
Chapter 2

Me and Sebastian had finally made it to the Oracle CIty Nightfall Fountain party and there was music,games, amusement rides, and food stands everywhere. It was a tradition that the people of Oracle city host every ten years and it was like the entire city was present in the park. People were laughing, drinking punch and socializing. When we got to the front gate of the park the guard had stopped us and asked us to show an invitation card stating we were privately invited.

" Um sorry sir, but we didn't get any card invitation. We were invited by a girl who goes to our school. I believe her name was Emily" Sebastian says as the guard hesitate for a moment, but soon after nods taking our word letting us in.

" Thank you sir"

Once inside we saw large groups of people dancing and singing to the music as we were being bumped by a few people.

"Whoa! Hey watch where you're going" a girl says looking back at me and sebastian.

" S-sorry"

" This place is really packed. For a park you would think it would be more spaced out" Sebastian says rubbing his head.

" Maybe we try looking around to see if anyone is here that we recognize"

" Yeah your right. Come let's find Emily" Sebastian says agreeing.

As we walked around through multiple crowds of people me and Sebastian noticed Emily was across the way talking to a group of guys who were walking around with two females that had purple hair. Once we got over to where she was Emily turned around smiling walking over hugging me and sebastian.

" I'm so glad you guys made it!" Emily says.

" Yeah. Uh this place is really popping hard don't you think?" Sebastian asks as Emily looked at him confused.

" What do you mean? It's a tradition that's been going on for decades now. Shouldn't it be this way?" She replies questioning his question.

" Mean yeah of course cause its a city event, but doesn't something seem a little off about all this to you? I mean like where is the host of the party at?"

She looks over at me now starting to think and wonder to herself the same question. Before she was able to respond to the large crowd of people slowly started to get quite as the volume of the music slowly started to get quieter. Everyone turned their attention to the back of the park where the stage was set up at where the music was playing from. All the lights redirected to the stage as a man was elevated up from below stage and it was the mayor of Oracle City Mr. Kingston.

" Attention my great people of Oracle city I want to just say I appreciate you all for coming out to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Nightfall Fountain Party! A very special event for this time around that has been going on for so long I wanted to honor our ancestors and families by continuing the tradition on! My father who was the previous mayor Oracle City would have loved to see another year with you all, but sadly he got sick and died two years ago. But I stepped up in his place to take on the responsibility of making sure our city is well kept and managed! So please enjoy yourselves and don't be afraid to unwind and go wild everything here is for your entertainment my people! Now that's all I have for you all.. Taa-taa!" Mayor Kingston says before disappearing off stage into a bomb of smoke.

" Well.. That wasn't creepy" Sebastian mutters quietly.

" Maybe we are just over reacting to the large amount of people who are very supportive of this special occasion"

"Maybe so..sorry about that Emily-" Sebastian says turning noticing that she disappeared.

"Huh where did she go?" Sebastian ask as I shrugged.

" I don't know. She's got to be around here somewhere maybe she got sucked into another group of people"

" Come on, let's go find something to drink"

" Oh yeah cool. I'm getting thirsty anyways" Sebastian chuckled.

Me and Sebastian walk pass everyone making our way to the food stands.

"Um hello can I have a pink lemonade?"

" I'll take sweet ice tea" Sebastian says as the guy gave us our drinks.

As me and Sebastian stood together leaning back on the gate around the park I looked up at the sky admiring how beautiful our skies looked at night, especially when the stars were visible.

"Hey Sebastian?"

"Yeah. Wassup?" he said looking over at me.

"You ever wonder what's out there? You know behind just here out in space?"

"No, not really why do you ask?" he replies.

" I don't know...It's just a thought...Sorry if it's random time of asking"

" It's okay Maddie. You've always seem to be more in tuned to understanding things behind just what is in sight of you. That's a quality you have." he says looking up at the sky as the sun was quickly approaching nightfall.

" So what should we do first the rides or would you just like to kick it and dance?"

" Huh? Oh um it's up to you sis"

Just as I was deciding to myself on what to do I had happened to look up only to see through the crowds of people that Maggie was standing in the distance with a pink dress on. Admiring the sight of her I couldn't help, but notice how well her skin shone in the reflection of the sunset. Out of all my years of knowing Maggie I had never seen her like this which was a dazzling sight. I quickly made my way through bunches of people who were talking and dancing I approached her hugging her close to me tightly.

" Maggie you came! I thought you weren't going to show"

" Hehehe I couldn't just miss out on all the fun besides it seems as everyone in the neighborhood is here, so I thought why not" Maggie replies.

" Wow Maggie you look amazing. Great to see you were able to make it" Sebastian says walking up smirking.

