
Ultimate Godly System

After being killed by an aerial truck attack, a young man was reincarnated with what he had always dreamed of. Follow Uchiha Itachi as he plots against others and sets out to seek absolute domination. ______________________ Anyone who wants to support me: https://www.patreon.com/proddy69 ________________________ Disclaimer: I have no right to any character other than those created by me

proddy69 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 12

Akeno had never heard of the Teles family before, so she thought it was just a minor family.

"Anyway I will kill these four, so that nobody knows who killed them". She thought as she slowly approached them.

The four men seeing the girl approaching, they laughed coldly and drew their swords, even if they didn't feel this girl sneaking, they weren't afraid of her, after all it was four against one.

"Akeno-san, do you need help?"

Ingvild asked innocently since she didn't want to see her new friend get hurt.

Akeno just shook her head.

"It's all right, I alone am enough."

Saying these words she waved her arms towards the four men.

"Answer my wish, TROVÃO!!"

A huge thunder came down towards the four men, only one could react in time while the rest was slowly charred.

The bodies of the three men who could not react disappeared as if they had never existed, the only thing left was a little trace of blood.

"So weak."

This was Akeno's opinion about these men who died, it made his theory of them belonging to a small family even stronger.

The leader who saw his companions die that way, became furious, he had never been so humiliated as today.

He threw himself toward Akeno hoping to take revenge for the death of his companions.

"You bitch, I will cut you to pieces!" The man shouted as he swung his sword in the hope of cutting Akeno in half.

Akeno had a contemptuous expression on her face, she thought that because this man reacted in time and deviated from his thunder he was a little strong, but she was wrong, he was nothing but garbage in her eyes.

"Even the powerless clones of Itachi were stronger than that."

She thought as she day drifted clumsy attacks from man.

Ingvild finally reacted to the death of the three men, and she was shocked by the way Akeno killed them, she made him look something simple, and that scared Ingvild.

Akeno finally decided to put an end to it, she was already getting bored.

She threw herself towards the leader, and before he could react she had already pierced his chest with her bare hands.

The man felt a hand grabbing her heart, he wanted to be moved but it seemed impossible, it was as if there body was rooted.

"Ara! Ara! Look what I found". Akeno said with a sadistic smile as he increased a little the strength of his hand holding the man's heart.

"So you don't say why you were following this little boy?" The sadistic smile never left Akeno's face.

The man gave Akeno a cold smile, even if he died he wouldn't tell her anything, after all if the information he had leaked then not only would the Teles family go after this boy, but the whole world would.

Akeno seeing that he wouldn't give her any answer, decided to end his life, but not before making him suffer.

"Very well, then just die."

She directed a lightning bolt to her hand which wandered slowly through the man's body until it reached his heart.

The man in question was writhing in pain, he knew he was already dead, but this pain was unbearable and all he wanted was to end quickly.

He didn't have to wait for long since the lightning reached his heart causing it to explode, and a huge amount of organs left his body.

Ingvild who was already sick with the scene couldn't stand it and ended up vomiting, she knew that in the future she would have to kill other people, but she was not willing to do like Akeno who tortured his victim.

Akeno in question was happy that everything was over, now she just needed to take this little boy to Itachi since he seemed to be keeping a big secret.

"Looks like you're better, in this case carry this little boy with me to the hotel."

Akeno pointed to Ingvild and then to the little boy who was unconscious due to fatigue of running away for a long time.

Ingvild nodded and picked up the little boy in princess style, as he began to walk towards the hotel they were staying at. She just wanted to take a hot bath and rest since the scene of Akeno killing that man cruelly was still in her head.

Arriving at the hotel, both went towards the room where Itachi was resting and when they got there they had a surprise, Itachi was already waiting for them.

"It seems that my guess that you would get in trouble was right".

Itachi had a hunch that these girls would get in trouble the moment they left the hotel and it seems he was right to see an unconscious little boy in Ingvild's arms.

"Bring him to my bed, and then explain to me what happened".

Ingvild nodded and after leaving the little boy in bed she started to explain what had happened, while Akeno went to take a bath.

After hearing the story, Itachi had a frown on his face since he had never heard of this Teles family in the original work.

It was then that he remembered the words that God had said before he reincarnated.

"The world in which you go is not always like the one you saw in your animes".

It seems that this is one of the changes of this world, and it scared Itachi since there could be many more things that he does not know in this world.

His sense of urgency was alerting him to get stronger, and Itachi agreed with this since with only being able to relax calmly.

He decided to think about it later since he saw the little boy starting to wake up.

"Where am I?" The little boy woke up scared he only remembered to be running away from the people of Teles Family, before tripping and falling to the ground, he also remembers seeing his women walking towards him, but after that he doesn't remember anything else.

"Don't tell me I was captured by Familia Teles? An expression of horror appeared on his face, he knew what would happen to him in case the Teles family arrested him.

"You don't have to worry about the Teles family as long as you tell me why you are being hunted".

Itachi had a cold expression when he said this, he wouldn't mind taking this boy to the Teles family, in case he doesn't get anything useful from it.

"I'll tell you!" The boy said with an expression of desperation.

Itachi nodded and started paying more attention to the boy since he didn't want to lose any word he said.

"The reason they are hunting me is because I have a piece of the Sephiroth Grail, when the Teles family discovered this information they started hunting me, since if they get this piece of longinus they will have more chances to fight against the Tepes family".

Itachi who heard the name of the Sephiroth Graal was shocked, because he knew what this means, Rizevim started to move.

Sephiroth Graal a longinus that could only be described as miraculous, he possesses the ability to get in touch with the beginning of life, where the possessor of the longinus can get in touch with the way life and soul are made.

With its power to control the principle of life, the Sephiroth Grail can bring dead people back to life, and if this is no longer frightening it is possible to revive infinitely someone whose soul the deceased is intact.

This makes the possessor of the longinus and those he desires immortal. In addition, this longinus has other scary abilities, the most frightening for Itachi being the ability to discern people's location.

With these abilities it is possible to go to the 'end of the world' and remove the seal from the beast 666, and the seal is easily removed with the Sephiroth Grail which possesses a ability to break seals.

Itachi knew that he would have to act fast from now on, otherwise things got ugly in the future.

"I need to recruit Valerie Tepes, immediately to my organization, otherwise Rizevim will get the Sephiroth Grail, and that's not something I want to see".

As the Sephiroth Grail was divided into three parts then Itachi already knew what he would have to do, first he would convince Valerie to join his organization, and then he intended to kill Rizevim to get the final piece of the Sephiroth Grail.

He didn't even consider the little boy in front of him, since he considered the piece that was in the possession of the little boy, his.

"Okay, you don't need him to ask for the piece of the Sephiroth Grail, right?"

The little boy gritted his teeth, while nodding his head, before delivering the piece of the Sephiroth Grail to Itachi.

"I want you to destroy the Teles family."