
Under Black Scales

a Gamer doing Soldier work dies and finds him self in World of Azeroth a land of constend wars dangers adventures and Glory. Join aur protagonist in story of his battle not to return to lands of the dead. The story takes place in the universe of the World of Warcraft,(I Claim no ownership and all rites of WoW title places and most of hero of story are all belonging to Blizzard entertaiment) I will do my best to research and come with an enjoyable story of what could happen in lore and explore one of my favorite lore universes please bear in mind that this will be my 1 big story so it may be a bit bloody so to say.

Madaremius · Video Games
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16 Chs

A Duel

The place we were heading was on the other side of the island; it was an old arena that had been made by some drake at some point in the distant past. The arena had been created so that the whelps would have a place to work out their differences away from the brood nesting spot, as the brood mothers tended to break up any serious fights they saw, or at least, that was the way it was long ago.

Never the less, this was the place for serious fights, and there were stands were whelps could come to watch. In fact, there was a fight going on right now. some of the same year brood from different brood mother dueled one another it was mostly a show then a real battle they have been circling one another for forth time and i was not in the mood to wait for them to be done playing, dive bombing between them i slammed with sufficient force to break stone slab on landing spot.

Both fighters give me wide eye's and back off from dragon twice ther size. I wanted to kick them both out and get on with fight but law of place is no one can stop a duel for other reason then in case of emergencies, but it dos not say i cant motivate both parties to teak ther fight seriously so instead i snarled on the two dragon and spoke to them "get this battle done or i WILL" before flying out from the ring.

Getting threatened by me as well as having a good look around themselves seeing audience increase in numbers by the moment they put up real effort in the duel. My brood and I alighted on one of the outer walls while we waited for the fight to conclude

The fighters were two whelps, few months younger then my brood if their size was anything to go by. It was two females, and they were fighting over one of the males

I could tell why they were fighting all over a guy, the male in question was much larger than a whelp of his age had any right to be, almost as big as me but much less bulky, i am more aware then i would like to be that size is what made him desirable to the females, after all i hade many suitors from diffrent brood's trying to get my attention in this years and a bit more disturbingly from same brood two... Luckily my brood mostly give up after 2 years of being ignored by me.

Dont get it wrong whelps did not become sexually active until the day they turned into a Drake, which was at the age of 100 years. But it did not stop them from wanting to have options and ready mates to go when that time came.

i was getting bored of waiting but even If i wanted to and got to fight in a different part of the island it would mean nothing as the results of the fight wouldn't be public, and no black Dragon would honor a deal that wasn't public.

I turned my attention away from the fight for a few moments to look at Nefarian. The fins that he had in the game hadn't grown in yet, and wouldn't until he was a dragon. At most, he had some red scales on his head, and the famous three white horns, one on his nose, and the two others coming from his jaw, his body head smaller then my wos still nothing to scoff at as i said when i trained he trained just as hard or more as his ego would not let him get one upped by me.

I diffrently then him however never went all out on public trenings, my lone hunts and times away from rest of the brood in my personal small cave was wher magic happend. while Naferion played bossing welps and showing off his strength I observed and prepared I was going to fight him i knew it. For the past 5 years, I had been mostly focused on improving what i lacked speed and maneuverability on land and in flight, and refining my magma breath. After 5 years of self-training, I was very acrobatic in the air and land despite my low Dexterity stats i wos able to turn on a dime, hover in the air and land stay in air for long periods, do barrel rolls, and shift my position so that I could turn to face anything coming for me.

My magma breath had taken me a bit longer to figure out, as when I was younger I couldn't hold it for very long. I had to wait until I was 3 before I could start training with it. after spending 2 years training on it i have gotten that skill to lv 4 Now I could make my magma really, really hot, so hot it was a blinding yellow when it came out. I could shoot it in a long, thin stream, shoot it in a spray, or shoot it in short but speedy bursts a kin to fireball's.

While I had been training these abilities, I hadn't really done any train with my earth moving. I mean, come on, who wouldn't focus on flight and magma breath? It's magma breath for crying out loud! it's the best thing ever! also since i am aware that any future battles will take place mostly in air with other flights i picked to be ready for thos days no sane dragon would fight a black on ther home turf after all.

