
Ultimate Godly System

After being killed by an aerial truck attack, a young man was reincarnated with what he had always dreamed of. Follow Uchiha Itachi as he plots against others and sets out to seek absolute domination. ______________________ Anyone who wants to support me: https://www.patreon.com/proddy69 ________________________ Disclaimer: I have no right to any character other than those created by me

proddy69 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 11

//Stop, this is a robbery leave all your power stones.//

Somewhere in the world...

"It seems that our plan is going very well"

A man whose skeletal appearance and black eyes like darkness were talking to another man who looked like his counterpart, a man with a beautiful appearance and extremely beautiful green eyes.

"Yes, Hades. I have also contacted some servants to invite Ophis to join the Khaos Brigde."

Hades nodded, he was thinking how easy it would be to convince that innocent dragon god.

"Now I'd like to know how 'that' project is going.

Hearing this, the man with the beautiful green eyes gave a smile as he began to explain.

"The project is proving to be a success, we were able to create new super devils, even some have undergone mutations and are at the level of a Satan class devil, and about their loyalty there is nothing to worry about, I am inserting a part of my divinity into the soul of each one of them, so that they don't even think about good betrayal.

Hades looked surprised at the man, and a cold smile appeared on his face. "So there was only Samael left.

Hades would have to make an effort to move Samael, even he was terrified of that poison capable of killing any dragon and snake.

"Yes, the moment Ophis joins Khaos Brigde, I want you new Samael, so that we can put an end to that dragon.

Hades on the surface seemed to agree with man's demand, but in his mind, he had other plans for Ophis.

"Then our meeting was over. Hades spoke, while disappearing on the horizon.

The green-eyed man seeing that Hades had already left, had a mocking smile on his face. "All according to my plans." He knew Hades wouldn't do what he had said, but he didn't care.

"When I remove the seal of the beast 666, then all this world will fall into despair, and finally I will kill Great Red.

He had a cold smile when he said this, his biggest goal was not only to kill Great Red, but also to be able to go to the world from which he came, that was something only some people knew, there was another world, the world from which Great Red emerged, but only he and the beast 666 can travel there.

"Now, I just need to move the right pieces..." He said these last words before retiring.

Back with Itachi, he decided not to go to school anymore, it would be just a waste of time for him, besides he already knows who has an idea of who will be the next Akatsuki member.

"All right girls, we will go to England".

He left those words while he started to prepare a magic circle to take them to England.

Both girls were excited about the idea of visiting England. "Maybe I'll get a hot night with Itachi in England." Akeno thought with a seductive smile.

"I always liked to travel before I got the sleeping sickness." Ingvild was excited as she let her thoughts run wild.

Itachi saw that the girls were excited and chose not to say that it spoiled their mood.

"I wonder if I'll have a decent fight in England."

After finishing the magic circle, Itachi asked the girls to prepare themselves since they were away from home for a while. He also told his parents that he would be on a school trip, which they said nothing about and just gave him enough money to spend for a while.

"How nice it is to have rich parents." He thought as he looked at how much money he had in his purse.

Akeno and Ingvild were already ready, so he decided to leave for England.

In a hidden room inside a house that seemed to be abandoned.

"These damn vampires, they think they can drive us out of our territory." A woman with a strong appearance said.

"They even kill our people, we need to retaliate." Another average-looking man said.

In the center of the room a man with an extremely strange appearance was sitting listening to the people complaining, the hair of this man came on his chest, he had brown eyes but if you looked closely you would see that at the bottom of his eyes there was a pinch of red.

His clothes were eye-catching to say the least, but nobody seems to mock him, the reason? This man was their leader.

"Enough, for a long time we suffered at the hand of those damned vampires, the time has come for our revenge". He said with a frightening smile.

Hearing this, everyone in the room was silent, but it was noticeable that a glow of happiness was in everyone's eyes.

"I, Moki Rustefuld, leader of the legion, promise that we will take revenge, besides I would like to introduce those who will help us".

Moki then got up and walked towards the door, he had an expression of pride because he will finally be able to take revenge on those vampires who took everything from him and from his people.

Opening the door he saw that those men were already waiting for him, he bent slightly while presenting them to his people.

"These are the envoys who will help us. He said this with extreme respect, fearing that he would offend these people.

The two envoys just nodded their heads, and went towards the center of the room.

The eyes of all were on these two, since they would be primarily responsible for helping them in this revenge.

Both the envoys, were subjects of that project the green-eyed man and Hades were talking about, if possible they didn't want to be here, but by order of their master they couldn't back down.

They then started talking about what everybody should do, and after everybody understood what they had to do they left.

"Leader, with these two our revenge will be very easy".

Moki listening to his companions praising him was happy, he didn't care if these two had a hidden agenda or not, all he wanted was for them to kill all the vampires of the Teles house an enemy of the Tepes house.

On the side of Itachi, they had just settled in a hotel, he was too tired to do anything so he went straight home, but not before leaving a sum of money with the girls so they could have fun.

The girls decided to let Itachi rest while they went to some stores to buy clothes.

"Akeno, can you tell me a little bit about how Itachi-san is?" Ingvild was ashamed to ask this question to Akeno but she couldn't hold her curiosity.

"Akeno thought a little before she started to describe what she thought of Itachi.

"If I had to say, I would say that he is quiet, few things take him seriously, he is also extremely careful with his family, not allowing anything to affect them, even if it doesn't seem he is a little pacifist, if he could just stay at home resting or sleeping".

Ingvild gave a cute laugh when Akeno described Itachi, and she agreed with Akeno, Itachi was really affectionate with her, even though he met her a short time ago.

But before they could continue the conversation, they felt an aura not far from them, this aura was very weak, and seemed to be being followed.

Even though Itachi had told them not to meddle in others' business, they were still curious, so they went in the direction of this aura.

They saw a boy completely wounded running from some men with a strange aura.

The men who were chasing the little boy, did not seem to pretend to any of the three factions, Akeno thought they probably belonged to the vampire faction that Itachi had told them before coming to England.

"I wonder why they were hunting this little boy."

Ingvild was a kind girl by nature, so she looked at Akeno with a doggy face, making Akeno laugh.

"I'll help him, don't worry." Akeno knew Itachi would be mad at them for getting into other people's business, but she couldn't refuse this dog face that Ingvild was making.

When the boy was about to be hit by a sword, Akeno made his move.

"Ara! Ara! Why don't you fight with someone your own size?"

The four men who were about to kill this boy jumped with fright, they hadn't felt anyone following them, but now a woman in a black suit with red clouds had appeared.

"Girl, don't get involved in the business of the Teles family. One day men said that he seemed to be the leader.

Akeno hearing the name of the family these men work frowned upon, she never heard about the Family Teles.


NT: They don't need to look about Familia Teles because they are my own creation, I intend to go a little deeper into this part of the vampires, since in the original series this was not much talked about, I hope they understand.

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