
Unconventional Contract Marriage

Meet Alise, a down-to-earth girl who’s all about chasing her dreams, keeping it real, and taking life head-on. She firmly believes in going after what she wants, no matter what!”But her world crumbles when she stumbles upon her boyfriend and best friend’s betrayal,Alise (heartbroken) “I can’t believe they did this to me as she runs towards them “Whack Whack”……… And in the midst of all that, To add to her difficulties her modeling career had been failing adding more to her emotional burden. so In search of a fresh start, she embraces her Grandfather’s Contract for an arranged marriage that benefits her in her time of need. Which led her with a man named Auston Myers. “She never thought she'd consider something like this, but she ponders, “Maybe it’s what I need.” Auston Myers is a man people assume is bad solely based on his height and muscular physique. They think he's some brutal man but Auston Let them think what they want Because in reality, not only is he a Ceo underneath he’s a laid-back guy who values solitude and is deeply immersed in anime, gaming, manga, and relaxation. He always thought “I'm more than what you perceive” Alise is often perceived as Stuck-up and self-willed, Nonchalant cause she doesn't let others control her, while she may appear unbreakable, she is in fact, just as human as anyone else. she (reflects) “I’ve got my flaws and vulnerabilities too But Confidence is key, right?” She’s a mix of clumsiness and rationality, with a playful, goofy side and a sense of dark humor. she loves to (laugh) as she thinks “Life’s too short not to have a little fun, even in the worst moments. Watch as they both reveal their true selves to each other, just as there is more to each of them than what everyone assumes.” Join them on this journey as they navigate this unconventional marriage arrangement, driven by self-interest. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those that like it, I hope you enjoy this story. you can support my book with anything I’m grateful, honestly much love guys. Also, I understand that Web Novel can be costly, so I'm here to make it more accessible for my supportive fans. I'll be sharing my raw content and updating frequently, perhaps even more frequently than on here. You'll have access to any locked episodes from WebNovel here through a convenient subscription on https://patreon.com/ImDove?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

ImDove · Urban
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49 Chs

Unfiltered Feelings

She found her self still thinking about her unusual circumstances, even if she already thought about them a thousand times a day. It was just no way she would get past this she thought, this was bizarre.

She uttered, Alise, you're crazy. You're fucking crazy. As she said that out loud she quickly followed with Wait, I'm not crazy. It's not me. It's them she yelled loudly.

However, as her voice echoed through the room, she abruptly stopped, realizing that she was not alone. She remembered that Auston was nearby, and he might have overheard her outburst.

She stopped for a moment and then followed on Quietly, as she mumbled to herself, "Fuck the modeling agency, Fuck Ines, Fuck Aaron."Fuck all of them.

With a determined fire in her eyes, she declared, "They can all go to hell. Just wait, though. If I ever see them again, they won't be laughing." Her words carried a clear message "Fuck Them".

She uttered those words, and in that very moment, she contemplated, "I did mention leaving everything behind at the beach, but I only meant the pain. I only meant to shed that burden. Naturally, I will step on them, especially Ines (Ex-Bestfriend)".

With a sinister grin, she chuckled while thinking about them. "I upgraded everything after their betrayal," she declared with satisfaction, listing her gains: "Ten million dollars, five luxurious estate properties, ownership of a famous restaurant, and even fully paid lavish vacations."

She knew that if they ever discovered who she had become and what she now possessed, their jaws would drop in disbelief. With a sense of closure, she bid farewell to her old life where she had settled for less when she could have had so much more.

As she thought about the substantial amount of money that was going to hit her account, she found herself in a moment of uncertainty, unsure of what to do with it. But as quickly as the thought crossed her mind, it all faded away, She had some inkling of what it might be, but it simply disappeared.

As everything started to fade, her drowsy eyes weighed heavily on her. However, she couldn't simply fall asleep. She had a routine, and that meant using the bathroom before bed.

Moreover, she usually applied moisturizer to her lips, but the fact that she didn't have any Vaseline or Aquaphor to soothe her lips added a mental strain to her night.

