
Ultimate Adaptive Evolution System

Dan Montgomery was just your average powerless dude living in a world filled with Heroes Vs Villains battles every other day. He one day received the kickass system he always dreamed of having, but never truly wanted. He just wanted to be a normal guy in a not so normal world, but fate just had other plans for him. (Note: The Slice of Life tag is there since a lot of the beginning part of the story takes place in normal life.)

MaitreyaNirvana · Video Games
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38 Chs

Learning The Ropes, Gym Time!

Dan brought his other 3 uniforms with him in a large backpack he never normally used. He also made sure to bring his new laptop and phone with him. He'd gotten used to Carlson waiting there for him already, and sure enough, the young taxi driver was there. Once they arrived at The Front Line, Dan got out and thanked Carlson as always. He greeted Luke and Jessica on the way in, and headed up in the elevator.

Once he arrived at the 3rd floor, he quickly made his way to the News Reporting Room. Dan quickly spotted Angela waiting for him at the back of the room. He quickly walked up to her, "Hey Angela, so what are we starting with today?"

Angela smiled warmly once she saw him, it was probably because they were going to actually officially start his training today. Or maybe she was just looking forward to their first gym session. "We'll be starting here in the newsroom today for the first couple of hours or so. I'll be showing you the ropes in each department, we'll just be observing what happens in the Hero Management division. They're the ones who take part in the real action."

Dan nodded to show that he understood, and she continued on. "There are 7 different key aspects of news reporting, but I have the feeling that you'll learn the basics of each very quickly."

She gave him a knowing look then. Damn! Does she already suspect that I have some kind of power to do with adaption? I suppose that I should expect that much from her. That'll definitely make it easier to explain everything to her later on. Dan kept a calm expression on his face, despite the surprise he felt inside. "Those aspects are: Newsroom Operations, News Gathering Techniques, Reporting Ethics and Guidelines, Writing and Editing, Interview Techniques, Research Skills, and Story Pitching."

Dan knew there would be a lot of different bases to cover, and he once again realised that it would take almost no time at all to cover them. 2 hours was a pretty generous timeslot, of course, his proficiency in his active and passive skills would increase much faster. This would be due to him actually doing the practical side of things, rather than only the theoretical side. 

They spent the next 2 hours covering all of the key aspects, Angela throwing him knowing glances whenever he seemed to learn something a little too quickly. There was nothing he could really do to hide this however, and he wasn't really trying to anymore. Dan had long since muted all system notifications since they would be very distracting. After finishing though, he turned them back on and saw that his Active and Passive Skills for the regular News Division had gained a lot of proficiency.

He'd made use of the active skill of course, and kept it active during the entire 2 hours. It really has increased a lot, then again, I don't really know how the levels work. It seems that increasing my Sapience stat is much easier when I'm learning new material. It's also probably linked with my current Work Efficiency A & E Process.


News Division

News Writing (Level 0, Active) - You can actively contribute to composing basic news articles (53% proficiency).

News Gathering (Level 0, Passive) - You can passively observe and understand the methods for gathering news from different sources (49% proficiency).


Vigour increased by 1!

Sapience increased by 1!

Constitution increased by 1!

Deftness increased by 1!

Luck increased by 1!


-- (POV: Angela) --

Angela was both surprised and a little suspicious when it came to Dan's learning speed. Normally, it would take several days for other new employees or apprentices to get to his current stage. I'm pretty convinced by now, if he was able to learn that quickly in one or two areas, then it might be alright. But he learned so much in every area. I'm starting to think that he has some mental processing enhancement. Charles was also like this, he always learned so much faster than others did.

I'll ask him after our gym session, if he doesn't want to tell me the specifics though, then I won't force it out of him.

-- (POV: Dan) --

All 5 of my stats increased, they'll probably increase very quickly early on, and slow down after a little while. After all, stat increases don't bring linear changes, it's slightly more significant each time. They had now arrived at their next area for the day, the Mutant Division, and Angela once again taught him the ropes for the next 2 hours. They then had lunch together on the Ground Floor which was labelled Cafeteria and Dining Area.

After they finished lunch, Angela also covered the basics of the Field Operations Division and the Production and Editing Division, 2 hours in each of them once more.


Field Operations Division

Camera Operation (Level 0, Active) - You can actively assist in camera operation to capture events in the field (70% proficiency).

Interviewing Techniques (Level 0, Passive) - You can passively observe and understand the techniques used in conducting interviews (63% proficiency).

Mutant Division

Data Analysis (Level 0, Active) - You can actively assist with data analysis using specialised tools (51% proficiency).

Research Methods (Level 0, Passive) - You can passively observe and understand the research methods used in mutant studies (48% proficiency).

Production and Editing Division

Video Editing (Level 0, Active) - You can actively assist in navigating video editing software (74% proficiency).

Cinematography (Level 0, Passive) - You can passively observe and understand the principles of cinematography in film and video production (71% proficiency).

