
Uncanny Scarlet-Spider - On Hiatus

Original synopsis Set immediately after the original Clone story-line. Ben Reilly heads to Bayville unaware that his past is still following him. Originally written by kiyone4ever. Yes, I have gotten permission. In Volume Three some of the stories were donated by Author 'whitenightredcross' with permission as well. Ben Reilly learns he is a clone of Peter Parker, instead of interfering with his Original's life he attempts to find his own place in this world. Going to a town miles away he begins his new career as the Scarlet-Spider. What he doesn't expect is this town is the home of a different group of powered individuals called the X-men. Watch as Ben Reilly makes a new path in this world. P.S. I kept the first 13 chapters of the original author (because I really liked it) and added my own details to the story. P.P.S This story-line has a lot to do with the comics... You might feel a little lost but no worries, the story explains itself in time. Release info: for the first forty chapters are 1000 to 1500 words, Chapters 41 and up are 2000 to 2500 words per chapter. Any chapter that was shared by another author was added to and often totally rewritten. But they are other people's work, to begin with so all praise goes to them.

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Nineteen: Captured

Logan aka the 'Wolverine' was riding through the countryside, it had been a long week and something had been bothering him. The X-men were going through a transition period, they had just gotten a new member which would likely take bring them into a whole new level of competence. Of course, that also meant that they were going to be on everyone's radar now. Logan had to admit begrudgingly although the kid was young, he was good. Ben needed more training and probably a good kick in the ass, which he also planned to do soon, but he couldn't deny he had great potential. He also had a sixth sense about some things... and if he guessed correctly it wouldn't be long before the sky would fall down on their heads.

Suddenly his heightened sense's alerted him to something... Odd. Logan was out there in the middle of nowhere, riding at the fastest speed his motorcycle could handle and there was no way that he should be smelling... jet fuel. Logan grimaced at the predicament he found himself in currently. Not wishing to let his pursuers realize that he had noticed anything he unleashed his claws from his left hand. Tilting the reflective surface ever so slightly the metallic claws mirrored the sky above him. Unsurprisingly a stealth tactical copter was closely following from above. Narrowing his eyes he sighed, Logan couldn't spot any markings that let him know its origins.

Grunting, he swiftly tilted his bike down an old dirt path on the side of the road. Using skills long honed by the battle he maneuvered his bike around trees and fallen logs in a mad dash to lose them.

The crashing sounds of two heavy armored military vehicles were suddenly making themselves known behind him. He wasn't sure who wanted him this badly but they were well prepared. Spotting a dense population of trees and rock formations he steered his bike towards them and shot directly through. Grinding and crashing sounds reverberated behind him reaffirmed that at least one had gotten stuck, but there was still had another one not to mention a helicopter on his tail.

Suddenly the trees cleared up and the ground had disappeared. Logan brought his hog to a stop at the edge of the drop-off and placed it haphazardly on the ground. He could survive the fall from this height but his baby (the motorcycle) could not... And he would rip anyone to shreds that thought of damaging it. Shedding his helmet, he unleashed his claws awaiting the last vehicle to catch up. Logan was already pissed and someone was asking to be gutted!


Ben was starting to feel frustrated. It really hadn't been a great day. Scott had alienated him, Jean... Ben didn't really want to think about her... He had been captured by a Robin hood reject "I mean who uses bows and arrows these days?' Ben thought internally. Now he was setting in what felt like a dark room... Yeah, this was a great day indeed. Ben didn't really know what he was doing here anymore, he had been hoping he would find a home at Xavier's institute, but he wasn't quite fitting in here. Xavier and Henry were great to him, it was very surprising when he realized they had created an identity for him, and they were very welcoming. Now he could actively live his life without the issue of not having documentation, but even the other students were great... at least some of them. Shaking his head he realizes this wasn't was he should be focusing on.

The light came on in the room bringing him out of his revelry. The first thing he noticed was his surroundings the room was white, the floor the walls even the furniture was such blinding was so white it was painful to the eye. Blinking his eyes quickly to make them adjust to the uncomfortable change, he spotted a door that blended in with the wall open in the back of the room.

