
Understanding the Void ( DxD Micilius SI )

I've always been a curious one. I've always believed that the best way to avoid fearing something is to understand it, so that's what I do. I should've known it would bite me back one day. Even so, I wouldn't trade it for the world. After all, how else would I have left my old life behind, and forged my path anew? Warning -- the fic has yuri elements & this fic technically isn't a Harem it is polyamory if u want a accurate term but as far as I am concerned it a Harem because it's built around my mc without him it would collapse quickly. don't take the details or facts seriously and get offended it's fanfiction not reality it's meant for entertainment.

Shivam_031 · Book&Literature
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39 Chs


I woke the next morning to see the sun peeking above the clouds. I sighed, dispelling my ))Perimeter Check(( and walking down to breakfast.

For the rest of the week, I followed a fairly simple routine. Wake up, go to breakfast, go out to help Asia with her chores, and then spend the rest of the day exploring the city. Asia frequently had to correct me whenever I tried to navigate somewhere, much to my chagrin. We got lost often, but neither of us cared, because we were having too much fun.

At the end of the week, I decided to take Asia out to lunch to thank her for her time. She happily agreed, before something seemed to occur to her. Slowly turning bright red, she asked, "I-is t-this a-a-a," She was now volcanic red. "D-date?" she whispered.

'Aaaand Thought Acceleration.'

{Hey, girls, are you there?}

I waited for them to speed up their thoughts to match mine, then continued. {All right, so you know Asia?}

{She's that nun you told us about, right? The one with Twilight Healing?} Ruby sent back. She paused. {Wait, you're in Italy? How are you still alive?}

{Oh, that? I just kinda… figured out how to hide as a human without setting off the System.} I replied smugly.

{What about Asia?} Shirone sent, ignoring my smug comment and Ruby's shock.

I sighed. {Ruin all my fun, why don't you? Anyway, yeah. I'm sitting next to her on a park bench after a few hours of exploring. I asked her out to lunch to thank her for all the help. Now she's asking if it's a date.} I sent over a picture of Asia in the light of the afternoon sun.

{Yes.} Shirone and Ruby replied simultaneously. I could see them fantasizing about ripping apart the young, innocent girl's clothes and— '…Nope. I'm not touching that one. Not for another few years, at least. For God's sake, we're thirteen!'

Gil carefully thought it over, weighing the pros and cons… ah, who am I kidding. {I'm fine with it. Her modest attitude would help me balance out these perverts. Honestly…} I could hear her mental sigh echo through my head. {If I weren't here to stop them, they probably would've… well.}

I snorted, still carefully ignoring the mental porno. {They certainly would've. Thanks for saving my sanity. Remind me to kiss you when I get back.}

I could feel her blushing as she 'coughed'. {Ahem. V-very well, if you insist.}

I raised a mental eyebrow. {Really? Why the sudden change of pace? Normally, you splutter for a while and refuse. Then I have to track you down and kiss you in front of as many people as possible.} 'Ah, good times.'

{W-well, if I am to be the First Wife, then I must take my duties seriously, no? T-that is the only reason.} She replied quickly.

Shirone, apparently done with her fantasy, corrected her, oozing amusement. {She does actually like kissing you. And she realized that Ruby and I have spent more romantic moments than she has, so she wants some more time to herself.}

I smiled at Gil's embarrassed spluttering. {I know she likes it. I would never force her to kiss me otherwise. And Gil, you do know that you could just ask for more time with me, right?}

{W-what King would lower themselves to begging for attention?}

{One who's head-over-heels in love with—ow! Fuck! Gil, what the hell?} Ruby replied teasingly, apparently cut off by Gil kicking her on the shin.

I snorted. {Drama aside, how am I answering the adorable nun?}

{Three definite yeses. Shirone and I want… ah… snuggles, and Gil wants another modest influence.} Ruby replied.

I sighed. {Right. Snuggles. Sure. All right then, I guess I'm keeping her.}

I returned to reality, before slowing my thoughts and answering Asia. "Did you want it to be?"

Still blushing, she nodded. "Y-yes."

I gave her a megawatt smile, making her blush impossibly brighter. If Ruby's blushes were any indication, then she would probably faint soon. "All right, then. It definitely is."

"T-then w-what does that mean for us?"

I looked her dead in the eye and replied, "It means I'd like to keep you."

She 'eeped'. "U-um, w-what do you mean 'keep me'?"

I smiled softly. "It means I keep you safe from everyone else, no matter what. In exchange, you're mine."

She smiled happily, her face still red. "So… I'm your girlfriend?

I nodded. "Yep. I'd like to explain the situation more before you agree, but for now, yes."

She beamed, all traces of a blush now gone. "R-really? T-thank you!" She said, leaning over and giving me a hug.

