
Umbra: School for Assassins

Mavis have always been persistent in following her best friend, Elly in whatever she does. One day, Elly announces her plans to leave the village in hopes to study and pass the annual entrance exam of the Imperial University of Ubram — a prestigious institution under the direct supervision of the Royal Family. In her desire to follow and support Elly, Mavis have decided to take the exam. All went well until the expected happens, and things immediately took a different turn when Elliott, a representative from the Royal Family takes Mavis away.

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6 Chs


I quicken my pace and jumped to the nearest tree branch there is. It's much better to see big preys from above and at the same time it makes them less aware of your presence. I slow down my breathing as started to jump from one branch to another. My footwork as light as feathers. There! A deer. If I go in for the kill Twilight above my mother would be jumping her feet with glee—that's if she was honest enough of how she feels.

A simple arrow will not be enough to kill it, so I have to be in close contact. I leaped to the nearest tree at the back of the deer and slowly brought out the dagger in my bag. I don't usually use this dagger as my usual hunt only involves rabbits. I made my breathing slower almost feeling as if I am one with the forest, I sharpen my sense of hearing and leaped down for the kill. My feather light footsteps betrayed the deer's keen sense of hearing as it's already too late when the deer registered my presence. I grabbed it by the neck a stabbed it there, it's hot blood flowing in my fist and dripping on the forest floor. I made sure to give it a quick death as a slow one would be a sign of disrespect to the deities.

I dragged the deer to a big tree that offers enough shade as I work to skin it. I bring out the knives I've kept hidden in my bag. Before I start, I made sure to pray for it, my last respects before doing the necessary evil.

Once I am done I placed the meat and the skin on a big leaf, tied it, and placed it in my bag. My bag's heavy enough to tell me I've collected enough meat. But perhaps I can go for another round of hunting, it's still early. I left my back by the big tree and covered it with leaves. I took the bones of the deer and dug a hole not far from my resting place and buried it there. Once I'm done I went back to pick up my bow and arrow and placed the dagger on my boots—who knows if I spot another deer, right?

I ventured deep into the woods trying to find where in Twilight's name are those rabbits hiding. No sign of rabbit holes. I was busy looking at tree holes when I was alerted by a snap of a twig, I hid behind a tree wide enough to serve as cover. Then came in a man in uniform. He's perhaps a little taller than me, but what stood out the most was his snow like skin, teal eyes that is so light I thought it was glowing, and that golden hair. Twilight's above this is the first time I've seen a man unique as him in the forest.

I realized I've been staring for too long when he immediately looked my way. I hid, and slowly made my way out. I might encounter trouble when he finds out I've been staring at him this whole time. I was far from where I was when a rough hand pulled me back, I turned around and see teal eyes narrow down at me. I looked for other means to escape but his grip was too hard. I noticed the badge on his chest, twin sabers with a crown.

"The Imperial Army" I whispered.