
Unbridled Protagonist:Marvel

Dying and getting into the river of souls? Easy! Be reborn in another world? Spit it out! P.S.Google translate from Russian to English, I do not own the cover.

Wasilisk100 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6: The Amusement Park

It was about two years later, and I looked like I was seven years old. The time passed quickly and normally, and nothing serious happened.

I realized now that I was getting stronger in the astral plane, but not in the physical plane, so I seriously began to prepare my own body. Well more precisely how can a child do, so 10 push-ups, 20 abs, 20 squats and gymnastics.

And the process of all this is visible in the face, strong arms with prominent outlines of muscles, you can see abs cubes, well gymnastics, this gymnastics Heh.

Here's Gwen when I saw it, I was very interested in it, even my mom somehow talked her into it, so the last couple of years, I look at a nice picture for men's faces, as in the juice Mailey in tight athletic shorts and no less sexy top, doing gymnastics with Gwen, well, the sister just looks cute.

But mommy has a lot to look at, firm ass and breasts, flat tummy, thighs, yes you can go crazy over them.

It's a shame Mailey is busy, I think if she was free I would not mind hitting on her, but I have a father, and other good men with a capital M do not like to beat off wives, and I do not intend to, it is not in my nature.

During this time, we also developed comprehensively, since the money that my father earned us enough, my mother stayed at home. She coached us in mental knowledge. One day Gwen came across a book "Advanced Biology for Dummies". and she was really into it, and she decided that her main focus would be biology and bioengineering, and she took a big swing at it, but I wasn't too shy either.

As I tried to take as much as possible, then started with all the basics, of course in secret from parents, what if something bad happens when they notice how their son reads books for 9-11 grade. And I would not say that I memorized it all, but rather an intuitive memory, once forgotten and this situation, I was pleasantly surprised.

Now my memory was probably better than in the past, because I have no problem remembering the license plate number of a passing car or something. I also remember perfectly well everything that happened to me in this world, and that's just fine.

It was in this kind of daily turmoil that the next twelve months flew by, and the year 2000 came. I will soon be six, as well as the little girl Gwen, but we looked like seven, it seems with age, you need more and more to infuse the body with spiritual energy, and I did it.

After five days, parents for our birthday have decided to take us to the amusement park, I was not against it, since we did not go out of the house, well, except that with Mammymy shopping went to the mall, and so all.

It was called something like "My happiness" meaning "my happiness". Luckily it was a Saturday, so my dad didn't have to go home from work, though who would he go to if he was a police captain, unless he left a note on the table in his office.

The park had a lot of rides, especially my adult soul liked the roller coaster, it was killer, but my mom felt a little sick after that, as well as my dad, but my mom didn't show it, not like my dad, who almost threw up with his homemade breakfast.

There were also a lot of stalls that sold things or you could win, like Daddy tried his hand at shooting and won a big teddy bear for his little girl. Well, in fact Gwen and made him, he certainly for the sight of resisting, but a teddy bear white was already in the hands of his sister.

The time was nearing mid-afternoon, then we sat down to rest on one of the benches spread throughout the park.

-Ma-am, I want cotton candy-make a demanding expression on my sister's face, and I would have smothered her.

-Gwend...-He wanted to tell George that we were all tired, but I interjected without letting him say anything further.

-Dad, Mum, let me go and buy us all some absorbent cotton, it's not far from here, and you can have a rest- I pointed my finger at a stall about thirty-five feet away from us. My father was about to say something else, but Malie interrupted him.

-George, let him go, he's not a little boy anymore-said Mom, oh I just adore her.

So I went to the booth, and after I had bought the things I wanted to go back, but because I was better educated than an ordinary man, about fifteen meters into the woods, I heard someone yell.

And when I couldn't think of anything good to do, I ran straight through the fence into the forest, and I could hear clearly what was going on there.

It was the biggest mistake of my life.

-No, please don't!" yelled some guy about ten years old. His face was covered in something that looked like mud, and there were tears coming out of his eyes and streaming down to his lips.

-Shut up or I'll have to do it! -slurping with growing anger, some pumped-up man in black said, pointing at the gun, and the kid couldn't take it anymore and passed out while emptying his pants, yep.

Noticing the seriousness of the situation, I made a sensible decision, get the fuck out of here! Shit, we gotta get out of here while we still have a chance, what an idiot!

-Who the fuck are you? -The girl's dark, seductive voice practically whispered it in my ear. How the hell did she get so close to me? Here we go!

And before I could twist and run to the park, I got hit with the edge of my hand on the neck, and I collapsed on the ground, that was it. I hope my parents and Gwen are all right. I'm such an idiot! Cursing myself and the whole world, I fainted.

On the bench cheerfully chatted family, until the head of the family asked a question.

-Is the line there? I'll go see him-and quickly left.

Soon the anxious father, taking his wife and daughter and not understanding what was going on, went to watch the security cameras, as any policeman would have done, though it was hard for him, but he held on as best he could, unlike Mailey, who was now convulsing behind her husband and occasionally she was shaking with anxious thoughts.

And Gwen didn't understand, but she wondered where her beloved brother had gone.

The camera that monitored the area where the stall was located managed to film the boy, who as if he heard something wandered toward the woods.

When the father of the family combed the area, one thing became clear, Gwen's brother was missing.