
Ultimate Overpowered Lust System

What were to happen if a the strongest ultimate overpowered sex cultivation system were fall in the lap of someone who never read a cultivation novel in his life? New chapter every Friday and Sunday. Some things to take into account before you start reading: .1. This story explicitly dose not take place in our earth. .2. This story is Cultivation/Xianxia story with a fair bit of western elements as well as some NSFW stuff. .3. This story is made for entertainment purposes only .4 This story has a comedic undertone but is not comedy (despite the occasional funny scenes). .5. Under no circumstances should this story be taken seriously .6. The thought, actions, and beliefs of characters in this book do not portray my thoughts, actions, and beliefs but are simply there to advance the story/make it more entertaining for you my readers.

LHLM · Urban
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24 Chs


It ends up that the TsavTsav Sect truly did believe in seclusion. If the newly joined David could be counted, the sect had 15 active members and another 23 retired members who did not stay in the sect anymore. The active members of the sect were split into four ranks. The Sect Master Original Turtle was at the top. Her uniform was green and yellow. Below her were the sect elders, who were the next three in the hierarchy. They wore green and brown uniforms. Below the Elders were the inner disciples, such as the midget, whose uniform was brown and yellow, and finally, at the bottom of the ladder, there was just David alone as the only sect member at the rank of outer disciple. His uniform was a brown and white robe.

Due to the small size of the sect, it was usually Original Turtle, which instructed everyone. Occasionally, one of the elders would take her place. Since David was new, the Elder Barvatsav was sent to teach him the basics personally.

"Follow me". "Where are we going?" "To the library." Hearing that, David expected to see a large room with countless books, but instead he came in front of a locked door. After putting in a secret code, the door swung open to a tiny room that could barely fit two people and some books. On the walls the number 1 was painted, while another locked door stood opposite to the duo.

"Are there more rooms like this one beyond?" "Yes, I have permission to access each room up to room 3, but as an outer disciple, you are allowed to be brought only up to room 1." "How long did it take you to advance to being an inner disciple?" "It took me slightly less than 5 years." "what?" "Yes, patience is a virtue, and thanks to it, I successfully proved myself and became an elder in just another 10 years after becoming an inner disciple." "All the books here look the same." "That's because each room contains copies of only one book." "So in total, there are only 3 books?" "No, there are four, but only the sect master and all the retired sect masters have access to that one." "How many people is that?" "3 to 4 people." "woah." "So what's this book?" "We have four stages in this sect. The first stage requires you to learn to control your power and urges. Once you defeat your inner demons, will you prove yourself worthy of being an inner disciple." "So is this why we are secluded, it's to avoid distractions?" "Yes, that is indeed one of the reasons." "What's the second stage?" "I'm not allowed to tell you too much of what may await you in the future, and that knowledge is still far above your current level, but from what I can tell you: Stage 2 is about self-care and having a good soul. If your personality has even one aspect that is deemed unacceptable, you will never pass that stage. The third stage is the one I am in. It requires us to have a full understanding of ourselves." "So what's the final stage?" "For that, you will have to ask Original Turtle herself."

"I will leave you here now. When you want to leave, press the red button next to the door, and if you require help, press the green button." "So what do I do here?" "Read and learn; that is why I sent you here." "Okey." "Also, do not forget to come to the daily spars at 8 PM." "You will not take part in the mock spars, but you can join in the exercises for self-control." understood."See you at 8."