
Ultimate soul eraser system

The smile on max face couldn't be hidden, as he had that strange idea. The plan was simple, he would heroically appear out of nowhere and face the bad guy. Though beating was certain, it was part of the plan to make yuna fall more for him.

'Now's my chance.' He saw the opportunity seep in, and he wasn't going to let it slip by. Charging forward with full speed he made sure to be as silent as he could, the distance wasn't that far so it didn't take time before max closed it.

"Get away from her!" He screamed, sending his fist out which connected with kane's face, sending the latter back a bit. Yuna was surprised seeing Max here, as she hadn't expected him at all. All she heard was someone shout, and the next moment Kane was punched in the face and max appeared here.

"Don't worry yuna.. I'll protect you." Max played the hero card, placing her behind him as he acted tough.

"How did you know where I was?" Yuna asked causing max face to twitch slightly.

'Shit! I totally forgot.' Max was so caught up in playing hero and beaten so badly, that he forgot to prepare about answers to this type of sudden questions.

"Err.. I was just passing by when I heard you scream." He lied, saying the first thing that came to his head.

"But I didn't-"

"Run! Yuna go and call for help, I'll hold him back.." Max boldly spoke, puffing his chest as he dashed forward at Kane who was still clutching his jaw.

'I may beat this lowlife.' He thought seeing Kane had not recovered yet, sending out his kick fast it headed straight to kane's head only to be stopped.

"You fucking runt.. your dead!" Kane shouted pulling max leg, lifting him up in the air and then slamming him hard back down to the floor.

"F-uck!" Max grunted feeling some bones broken in his ribs and back, he coughed up a mouthful of blood as pain surged through his body.

"G-go yuna.. run!" Max barely uttered seeing yuna still standing there staring at him, before a kick to his face sent another wave of pain to his brain.

"Shut up!" Kane shouted angrily stomping his foot down to max face, the imprint of his boots plastered across max face.

"Enough!" Yuna said walking over, a calm expression was plastered on her face staring at max.

"What? No, g-go.." max urged her, not knowing why she still decided to stay. Yuna then stared at him for a while, before she did something strange.

"Mhm.." her lips were planted to kane's face, as the two locked their mouths in a passionate kiss. Kane sliding his hands down to yuna's ass cheeks, grouping them softly.

"W-what's happening?" Max was confused seeing this scene unfold, as just a moment ago she was in danger. and now, she was currently kissing the man that'd tried to harm her?

"You fool.. you still don't get." Layla softly said breaking from the kiss, a sly grin plastered on her face. "It was all a trap. I knew you were watching me, so I thought.. why not set up a plan?"

"B-but why?" Max eyes became teary, as his heart was just shattered. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Oh don't be sad, you're contribution would go a long way." She smiled crouching down a bit, staring directly into max eyes who couldn't do anything but watch.

"B-but I trusted you.. I-i had feelings for you." Max weakly said. he didn't know why he was saying this but what did it matter anyway, he would at least get to pour out his feelings before he finally got the beat down of his life.

"Oh! Did you actually think I would be with a loser like you? Pathetic." Yuna chuckled spitting all over max feelings, as she then went over to Kane who smacked her ass a bit, before the psyco gangster came to max.

"Go on, do it. it doesn't matter now anyways." Max muttered already beat and defeated, as he just waited more punishment.

"Just know that am going to enjoy every bit of this." Kane smiled gesturing his hand, and the next moment a group of about four more gangsters joined him. They wore the same gang clothing, as they held different weapons of all sorts.

"Argh!" The next instant the beat down begun, as they clobbered max with their weapons of max destruction. A bat was swung to his chest then a brass knuckle was swung to his face, some stomped some spat as max just whinced in pain.

"Enough.." yuna spoke looking over at max who was now bloodied from head to toe, his clothes tattered torn as his flesh sustained terrible bruises.

"No." Kane softly spoke, staring at max with an ominous look in his eyes. "He has to pay the full price."

