
Ultimate Godly System

After being killed by an aerial truck attack, a young man was reincarnated with what he had always dreamed of. Follow Uchiha Itachi as he plots against others and sets out to seek absolute domination. ______________________ Anyone who wants to support me: https://www.patreon.com/proddy69 ________________________ Disclaimer: I have no right to any character other than those created by me

proddy69 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 13

Itachi heard what the boy said, nodded while he was inspecting the Sephiroth Graal piece.

"You don't have to say it, I'd do it even if you didn't."

Itachi wouldn't allow an unknown family to wander around freely, he had a feeling that if he allowed that family to live he would regret it in the future.

The little boy was happy with this news. "Finally I'll get my revenge, mother, father, that bastard will finally be killed.

Itachi had a cold smile on his face.

"It seems it's time for Akatsuki to make her appearance in the world."

Akeno was excited to hear this, she waited a long time, and finally she could show the result of her training.

Ingvild was a little nervous, but she still nodded, she had already promised to help Itachi so even if he asked her to fight a God, she would fight without hesitation.

"Tomorrow we will act, so get ready because the world will know Akatsuki".

In the future this event will be known as the day a man fought against a God.


The other day, Itachi and his two Akatsuki members moved, they wouldn't give the enemy a chance to prepare, it would be a fast and lethal attack.

"Remember, don't let anyone from the Teles family alive."

Both girls nodded their heads in agreement.

Itachi was already with his Sharingan activated, he couldn't give any breach for his enemy to enjoy.

Looking at the Teles family residence that seemed to be abandoned he knew he had arrived at the right place.

"Akeno attacked with his thunder. He commanded Akeno, since he would like to preserve himself to fight against stronger opponents, Itachi wasn't dumb enough to think he was family not having at least someone at the level of a Demon King.

"Ara! Ara! I will purify these poor souls". Akeno then summoned a huge thunder to the home of the Teles family.


From inside the house, people there hearing this noise and seeing their house being destroyed were shocked.

"Leader! We are being attacked". Shouted a man.

"What do you mean, you idiot?" A man who was lying in bed with two women shouted apparently angry at the intrusion of his servant.


The leader of the Teles family finally heard a loud noise, and ran immediately out of his residence.

The vision that followed him was shocking, dozens of people from his family had died, his house was now completely in pieces, with only a few places intact because they hadn't been attacked yet.

"WHO WAS THE BASTARD?!" He was infuriated, a large part of his family was dead, with only a few servants and a few lucky people alive.

The servant who had warned the leader of the Teles family, was killed when a shuriken was stuck in his neck.

"It seems that I missed the target." A man with onyx eyes and black hair tied to a ponytail said dry. This man wore a black cloak with red clouds.

"Who are you, you bastard?" The leader of the Teles family was not an idiot, and knew that this man was here to destroy his family, but all he needed was time to channel his power.

Itachi knew what he was thinking, and couldn't care less.

"My name is Uchiha Itachi."

"Uchiha, is it? Could you tell me what the Teles family complains about you?" The leader of the Teles family was curious since this man in front of him didn't seem to have been sent by any of his enemies.

"A dead man doesn't need to know that". Itachi launched some kunais to draw the attention of the leader of the Teles family, and it seems to have worked since he had deviated.

Itachi had a smile on his face when he saw this.

Katon: Gōkakyū in Jutsu

Itachi wouldn't give time for this clan leader to breathe, the huge fireball he launched hit the man right on the spot.

"Arrgh! I'll kill you, you bastard".

The man had blood flowing from his mouth, but it was just that there was no burn on his body, probably due to the fact that he was covered with Touki, a very powerful ability which would increase not only his defense but also his attack and agility.

Itachi was surprised by this, since to use Touki you need an excellent control of energy and body.

"It seems that I underestimated him."

Itachi then made hand stamps extremely fast.

Katon: Gouka Messhitsu

"Survive it!"

Everything had disappeared, there was nothing left, all the land of the Teles family, disappeared as if it had never existed.

Those who had been lucky and survived the previous attack of Akeno, were swallowed by the flame of Itachi.

Ingvild and Akeno were shocked, they knew Itachi was strong, but this was still frightening.

"Arf! Arf!" Itachi was breathing heavily, an attack of this level had many consequences, even if he had a huge amount of Chakra was not yet infinite and at least forty percent of his chakra had been emptied in this attack.

Itachi was reviewing several messages from the system, but he didn't seem to care while he kept on guard.

"It looks like they will finally be moving" Itachi said when he felt four auras walking towards him.

Looking at the people who arrived, he saw the leader of the clan Teles extremely injured, it had to be said that if he received a single blow his life would be emptied.

Itachi frowned upon feeling the power day four men, one was a little weaker than the leader of the house Teles, but the other two were on the same level of Grayfia if not even stronger.

"When did it become so easy, to become powerful?"

The man who was weaker than the leader of the Teles family was scared, he never saw an attack of such magnitude, he knew that the two men who were with him were strong, but he doubted that they could do the same thing.

This man was precisely Moki Rustefuld, leader of the legion. And the two men on his side were the envoys a God sent to help him.

The two envoys were also shocked by the attack Itachi had unleashed, but seeing the state he was in, they just gave a cold smile.

"It was a great attack you gave, I wonder which faction you belong to?" One of the men who had green hair asked.

Itachi did not answer while he was preparing for the next battle that is about to begin.

"No answer? That's good, after we kill him, we'll have fun with the girls behind you." The other man who had red hair said with a lust expression.

Itachi knew they were doing it to provoke him, so he did not fall into this trap.

He knew he would have to make the first move if he wanted to have the initial advantage in this battle, so he took Samehada out of his inventory, making the two men look at him surprised.

"Space magic?" The man with green hair said shocked, it was necessary to know that space magic was extremely rare in this world since it was a strange concept and few dominated it.

Itachi remained silent when he threw himself in the direction of the three men, he wanted to end it as soon as possible, his sense of urgency was warning him that if he took too long things would get worse.

"Courting death."

The green-haired man covered his body with Touki and threw himself in the direction of Itachi, ready to receive the sword in front.

A cold smile appeared on Itachi's face, he knows that this man was underestimating him for thinking that there wasn't much energy left in his body.

But all this was just an act of Itachi, to make his enemies lower their guard.

"Die!" The man with green hair shouted.

Moki Rustefuld seeing the exchange that was going to happen knew something was wrong, and immediately summoned a flood of magical attacks aiming some points of Itachi's body.

Itachi seeing this knew things would get harder, but still kept a smile on his face.

"You fell into my trap." He murmured softly.

The green-haired man realized something was wrong, but he couldn't react in time.

Itachi's body had exploded, causing everything around him to be destroyed.

The man with red hair was shocked by this vision, he did not expect that Itachi would commit suicide.

Moki had a frown on his face, he knew it wouldn't be just a simple suicide, there seemed to be something else.

Itachi watched the shocked men away, he used this opportunity to take his girls away, since they could disturb his battle.

The Itachi who had exploded was nothing but a clone with dozens of explosive papers, he had done it to catch his opponent unprepared in a battle, and it seems it worked.

Looking at the smoke disappearing, he wanted to see the state the man had been in, but ended up disappointed, the green-haired man seemed unharmed if you disregard some scratches.

"Looks like I'll have to use 'it'.