Hero Management Division:

Hero Registration (Level 0) - You can actively assist in the registration process for new heroes (32% proficiency).

Hero Background Checks (Level 0) - You can passively observe and understand the background checks conducted on registered heroes (29% proficiency).


Sapience increased by 1!


It seems that all IT related skills had the greatest increase in proficiency. Hero Management skills gained the least since I only watched them in action for the last 30 minutes. How do these Skill Levels work though?

[Skill Levels (News Reporting Division Example):

Level 0News Reader

Level 1 - Rookie Reporter

Level 2 - Cub Journalist

Level 3 - Junior Correspondent

Level 4 - Senior Reporter

Level 5 - Investigative Journalist

Level 6 - Chief Correspondent

Level 7 - Newsroom Director


So that's how it works, I guess that I'll at least need to be at Level 5 or 6 to write a front page article. Dan was lost in thought until Angela broke him out of his thought process. "Hey Dan, that was a great day, and you made some amazing progress, I'm proud of you! So, are you ready for your first gym session?"

Dan was suddenly excited, he was about to visit the personal gym of a hero, of course he would be excited. "Yes, I'm ready, I'll go get changed!"

"Don't worry about that, you can use the changing room in my gym. Luke and Jessica sometimes use it too, it's the only place where they can find weights that are heavy enough for them. Of course, you'll have free access to all facilities for the duration of your apprenticeship."

Luke Cage and Jessica Jones use it too? That's amazing! I probably wouldn't have been able to pay for using those services at this point in time anyways. This isn't your usual run-of-the-mill gym we're talking about here. Dan followed Angela to the elevator, and they took it down to the ground floor. He'd been expecting an expensive car, but he was surprised when he saw that it was only a Ford FusionI guess she doesn't want to stand out more than she already does.

It took them around 40 minutes to reach their destination in the outskirts of the city. Now this is more what I was expecting. This is more like a small estate than anything else. They drove through the gates, and he saw numerous security guards, and it seemed that they were expecting them both. The two of them walked into the stunning mansion in front of them.

Angela's mansion was an opulent residence, characterised by its grandeur and exquisite architecture. The sprawling estate featured lush gardens, a pristine swimming pool, and interiors that exuded an air of timeless sophistication.

But they weren't there for a tour of the place, Angela led him to him a side door, and beyond it was a staircase that took them down to another door. Angela opened the door, and they walked into the room, the automatic lights turning on as they entered. Dan had been expecting a fancy gym but this blew his expectations out of the water. An information window popped up, but he was expecting it at this point.


White Tiger's Gym

Angela's personal gym, fully equipped by Stark Industries, is an exclusive space for high-intensity training and superhuman workouts. The facilities include cutting-edge cardio machines, advanced resistance training equipment, and a bio-scanner that assesses your body composition, providing personalised dietary and workout recommendations based on the user's specific needs. The gym is designed to accommodate both physical and metahuman training, offering a diverse range of specialised machines and devices to maximise performance.


"Welcome to my gym Dan, well, I hope you like it."

"Like it? It's amazing! Stark Industries tech too by the looks of things, apparently that Tony Stark is more than just the weapons manufacturer that the media makes him out to be. I was already surprised to find his tech at The Front Line. Is that a bio-scanner over there?"

Angela looked impressed at his judgement, and the question surprised her too. "It is Stark Industries tech. I'm impressed that you know about bio-scanners too! Since you know what it is, why not give it a try? I was planning on having you use it anyways."

Dan walked over to the machine, and stepped in, he was getting an uneasy feeling. Why do I feel like this machine can scan for abilities too? I was planning to tell her today anyways, oh well. Once he stepped in, a genderless voice asked him if he wanted to start the scanning process, he said yes, and it began to scan him.

Name: Dan

Age: 26

Metahuman Ability: Adaptive Evolution

Body Composition: 35% body fat

Muscle Mass: Below average

Cardiovascular Fitness: Mediocre

Metabolism: Very slow

Weight: 177.7 kg (Extreme Obesity)


Fitness Routine:

Cardio: Start with 10 minutes of brisk walking or light jogging daily.

Strength Training: Begin with 3.5 - 5 kg dumbbells for upper body exercises.

Flexibility: Incorporate daily stretching for 10-15 minutes.

Gradual Progression: Increase weights by 0.25 kg every day for strength training. Increase Cardio duration by 1 - 2 minutes every day.

Dietary Plan:

Balanced Diet: Consume a mix of lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Proper Hydration: Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes and avoid overeating.

Nutrient Timing: Consume a balanced meal 2-3 hours before exercise and a post-workout meal within 30 minutes.

Angela smiled at this result, "I knew you were hiding some ability, but Adaptive Evolution, seriously? It all makes sense now!"

Dan groaned quietly to himself, Yeah, she knew I had an ability from the get-go, oh well, this is what I was expecting.

Second chapter done! That is an extremely dangerously high body fat percentage... thank god for plot arm- I mean Adaptive Evolution!

Sorry for the late upload!