
Unbridled Protagonist:Marvel

Dying and getting into the river of souls? Easy! Be reborn in another world? Spit it out! P.S.Google translate from Russian to English, I do not own the cover.

Wasilisk100 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13. Cause for concern?

When Lady Celestia, recognized by everyone as the new ruler of Arcadia, left. Olivia and I started guarding this kid, how could such a squishy guy even get here and not die.

Olivia began to examine the boy, while I decided to check the condition of the barriers of the palace and the city. Having said this, Magnesse left.

After a long and tedious check of the support of barriers, I cursed those who did not make a normal center in which it was quickly and conveniently possible to learn about the strength and stability of the barriers set.

But no, after all, these decrepit old men who were probably from the foundation of this city, and this is for a moment five centuries.

The Council of Elders, as they called themselves, but they didn't really decide much, after we won the last war against demons and Celestia became the head of the city, a lot changed.

Therefore, only the name remained of them, so to speak, and only the memory remained of their former greatness and power, but there were also those who respected them anyway.

Returning to the chambers where Olivia and I were left by me ...Kid, I came across a barrier, what's strange is that there was an imprint of Olivia in the barrier! Damn Magnessa, what's she up to!?

If Celestia...I won't even think about it, I urgently need to break through the exposed protective field.

Taking out her two-handed sword from behind her back, which was forged from the best metals that can be found here, she swung.

After making a slashing blow, with a loud bang, the sword came together with a shield that was covered with cracks, but withstood.

A second swing and another blow, already obliquely, the barrier exposed by Olivia cracks, after which it bursts and disappears, only mana particles served as a reminder that he was here.

Deftly I open the doors and freeze from what I saw. On the bed of Celestia herself, I'm sending this.. a frivolous sorceress and this one...adulterer!!Both are naked lying unconscious in a rather compromising position!!!

"Damn it, Olivia!!- I blurted out because of what I saw.

- Seles will definitely not be happy about this ⸻ sensing the approaching troubles, I said.

⸻ I won't be happy about what? - a rich, purple-colored portal opened behind Ann, which emitted a haze. A herd of goosebumps ran through the girl, because the pi3dets crept up unnoticed. Having come up with nothing better, she decided to close this unsightly picture with herself.

But from the very beginning, this idea was a failure, because nothing can hide from the eyes of the great ruler Celestia Bromenstein.

- Mm, you know perfectly well that you don't really cover anything with yourself ⸻ a predatory smile formed on her face by itself.

Ann was seized with panic, because how could it not work, a girl who knew the ashes of war and battles, that she was one of the best strategists. She was trembling now.

-W-what are you, mistress, I would never…- she started to deny it.

- That's enough! So what were you going to hide from me ⸻ she went into her own chambers.

Going a little further and bypassing Ann, she saw that in her always clean, smooth and, most importantly, cozy bed, which was the color of the owner of the bed itself, two naked bodies were huddled together, the bed was covered in white liquid, and now it looked not so smooth.

The blood rushed to the girl's face, and not only did it turn red, but also the pretty-looking slightly pointed ears were also burning. And it is not clear from what, at this moment the whole quintessence of the mistress's feelings was mixed up, anger, embarrassment, excitement, all this was mixed up and wanted to explode at any moment. Suddenly, the movement on the bed resumed.


Oh, damn it, how my head is splitting, what happened at all, I can't remember anything. So you need to get up, find a support with your hands and.. mmm, what a softness and such a familiar elasticity to me.

Opening my eyes, I'm oh ... ofigel, firstly from the fact that a teenager's dream came true, sex with a girl and not just a girl but a Neko , well, you know, I wonder if I had time to squeeze the ears of urgh head, a lot of questions and few answers.

Secondly, the premonition of something bad is very close, since the point does a bench press. After feeling my chest, I still bothered to get up and the first thing I noticed was that I was completely naked and there were no clothes in the vicinity, just some scraps of fabric that reminded me of my T-shirt.

Turning around, I found them, two sexy girls, both naked, and I recognized one right away, it's a Goddess with purple wings there, but all my excitement disappeared when I felt which one of them was thirsty for blood, so we arrived, so the main thing is to seem confident and that you are not here at all.

- Um, can you tell me where I am? And what am I doing here at all ⸻ the most important thing is to build innocent eyes like that famous cat from Shrek, I think it will take a ride..maybe. It would seem that everything went as it should, the faces of the reasonable smoothed out, but at one point.

⸻ You are in the city of Arcadia and I am its ruler, from now on and forever you are my slave - although the face took on a stoic expression, but inside the girl the feelings burned with fire, she could not forgive such audacity, just not to some boy from the courtyard.

"Wh-what, but I'm not ready yet…⸻ I was fluttering, and it's clear that the lady is not joking, she will be worse than the Professor both in strength and beauty, I don't feel my own strength after rough sex at all. But what kind of city is Arcadia, I've never seen such a thing in Marvel, most likely now I'm in some dimension, and the city is a kind of domain, well, it will have to be checked again.

-No one asked you, plebeian, it remains only to make sure that you do not run away and could not disobey the order, the spell of submission will help me perfectly in this ⸻ no, now it's certainly not a Goddess, but some kind of devil, there was not even any talk of parity, my life is a tin can. Okay, we'll bet on my KI, hehe, I hope this bet will be successful.

Sultry and graceful in her splendor, the angel girl strode towards me. Devouring her juicy body with my eyes, I did not even immediately notice how a purple haze formed around me. The purple glow became brighter, forming incomprehensible symbols, more like hieroglyphs, which were superimposed on my body, just plastering me from all sides.

They lined up in a golden-colored chain that enveloped the body and fastened on the heart. That's it, now I'm a slave, I thought. But at the same time, I felt the source of this energy in the heart area, they called it mana.

As an easy-going animal, she was ready for anything, if I wanted to, with the help of my body, I could transform her into my spiritual energy. And it seemed that this source was fueled by the girl herself.

Thinking about the prospects that had opened up, outwardly I played my role perfectly. He fell on one knee, pressing his hand to his heart, she said.

"That's better, Olivia and Ann, you're free⸻" she said in a singing voice, turning up her nose. What about me? I did nothing and played the fool who bowed his head.

For now, I will keep in mind that I am completely under control. Secretly feeding on mana from the source, strengthening yourself and your body. And after I escaped from the laboratory, the reserve of Ki is generally close to zero. Although I would say that he is about the same as an ordinary untrained person.

But thanks to this "slave" rune, I will quickly be able to restore my reserve, as well as continue my improvement like Lily.