
Under Black Scales

a Gamer doing Soldier work dies and finds him self in World of Azeroth a land of constend wars dangers adventures and Glory. Join aur protagonist in story of his battle not to return to lands of the dead. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft,(I Claim no ownership and all rites of WoW title places and most of hero of story are all belonging to Blizzard entertaiment) I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes please bear in mind that this will be my 1 big story so it may be a bit bloody so to say.

Madaremius · Video Games
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Waking up in the nest i find my self looking around to mostly empty nest Nefarian and Onyxia went off to somewhere so did rest of the brood all but one.

My focus landed on my brother Sabellian who seemed to be contend sleeping with his head falling off a cliffs end while rest of him stayed up on it, Seballion is one of Deathwing's lieutenants in the making, but for now he is just my brother somewhat less rude then my siblings even before i got to be the boss so he has a bit more of my favor and brood knows not to mess with him to much even if he is asking for it you see he is somewhat of a prankster with no fear in his heart, he has guts to even prank me that says a lot since not even soon to be drakes dont risk my anger.

Looking on Sabellion deep a sleep with his body almost falling, it would be shame to waste such an opportunity to test my new skill, useing Dungeon Control i create a puddle of mud right under Seballaion's head ,with that done i sneak up so i am positioned so that sound would come opposite to his head and mud pile, being satisfied with my placing i take in a deep breath and...


Seballian rocketed back away from the sound falling right in to the mud pile releasing a squeak of horror as he fallen down.


Realising what has happend Seballion pulled his head out of the mud give me a deep frown and proceeded to look me dead in the eye's but thx to all mud on his face his death stare only made me laugh harder.


"you think this is funny brother?"

I see his angry Facade break as smile starts to creep on corners of his snout

i nod while laughing

"just wait till you see what i will do to you COME HERE!"

to that Seballion dived in to mud covering his paws fully and rushed out of it to me, his intent cleaner than his paws i started to run while still laughing and my laughter wos soon joined by his.

As i continue to dodge his pounces on me i trip and find my self rooling on my back for a second, Sabellion needed not another second to be on me covering me with the mud the game of cat and mouse turned in to mud brawl as i try to get him off me and he fight of my atempts to lose my self of his grip.

Fainally getting him off and useing my mass to pin him to ground still chuckling from our litile game i say "Ha! haha give up brother" he still trashes for a moment before stoping

"haha ok okey i give"

Giving his answer as smile i get off him and lay down next to him as we both rest and catch our breaths. recognizing smell in the air i look to entrence of cave that works as our true nest, i see Onyxia standing ther with a smirk

"You know brother's if someone walked in hir now they could get wrong idea or do the mating pair actual need a minute to them self's ?"all that with a big smug look on her face.

Seballion and i give each other a look of salient agreement before nodding to one another and getting up.

Onyxia's smile turned into cold realisation as we both approached her with mud and deadly intent, she atempted to run but with the two of us she did not get far as we grabed her and mercilessly give have her same mud bath treatment.

When we were done she looked as a cat would after a bath but this time muddy she hated us and wanted blood but just limited her self to death stare's for the moment as i and Seballion laughed at our handy work.

"you will pay for this just you wait" was her words of hate before, Onyxia took a deep breath looked at us with less death in mind and spoke "Now that you are done playing game's you should both go to arena we are expected"

giveing her suprised look i asked "Expected by who?"

"i dont know brood mother came in while you still sleeped and she said all of brood to be on arena when sun will be at it's highest"

looking out of cave to get look at sky it seems we got maybe half hour to get ready and get to arena "okey let's clean up and go ther" they both nod to that.

finding our selves on arena we share surprised looks as ALL welps are hir of all brood's we find our brood and waited for whatever is to happen while listening in to chat around us, some welps spoke about test like a big hunt, some spoke about another battle among our selves but this time with all broods on it, while some just wanted to get back to doing whatever they happend to been doing before this.

as the heavy beating of wings broke the silence, the whelps growing excited as a large black dragon, around the same size as the Brood Mother, landed on the arena's ground.

The black dragon looked more bulky from the Brood Mother as well as it had multiple scars on its body, no doubt from the war with the other flights. It roamed its eyes on the whelps, snorting when they landed on Ancalagon.

"Alright, whelps" he boomed, startling brood's into silence

"My name will not be give to you for you will have to earne honor of knowing it" giving pouse he looked us over for reactions and started to speak again "Till day you earne it you will all call me your teacher"

Most welps give him nod of understanding to his words while some just did nothing.