"No.. but!"

"Shut up!" He landed a hot slap across her face, causing her to fall crashing into a trash can.

"You know the rules.. an eye for an eye." He smiled evily, and the next moment they all brought out short daggers holding them tightly.

"Your end is here boy, time to say goodbye." Max heart flinched seeing the daggers pointed at him, he wanted to scream but no words escaped his mouth except more blood.

"Ha-ha! this is fun." Kane smiled waving his hand to which the other four nodded, as they then got to work. They slashed, punched, and cut Kyle's body in all sorts of gruesome ways, Blood flowed out from the defenseless max as he could only shudder.

He could feel his skin being ripped out as blood leaked from his body, he could feel himself growing weak but there was nothing he could do. The pain and suffering lasted for about a minute as they then stopped, staring at the bloodied max.

His condition was beyond critical as what was left of his flesh was horrifying to look at, parts of his body had been cut off. It looked like where they had slaughtered a cow, as the blood was just excess.

"I-i cu-rse you." Max barely said amidst his very shallow breaths. The only thing that feels his soul was regret, that he'd made a terrible mistake that cost him his life. Just before his death, he vowed in his heart that if he was given a second chance he would make all those that hated him pay.

"Phh.. phu.."

"Your still alive well let's fix that." Kane smiled, bending down and sliting his throat ending max life for good. A satisfied expression was on his face, as he went over to where yuna was.

"Slaps* stay away from me!" She shouted walking away.

"Hey.. is that the thanks I get?" Kane smiled wiping his cheek, leaving a bloody trail of max blood.

"Cut up more parts, I can tell business is good today." He ordered to which the other four just nodded, as they got to work. Kane then turned, facing the wall as he brought out his cellphone. dialing a number it rang, and it didn't take up to 5 seconds before the call was answered.

"Yes?" The voice spoke in a deep tone.

"It's done. I have a fresh new meat for you." Kane chuckled, lighting up a cigar and placing it in his mouth.

"Good, bring it to the location." The voice said cutting the call.

"Geez.. what a grumpy old man." Kane smiled, taking a puff from his cigarette when he suddenly heard a commotion.

"Hey! don't fight over the parts there's-" his words were stuck to his throat, when he saw hell. In front max was now standing his body bloody, but the parts they'd cut out had somehow joined back?

"Did you miss me?" Max smiled, but Kane could literally feel the chills that was sent down his spine from those words. Looking besides max, he could see the bodies of his team laying there lifeless.

He couldn't see slash marks or any signs of a weapon used, but the most noticeable feature on their body was the pale dead skin on their emotionless pupills.

"Demon!" He screamed reaching back, he dipped his hands to his pants pulling out a handgun immediately aiming at max. Not hesitating he fired off a shot at max, but like magic within the blink of an eye max had disappeared from his spot.

'W-where did he go?' Kane looked around but couldn't see any signs of max anywhere, until he felt a cold presence above him.

"N-no.. please, have mercy." Kane begged as max held him tightly in his cold clutch, his eyes all white looking down into kane's soul.

"Sorry.. I'm all out of mercy." Max smiled like a true devil, and the next moment white energy was being transferred from Kane into him. Kane struggled to break free not knowing what max was doing to him, but didn't want to find out as his body grew weak. Within the span of 10 seconds kane's body became lifeless, turning the same pale.

"Delicious." Max licked his lips, dropping Kane's body to the ground.

"Hello.. Kane?" Max heard a voice and his memory flashed back, as he recalled memories of what happened before his death.

"Kane stop fucking playi-" yuna was cut short of her word, when an unknown evil entity grabbed her. The same white energy going before her eyes from her body, into the strange evil entity.

"M-max?" She could barely mutter, as her eyes managed to catch a glimpse of the presence before she passed out.

[User is weak!]

[System will now automatically shutdown!] The screen flashed in max eyes as his body suddenly felt weak, with him dropping to the floor with yuna in his grasp.