As i get lost in the future plans the now of them moment comes to me in a form of nudge from Tenebrian indicating to me that the fight was over.

The two females that had been fighting earlier looked worst for ware. One of them had a torn up face, while the other had a shredded wing in the end neither won as i see Onyxia curl up under the big male wing and give the two passing girls cruel smile.

I noticed, peculiarty, that other whelps were showing up, more and more by the moment there is at least twice what was before here for other fight.

"What's going on?" I asked Onyxia, who had been chatting with the whelp from a different brood.

"They're coming to see you and Nefarian fight," she replied. "It's not everyday that you see a fight between the children of the Aspect, In hindsight, I should have seen it coming.

It was a known fact, but clutchlings of an aspect itself tend to be more powerful than clutchlings that didn't have an aspect for a parent. The farther away you got in relation to the aspect of your flight, the less powerful you were. It was the reason why only the brood mothers that were children or mate's of Deathwing were allowed to breed here, on this island that was safe haven for whelps, but other brood mothers had to lay their eggs in unsafe locations were dragons of the other dragonflights could find them

I took flight, coming to a rest on opposite side of the arena to Nefarion.

"Today, brother, we shall see why I am the future of our Dragon flight," said Nefarian, and arching his back the way a cat would.

"Oh, so we were back to that moronic argument".

"I have told you once, and i will tell you a hundred time's more Nefarian," I replied gruffly, mirroring his movement. "I honestly don't care whether you are the future of the Dragon flight, as long as you leave me and mine alone."

Nefarian sneered. "You lie. Even now I can sense you plotting to take a way my birthright."

Well, he was right about one thing: I was plotting stuff, but not about that. Props to him for figuring something out for a change.

I change my posture to one i have trained just for this occasion in mind leaving cat like low form i decide to tower over Nefarion wings out strechet,"Enough posing. Are we going to do this or not?" I asked with a fully visible smile just to piss him off.

That got him pissed all right without warning, Nefarian dashed forward, probably hoping to sink his teeth in my neck. I didn't bother staying there, instead giving a hard flap of my wings to jump over him and, in the same motion, shoot a spray of white hot magma at him.

It wouldn't hurt him, that I knew, but I hoped he would be blinded by some of it getting in his eyes a sharp grunt answered my prayers, and I began to make my dashe above him, while he was shaking the magma out of his eye's i made distance big between me and ground.

When i felt that i got far enough i started my descended back to the ground, I had to be careful here, as one wrong move now could be catastrophic

Nefarian for his part finally managed to get rid of lava and started to look around for me while not moving from a spot, He turned his attention up to me just in time to see me dive bomb on to him he panicked a little and try to move to late for that "heh just as planned."


i full speed body slam in to Nefarian's face loud cheers came from the audience as well as sounding of a sickening crunch as i smack in to Nefarian breaking his nose horn as i headbutt him at full speed my vitality overfeed body can teke it and go on no problem Nefarian's not so much.

Nefarian is send flying good 2m away from place i crashed in to him as he comes to a stop i charge on him and grab his neck with my jows giving him a sharp nibble. and position my bulk on him body

"Submit," I hissed, my mouth closed around his neck. "Submit, now."

He struggled some more, so I bite down, hard, but not hard enough to threaten his life but hard enough to break his scales.

"Submit, Nefarian!" I raored to his face as i let go of his neck and turn my head to glare at him . "Or I will bite hard enough to never have to hear your talk." giving him sly grin"actual do go on give me a reason to be done with you"

That got him to stop. There was nothing more painful than death for nothing, so he finally lay still

I got up, backing away from him. The next moment, I felt a strange, heady sensation.


[Defeat All Challengers To Your Claim Of Land Or Leadership]

[Reward: Skill Dungeon Control]

Name:Dungeon Control

Description: Dungeon Control Gives User Power To Control And Modifi Any Territory They May Have To Their Liking This Skill Can Change Dead Waste Land In To Lush Paradise Over Time

MP Cost: Cost Depends On The Amount Of Terrain Changed As Well As Severity Of Changes

Looking over my new skill i return to the moment i can't be seen sightseeing the air for to long after all "Come, Nefarian, we should return to our nest," I said, standing up and way from him to give a nod to Onyxia who give off word to the rest of brood to take flight, and we all flew back to the nest.