
Uncanny Scarlet-Spider - On Hiatus

Original synopsis Set immediately after the original Clone story-line. Ben Reilly heads to Bayville unaware that his past is still following him. Originally written by kiyone4ever. Yes, I have gotten permission. In Volume Three some of the stories were donated by Author 'whitenightredcross' with permission as well. Ben Reilly learns he is a clone of Peter Parker, instead of interfering with his Original's life he attempts to find his own place in this world. Going to a town miles away he begins his new career as the Scarlet-Spider. What he doesn't expect is this town is the home of a different group of powered individuals called the X-men. Watch as Ben Reilly makes a new path in this world. P.S. I kept the first 13 chapters of the original author (because I really liked it) and added my own details to the story. P.P.S This story-line has a lot to do with the comics... You might feel a little lost but no worries, the story explains itself in time. Release info: for the first forty chapters are 1000 to 1500 words, Chapters 41 and up are 2000 to 2500 words per chapter. Any chapter that was shared by another author was added to and often totally rewritten. But they are other people's work, to begin with so all praise goes to them.

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter Five: Reaction


At the offices of 'The Daily Bugle, it's Chief editor; J. Jonah Jameson, sat chomping his traditional cigar and projecting his normal friendly 'badger with a toothache' personality that made him so beloved by his staff and employees.

"Robbie!" He bellowed.

"Yes JJ?" Robbie Robertson came over hoping that whatever it was wouldn't involve Jonah's blood pressure going through the roof today.

"What have you got on these reports that Spider-man was seen in Bayville last night?"

"Definitely not him JJ."

"How can you be sure?"

"I've got fresh photos from Parker showing Spider-man in Central Park last night."

"Hmmm..." Jameson grunted in thought. "Let's see if we can get under ol' 'web head's' skin some shall we? Put the Spider-man photos on page six. And I want a page one story... 'Spider-man terrorizes Bayville...' Be sure to put a question mark on that so those jerks at the Globe can't hang us with our own pictures."

"Are you sure JJ?"

"Of course I'm sure. Spider-man will hate it. "Meantime I want Parker to get his butt over to Bayville and see just exactly what's the deal with this other Spider wannabe and these Sirens."

"Right away JJ." Robertson started to go call Parker but hesitated. ''JJ?"


"We're in agreement that whoever is in Bayville.. we've got the proof that Spider-man is still in New York. Why waste the time sending Peter on what'll likely be a wild goose chase?"

"Good point," Jameson said in contemplation. "Let everyone else run around Bayville... I'll find someone else to send out later. We'll see if there's anything worth sending Parker for first!" He finished making it sound if it had been his idea.

"Right JJ." Robbie agreed unfazed with his boss's rather familiar ploy.

Jameson grunted in satisfaction and slapped Robbie on the shoulder. "Robbie! What are you standing around for? We've got a paper to run!" Robbie loved the old badger, he seemed like he hated everyone but when it came down to it he was just a big softy.

At the Xavier Institute the following morning...

Scott loved working on his car. He was constantly checking the fluids and changing the oil. But today he had something on his mind. He had been scrubbing the engine clean with a washrag and grumbling as he worked. A few days ago the Professor had sent him to speak with Jean while she was guiding Amara in controlling her abilities when he noticed a falling boulder coming down toward the two girls below. He reacted quicker than he thought was possible, sending out a blast from his visor he vaporized the rock before it could do any damage.

He honestly expected to see gratitude from the two girls. He was feeling a little prideful and said something that even he barely paid attention to.

"Hey girls! Aren't you two glad I was around? There is no need to thank me, that is just what hero's do..." Scott had stopped talking when he noticed the looks the two girls were giving him.

"Yes, I don't know what we two defenseless girls would do if it wasn't for a strong man to come and save us. That is exactly what I want Amara to learn!" Jean stormed off without looking back.

