter. "I stole the Excaliburs, hoping that Michael would come after me. But all I really got were a couple of Exorcists and a pair of Holy Sword users knocking at my door. I was…" His face crumpled into a sneer. "…disappointed."

"Then your goal from the start… was to re-ignite the War?" Rias confirmed, crossing her arms.

As Kokabiel burst into mad laughter once more, I reflected on what a good actor he was.

{Do you think he could pull that laugh off again?} Sera wondered, a scene from an anime coming to mind. {Because if he likes to cosplay, then I think I just found Lelouch. I mean seriously, he has the hair and everything!}

{…Not the time, Sera.}

{Of course it's the time. He's going to be ranting for the next five minutes, so why bother listening?}

I sighed, returning my attention to the 'fight'.

"After the three-way war ended, I was so very bored!" He proclaimed, wicked smile flashing in the violet light. "And with all the Faction leaders being so passive about the next War, how could I resist giving it a little shove! Angels, Fallen Angels, Devils, they're barely in a state of equilibrium as it is. And in that case…" He gestured grandly, both arms outstretched. "…then I can just start a new war with these two hands!" He bellowed gleefully.

"You're a complete war maniac." Rias accused.

Kokabiel just laughed. "That's why I'm using you Devils, this time! Lucifer's little sister, Rias Gremory, his blood son, Millicas Gremory, and Leviathan's little sister, Sona Sitri. There must be a lot of power hanging over the school you attend, no?" Power began to gather behind him, making Rias and Sona tense. "I'll be able to enjoy the chaos there, then. It'll make a great battleground!"

"You're crazy!" Sona shouted, rage evident in her voice.

Kokabiel just laughed, a magic circle forming before him. "Now, then, Devils… let's have a war!"

Rias's eyes widened. "Everyone—"

I summoned Rho Aias, effortlessly blocking the hail of light spears. Gil dismissed her Gate of Babylon, scowling at me. "I had it."

I shrugged, lowering the shield. "Doesn't matter, he's gone anyway."

Sure enough, once the smoke cleared, Kokabiel was nowhere to be seen. I sighed, pulling out my phone and clicking Minato's name. It rang twice, then connected. "Minato, something wearing Kokabiel's body is on the way to the school. Summon Trismegistus and cast a barrier."

"Understood." He replied simply, the line going dead.

I tucked my phone in my pocket, opening another Gate. "Minato and Rider can handle Other until we get there, especially with Gaspar and Valerie helping. Sona, lead your Peerage to points around the school so you can create a barrier. Rias, Ruby, you're with me. Gil, find a place where you can watch for any new developments. Shirone, you go with Kiba and the Church duo. Asia, do you think you could support us?"

She smiled at me. "Don't worry, Cas. Healing people doesn't even hurt anymore. I'll be fine."

I grimaced, but nodded. "When Issei arrives with his friend, join them. I'll be with you as soon as I can, but I don't doubt that he has something nasty up his sleeve."

'Actually, I can guarantee it. I taught it to him myself.'

There was a collective nod of agreement, and we all split into our respective groups. I opened a ))Gate((, and we were on our way.