"You will follow my orders and teachings obey and you will be rewarded disobey and you will SUFFER for it"

to thos words excitement of the welps have died down instantly it wos replaced with grim determination not to feil in his orders.

"I am hir because it's time for a bit of... training. Today we're practicing claw-to-claw combat. I want you to get into groups of two." He barked. As ordered, the whelps of the clutches began to find partners. while i was a bit at a loss, before a claw tapped on my shoulder.

Turning around i find myself with a welp i have never seen before, he wos head smaller then me he was a lot less muscled than me but the ones that i seen showed he was no push over just a lot more of agile build rather then raw power one, the eye's of welp are deep black purple, dark blue underbelly and what looked like ears on the side of his head, along with a developing underbite as well most surprisingly what looked like some sort decorations on his horns all looked hand made with care and precision but not experience.

"Uhm," the whelpling mumbled, "Let's team up?" he said while giving me a look that made him look even smaller then he was.

Nodding to his honestly live saving request we went further from the group of whelplings and waited for the dragon's directions

Teacher hummed happily as each whelpling had found a partner quite quickly. Swaying his clubbed tail, he began our training it wos mostly a show of how to place claws to riposte incoming strike or wher to teaks hit's on the body to spread dmg on mass rather then one point on your scales when show was over he tolled us to use what we learned on one another.

Taking pouncing stance i took in sight of my partner he was strugling that was obvious i see his front is to far from his wings makeing him open on side, while his tail is high as if scorpion stinger to close to wings to get momentum and not hit his wings if somoene hit his side, i decaided to go easy on him.

Teacher seeing all whelps ready for battle smashed his club tail to ground giving loud Craak signaling battle to start.

Tucking my wings around my sides i charge him with one powerfull push of my legs, Poor whelp yelped at the sudden speed, as well as suddenly having the weight of another whelp on his body i playfully growled and clawed carefully at the whelplings scales, making sure that claws just barely get to scratching the surface of his scales before being kicked off.

Whelp now fully aware that despite all my bulk i am no slowpoke took to tracking my movement, trying to pounce on him again i found my self only hiting ground as whelp was no longer at same spot, i turn to him only to get a mouth full of his claws in what could only be described as dragonic Bitch slap no dmg done other then to the pride.

"HA!" my fighting partner took great joy in landing that bitch slap until.

Slowly i turn to face him again with cold dead look in my eye's ending his smile and joy with realization of what's to come.

His attempting to get away from me was cut short as i made stone rise from ground and send him triping as i pounce him.

Two bodies rolled around, i could feel the sharp yet small fangs of whelp mouth around my neck, the whelpling clutching tightly, but not enough to draw blood. Lifting my paws, i pushed at the whelps neck making him let go, and then whelps legs came up and kicked up at my belly. making me leting go after the second kick, barely dodging a battering from his tail. we started to circle each other for a moment before rushing back in, the fight growing a bit more serious as nips became bites and light scratches became Claw marks.

[Gained +1 Strength from training]

Eventually, the day turned to night, and the Teacher finally called for things to stop. All the whelps stopped what they were doing, most bloody and broken, even i was no better in that regarde my left wing was broken from a side hit and plenty of claw strikes marked my scales, my Partner was no better with his tail club in pieces and plenty of bite marks on his body.

"Huff sooo huff what is huff your name?" i asked the whelp while trying to catch my breath

"Huff Noxarian huff you?"

"Ancalagon" to that Whelp now known to me as Noxarian went wide eyed having just get to who did he just battle with, before he went to full panick mode i give him a wide smile

"Good fight Noxarian" his panic seemed to died down to this words

Noxarian spat blood to the side of the field gently nodded, trying not to damage the wounds on his body any more.

"Whelps" teacher spoke getting all of our atention "I will return in one week's time i expect you to train what i showed you today everyday till i return, we are done hir today return to your nest sides and rest" with this parting words teacher took to sky and flew off.

giving a look to Noxarian and puting on a smile i ask him "So tomorrow same time?"

he just give me pleding look and fly's off to his nest, while i am walking back to my(Damn that broken wing).

As i almost make it to nest wanting for nothing more in life then sleep i am hit with mud ball looking to wher it came form i see smirking Onyxia "telled you you will pay" as mud strike continuous i find myself wishing i never made that prank in first place....