Apparently realizing what she had just done, she 'eeped' and froze in place, her face inches from mine. I smiled and pecked her on the lips. She turned a bright, volcanic red, and seemed unable to move from the spot.

Picking her up in a princess carry, I stood and looked down at her. "All right, so where to?"

I carried her where she directed me, which turned out to be a small, family-owned noodle restaurant. I set her down on a bench, then sat across from her. We ordered our respective meals, then began to talk. Asia quickly realized that I hadn't changed in the five minutes since asking her out, and so she visibly relaxed and began happily making conversation.

Over lunch, Asia had blushingly confessed that she had never had a boyfriend before. I just laughed and replied, "Don't worry, I've been around the block a few times myself. We'll be fine."

I waited until she was done eating, then I took her to the shopping district and handed her a hundred Euro bill. "Go crazy." I told her, used to the whims of shopping women. "I'm paying."

She slowly began checking stores, but sped up once she began to enjoy herself. Fortunately, I have never been forced to carry large armloads of clothes, due to Gil's Gate of Babylon being used to hold all of the girls' purchases. I just used Storage gems to hold anything that Gil refused to carry.

When she was done shopping, she only had about ten Euros left. It was well after dinner time, and I was getting hungry. I took her stack of clothes and assorted goods and promptly dumped them into a Storage gem. I handed the gem to Asia. "Here."

She took the gem, staring at it with wide eyes. "I-I can't accept this, it's too much!"

I glanced at the Storage gem. It was a heavy, teardrop-shaped diamond that was easily two hundred carats. It belatedly occurred to me how much the thing was worth, even without the priceless Storage spell I had created for it. I snorted. "Don't worry about it. You might say that I have… a hefty discount on gems, so it's not like I paid some ridiculous amount for it."

She frowned, trying to hand it back. "It's still too expensive to give to me."

I raised my hands and stepped back. "Nope. It's a gift, and you already accepted it."

She growled adorably at me, still frowning. I just smiled. Eventually, she sighed and put the gem in her pouch. "I'll give it back later."

I shrugged. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

She glared, before huffing in irritation and crossing her arms. Her adorable pout degraded the threat significantly. "I will give it back, Cas. It's too expensive."

I smiled. "You'll understand when I explain what I mean by 'I'm keeping you.'"

She frowned. "Fine. Explain, then."

I sighed, glancing around at the busy streets. "Not here. Can we go somewhere private?"

She nodded. I grinned and, feeling mischievious, picked her up in a princess carry. "Where to?"

She flushed and stammered out vague directions to the church. I followed the direction that she pointed, walking empty streets in the soft twilight. She collected herself enough to give me more directions, but seemed content to sit in silence for the whole trip.

Once we reached the door, I gently set down the little nun and allowed her a moment to get her bearings, before asking, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"O-oh! Um, Mother!" She called into the church, "We have a guest!"

A matronly woman in a nun's habit bustled over to the door. She stopped when she noticed us. "Oh, my! So, you must be the boy that Asia is always talking about lately. Come inside, and let me get you some food."

I nodded, following the woman. I snagged Asia on the way by, happily holding her in a princess carry once more. She 'eeped', but still allowed me to carry her. The Mother chuckled. "I see that you've taken a liking to Asia, there."

I smiled. "I'm keeping her. She said it was okay, so I'm making sure to take good care of her."

The Mother laughed. "I see. Well, she doesn't seem to have too much problem with it, so I'll let it be. But Asia, if you ever feel threatened, tell him to stop."

She nodded, still flushing. I smirked. "Don't worry, I'll make sure not even the Satans can touch her!"

The Mother's smile turned strained. "I see. And…"

I answered the unfinished question. "Dragon."

She nodded in understanding. "Ah. I take it you decided that little Asia there is part of your hoard?"

I smirked. "You know it, lady."

"Then I approve. Just keep all of those greedy Factions away, got it?"

Asia looked confused. "U-um… what?"

The Mother smiled at her. "My girl, this boy will be protecting you from now on, all right?"

She nodded obediently. "U-um… I don't really get it… but okay."

I smiled. "It's okay, Asia. I'll explain later."

She beamed. "Okay!"

We arrived at a small kitchen, with a pot of bubbling stew. She reached over and grabbed two bowls, filling them and holding one out to each of us. Setting down Asia, I took the stew gratefully, before drinking it all in a few gulps. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and handed her the bowl. "Thank you!"

"Think nothing of it, child. Now, I assume that you plan to go to Asia's room to... ah... speak?"

Asia promptly turned beet red again. "E-eh?"

I nodded seriously. "I take snuggles as payment for my services."

The Mother laughed. "I see. As long as nothing inappropriate is happening in there, I'm fine with it."

I grinned. "Thanks!"

