
Chapter 1

Hi my name is Kate Richardson and this is the story of how I became the symbol of hope of the new era generation of heroes. The path to the soon to be (Protectors of the Ultraverse) Syndicates began and became reality. Everything for me started the night my mother was struck by a meteor that fell from space landing in our backyard killing her. It was after that fateful day that everything in my life changed.


"Hi mom what you doing?"

" Oh nothing just working on my research project for my lab. How was school?" She asked.

" Fine. Just another day of classes and all. I passed my science test and got a B on my history paper."

" That's good sweetie. You can do better then a B though." she replied giggling.

" I know mom, but anyways what type of research project you working on?"

" Just research studies I've been working on for a while now. The point of it is to observe the stars to identify how to use them in order to navigate through each hemisphere of the globe. Afterwards I have to write a report in regards to how they travel through space and across our atmosphere." she explains.

" That sounds like fun. So like you observing then coming up with a theory, but with facts from your observation?"

" Yes exactly. You know if you want you can come out with me later on and watch them with me," she says.

" Alright, but first I have to eat and then do my homework"

" Alright Sweetie." she replies before going back to what she was doing.

~Hours later~

Making my way back to the yard I opened the back door onto the balcony making my way downstairs into the grass where my mom was sitting in her chair with her telescope.

" Hi mom found anything yet?"

" Well the sunset only an hour ago, but no I still haven't caught anything yet. No worries the more darker it gets the better and easier this will be." she says smiling.

" So um mom when do you think we can spend more time together? You know like go on trips and stuff like when I was younger"

" Oh honey I know my work has really been getting in the way of me spending time with you and I'm sorry" she says holding my hand as I kneel down beside her.

"Can I?" I ask pointing at her telescope.

" Go ahead" she responds as i looked through it out at the slowly darkening skyline.

" Oh the sky looks so beautiful mom! I think I can see the stars"

" That's good. Do you see any soaring across your view?" she ask grabbing her notebook and pen.

" Uh no not yet"

After the moments with by and neither of us saw anything I started to ask my mom questions again only this time regarding her relationship with my father.

"So mom what's been going on between you and dad lately? You guys seem more distant than usual"

" The things that's been going on between me and your dad is complicated.." she says before pausing.

" What do you mean by complicated? Are you guys getting a divorce?"

" No we aren't getting a divorce, but your father doesn't like the new position I've been offered at work. They want to make me head of my science lab research department." she says looking through the telescope.

" That's great mom!"

" Yeah, but the catch is in order for me to fully get the position I would have to transfer down to Pear City Science and Research Corp" she says turning to me with a nervous look on her face.

" Pear City...That's far though mom."

" I know baby, but this is a big opportunity for me. We can move down there and you can see new things and meet new people. Your father could find a better job there too." she says trying to sound positive about it.

" But mom I don't want to leave. Oracle City has always been my life. I have friends here and so many memories."

" I know Kate, but you have to look at it from a different view" she begs.

" I'm sorry mom, but I can't just up and leave Oracle City for a place I don't know anything about." I replied walking over to the telescope looking through the lens seeing a star shoot pass.

" Wait mom! I see one..I see a star!"

" Really?!? Wait Kate that's not a star!" she says surprised walking over as I looked back into the telescope seeing the burning star get closer in sight as my mom rush over pushing me out the way as I fell to the ground .

Once I got back up to my feet feeling the ground shake out of nowhere I turn to see my mom buried under what looked to be a giant rock rubble. I rush over digging through the red glowing rock for my mother underneath as tears start to form in my eyes and the dust from the rock started to blow everywhere.

"Mom! No! Mom hang on!" I shout as my body started to tremble once i got all the rocks from on top of her seeing that she was badly injured.

I burst into tears putting my ear to her chest as I listened for her heartbeat, but heard nothing at all. Not knowing what to do, I got up rushing inside to get my dad as I opened the door making my way through the kitchen where my dad was already coming down the stairs.

" What was that loud sound? And why are you crying covered in red dust sweetie?" he asked as I started crying harder pointing at the door.

" Dad mom! Mom isn't breathing!"

"What?!?" he says in disbelief as he rushed to the backyard and I follow behind him before quickly starting to feel dizzy.

Once my dad got outside to my mom I could hear him shouting for her to wake up, but he soon realized like I did she wasn't going to respond. Making my way down the hallway to the kitchen I started to stumble holding on to the wall. When I got to the door my dad yelled for me to call the ambulance, but my dizziness get worse before I completely fell over and passed out. When I regained conscious I woke up in Oracle City Hospital strapped to a bed in the emergency room. I take a moment to look around my surrounds seeing my dad sitting in between me and my mother's bed.


"Honey your awake! I'm so glad your okay. I thought I lose you too!" he says standing straight up hovering over me with tears in his eyes.

"W-what about my-mom?" I asked in a weak voice.

"I'm sorry baby girl, but your mom is gone. We lose her long before we got here."

I started to tear up again as I looked over at her as I cried.

"M-mom! No please don't leave me!"

It was at that moment once I was close enough I reached over grabbing her hand as soon as her heart monitor started to beat then go dead.

~Flashback ends Time skip two months later~

I jump up screaming as I clenched onto my head rocking back and forth only for moments later my father comes rushing in the room asking if I'm okay.

"Sweetie are you ok?!" he asked coming in my room.

"Y-yeah just another bad dream"

"This is becoming a constant thing kate. Are you sure your okay? You've been acting a little strange since we've come back from the hospital" he asked worriedly.

" Y-yeah dad I'm fine promise"

" Alright baby. Try to get some more rest. You have school tomorrow"

"Okay dad"

As he got up and went back to his room I laid there for a moment thinking about what my dad said. He was right about me being strange and all because things have been feeling different since that day. I barely have an appetite anymore, my body temperature has started to shift randomly, my muscles feel different and my eyesight has become more blurry than usual. I didn't know exactly what was going on, but I know things were far from okay I just didn't know how to tell my dad.