
Ultimate Alpha Male System (Dropped)

Drake Cross, above average looks, new head surgeon at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, and the Youngest Doctor in the last few decades being only in his early 20’s and having such skill. The heart throb of many nurses because of his age, looks and skills, but was always cold and indifferent to any who tried to come after him. Why? Drake-“3D women are not as great as my Waifus!” He shouted to himself, he was in love with anime women that any real woman couldn’t compare. A Otaku to say the least. ???- “Then do I have a deal for you!” Come watch as his dreams come true going from one anime to next with many women and wives that follow after him as he becomes the next Alpha Male. Worlds 1st World- Monster Musume 2nd World- Rosario+Vampire 3rd World- Corruption of Champions 1 & 2 (Current) DISCLAIMER! You can probably tell this is a very Wish fulfillment type of story, there will be both plot and ‘PLOT’ in the story, if there was a Smut tag, or if there is I couldn’t find it, it would be in this story for sure, there’s gonna be sex, lots of it so don’t be shocked that it happens alright? (8/26/22) SECOND DISCLAIMER! There will be incest, mind you the family he does it with are in one way or another not genetically related to him even though they are his daughters do to reasons explained in the story, if you don’t like that then this story ain’t for you. (9/13/22) THIRD DISCLAIMER! He gets ridiculous amounts of women just like catching Pokémon so a good chunk of his women that aren’t his main wives or lovers are just his sexually full of lust with no real love in it, so if you also don’t like that then we’ll this is still not for you. Also even if he goes to new worlds after the first one there will be a separate space that all his women can come and go to from their worlds to meet his other women and spend time with him even if he’s away from there worlds. Note I don’t have an editor, if there are grammatical mistakes here and there I may or may not go back and fix them later. Also I have 2 other stories that will be my main primary focus so don’t be surprised I post chapters on this one only once or twice a week or maybe not at all during a week depending how I feel Original Cover was from Alpha Lyrae on Pinterest, Don't know if he made the picture but that's where I got it from New front cover is made by 0Nashiro (Edit 6/29/22) I guess I should point this out, at the beginning even if he has the system he doesn’t automatically become an Alpha Male, some people are born into that, but some have to grow into it and develop into ones, people say right now he would be a Beta instead of an Alpha, and that’s true for the most part, it’s not until he meets one of the future girls in his first world that genuinely helps him become and Alpha male, it doesn’t help that no matter how strong he is in the first world most women there are much stronger than the average human so it’s suppose to be hard for him to take the reins without being tossed around like a Ragdoll.

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The Demon Factory 1/2

Bad news I just got fired from my job guys….

Good news is that there's plenty of jobs around here that pay much more than the job I was working and I won't have to waste so much money on gas for my delivery job as a result.

Though I won't be able to get free pizza's anymore, though I probably can if I sneak over there at night sometimes and ask some of my old co-workers for some or at least at a discount at least.

But don't worry guys I was planning on quitting to get a better job in the near future so I'm not sad about it.

Also I see a lot of people love the idea about doing Futurama in the future so I guess I have somethings to look into doing, also probably before One Piece since it wouldn't be that long, on that note I probably not go after Amy and Leela since I find that it would be more on the shorter end dealing with both Planet Amazonia and Earth Year 50MIL.

Though in the mean time I do kinda, sorta, have a pat.reon and I might be uploading things there in the future and letting people suggest worlds to go to and have some early access to early chapters than the rest I release here, but I'm still debating to do that after all.


With the location set we left the lake and started to head towards the mountain range with aria in tow.

Soon enough we arrived and started to have to deal with Imps, Hellhounds and Minotaurs that tried to get in our way.

But with me at her side it wasn't that hard for us to cut through any enemies that got in our way grabbing the gems and any random item drops that were worth anything, which most weren't worth keeping so we just tossed them out before heading along our way as any goblin we came across I just convinced them to head towards the wastelands and join up with my growing collection of goblin lovers.

But soon enough we came across it, the Demon factory as it looked over us while dark corrupted liquids flowed out of it and went down hill where it would lead all the way towards the lake off in the distance.

"We have to stop this and place from corrupting the land anymore than it is now." Aria said determinedly.

"Yeah, but we can't destroy this place which would shut it down for good as it would just release all the corruption onto the mountains and lake down below…. I'll figure something out to make sure this place never works again." I say as I come up with an idea, but I don't know if it will work or if it might possibly be dangerous for me as a result but I have to try since I feel it might unlock something more.