Asia, still bright red, led me back to her room. It was a small cell with only enough room for a cot and a small writing desk. "A-alright. H-here we are. N-now, um… you said you'd explain?"

I sighed, closing the door and sitting on the cot. I waited for her to sit beside me, then began. "All right, so what do you know of the Three Biblical Factions?"

Asia looked confused. "The what?"

I grimaced. "Okay, so here's how it is. Since the first Sin, the Angels, Fallen Angels, and the Devils have fought a very bloody war. All three sides wanted to exterminate the other two and live alone. The war raged for thousands of years, until the leaders of the Factions had all lost far more than they ever wished to. Only the Fallen Angels managed to escape without seemingly losing their leader."

I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Once the Factions realized all they had lost, they signed a ceasefire agreement. Since then, all three have been amassing power and prestige in preparation for the next Great War. When the Mother said, 'those greedy Factions', she was referring to how all three would do anything to come out on top. Any questions?"

Asia paused, looking concerned. "Y-you said that only the Fallen managed to escape without losing their leader. D-does that mean that He's… um… dead?"

"Who, God?" I snorted. "He's definitely alive somewhere. He's a total troll, too. You wouldn't believe all the things he's done to mess with me. I swear, that old man…" I trailed off, grumbling.

She sighed in relief. "I'm glad. So my prayers have been heard."

I grimaced. "Well, yes… but not by God. Michael is actually the one running the God System these days."

She looked confused. "What? Why?"

"Because the leaders of the Devils and the Angels are 'dead'." I said, putting the word in air quotes.

"So they think that God is dead?"

"Yep. It had to be done, in order to stop the bloodshed."

She nodded. "And, you told Mother that you're a Dragon?"

I smirked, allowing the illusion turning my hair red to drop. "I am indeed."

Her eyes widened, and she reached out to touch my multicolored hair. "A-amazing…" She whispered.

I grinned. "Next lesson. Do you know what the seven deadly sins are?"

She frowned in concentration, before reciting, "Pride, envy, sloth, gluttony, wrath, greed, and lust."

I ruffled her hair, before continuing. "Exactly. Now, every Devil or Fallen Angel has one Sin that consumes their life. Dragons have two, one usually being greater than the other. My Sins are Wrath first and Greed second. I hoard those I love, and utterly annihilate those who harm them."

Her eyes widened. "So, when you asked me to be yours…"

"I was asking you to become part of my hoard." I sighed. "I can't actually help it. To me, if you're my loved one, you're a part of my hoard. And to keep you, I'd probably face the wrath of Hell itself."

She flushed. "I-I see. Is there anything I should know, i-if I'm going to be y-yours?"

I nodded. "Three things. First, and most important, Dragons are mostly polygamous. I currently have three other girls in my hoard, and I love them all to death. Second, we have a Soul-Bond that makes secrets nearly impossible to keep."

I paused, letting that sink in. She quietly asked, "I'll have to share you?"

I coughed. "Um, actually, that's not really the way the relationship works. Since we all feel what everyone else feels, we all have the same feelings. My girls love each other as much as they love me."

She looked surprised. "What? Why?"

"All right. So, picture being in love with someone. Only, you can feel their love for you as much as they can feel yours for them. Then, one day, someone else joins the bond. Your partner starts feeling love for them, without ever stopping loving you. And since you can feel your partner's love for the other as your own, you fall in love yourself." I replied.

She nodded slowly. "I… think I understand. You can sense them being in love, so you fall in love too." She paused. "…But isn't that just feeling someone else's love, and not your own?"

I shrugged. "Only in the beginning. In time, the feelings become your own as you find your own reasons to love them."

She smiled. "O-okay. In that case, I think I could do that. That sounds wonderful."

I raised an eyebrow. "A complete invasion of privacy for the rest of your life? That sounds wonderful?"

She flushed. "U-um… W-well, more like you don't need secrets, because they already know you better than you know yourself. That's how it works, right?"

I paused. "Well, yes. But aren't you supposed to be getting mad at me about keeping secrets from you?"

She frowned, tilting her head. "Why would I? You've been as honest as you could be under the circumstances. It's not like you could've told me that you're a Dragon in public, right?"

I blinked. "…Most people wouldn't see it like that."

She looked confused. "U-um… I don't know about them, but it makes sense to me."

I sighed. "Ooo-kay, then… the third thing you need to know is, before I was a Dragon, I was a Devil. My father is the current Lucifer." I spread my scaled bat wings for dramatic effect.

She blinked. "Eh?"

I began to explain once more. "Once the original leaders of the Devils, the Maou, died, the Devils fought a civil war over their successors. The Old Maou Faction wanted the descendants of the Maou to rule despite their incompetence, and the New Satan Faction wanted new leaders to replace the incompetent descendants. The New Satan Faction ultimately won, and my father became the new Lucifer. And one day, someone will challenge him that he cannot win against, and they will become the new Lucifer."

