
Unbridled Protagonist:Marvel

Dying and getting into the river of souls? Easy! Be reborn in another world? Spit it out! P.S.Google translate from Russian to English, I do not own the cover.

Wasilisk100 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 8. The experimental mouse

Oh, your mother, this woman is still a pro. That's how she knocked me out. Most of all, I worry about my family, death is not so terrible for me, I wonder why such thoughts, either because I woke up in the river of souls, or because of stress.

Well, I got to Lillian's campaign, I'll try to spend at least some time usefully.

- Dragon, where are you?I shouted.

And here she is, flew to my call, Heh and in whom she is just such a cutie, immediately rushed into my arms, hmm, and in her eyes there is anxiety and anger, she.. can he know what is happening in reality?it would be necessary to confirm his theory.

- Lillian, come on, I'm all right, and did you see what happened there?- stroking this ball, which buried its nose in my stomach, I asked.


- Don't be afraid, we are...everything should be fine, I'm already trying to nourish my body with the energy of the spirit in order to wake up faster, they probably injected something while I was unconscious.


This white-silver lump of sweetness purred.

- Mmm, it seems we'll have to say goodbye, again I didn't really have time to inspect anything here, though...there's nothing much to inspect here—" I said, as an invisible force dragged me, pulling me into consciousness.

I regained consciousness in a rectangular room, one of the sides was completely glazed, you know, like in the movies, the glass looks like an office for interrogation or surveillance. It was about 3x5 meters.

I was on a gurney, the straps tightly gripped my arms and legs, although I could lift my head.

Looking around at the other end of the room, I saw a round, glass capsule that slightly resembled a shower stall, there was a lid at the top, from which there was a small tube.

I don't know what was going on in it, but I feel the residual spiritual energy there and there is much more of it there than it should be, I think it is somehow concentrated there.

Now there is a certain confidence that the role of a test mouse is provided to me.

It was for such reflections that my abductor caught me.

"You're awake, then?"-more precisely, the kidnapper, her long brown hair was tied in a ponytail that fell on her shoulder, expressive brown eyes, scarlet lips and breasts of the second and a half size, a blouse slightly unbuttoned on top and a fitted pencil skirt.Looking into her eyes, I realized that she saw me looking at her.

— And you are clearly my type-without looking away, I said, no, well, she really is a credit, if I were older and they didn't want to use me, then tra...I would have fried her properly.

- Hee-hee-hee, if there is a sense of humor, then it's not so bad, and you won't let snot in here—shaking her hips, she came up to me.

Having examined me closer, she gave me away.

- Yes, you look about seven or eight years old—she looked into my eyes as if trying to find something there.

- Well, Mom, she always said that I was a very smart boy- I smiled at the woman, but I did not let down my vigilance.

- Haha, your truth- the milf said with a laugh.

- Well, now you can consider this your new home, since you will stay here for a long time, - she stretched out the word. I didn't answer anything to that, as the police say, "everything said can be used against you."

Noticing that I didn't intend to say anything more, she turned around and slowly, as if for me, sexually walked away from here. Finally throwing.

- My subordinate will come to you soon, bring you lunch, and untie you, but no tricks, otherwise it will be oh so bad—and proudly left.

Half an hour later, a man really came.

Just past what the passionate milf said, they brought me a small table here, plastic like in some street cafe and a mattress on which I would have to sleep, and the gurney was taken away, that's the devils.

And so began my new life as an experimental mouse.

The next day, the most fuss began. After I was fed, I saw how the capsule standing at the end began to fill with some kind of blackness and my question was not answered.

These creatures are called shadows, if everything goes well, then I will only strengthen myself, but no, as they said, I will die a painful death slowly burning out alive.

But in these things, I came up with and found a lot of spiritual energy, the strangest thing was that they seemed to be alive.

I still need to get stronger, so let's forget it, you can dig into the brain later.

The first attempt went off with a bang, when I entered the capsule, the shadow seemed to pour into me by itself, so I didn't even bother.

At first, I felt a growing sense of depression and resentment, seasoned with anger, but then everything quickly passed.

When she finally penetrated my body, the energy that inflamed me spread through my body.

As the first experiment ended, the Professor was very happy, because she blabbed a little that the last test subject failed, and if my No. 360, then it says something.

- I think I finally hit the jackpot — she said more to herself than to me.

And so it went on, every day more and more shadows were pumped into me, but they were also called mist.

A little later I managed to figure it out and realized that this very shadow opened up new opportunities for me, so to speak, now they serve as a passage to another dimension filled with this very darkness, only with darkness with a capital T, and not this parody.

A week later, they created a ring for me, which the "type" should keep under control of the shadows, but I essentially absorbed them, well, that's what I thought.

Although I admit some shadows were different from others.

I have divided them into three types:

On ordinary ones-they are absolutely black and black is being chased, there is nothing special about such shadows.

The killers are also black, but their eyes shine red and have a murderous intent. When I absorbed them, I myself felt that intuitively I could overwhelm a whole squad of soldiers and not even wince.

On smart guys-they are black with green flashes, if you ask why smart guys, it means that their ability and skill is to control people, for them they are just puppets.

After a while, I discovered that I have always only absorbed part of them, and they themselves are always next to me and as it turned out, I can summon them at any time, but I will not act yet, let these people continue to play their "games of the gods", and I will develop at their expense.

After a month of my stay, I noticed that this ring also appeared on the Professor, hmm, so now she is capable of something herself.

I wonder if I've been away for so long, what is my family doing now?

A whole month has passed since my son's disappearance, Mailey blames himself for everything, and in fact, too, because he knew that children were being abducted in the city...

But I could not even imagine that my only son would be kidnapped! Bastards, whoever you are, I will find you and then there will be justice for you!

I hope everything is fine with my boy...

Maylie is in a very bad condition now, she is overcome with anger and helplessness, I would like to be with her for a little while, but I use all my strength to find my son.

Gwen cried for a long time and couldn't sleep without her brother. Therefore, the first nights we all slept together, comforting ourselves.

My search is constantly being put in the wheels by someone, most likely a big shot is involved in all this.

And I intend to find this "bump".

Big shot = big boss:)

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