Yes, it was stupid, Scott knew it. He had stuck his big foot into his mouth without even realizing it and now most of the girls in the mansion have started acting strange.

It was yesterday when he figured it out. He had been in the day room watching TV when he overheard a news report. It was talking about several girls called the 'Bayville Sirens' when he seen Jean and Amara immediately leave the room he began to put the pieces together. And he didn't like what this all meant.

Suddenly there was a smell of sulfur in the air and when Scott looked up from his engine he found Kurt popping into existence.

"Damn Kurt..." Scott exclaimed as he waved the smell of brimstone away from his nose. "Confined space you know..."

"Oops... sorry... Uh, so vhat did you vant to see me bout and vhy are we meeting in secret?"

Scott closed the hood on his classic Chevy corvette, It was cherry apple red and it was his baby.

"Jean and the girls are heading for big trouble. You and I both know they're the Bayville Sirens."

"Ve do...?" Kurt asked in bewilderment. He honestly had no clue, it wasn't like he kept that close of an eye on them.

"Yeah... Who else could it be?" Scott frowned 'Was Kurt really that clueless?'

Shaking his head Scott continued "A while ago the Professor had to have a talk with me after using my powers in public. It was just the once and I was even discreet when I used them," but the professor was very stern with him at the time. "I'm kind of worried they will get into trouble because although they have good intentions it runs a huge risk to us"

Scott had a pensive look on his face, "...and we already went through that business with Angel. What if they get kicked out?"

"So vhat are ve going to do?"

"I'm not sure. What's worse is this Spider-man guy showing up here. It was bad enough with having him showing off in New York. At least Angel tried to be discreet about his antics. This idiot doesn't even care he's putting us all at risk and now he's showboating around in Bayville? Just what we need is Spider-man bringing his media circus here."

"So do ve tell the Professor?"

"No. We can't do that. If the Professor calls them in, the girls will know we're the ones who told. All we can do is keep an eye on them without letting on we know, and making sure they don't get in over their heads."

"And vhat about Spider-man? I mean everything I've ever heard says he's one of the good guys..."

"No, according to the Bugle he is just a show-off. He's a menace, we can't trust him."

"Scott..." Kurt grimaced shaking his head. "I think you're wrong there but maybe ve can use this to show ve can be a force of good in this world."

In a rented house in the suburbs of Bayville...

To the students and faculty of Bayville High, she was Risty Wilde. But not right now, Mystique was in no mood for disguises as she looked over the reports she had in front of her. Rogue and her friends were playing a dangerous game. This she was most certain. She had no idea why Xavier hadn't stepped in to put a stop to it.

Well, she guessed even a psychic could only find something where he was looking for it. Still; while exposing mutants was part of Magneto's plan, it had to be at a time of their choosing. Mystique really wasn't willing to sacrifice Rogue in the process of the chaos that will soon be upon them.

Foolish girls! Did they really think this would help humans see mutants as anything but a threat? Public opinion was a fickle beast that created heroes and just as quickly devoured them at someone else's whim. One only had to look at Spider-man to know that. She smiled at that thought though as she read through the Bugle. Everything was second-hand reports with nothing in Bayville other than the headline. She could use this to help quiet the fires before either she or the girls got burned.

She picked up the phone and dialed, as her features shifted and quickly she appeared to be a young woman in her mid-twenties.

"Hello, Glory? This is Randy Green... Is Mr. Jameson in?" She had prepared a few identities for just these types of situations, and they have come in handy more times than she thought possible.

Downtown Bayville...

At the bus station, a large man in a trenchcoat-wearing a dark-colored hat stared at the picture in the tabloid Bugle. Don't worry Peter... I promise I'll make sure he doesn't hurt you... Enjoy your life... It's good he's come to Bayville. Best that you don't get involved... At that, a large scarred fist crumpled the paper just as its owner intended to do to the Spider of Bayville... He had a plan and for that to work, this imposter had to be eliminated.