She nodded slowly. "Okay. So, I assume that you don't take souls, then?"

I snorted. "Haven't for centuries. Nowadays, we just make Contracts with humans for smaller things. Grocery shopping for the homebound, cosplay, that sort of thing. The requests still have to be selfish to work, but otherwise it could be anything."

Asia yawned and stretched, before settling down again. "All right. That's fine, then. I can accept that."

I smiled. "So, you're willing to be mine?"

Smiling, she nodded. My smile stretched into a grin. "Great!"

"W-what do I need to do?" She asked, starting to blush again. "I-it's not some… um…" She blushed brighter, and made a vague gesture with her hands.

I sighed, guessing what she was asking. "No, there's no tantric ritual involved. I don't even know any sex-based magic, but Ruby might be able to teach you a few theoretical spells. No, I just need to find some way to Claim you, preferably one that prolongs your life. I'd really rather not turn you into a Devil, because that would make you unable to practice your faith." I paused, glancing at her.

She shook her head, frowning adorably. "I wouldn't like that very much, no."

I blinked. "…Can I please snuggle you?"

"W-what? W-why?" She squeaked, turning red again.

"It helps me think better. Plus, I've been resisting the urge to cuddle you since I first saw you. You're just too freaking adorable. And that's even without your affinity for Dragons." I replied bluntly.

Her blush deepened as she squeaked, "O-okay."

I smiled and set her on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on the head. "Yep. Much better."

And then, I began to think, turning Thought Acceleration to its' fullest.

'All right, so I can't use a Piece on her because that would ruin her ability to pray. I can't turn her into a Dragon because I don't know how. Even if I did, it would probably involve some creepy ritual, possibly based on sex.

What else can I do?'

I combed through my mental repository of 'shelved thoughts', where I kept most of my unfinished ideas for lack of time. I immediately noticed the one from earlier this week. After learning how the God System worked, I had figured out how to reproduce Adonai's method of giving Light to humans with Denial of Nothingness instead of Divinity. I considered the concept in light of my current circumstances.

'Item one. In order to turn someone into an Angel, they have to have the mind of an Angel, with their 'Angel-ness' matching the amount of Light put in them. Other than that, anything goes.

Item two. The System cannot use higher reasoning. It also cannot punish for a crime it does not know you have committed. It judges your race primarily on your soul. Claiming creates a Soul-Bond. Thus, since the mind, body, and soul are interconnected, a Devil Claiming an Angel would make the System unable to punish anyone in the bond.

Since the Angel in the bond cannot be touched by the System, they cannot fall.'

I grinned. 'I can create an Angel more powerful than God that is incapable of falling.

I can create an Angel not allied with heaven.

Now, I wonder who I would trust with that?'

"Hey, Asia!" I murmured to the girl in my arms. "How would you like to be an Angel?"

She froze. "W-what? A-an Angel? How would you—?"

I sighed. "God is an old friend of mine, we help each other out sometimes. He taught me how to create Angels in exchange for my help in trolling someone."

She shifted in my lap to look at me. "B-but, if you turn me into an Angel, would I still be Holy? Would I still be able to go into heaven?"

I nodded. "If I turned you into an Angel, you wouldn't be heaven's Angel, you would be mine. As such, you can't fall. But that wouldn't make you any less of an Angel. If the Angel Faction learned of you, you would be welcomed into heaven with open arms."

She frowned. "I want to see heaven… but I still want to live a normal life, first."

I smiled. "Well then, you can live a normal life. That's what I'm doing. And, after a while of living your life, you can decide whether or not you wish to go into heaven. Is that okay?"

She considered my words, then replied. "Yes."

"Great! All right, when do you want to start?"

She smiled. "Now, please."

I stood, setting the girl on the bed. I reached into my side pouch for the Dimensional Knob I created to get into the training room, and walked over to the wall opposite the door. I placed the Knob on the wall green side up, and twisted. Instantly, a Door opened into the Forest world. "In here." I called to Asia. "We don't know who can sense an Angel being created, so I'd rather be on the safe side."

She nodded determinedly and walked through the Door. I followed, closing the Door behind us. By the light of the moon, I directed Asia to stand by the stream near the center of the clearing. "Any requests?"

She nodded. "C-can you give a bit of your power to me? I mean, if I'm going to be an Angel, then I'd like to have a bit of Dragon in me, too."

I blinked. "Why?"

She flushed. "I-if I ever do go into heaven, then I want to take a part of you with me."

I sighed, but didn't argue. If anything, fulfilling her request would make Claiming her easier. "Okay. Now, close your eyes."

