
Unconventional Contract Marriage

Meet Alise, a down-to-earth girl who’s all about chasing her dreams, keeping it real, and taking life head-on. She firmly believes in going after what she wants, no matter what!”But her world crumbles when she stumbles upon her boyfriend and best friend’s betrayal,Alise (heartbroken) “I can’t believe they did this to me as she runs towards them “Whack Whack”……… And in the midst of all that, To add to her difficulties her modeling career had been failing adding more to her emotional burden. so In search of a fresh start, she embraces her Grandfather’s Contract for an arranged marriage that benefits her in her time of need. Which led her with a man named Auston Myers. “She never thought she'd consider something like this, but she ponders, “Maybe it’s what I need.” Auston Myers is a man people assume is bad solely based on his height and muscular physique. They think he's some brutal man but Auston Let them think what they want Because in reality, not only is he a Ceo underneath he’s a laid-back guy who values solitude and is deeply immersed in anime, gaming, manga, and relaxation. He always thought “I'm more than what you perceive” Alise is often perceived as Stuck-up and self-willed, Nonchalant cause she doesn't let others control her, while she may appear unbreakable, she is in fact, just as human as anyone else. she (reflects) “I’ve got my flaws and vulnerabilities too But Confidence is key, right?” She’s a mix of clumsiness and rationality, with a playful, goofy side and a sense of dark humor. she loves to (laugh) as she thinks “Life’s too short not to have a little fun, even in the worst moments. Watch as they both reveal their true selves to each other, just as there is more to each of them than what everyone assumes.” Join them on this journey as they navigate this unconventional marriage arrangement, driven by self-interest. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those that like it, I hope you enjoy this story. you can support my book with anything I’m grateful, honestly much love guys. Also, I understand that Web Novel can be costly, so I'm here to make it more accessible for my supportive fans. I'll be sharing my raw content and updating frequently, perhaps even more frequently than on here. You'll have access to any locked episodes from WebNovel here through a convenient subscription on https://patreon.com/ImDove?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link

ImDove · Urban
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49 Chs

Awkward and Embarrassed

Their eyes locked, and an awkward silence hung in the air. Alise's gaze shifted downward, and so did Auston's, which is when he suddenly realized that he was still wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist.

Alise hastily retreated into the bathroom, leaving Auston to grumble a quiet "Shit" under his breath.

However, instead of letting embarrassment consume him, Auston decided to knock on the door and offer her the clothes. "Here are the clothes," he said.

Alise slightly opened the door, creating a gap, and reached out to grab them.

As he was about to place the clothes in her hand, she unexpectedly reached for the air and inadvertently grabbed his towel. His eyes widened with shock, and he exclaimed, "Wait! That's my towel! Stop!"

In surprise, she opened the door and exclaimed, "Whattt?" But he quickly closed it, realizing that his towel was barely clinging to his waist anymore.

Surprised, he spoke up, "You pulled my towel down," while he held the door firmly shut.

She replied, "I know, I heard you."

He questioned in confusion"Then why did you open the door?" raising his voice.

She shouted in response, "I don't know!"

After a brief pause, he finally let go of the door, and she heard the doorknob jiggling.

He uttered, "I left the clothes outside the door. Wait a moment before you come out." With that, he quickly walked away, Leaving Alise some time to change and giving himself the opportunity to get fully dressed as well.

Alise, her face flushed with embarrassment, took a deep breath. She cautiously cracked the bathroom door open to ensure that Auston was nowhere in sight. She was relieved to find the coast clear. She quickly grabbed the clothes he had left for her and shut the bathroom door to change.

The shirt was oversized on her, and the shorts he had provided went past her knees. She couldn't help but laugh at her reflection in the mirror, and after a few minutes, her face was no longer crimson red with embarrassment .

She Mumbled under her breath in the mirror as she reflected, "We're adults; we can be civil. No need for the high school act where you avoid each other after each embarrassment." Feeling more composed, she stepped out of the bathroom.