" We was just deciding on what to do here. Want to join us?"

"Of course I would. Why don't you say we go dancing" Maggie suggested as I looked at her pretty shocked to hear that out her mouth.

" Really I wasn't expecting that type of answer out of you" Sebastian says shocked.

"Really? What's surprising about that?" She asked.

" Nothing Maggie don't worry about it, Come on, let's dance" I say to Maggie smiling as she took my hand.

Making our way to the open grass area in front of the stage where the music was coming from me, Maggie and Sebastian was all dancing and starting to have fun. Everything was going well and looking up to me a good calming night, until out of nowhere a strange malfunction warning alert was sent to me, Sebastian and Maggie's phones. It was then we looked around realizing that the alert was sent to every from of system that had a fully capable hardware and software system installed.

"Huh what's going on? What's the random alert all about" Sebastian ask as I shrugged.

" It seems to be going on with everyone's phone and device, but why?" Maggie says.

Not understanding what was going on, things started to get even stranger when all the lights, speakers, and rides started to have malfunctions as well. All the monitor screens across the tall buildings started to go out and every light in the city was going crazy as well.

" Uh guys something really odd is going on!" Maggie says as people around us started to freak out.

" What can be causing all of this?" Sebastian says.

Across the star systems of the galaxy in a different realm there were two powerful beings watching over the universe and the multitudes of planets in its star system.

" Oh my dear sister do you sense it as well?" Male voice says.

" Yes I do brother, Is it possible that we miss calculated how much time we had before it would arrivez?" Female voice says.

" Possibility. We don't have much longer before it arrives. Preparations have been fully prepared yet. We need more time" Male voice responds.

" Indeed, but we don't have time to stall. We need to act now! With the little allies that we have it won't be enough to combat what is soon to come" Female voice states.

" Correct. Shall I begin the trail then? To decide which one is worthy of such gifts" Male voice ask.

" Indeed you should! Let's see brother!" Female voice answers as with a wave of a hand the male casted his power over a giant global.

As the malfunctions continued I turned to see that there was a lost little girl walking around the park holding a teddy bear in her arms.

" Guys look how did a little girl get in here? Shouldn't someone have seen her by now?"

" Your right maybe she lost her mom and dad" Sebastian responds.

" Guys look! That ride is about to collapse!" Maggie says as we all turned our attention to the ride the little girl was slowly walking pass by herself that was shaking and cracking with electrical currents coming from it.

" Hey someone quick help her!" Sebastian shout running forward pushing past people as I followed.

Once he got in reach Sebastian dived down grabbing the little girl tripping as the ride starts coming down and I sprung forward knocking them both out of the way. Not a moment too late I had managed to get both sebastian and the little girl out of the way as the ride completely collapsed falling over. Thankfully no one else was close by to the ride or else they would have been caught in the ruins. I started to get up slowly as I looked over seeing sebastian as I helped him up and asked him where the little girl went Maggie made her way over to us. He looked at me for a moment as we both circled around until we sure standing beside the spot right where the ride fell at.

" Guys! Are you okay?! What were you thinking?" Maggie ask.

" We want to help that little girl."

" Hey are you okay!?" Sebastians says getting closer to her as she didn't respond.

" Excuse me little girl, but are you lose?"

" What little girl?" Maggie asked confused.

" Right there!" Sebastian says pointing.

Something wasn't right about the whole thing from the random alert and electronic problems to the random little girl coming out of nowhere and unknowingly walking into danger.

" Sebastian something isn' t right. Look at that girl's teddy bear"

Taking a moment to analyze it Sebastian realize that the teddy bear didn't have any eyes, nose or mouth.

" Huh!? What's going on? Wait Madelyn look at her eyes too" Sebastian says as I do noticing she didn't have pupils.

" What's going on with you two?" Maggie says worried looking in the same direction as us, but still not seeing anything.

Back across the depths of space the two beings have came to a decision now all they have left to do is put it into action.

"Brother did you see that?" Female voice says.

" I did indeed sister they sprung right into danger without a second thought. Remarkable!" Male voice responds.

" The level of passion and courage I sense right now is all too real to be fake" Female says.

" Agreed! So does this mean you've made your choice?" Male voice ask.

" I have indeed bring them to me" Female voice answers as the guy snaps his fingers.

Back in Oracle city people were really started to panic and scream when everything around them started to overload. The twins and Maggie were all trying to escort people to safety and away from all the dangerous rides and machines that were starting to show signs of system failure and was soon ready to give out. It was then that Sebastian and I realized our bodies were slowly starting to fade out of sight.

" Huh what's going on now!?" Sebastian says panicking as I looked over at him in shock.