Once she did so, I closed my eyes and concentrated. I invoked the Dream once more, and looked to Creation. I considered what I knew of Light, of how much power Adonai had, of what he had taught me. I created Light within Asia, mixing in some of my own mana as per her request.


I opened my eyes just in time to see a brilliant light shine from Asia. From her back extended six perfect pairs of wings, as white as fallen snow. She stumbled over to me, leaning against me as she gasped for air. Apparently, the process was taxing for her. I reached out and brushed my finger along one of the wings, causing Asia to squeak adorably and hide her face in my chest. 'Note to self,' I thought, 'the wings are sensitive.'

I brushed my fingers through her hair, waiting until she pulled away. When she did, I placed my hand under her chin, tilted her head up, and kissed her.

How to be a person.

A little girl with blonde hair woke up in an orphanage. Her mother was nowhere to be found.

Step one. Find your voice. Know that not all languages contain words. Your voice could be music, it could be dance. It will be what expresses you most sincerely—your voice is an art. If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.

A young Asia knelt at the altar of a church, smiling and praying.

Step two. Apologize, you will not always be right, you will not always be wrong, but you will hopefully always be learning. Atonement is a sacrifice of pride. An explanation of why you did what you did or said what you said will not vindicate you. If the cost to heal someone is only your pride, then apologize and be grateful that you received peace at such a bargain.

Asia was trying to break up an argument between two other children, and failing. For the first time, she hated her shyness.

Step three. Forgive, and realize that some are still learning. If forgiveness is not possible, then think of everything you have ever wanted to be forgiven for but weren't, hold that uneasiness in your mind until you feel your desire for absolution becoming a wish, realize you can grant this wish for others. If you are waiting for forgiveness, be prepared to wait, be prepared to stand in the path of time and wither. Respect that forgiveness is difficult, not all trespasses are equal, and not everyone will heal according to your schedule.

She watched as Mother Meridea calmly and easily broke up the argument, but did not make either boy apologies. Apologizing, the Mother said, was never something that could be forced any more than you could force someone to forgive you. But, she continues, if Jesus could forgive all the sins of the world, then why couldn't they forgive each other.

Step four. Know that love is a vulnerability, but not a weakness. Love is the volunteer that raises its' hand and steps forward without needing to be rewarded. Love is a currency that functions in reverse, because the only way to be wealthy with it, is to give more of it away.

She loved others all her life, refusing to keep any love for herself. Until one day, when she met an odd boy who listened to what she said, and felt like home. On that day, she decided to be selfish for the first time.

Step five. Don't laugh to fit in. Laughter should be honest, if there is no sincerity in your joy then your happiness will be a forgery that fools only yourself.

On that day, she laughed, both at his jokes and his personality. She wasn't laughing to make someone feel better, but out of pure happiness. There was no worry, no sadness, no fear, only joy. This, she thought, must be heaven on earth.

Step six. Try... the tiniest dream that you try to make happen is worth more than the biggest dream you never attempt.

She smiled to herself as he offered to let her spend eternity at his side. He looked sad, as if he already knew she would deny him, but he wanted to offer anyway. She decided in that instant that she would do whatever it took to stay by his side, to stay by her own little slice of heaven.

I almost broke away, but Asia unexpectedly leaned closer, deepening the kiss. She wrapped her new wings around me, humming in satisfaction. I waited for her to pull away before asking, "What was that for?"

She smiled, her green eyes glowing with happiness. "Don't worry, Mister Fool. You don't ever have to let me go. I'm yours now, remember?"

I raised an eyebrow. "O…kay?"

{Don't mind him, Asia.} Ruby sent. {He doesn't know what we saw when we opened the bond.}

She giggled, burying her face in my chest and humming happily. {He loves you all very much. I can feel it inside me, and I'm not sure how much of it is even mine. I'm pretty sure I could kiss you all, right now. Mmm…}

I sighed. She seemed to be on an emotional high due to both her Ascension and the new Bond. "You know that you're going to be absolutely mortified when you calm down, right?"

She hummed an affirmative, snuggling deeper into my chest. {Worth it.}

I sighed, picking up my angel and walking to the Door. She adjusted her wings to continue holding me. "Let's Gate home, okay?"

She nodded deliriously, pulling her smiling face away from my chest. "I love you." She told me determinedly, looking me dead in the eye. "A-and even if the love is not all mine, it will be one day. I can guarantee it."

I sighed, placing a Gate seal on Asia's bed. I opened a Gate into my room and stepped through, closing it behind me. Asia's new wings curled tighter around me as we stepped across the hole in space. I walked over and sat on the bed, being careful not to disturb her sensitive wings. A moment later, another Gate opened across the room, letting the rest of my Claimed through. I smiled. "Evening, girls. Say hello to the snuggle Angel. Right now she's out of character, but in the morning she's going to be extremely shy."