Unexpectedly a black man dressed in a black uniform with an eye patch over one eye entered the room, he seemed overly casual like this was his back yard. Holding a tablet in his hand he lightly glanced at Ben, "Well have you been enjoying your stay here Mr. Reilly?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Oh you must be Daffy's boss, let me guess your name is... Zaraki Kenpachi?" Ben didn't miss the fact that this guy knew his name. What the guy was doing was a power play, it might have worked if he was Peter but he wasn't so there was little they could threaten him with. As long as Peter stayed away he had little to worry about.

"Cute kid, I hope Hawkeye didn't rough you up too much, though he isn't my top agent... he seemed to have kicked your ass. But then again my top agent would have probably killed you already for your smart mouth." He said with a smirk.

"Well Patches, can I call you Patches? If you have gotten me here in a lame attempt to flirt? I'll be honest here, though I'm flattered..."

"Kid if you finish that sentence I will..." Grinding his teeth together he abruptly stopped talking. Ben was getting under his skin and it wasn't really like him to lose his cool. Fury was a master military strategist, skilled at armed and unarmed combat and currently the director of SHIELD.

Guessing he must be needing his medicine his Fury couldn't help remembering the hell he has gone through because of the 'Infinity Formula... Being seriously wounded in France during World War II. He was saved in part due to Professor Sternberg's Formula. But the drawback was that Fury must be inoculated by the serum every year or he will age dramatically.

Fury didn't like being kept on a short leash even by a drug, but currently, he couldn't take out his frustration on this kid just because he was jonesing for his daily fix.

Closing his eyes again he began once again, "Spider, I have a proposition for you."

"No," Ben said decisively.

"But you haven't even heard my proposal?"

"Do the ends justify the means to you?" Ben said narrowing his eyes. "Most people just drop what we here in the twenty-first century like to call.. an 'E-Mail' when they want to invite somebody to a party rather than say... Committing a forced abduction! That has bad guy written all over it."

"Yeah, I can understand your standpoint, but there are reasons we took you as we did. Agree or not, we are the good guys, but sometimes the good guys have to do what they have to do. Would you believe that there are people in this city now that would like nothing else than to see you dead?"

"Yeah! I've heard the 'What we had to do' speech before. Maybe you've heard of him... does Doc Ock ring any bells? Pin pals maybe?... The thing that people like you, never get is... that the ends never justify the means because the means shape the end!" You kidnapped me in the middle of the day to ask me a question... And your not one of the people who want me dead, right?" Ben replied sarcastically.

"Well, I wasn't until recently..." He whispered beneath his breath, "No, we had ample time to dispose of you if that is what we wanted. What we do want is for you to join us."

"Sorry, I've just joined a club you will have to wait your turn..."

Impatiently Fury interrupted him, "We know all about the X-men. In fact, we have... Invited another one here." He said motioning to a camera Ben hadn't noticed before now.

Suddenly the same door Fury had walked though Logan walked through as well.

Snarling Logan demanded, "FURY, what in blazes do you think you are doing?! If you put one scratch on my baby I'll..." Spotting Ben they could visibly see the man's nose flare.

"Are you in on this Reilly because if you are..."

"Listen to Chuckles, they kidnapped me when I went on patrol earlier."

At Ben's words, Logan unleashed his claws and started to crouch down like a wild beast ready to strike, but Fury's words stopped him short.

"James, we have known each other for a long time can you give me time to explain myself?" It sounded like he was genuine so he decided to hold off of judgment.

"Okay, Nick... but for future reference. You take a kid from my side again, then we won't be having this same conversation." At his words, he sheathed his claws.

Feeling a little bit more secure that Logan was here Ben said. "So, how long have you known each other?"

"I met Nick Fury right after the second great war."

For a few moments, Ben didn't understand. Then his jaw nearly unhinged from his skull, "World War 2?"

"Is that what you kids are calling it these days?" Logan asked

"Look here... General Chang... I appreciate that you and Mister Logan here know each other from the invention of gunpowder, but what does this have to do with me?" Ben said impatiently.