Bothered by her chapped lips, she felt quite upset as she made her way to the bathroom. The discomfort was all-consuming in her mind. After finishing in the bathroom, she washed her hands and decided to search for something, anything to help.

In her search, she stumbled upon a chapstick that clearly belonged to Auston. Even though the bathroom door was locked, she couldn't resist a quick glance around, wanting to be sure no one was looking. As she stared at it, she couldn't help herself, so she reluctantly decided to use it, applying it quickly.

With the thought that desperate times call for desperate needs, she hurried through the hall back to her room, her lips now soothed.

She returned to bed, slipping under the covers. She closed her eyes, contemplating various thoughts until minutes passed by, and eventually, she drifted off to sleep.

Alise, a light sleeper, heard footsteps passing by her door, rousing her from sleep even before they knocked. With a groan, she thought, "I just fell asleep."

She turned back and forth, drifting in and out of sleep. In a drowsy voice, she mumbled, "I'm up."

Auston, not entirely convinced, said, "I'll come back later." She acknowledged with a sleepy "mm-hmm".

After that, she fell back asleep and woke up again. She couldn't help but think, "I wish I could sleep for a month." She lay in bed for about 15 minutes before deciding to get up. As she did, she experienced a sensation akin to lightheadedness, almost like the feeling of low blood pressure when getting up too quickly.

The sensation lasted for a few seconds before she gradually regained her normal sense of motion. She had to stand still for a moment before attempting to walk. With unsteady steps, she made her way out of the room, heading to the bathroom.

A yawn escaped her lips, her voice still drowsy. She used her fingers to clear away the crusty eye boogers from both her eyes.

With the crust in her eyes cleared, she blinked, feeling no discomfort. She then made her way to the bathroom and used the toilet.

After using the toilet, she washed her hands. When she finished and looked in the mirror, her reflection appeared a bit disheveled.

She uttered, "Yeah, this looks about right," referring to her morning face. She licked her lips and couldn't help but grimace – her breath wasn't pleasant, and her lips were dry.

She made an unpleasant face, as She scolded herself, thinking, "You don't ever think shit through, do you?"

She had left without a second thought, not considering that she didn't have any clothes or personal supplies with her.

Alise rolled her eyes, realizing she needed to ask Auston for some extra supplies. She exited the bathroom and strolled into the hallway, where she noticed a couple of housekeepers diligently working.

As they recognized her as the boss's spouse due to his recent marriage and infrequent visits from non-family members, the housekeepers warmly greeted her.

A sudden idea struck Alise. She approached them and said, "I'd be willing to pay any of you $300 dollars if you could provide me with some everyday items like a toothbrush, face wash, and perhaps some spare clothes."

One of the housekeepers enthusiastically replied, "I'll gladly assist you with that, ma'am." Alise expressed her gratitude and continued, "Please meet me Asap by the bathroom when you have the items just knock and I'll be inside."

The housekeeper nodded, and Alise couldn't help but feel a sense of relief as her quick thinking had paid off.

She went back to the bathroom, fidgeting as the minutes crawled by. Known for her impatience, she paced back and forth until she couldn't take it anymore. Finally, she sat on the counter, waiting for what felt like an eternity.

Then, a soft knock at the door came and Alise sprang up, her butt aching from the hard surface, she muttered a quiet "damn" as she rubbed her sore behind. Before she Eagerly swung the door open.

The housekeeper was holding a basket, and as Alise peered inside, she spotted an assortment of items: toothbrushes, toothpaste, face wash, lip balm, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, a hairbrush, basic makeup, and face moisturizer, along with some clothes neatly tucked into the side.

Alise thanked the housekeeper and requested her information for arranging instant online payment. However, she suddenly realized her phone was in the room and hastily said, "Wait a moment."

Worried that the housekeeper might suspect her of evading payment Alise hurried to her room to retrieve her phone. As she pressed the power button, she impatiently urged it to "Hurry upppp" and silently vented her frustration, urging it to come on.

Halloween was yesterday which is why I didn't post lol, took my Little dinosaur Lil sister and little cousin trick r treating lol ages 3 and 4

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