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "The snuggle Angel?" She eyed Asia's position in my arms. "Well, it seems to fit. Just make sure to keep those wings hidden in public, okay?"

Asia nodded, not releasing her wings' hold on me. I sighed. "Asia, at least let the others climb in bed, too. Then you can be on one side and put your wings around all of us at once."

Her eyes widened, and she finally let go of me. "Okay!"

I smirked. It seemed that she had gotten my love of snuggles from the exchange of souls. 'Well, I'm certainly not complaining.' I thought in amusement.

I pulled a pink Requip gem out and used it to change Asia into a set of Ravel's old pajamas. I pulled back the covers, allowing Asia to climb in first. She did so, stretching out her wings and waiting. I sighed, and used ))Requip(( to change into my own sleepwear. I climbed into the bed, lying on top of Asia's wings.

Gil changed into a silk nightgown and laid close to Asia, grabbing onto my arm. Shirone pulled off everything but her underwear and slipped on one of my 'missing' shirts, before crawling onto my chest. I ignored the increased cushion and allowed Ruby to take my other arm. Once we were all situated, Asia closed her wings around us, blanketing us in soft white feathers. We were all fast asleep within moments.

The next morning, I was woken from my dreamless sleep by a spike of embarrassment from Asia. I opened my eyes to see Asia blushing beet red, with Shirone kissing her full on the lips. I sighed. "Shirone, you could've at least waited until she was fully awake."

Asia made a squeaking noise, but still made no move to break the kiss. I could feel her embarrassment slowly fading as she felt Shirone's Gluttony singing through her mind. A moment later, she was happily returning the kiss with an equal amount of enthusiasm. From beside me, Ruby buried her glowing red face in my shoulder. "Can they not? I was still sleeping." She grumbled.

Gil was too embarrassed by the feelings flowing from the link to do anything but stare.

I grimaced. {You know, if the System could touch her, she already would've fallen.}

Shirone hummed in agreement. {Good thing she can't fall, then.}

Asia eventually pulled away from the kiss. "I-I have to go soon. If Mother Meridea finds my bed empty, she's going to be worried."

I nodded. "Okay. Can you move your wings, then?"

"O-oh!" She withdrew her wings, allowing them to dissapear behind her. "S-sorry, Cas. I-I'm still a bit new to all this…" Asia mumbled, flushing.

Ruby smirked at me, looking amused. "Cas? That's adorable."

I sighed. "I couldn't exactly call myself Millicas Gremory in the middle of Italy, now could I?"

She tilted her head at me. "Point."

Asia timidly sat up. "U-um, e-excuse me…"

I smiled at her. "Asia, you're literally sharing a soul with me. I think you can ask anything you want at this point."

She smiled slightly. "O-okay… so… um, your name is Millicas, right?"

I nodded. "Millicas Gremory, son of Sirzechs Lucifer and the bearer of the Reality Marble Dreams of the Fallen. Nice to meet you."

I held out my hand, and she timidly shook it. Ruby stared. "Oh my God-ow- she's totally adorable. We're keeping her."

I raised an eyebrow. "Ah, yes. 'Snuggles', right?"

She flushed. "Yep. Snuggles."

Asia just looked confused. "U-um, snuggles?"

Ruby glared at me, the message clear in her gaze. I promptly ignored her and sent Asia the memories.

"O-oh!" Asia squeaked, turning volcanic red. I could almost see a puff of steam coming out of her ears. "I-I s-see…"

I sighed. "Might as well get used to it. She has a competition with Shirone to see who can make the other blush first."

Asia just hid her face in her hands. I glanced around, looking for Gil. Normally she would've told me off by now. {Gil? Where'd you go?}

{I'm changing. If I'm going to greet my newest lover, then I wish to make a good impression.}

I snorted. 'Oh, this is going to be good.'

Gil opened a Gate, stepping through. "Good morning!"

Asia looked up. "H-hi?"

Gil stared, her cheeks turning light pink. "Oh my Satan, she's adorable!" She squealed, scooping the poor Angel up and cuddling her.

Shirone pouted, her ears drooping. "And I'm not?"

Gil deadpanned at her, still hugging Asia. "If I cuddle you, you'll kiss me."

Shirone smiled. "Shamelessly. But don't worry, you love it."

Gil promptly turned bright red and began stammering denials. "I-I would never—"

I interrupted, pointing to Asia. "She's turning blue."

Alarmed, Gil loosened her grip enough let her breathe again. Thankfully, Asia didn't seem too worried. "D-don't worry, I-I know you didn't mean it… Gil, was it?"

She nodded. "I'm Gil, she's Ruby, and that's Shirone. Call me Ravel in public, though."

I sighed. "Now that introductions are over, I'd like to teach Asia how to use her powers before she leaves. I don't want her accidentally blowing someone up."