She crept through the hall, searching for Auston with the intention of glossing over the awkward moment. Her aim was to ensure that by the time they woke up tomorrow, any lingering weirdness between them would be resolved.

She continued walking down the hall until she reached two rooms. She decided to knock on both doors, hoping to find Auston in either of them.

Auston, who had been in one of the rooms, heard a knock at the door. His heart skipped a beat, and he hesitated for a moment. However, he decided it was best to address the prior awkwardness by talking and pretending it never happened, so he replied, "Yeah?"

He got up and walked toward the door, his steps hesitant, and slowly turned the doorknob. On the other side stood Alise, wearing his clothes that were noticeably oversized on her. Auston couldn't help but stifle a laugh as his eyes met her.

She hadn't anticipated his laughter, but she seized the moment to alleviate the awkwardness. Playfully scolding Auston, she raised an eyebrow and quipped, "Hey, don't laugh!"

His laughter faded into a smile, and she followed up, her eyes dancing with mischief, "Do I pull off the 'baggy clothes' look or what?"

And as she said that, she twirled around in his oversized clothes, acting in a comical manner, and she confidently placed her hand on her hip.

Auston couldn't help but be charmed by Alise's playful and light-hearted demeanor. He leaned against the doorframe, still grinning, and replied in a sarcastically playful tone, "Absolutely, you make baggy clothes look fantastic."

Alise widened her eyes in mock offense and exclaimed, "Heyyy, I sense sarcasm in your tone!"

he replied, trying to look as sincere as possible. "You genuinely look great in my clothes.

She responded with an "uh-huh," as if to say, "Yeah, right," and then continued, "Well, it's getting late. So, where will I be sleeping tonight?" Her gaze never leaving his eyes.

Auston replied with an "ahh," and continued, "I actually have a couple of spare rooms available for you. You can choose which one you'd like to stay in."

Alise replied, "It doesn't matter; any one is fine." Auston asked, "Are you sure?

Alise nodded and and he walked out the room saying , I'll go get you some fresh sheets and get it ready for you."

Alise expressed her gratitude as he departed, then took a seat on his bed, her thoughts drifting to her family and how they were faring at the moment.

She pondered whether her family had been trying to contact her, despite her having powered off her phone. She could only imagine that when she eventually turned it back on, it would be flooded with notifications.

She smiled, realizing her parents were likely upset but not excessively angry, given that she was with Auston, and they could easily deduce that since he was missing too.

Her siblings, she knew, they wouldn't be mad. They were well aware of her Nature, and although they hadn't expected her to just leave, they understood that she wouldn't have stayed in one place for the entire event, as she never did that just wasn't like her.

That's when Auston returned with fresh, clean sheets. As he entered the room, they started to strip the old sheets off the bed. Alise asked, "Do you think our phones are blowing up with notifications by now, since they're off?"

Auston responded, "Yours is off, but mine isn't. Remember, I had to call Lester to pick us up."

Alise pondered and then said, "Ahh, that's right. So you haven't gotten any by now?."

He repiled, My phone is on 'Do Not Disturb.' Honestly, I'm sure I have, but I'm going to pretend I didn't."

Alise laughed as they finished putting the fresh sheets on the bed. She remarked, "That's why mine is off."

Auston chuckled as they finished making the bed. He then said, "There you go, a fresh and cozy bed for you. If you need anything else, just let me know."

Alise smiled and thanked him, feeling more at ease as the awkwardness of their earlier encounter continued to fade into the background.

"We should get some sleep," he suggested. Alise agreed, saying, "First thing when we wake up, we can go check out the house."

Auston replied, "Cool," as he left some pillows and a cover on the bed, ensuring she had everything she needed.

Alise said goodnight as he left, closing the door. He responded with, "You too," and as Alise got into bed, her thoughts started to flow.

Don't be afraid to have a reality check. Taking risks is OK, but you must be realistic~ Joy Mangano

Rationality is the best, stay focus and do better for yourself Mauh

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