
Under Lock & Key

Mafia Story / With Regular Updates **Serious Assault, Strong Language, Mature and Dark Themes Throughout - 18+** Short Story Description: Jaxon Gray is New York's hottest businessman, gangster and mafia king. A terrifyingly harsh man that claims to be 'impossible to love' due to his dark nature, murderous choices and suffocating demeanour... That is, until he meets the sweetheart known as Faye Woods... The perfect victim to fulfil his selfish plans. Faye and her best-friend Michael, both were bullied throughout high school and were unfortunate enough to be left without parents. They struggle to make ends meet as they work in a run-down cafe - praying for something to go right for them for once... Jaxon lands himself in Fayes hold, quickly deciding that she would be the perfect target for his master plan... One altercation leads to another, as he decides to kidnap and threaten the innocent girl - which he claims is the only one right for the job - before he forces her fully into his hectic world filled with crime and darkness. Could someone so cold survive around someone so warm? Could a criminal actually love or be loved? Or will the monster hidden within be impossible to beat... read at your own risk to find out more! *********************************************

Beed910 · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 1

*****Faye's POV*****

"I wonder why they always park there for so long... why not just come inside?!" I groan, seeing the same black SUV pull up into our dusty parking lot.

"Bitch why are you complaining? You love when those hot ass men come in here!" My best-friend, Michael, responds as he continues to ice the cakes he had made for the display window.

"Oh would you just zip it Mike! I just don't get why they always come to this same spot every single week?! I mean they literally just sit in that damn car for so long until the other car pulls up... then they make some sort of illegal exchange... before they finally come in here and place an order!" I continue my rant, studying the car as it remains stationary.

I was unable to see inside due to the blacked out windows, but regardless, I knew that the same three men would be in there. This had been a weekly occurrence for the past three months and counting!

"Uh huh... the same cursed order that you always force me to take! You can't keep hiding in the back whenever they come in here Faye! Not that I'm complaining because let's be honest... they are some fine ass men after all... but you're just being totally ridiculous with it all now!" Michael steps back to admire his icing work, before dusting his hands on his apron proudly.

"Are you two done messing around out here? We have customers!" Sandra, or as we both called her - 'The Wicked Witch of the Rest' - barked at us, before heading out back for her seventh smoke break this hour.

Also yes, we do call her the 'Witch of the Rest' because that's the name of this horrific cafe we've both landed a job in!

'The Sunny Rest', I mean who even came up with such a terrible name? But I guess it was fitting since the cafe was in fact terrible itself. We recently had some of the regular customers admit to us that they only come here for Michaels cakes... he was probably the only thing keeping Sandra's doors open at the minute so she should be grateful for us being here!

There was sadly nothing we could really do about her attitude though other than to smile and get on with it. We were both school dropouts, both broke as fuck, and stuck living in a small town just outside of New York.

Michael always wanted his own bakery in the big city... so he was saving up everything he could from working in here to help with that. He also promised me a job when his dream did come true and I'll sure as hell hold him to that too!

"I'll take out the trash!" I suddenly chime brightly, seeing three of the car doors outside swing open, revealing the large men in question.

"Oh no you don't missy! Not today! You need to stop this silly behaviour once and for all!" Michael, being the biggest pain in the ass that he is, blocks my escape with a laugh as I struggle against him to make it through to the back.

"Michael come on! No please don't do this to me today! Not now! They are one hundred percent criminals or some shit you know that!" I defend, as he snorts and rolls his eyes at how immature I was acting.

"You're making a fool of yourself Faye! Get it together they're coming in!" He laughs, spinning me around to face the till as we hear the door bell ring out signalling their arrival...

They were all absolutely huge! Covered in tattoos, full of muscle and overall the three of them were just terrifyingly gorgeous! None of the men in town looked like them... especially not the ones I went to school with anyway that's for sure!

I just couldn't understand why they always came here?! To this old cafe? If I had to guess I'd say they all lived in the city... and there is tons of nicer places to stop for a snack there!

We currently had around five customers eating in today, most of which where the older generation who lived local and either came in for Mikes cakes or to sit down to catch up with friends.

"Mrs...are you going to take our order or what?!" The one with the shaved head grumbles irritatedly, causing me to gulp and shift nervously under their intense stares - realising that I had been totally lost in thought this whole time.

I must have been staring right through them like some obsessed freak!

"Uh... y-yeah sorry!" I quickly nod, encouraging them to continue.

"Our usual please gorgeous!" The blonde one suddenly winks, causing my face to flush bright red from the action alone.

"She's clearly fucking new here! She doesn't know what our usual is!" The one at the back suddenly grits out to his friend, sending a chill up my spine from his tone alone as I shift my eyes.

I wasn't new... but considering that this was the first time I had stayed out front to take their order I can see why he had assumed.

I glance to him as he stands behind the other two, studying his jawline as it tenses when speaking to his friend. My eyes trail up the tattoos painted across his thick neck - watching as they stop just under his ears. From what I could see on his neck and hands, he seemed to be covered in them completely!

If only I could check under his clothes just to be certain...

As I continued to rudely stare, my heart dropped when he turned his attention back to me - his dark emotionless eyes meeting my own.

"Three black coffees and three of any cake that you think we will like." The shaved head guy speaks up again, throwing a few notes on the counter as I scramble to pick them up.

"No problem!" I speak, almost in a whisper, finding that my throat had suddenly gone dry on me.

"Keep the change for yourself too gorgeous!" The blonde grins, as the three of them go off to the far end booth to sit down.

I look at the notes, seeing they had given me fifty dollars for only a fifteen dollar order... I place the money into the till - before taking out the change.

I study my surroundings, taking note that not one person in here seemed to look at the three men as they barged their way through the tables.

"You did it gorgeous!" Michael appears beside me again, teasing me with the word that one of them had used.

"Stop! That was terrible Mike! I made a complete fool of myself!" I groan, setting up the cups to make their coffees.

"Yeah your face is as red as a tomato!" He adds with another laugh, making me glare at him for his mockery.

"Does he call you gorgeous when you work the till?" I raise an eyebrow, earning an eye roll from him.

"Of course not! I don't think those men are interested in me babe... but I do wish they were!" He throws his hands up, as I snigger at him now.

Michael was hilarious I had to admit it.

"What cakes did they ask for?" He questions studying the case full, as I continue fixing their drinks.

"Oh... he said just to pick any that I think they would like!" I inform him, suddenly growing nervous with the request incase they didn't like the ones that I pick.

"My new Biscoff cake! I'm telling you Faye it's just incredible! I found the Biscoff sauce and biscuits in Target and they have worked a treat with this new cake recipe!" Michael claps excitedly, before taking out three plates and dishing a large slice on each.

I hope they do like Biscoff...

"I'll take the coffee over for you so that your shaky ass hands don't spill it!" Michael laughs, leaving with the tray as he weaves his way through the customers towards them.

He's probably right I would have dropped that for sure...

I quickly place the remains of their change into Michaels tip jar for the day - deciding that he would use it better than I would - before I follow his lead with the cakes.

I pass him on his way back as he raises his eyebrows at me suggestively and laughs causing my cheeks to flare again as I approach the men.

What an asshole!

I stop at the table, gaining all of their attention as I shakily place the plates in front of them all. The blonde one grins at me with an approving nod, as the other two just stare.

"Do you want a fucking tip? We already gave you one!" The scariest guy speaks out, causing me to realise I had stood by the table a little too long - captivated by them.

"S-So sorry sir!" I nod at them, before excusing myself as I practically race back to Michael at the counter.

Just lock me up already...