Gil frowned, but reluctantly relinquished her hold. "Fine. Just make sure she's back soon."

I just stared at her until she realized what she had said. "Right, time differential inside your Marble. Got it."

I turned to Asia. "All right, so I'm going to take you inside my Reality Marble. Inside, I'm going to teach you the basics of how to use your powers of Light."

Asia frowned, tilting her head in confusion. I mentally dubbed it the 'confused puppy head tilt'. "What's a Reality Marble?"

I sighed. This was going to take a while.

An hour later, I opened a Gate for the new Angel, allowing her back into her room. I spent the next few minutes teaching her how to open Gates of her own.

I had given her basic instruction in nearly every aspect, even if she couldn't really use most of it due to her human disguise. Speaking of which…

"All right, so you remember what I taught you on how to hide among humans, right?"

She nodded, closing her eyes and drawing in her Light. She hid it deep within herself, and then disguised it with several spells. "L-like that, right?" She asked, timidly looking to me for approval.

I smiled at her. "Exactly. Now, one last thing. I want you to concentrate on the strongest part of your body."

I waited, watching her frown in concentration. Twilight Healing slowly flickered to life on her hands. "Good. That should let you help people without using Light."

She frowned. "But… what is it?"

I winced. "I can't tell you. It's better if you find out on your own."

She nodded slowly. "Okay, then. You'd better go now, Mother Meridea will be by soon."

I smiled, leaned down, and kissed her. She 'eeped', but still leaned in to the kiss. I broke away, and stepped back through the Gate. "I'll see you later, then."

I closed the Gate, reluctantly leaving Asia behind. I walked over to the door, heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Five minutes later, we were headed for breakfast.

I stepped from the circle, reflexively checking the room before continuing. To my surprise, Ajuka Beelzebub was sitting near the head of the table, at my father's right hand. I walked forward, waiting for them to notice me. Ajuka noticed first. "Ah, Millicas! Just the man I wanted to see. I heard that you have a Gate spell that can transport others great distances, right? Do you mind if we duck into the hall so I can study it?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Sure."

We left the room, stepping out the ornate double doors. Once on the other side, Ajuka cast a dozen different security spells, before beginning. "All right, I set up a meeting between The Red Man and the Tepes Faction, but I want something in return."

I sighed. "…And?"

He coughed, looking… embarrassed? No, that couldn't be right. "Is it possible to bring someone out of your Reality Marble?"

I blinked. '…All right, I did not see that one coming.' "Yes, it is. Why?"

"I wish to bring someone into the real world."

I deadpanned at him. "No shit. Why do you want to bring someone into the real world?"

He blushed. He honest-to-gods blushed. "I-I may have decided to marry one of them…"

I blinked. Twice. '...I am not touching that one with a ten foot pole.' "All right, fair enough. Which one?"

He looked relieved that I didn't question him. "Medea."

I sighed. "I take it you want her as part of your Peerage?"

He nodded sheepishly. I dug out my Dimensional Knob and walked over to the wall. "Follow me."

I opened the Door into the Forest world, walking in. He paused at the Door. "…How? Just, how?"

I smirked. "Not right now. Later, maybe. Now, do you have your Pieces?"

He nodded. I began drawing the circle. "All right, then. Once I tell you to, go and use the Piece."

I finished the circle and placed a Traced copy of Medea's staff in the center of the circle. When I was ready, I held out two energy gems out and chanted,

"Let silver and steel be the essence.

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation

Let Grey be the color I pay tribute to

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall

Let the four cardinal gates close.

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.

I hereby declare.

Your body shall serve under me.

My fate shall be your sword.

Submit to the beckoning of the 'Dreams' of illusions!

If you will submit to this will and this reason…Then answer!

An oath shall be sworn here!

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!

Come forth from the ring of restraints,

Protectors of the Balance!"

The circles glowed to life, and I grunted in exertion as they began draining me of mana.

As the glow of the circle died down, I connected to the Dream and turned my eyes to the Cosmos, comprehending Creation once more. I made sure to get every detail, and to recreate her staff.


"Now!" I shouted to Ajuka.

He quickly walked over, using a )Queen( Piece on the blue-haired witch. I sighed in relief as the mana drain stopped. "Thanks!" I called.

Once she was stable, she jumped into Ajuka's open arms and kissed him soundly. They stayed that way until I cleared my throat. They reluctantly broke away, and Medea picked up her staff. We walked out of the Door, and I closed it after us. I glanced at Medea. She was practically glowing with happiness, skipping along at Ajuka's side as she beamed from ear to ear.

I sighed, opening the double doors once more and returning to my seat. Ajuka followed suit, with Medea sitting next to him.

My father smiled. "Ah, so this is that fiancé that you're always going on about! It's nice to meet you, I'm Sirzechs."