She just nods in agreement as we both go to the entrance and make our way in, the sounds of moving machinery and gears can be heard from here, the door that would lead us deeper was closed with a lock on it, I could break it but I don't want to set off alarms and suddenly get swarmed by dozens of demons which we don't need happening.

We both looked around and saw what looked like an office that we went into which we quickly realized we weren't alone.

Inside the office was a lone blue skinned succubus wearing a skimpy outfit while she was organizing some papers before she looked up and suddenly had a twinkle in her eyes as she smiled at us.


"Your here! We were wondering when you would show up!" She said excitedly as she got up from her desk and looked us over, specifically me at least as she grinned.

"I know what your both after, you need the key to go deeper into the factory right? Well I'm supposed to stop you from that, but there has been whispers going around about you stud, Lady Lethice has been overly eager to get you for herself, and hearing that has made all the succubi under her interested in you as well, me included." She smirked as she spread her legs wide, showing her bare snatch that was oozing corrupt womanly liquids.

"So I want a taste for myself, you scratch my pussy with that thick cock of yours, and I give you the key you want." She says making a tempting offer.

Aria wasn't to happy hearing that, and I wasn't so much either, "You know I don't mind having sex with any willing woman, but I don't do one night stands and I don't take one sided deals when it comes to sex." I say while crossing my arms.

She looked hurt when I said that for a second, but then she smiled deviously, "So then you want this to be something more then? You'd do it if I became your woman and a slave to that fat cock of yours? I mean I don't mind but your going to have to shape this pussy into the shape of this cock if you want me to be yours and yours alone, but I feel like you can do it, so come on already stud, mess me up and make me yours!" She said with a sultry look as she spread her pussy lips wide for me all to see.

I looked at her and at Aria before I whispered in her ear what I was gonna do, which made her smile a bit before I parted with her and went to the succubus as I brushed my hand across her cheek, "I'd like a name to the woman I'm about to fuck her brains out at least."

"Kimmy, my name is Kimmy stud!" She said excitedly as she took my thumb and started to suck on it as I pushed her back on the table as Aria went behind her and placed her exposed pussy in front of her face.

"Your gonna make us both feel good Kimmy if you really want this cock." I say pulling my hand away as she nodded vigorously as she looked up at Arias pink pussy and began to eat her out making Aria moan as a result.

While distracted I placed my mark above her womb, making her mine for good before I pushed my now freed from my pants cock straight into her wet cock sucking pussy.

She moaned out into Arias pussy before eating her out even more vigorously than before as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

I grinned as I took Arias lips in mine as I began to rough fuck the slutty succubus as her greedy pussy sucked on my massive cock making her moan like the whore she is, but now she's my whore, lover and sex slave from now on.

Her job and her daughters jobs and so on will to be to please me and my lovers while I'm away making her and our daughters the personal sex slaves of my kingdom, I know there's no love and only lust for each other's bodies but if she and our future daughters are meant for is just that, pleasing every horny woman that I make my own.

And with her constantly spawning cunt and the moans from the constant cumming she felt from my member I didn't need to look as I made out with Aria to tell she was hooked on me and my cock and like the slut she is she's not gonna let go until she gets a taste of my cum.

So not wanting to keep a slut waiting, I grabbed her hips and began to slam into her while me and Aria kept making out with each other as I fucked Kimmys womb over and over until I hilted her and filled her corrupt womb with my lust.

This made her moan very loudly as she came and squirted from the sheer pleasure she received as her belly began to bloat from my verile seed as my swimmers went to find and r*pe her many eggs, I'm making this bitch my succubus broodmare since I'll need plenty of these sluts to please there many, many mistresses.

And these horny bitches will enjoy there slave play I will put them all through in due time, save for a few demons later down the line.

After releasing everything into her now overly fertile womb, me and Aria got off her and let her lay there as she catches her breath, though I was kind enough to lift her up and put her down on the couch to rest.

"Stay here, I'll be back for you later." I say and all I get is a tired nod before I grab the key that we need before we pull our clothes back into place before we head out of Kimmy's office and head to the main large doors that will lead us into the main part of the factory.

Beyond those doors is where the real challenge lies in wait for us, two strong enemies to deal with and finding out a way to turn this factory off for good.