" Sebastian your body! Your body is v-vanishing!"

" So is yours!" He replies.

" Maddie I feel weird"Maggie says starting to get dizzy,

There was black smoke that was pouring out of few of the rides in the park area that were shutting down from the malfunction hack. Once our bodies completely vanished maggie fully fell over passing out as Sebastian and I appeared in some strange place we had never seen before. It was almost like we were transported to an alternate dimension or realm.

~Sebastian POV~

" Huh?! Where are we?"

" Sebastian Help!" Madelyn says as they realized they were floating in some form of allusion.

" Welcome mortal humans" Male voice says emerging from the dark space.

" Who are you!? And where are we?"

" We are the goddess of the universe. At least the ones of your universe" Female voice says emerging as well.

" I am Latext and this is my sister Karia. We are the Creators of the ultraverse" Latext says.

" Ultraverse?"

" Yes and we have chosen you twins… Sebastian Brooks and Madelyn Brooks to be the next wave of New Gen" Karia says.

" Next Gen? What do you mean?" Madelyn ask.

" There is a very great evil coming to bring havoc onto your world and the entire galaxy...We need you two, to take on this task being the next protectors" Latext says.

" Wait chosen? That girl...you were the ones who set that girl up under the ride to see who would step in to stop it"

" Very good young brooks. Very clever you are" Latext says smirking.

" So let me get this straight. You set up basically an op stickle course just to test us and see if we were fit to carry out your task of becoming heroes to protect our planet with a possibility of saving many others in the process from this so called dark evil?" Sebastian ask in a sarcastic tone.

" Pretty much" Karia responds.

" So what exactly were to happen when this dark evil gets here? What exactly are we up against?" Madelyn ask.

" Something so dangerous and powerful that it would take an entire star system to combat it and even then the chance of survival is slime" Latext says.

" So if that's so why even bother with us?!" Sebastian asked curiously.

' Because we have fate that if we can birth enough heroes with pure hearts that we may stand a chance" Karia answers.

After moments of thinking to ourselves I looked over at Maddie as she had that look in her eye unknowing of what to do. I closed my eyes, sighing for a moment before asking one final question.

" Alright I have one last question.." Sebastian says as the two goddess look at him.

" What is it?" Latext says.

" If we were to do this...and let's say we somehow are able to survive all this if it is even true...what's next?"

" Then you would be heroes known not just in your world, but across the galaxy..Things won't be easy after that being where there is darkness and light there is always more dark times to come..you will be prepared for the worst even if it means making sacrifices" Kiara answers.

" I see...Well at this point I guess we don't have a choice… I'm in!"

" Sebastian! What about are friends and family? We can't just take the risk of putting them endangered" Madelyn says.

" It won't matter If this dark evil puts them in even worse danger later on. At this point, Maddie we have to take the offer. We have to at least try"

" Maybe you're right. It's all just a lot to take in" Madelyn responds.

" Besides it's not everyday goddess choose you to basically be the next heroes of tomorrow"

" Well if your willing to do then I'll do it as well" Madelyn says smiling.

" My deepest gratitude two the both of you. Please be aware though, the journey from here on out won't get any easier. You must always carry yourself with honor and pride. Doing things for the sake of what's right and that trust you have with your hearts. There are a handful of heroes along the way you will encounter and the allies you are soon to make will be determined on those connections and trust you share with them. Now! We bestow upon you the great power of the Cosmic Force! " Latext says waving his hand as me and Madelyn bodies start to glow.

" Whoa!" I say suddenly feeling a wave of synergy coursing through my body as my eyes glowed.

" Huh?!" Madelyn says as her eyes started to glow along with the rest of her body.

Moments later a large beam of light and energy burst from our bodies as we were sent flying vanishing back into reality. We landed on the ground in a state of shock as we both slowly got up groaning. As I was starting to regain my balance I felt different, but I didn't know what it was. It was then I looked around seeing madelyn as I reached out to grab her and realized the scrap metal from the fell ride was levitating off the ground.

" Whoa?!"

I snatched my hand back as a giant piece of scrap dropped back to the ground and madelyn opened her eyes to see it happened as she stood up slowly and everything around her started to hover around her.

" No way! We really have powers now" She said smirking.

" This is insane"

In that moment madelyn looked to her left to realize maggie was still out cold on the ground as she rushed over to her. Holding her friend in her arms madelyn started to tear up.

" She's ok"

" I know. I just hate that she had to be here" Madelyn responds as I suggested that we took her back home with us before it got too late.

" What about the sudden system issues?" Madelyn ask as I picked maggie up.

" We can worry about it tomorrow. Right now it's a little too late to do any investigating" I responded to her as we left on our way home.