She shook his hand, smiling. "I'm Medea."

He raised an eyebrow. "Medea…"

She gave him a cheeky grin. "Beelzebub."

He burst into laughter as Ajuka spluttered in surprise. "I see that you're going to be a handful. Let's all go to my study after breakfast, and I can open some wine. That way, I can get to know the woman marrying my best friend."

Ajuka sighed. "Sirzechs, we've been dating for seven years now. I think I would notice if she was just using me."

I choked. 'Seven years? What, did they meet the night I gave Ajuka the Soul Ring? If so, then how is she not pregnant by now?'

My father looked sheepish. "Sorry, old friend. Old habits, and all that."

Mother cleared her throat. "Male posturing can wait until after breakfast. Just wait."

Sure enough, after breakfast, the adults left for the study. On the way by, Ajuka tossed me a small notebook. "Here, here's some notes for reference. It might help your spell."

Once back in my room, I checked the book. Sure enough, there was an address inside. I glanced at my girls. "I guess I have work to do. You might want to find something to do, this could take a while."

After debating what to do first, I eventually decided that it was time I kept my word to Sairaorg and healed his mother. I opened a Gate to the slip of paper given him on the night of the ball, and stepped through.

I found myself in a small bedroom, with Sairaorg standing by the bed. Comatose in the bed was a woman I assumed was his mother.

I smiled. "Hello!"

I walked over, and held out a hand. I called up one of my Super Tier spells, one made for absolute healing. I wove it into a large circle over her bed and intoned, "))Sands of Sanctity((."

Gold dust flowed from the circle, settling on her and sinking into her skin. I smiled. "All right, she should wake soon. I'll leave you alone."

And with that, I exited through the Gate.

Once back in my room, I smirked. "Hey Shirone, I had a thought. Do you know where Rider and Minato are?"

She inclined her head, looking up from their game of Monopoly. "They're teachers in Kuoh Academy, right?"

I nodded. "Can you get Rider over here? Once I have Valerie, I want to make an entrance."

She smiled waspishly. "I take it we're also sending word of our visit?"

I matched her grin. "We are indeed."

Gil sighed from the bed, where she sat reading a book. "You two are evil."

We just grinned. I called up my Denpa Kyoushi disguise, then Gated to the address that Ajuka had given me.

I appeared in a large room, with elaborate furnishings and walls lined with books. A man sat in an armchair in front of the fireplace, a glass of wine in his hand. "Greetings." He called. "What brings you to my humble abode?"

I smiled, pulling out a large gem absolutely glowing with raw magical energy. "I heard that you have a Dhampir around here, right?"

He smiled, eyeing the gem in my hand greedily. "I do indeed. My daughter." He spat the last word, before taking a sip of his wine. "May I ask why you need her?"

I smirked. "I've created a ritual for giving myself increased strength. A human wouldn't do anything, and a Vampire would only hurt me. No, I need a Dhampir."

He smiled. "Very well. I take it that you have more of those?"

I nodded. "One or two. I might accidentally drop them as I leave. After all, I can't hold both a young Dhampir and all these heavy gems at once, now can I?"

The 'man' sighed in mock sadness. "It is indeed a pity. Here." He tossed me an iron key. "You will find her in the basement. Down the hall to your left."

I smiled and 'accidentally' dropped a few gems on the way out, following his directions. I arrived at the basement and knelt down, dropping the disguise. "Hey, Valerie. I'm here to take you to Gaspar. Is that okay with you?"

Slitted eyes met mine, glowing in the dark. "Tell me how you know that name." She demanded.

I sighed. "My aunt Rias has Gaspar in her Peerage as a )Bishop(, and I wanted to take you to see him."

A suspicious tone crept into her voice. "And the catch?"

I smirked. 'Clever girl.' "You can see him as much as you want, but it means you have to join my aunt's Peerage."

A sigh echoed in the dark. "Say I agree, and you get me out of here. How do I know my father won't just drag me back?"

"I may have bribed him."

The eyes blinked. "How?"

"I pretended to be a shady terrorist who wanted to sacrifice you in a dark ritual to increase my power."

She burst out laughing. "All right, I'll do it. Just get me out of this dump."

I nodded. "Come with me, then." I opened the door and let her out, leaving the key in the door.

I opened a Gate to just outside my family's mansion and walked through. Rider was there, waiting. "Greetings, young King!" He boomed, startling poor Valerie.

I shushed him. "Can you take us to the Gremory Manor?"

He smirked, summoning Gordius Wheel. "I can indeed."

I matched his smirk. "Well, then. Let's go!"

Rias froze, her cup of tea still held to her lips as she reread the message. "He's coming." She whispered in terror.

Akeno looked over to her. "Hmm? Who's coming?"

She shuddered. "HIM. The troll."