
Uncanny Scarlet-Spider - On Hiatus

Original synopsis Set immediately after the original Clone story-line. Ben Reilly heads to Bayville unaware that his past is still following him. Originally written by kiyone4ever. Yes, I have gotten permission. In Volume Three some of the stories were donated by Author 'whitenightredcross' with permission as well. Ben Reilly learns he is a clone of Peter Parker, instead of interfering with his Original's life he attempts to find his own place in this world. Going to a town miles away he begins his new career as the Scarlet-Spider. What he doesn't expect is this town is the home of a different group of powered individuals called the X-men. Watch as Ben Reilly makes a new path in this world. P.S. I kept the first 13 chapters of the original author (because I really liked it) and added my own details to the story. P.P.S This story-line has a lot to do with the comics... You might feel a little lost but no worries, the story explains itself in time. Release info: for the first forty chapters are 1000 to 1500 words, Chapters 41 and up are 2000 to 2500 words per chapter. Any chapter that was shared by another author was added to and often totally rewritten. But they are other people's work, to begin with so all praise goes to them.

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter Twenty Three: Kaine's Revenge

Ben had gotten up that morning still feeling slightly sore, but he felt the weight that had been sitting on his shoulders since he started on this journey seem lighter somehow. He had made up with Jean and yeah maybe it seemed petty, but it had really made up for a lot of the uneasiness he had been feeling since he came here. The last few training sessions had started to go smoother with the team and he was really starting to understand the new dynamic of working as a group.

Learning to treat everyone as a team member instead of someone he had to protect didn't come easy for him, but he was learning to trust them. Ben still had moments when he overstepped his role, but he was starting to think having people at your back in a fight wouldn't be such a bad thing.

After considering SHEILD's offer he had decided to turn it down, he wouldn't mind tracking down Magneto with the X-Men but he wanted to put away his past along with his identity as a clone. Yeah, he would always care about May and MJ but there was only room for one Peter Parker in this world, and the role had been filled.

That morning he had started a game of basketball with Kurt and Spyke and he realized... They totally cheated! But it was fun as soon as he realized he could use his powers it had become a really close game. It did end abruptly when Spyke had deflated the ball with a little too much force. Although it was disappointing, he didn't hold any grudges it was only a game. (and his name is Spyke what can you expect?)

Ben was getting the nerve to ask a few people to the movies (Jean included) when his spider-sense went off for a moment. It was for the briefest of seconds, but he still managed to jump on to the ceiling in time to see... A little red ball bounce to where he had been standing.

Watching from the side Kurt found his actions hilarious, "Ben…haha, are you afraid of little red balls… hahaha. Are they like your kryptonite or something?"

Ben was convinced at that point he would have to see Hank for a checkup. Because if little balls were setting off his enhanced senses there was something wrong! Then the ball exploded creating a crater in the middle of the floor, and a picture floated out. Stunned Kurt fell on his but surprised.

Soon the explosion sent a series of hurried footsteps to their location. Ben was already on the ground next to the crater studying the picture that the ball released. Astonished Ben stared at the picture in disbelief. The person in the photo looked so very much like himself for a few moments he thought someone was sending him creepy pictures of him sleeping. The brown hair made him immediately drop the picture and back away stunned. He never thought he would see him again… He had put that life behind him..!

At Ben's stunned expression Logan who just arrived picked up the picture and cocked an eyebrow.

"Is there a reason why someone is sending adoring pictures of yourself, Bub?"

Shaking his head, he tried to make his mouth move to say the words.

At his unmoving lips Jean whom already nearby took a look at the picture as well, "It's him." Meeting Ben's eyes she spotted the confusion and hesitation deep within them. Approaching Ben like a scared child she placed a hand on his shoulder, the contact seemed to do something to them both. It was like an electric shock went through them and she was then back inside his memories once more…

She experienced waking up in the smokestack unaware that anything was wrong only to have his world crumble as he saw Peter and MJ embrace, how much that had broken him. Leaving the only home for the complete unknown, he was scared alone and confused. Then finally feeling like he belonged somewhere she saw images of the mansion and the briefest flashes of herself. It was a little weird seeing herself through another person's eyes, but what was more unexpected was the feelings that came with them. It wasn't something he himself had grown to understand fully, but there was something wholesome and inviting…

It was all over in an instant, they hadn't been a lifetime of memories just the last few months' worths, but his emotions were kept at bay this time around. It was informative, not evasive. She sensed the resolve that was building inside of him, their shared experience seemed to have reaffirmed what he needed to do.

"Who do you think sent them?"

Shaking his head, he really had no clue, who knew he was a clone and that he was here of all places. The Xavier Institute was a private location and he hadn't gone out as the Scarlet Spider since SHIELD abducted him. Then it hit him, "Unless it was Warren."

Catching the familiar name Logan who had been confused the entire time seemed to understand suddenly. "Don't make any moves kid, let me get Fury on the line and we can make a battle plan."

"No, this is my fight. I cannot let anyone get hurt over when it…"

"Ben! This no time for being the lone ranger. You are part of a team… isn't that what we have been trying to get through your head!" What appeared to be fire was jumping out of Jean's eyes as she looked into Ben's eyes.

He realized he wasn't getting away from this, at least not without a little misdirection. Slumping his shoulders like he was pretending to be defeated he nodded his head. "Alright, let me get my suit from upstairs and I'll meet you guys in the Briefing room in five minutes.

"I'll go with you," Jean said matter of factly.

"Umm, Jean I appreciate the company… But I will need to change. Unless you like being considered a peeping tom…" He wanted to pull out the awkwardness between them it was the only way she would leave him long enough for him to swing into the city to investigate the clues that were left for him to find.

Cheeks blushing, she was considering letting him go after those embarrassing words but the look of anticipation in his eyes made her decide against that action.

"It's fine. I want to walk with you anyway…" She whispered into his ear.

Her actions were sensual in nature and it had him blushing all the way to his ears. Ben hadn't expected to see this side of Jean for all of forty seconds he was in complete disbelief and awe at her actions.

Someone from behind them cleared their voice snapping him out of his stricken state. Blinking he found Logan still standing there waiting for the pair to start moving. Blushing harder he no longer stopped Jean from following him he ran up the stairs to his dorm room. Attempting to not focus on the redhead he stripped to his boxers and started to dress in his spider attire.

Jean tried not to look at the extremely fit body of Ben, but it was hard. His shoulders were well defined, and his six-pack abs were very attractive in particular… she scolded herself she was starting to sound like a pervert. Ben was her friend and besides, she already had a boyfriend, but her attempts to stop herself from remembering the kiss they shared seemed futile at the moment as Ben zipped up the back of his suit. Turning around he gave her a quick smile that sent flutters through her stomach… Ben was very attractive she couldn't lie to herself about that, but he was her friend first and she needed to stop indulging in these fantasies or she would miss something… Like him taking off towards the open window to escape from her!

Telekinetically she commanded the window to shut before he could manage to jump through. Stopping short Ben turned around annoyance written on his face.

Jean smiled at him in turn and put her hands on her hips in response to his obvious frustration.

"How many times to I have to say we are a team?"

Like a pouting child, Ben turned around and stared at her as she had just denied him a piece of cake.

"You know why I have to do this…"

Holding up her hand she cut him off, "Ben I understand, I do! I've lived inside your memories. That is why I'm going with you..."