
Ultimate Adaptive Evolution System

Dan Montgomery was just your average powerless dude living in a world filled with Heroes Vs Villains battles every other day. He one day received the kickass system he always dreamed of having, but never truly wanted. He just wanted to be a normal guy in a not so normal world, but fate just had other plans for him. (Note: The Slice of Life tag is there since a lot of the beginning part of the story takes place in normal life.)

MaitreyaNirvana · Video Games
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38 Chs

Featured Article, All Stats Above Average!

(A/N: I will only include the first mock article since doing all 3 will just make the chapter longer than it needs to be. The same goes for the main articles, unless it's some ground-breaking development that's being reported.)

As usual, they started in the News Reporting Room, Angela was giving Dan a lesson in writing an article for each division. He had written some more basic notes which now formed a framework for the articles in 3 of the main divisions. The Hero Management Division, the Mutant Division, and the News Reporting Division. Dan quickly looked at what he'd written for each of them so far.

News Reporting Division:

Headline: Craft a concise and attention-grabbing headline that summarises the main point.

Lead Paragraph: Present the most crucial information in the opening paragraph, answering who, what, where, when, why, and how.

Body: Elaborate on the key points in a logical and organised manner. Provide relevant details and quotes from credible sources.

Balance: Maintain objectivity and impartiality. Present different perspectives if applicable.

Conclusion: Summarise the article's main points and possibly hint at what might happen next.

Hero Management Division:

Hero Introduction: Begin with a captivating introduction to the hero, including their background, powers, and achievements.

Heroic Acts: Highlight specific heroic actions, detailing the impact on individuals or the community.

Quotes: Include quotes from the hero, witnesses, or officials to add authenticity.

Visuals: Incorporate images or videos to visually showcase the hero's deeds.

Engagement: Encourage reader engagement by asking questions or inviting comments about the hero.

Mutant Division:

Positive Angle: Emphasise positive contributions of mutants to society or share uplifting stories.

Inclusivity: Highlight instances of mutants and non-mutants working together for common goals.

Success Stories: Share success stories of mutants in various fields to inspire readers.

Challenges: Address challenges faced by mutants, but focus on resilience and overcoming adversity.

Educational Tone: Infuse the article with an educational tone, providing insights into mutant culture and abilities.

Angela leaned over to take a look at the notes that he'd taken, and gave him a nod of approval. "Well done Dan! Now I want you to write a mock article for each of these, use the framework that you've created for yourself."

"Yes Angela, I'll get right to it!"

Dan immediately began to type up the article. He quickly looked at the various topics that she'd provided him with, and chose one at random. it took around 30 minutes to write out the first draft. He was quite pleased by what he had written. He wrote a few more drafts before reading over the final version of it.

A Glimpse into Brian's Vision for Mutant & Hero Welfare

In the bustling cityscape of New York, where heroes and mutants coexist, the upcoming mayoral elections have taken an intriguing turn. Brian Mitchell, a charismatic candidate with a background in community activism, is emerging as a strong advocate for the welfare of mutants and heroes alike.

In an exclusive interview with The Front Line, Brian passionately shared his vision for a city that not only appreciates its superpowered citizens but actively works to ensure their well-being. As a mayoral hopeful, Brian has set his sights on policies that address the unique challenges faced by mutants and heroes in their everyday lives.

Brian's approach centres on fostering inclusivity and understanding. "New York is a melting pot of diversity, and that includes our extraordinary residents with superpowers. We need policies that embrace this diversity and provide a supportive environment for heroes and mutants," he expressed during our conversation.

One of Brian's key proposals involves the establishment of community centres dedicated to the well-being of mutants and heroes. These centres would serve as hubs for resources, support groups, and training facilities. "It's essential to create spaces where individuals with unique abilities can connect, share experiences, and receive the assistance they need," Brian emphasised.

Moreover, he advocates for increased collaboration between law enforcement and heroes to enhance public safety. Brian envisions a city where heroes are not only celebrated for their bravery but actively contribute to shaping policies that impact their lives. "We need to bridge the gap between our heroes and the authorities to create a safer and more harmonious city," he asserted.

As a candidate who has pledged to listen to the concerns of mutants and heroes, Brian Mitchell stands out in the mayoral race. His vision for a more inclusive and supportive city has gained traction, resonating with those who believe in a New York where everyone, regardless of abilities, can thrive.

Brian's campaign is gaining momentum, and as the elections draw nearer, the residents of New York eagerly await to see if his vision for mutant and hero welfare will become a reality. The race is on, and Brian Mitchell's commitment to a more united and compassionate city is certainly one to watch.

Angela read over Dan's first mock article, her smile growing with each second that passed. Once she finished reading, she beamed at him. "This is wonderful, I suppose that I should have expected something like this from you. I know that this is just supposed to be a mock article, but this is just too good to be swept under the rug. VIVIAN! Come over here, my apprentice here has written something pretty amazing, please come over and see it!"

The woman in question had just entered the room, and looked a little startled at having her name called immediately upon entering. "Ah, Angela! Hello! I would love to give it a read."

Vivian Harper, Chief Editor at The Front Line, exuded timeless elegance at 5 feet 8 inches. With dark chestnut hair and hazel eyes, she wore stylish glasses, adding astuteness to her look. Vivi's wardrobe balanced professionalism and modern flair, reflecting her authoritative presence in the bustling newsroom. She quickly walked towards them, sitting down at Dan's other side. "You must be our new apprentice, Dan, it's so lovely to meet you!"

"Hello! Yes, that would be me, you're the Chief Editor, right? I remember seeing your name on a door I passed while on the way to take my Driving Theory test."

"That's right, you really do have an amazing memory, now let's see this article!"

Vivian began to read, she did a double-take when she finished, "Angela, are you sure that he's just an apprentice? I might just include this as a featured article, well done Dan!"

Dan looked stunned at this response, "a featured article? But it's only my first mock article?"

Angela patted Dan on the shoulder, sporting an amused look on her face. "It seems that there'll be no need for that for the regular articles. Well done Dan, I also thought that it could be a featured article. Besides, it's a good experience Dan!"

"I don't know what to say," Dan was overwhelmed by all of this! He took several deep breaths, and calmed down, "that would be amazing Vivian, if my article made it into this week's paper as a featured article, you have no idea how proud I'd be!"

"Then it's settled, I'll make sure that it gets featured!"

Dan and Angela continued on with his other two articles, Hero Management Mutant Division. They needed a lot more work, but it wouldn't be long before they ended up becoming featured articles too. After that, Dan had some lunch, and in the afternoon, they continued with going around the departments, Dan raising his proficiency in each area. After work, they went to Angela's gym as usual, and Dan kept the workout at Level 0.4! 

Once he got home, he decided to check his stats.



Vigour: 35

Sapience: 33

Deftness: 23

Constitution: 20

Luck: 35


Not bad at all, it looks like I'll pass the average stats for a human this week. The week went by slowly, but at least Dan had a fun time improving his skills, and all of his basic job-related skills were already getting close to Level 2. I'm really losing weight fast now, the higher my Constitution, the faster it gets! Before he knew it, it was Friday, and he'd just completed Level 0.8 of the workout routine.

Level 0.8 Workout Routine:

Warm-Up (5 minutes): Jumping jacks, high knees, arm circles.

Leg Press Machine: 78 kg, 3 sets of 10 reps, 30 seconds rest between sets.

Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 10 reps with 7 kg dumbbells, 30 seconds rest between sets.

Dumbbell Rows: 3 sets of 10 reps with 7 kg dumbbells, 30 seconds rest between sets.

Leg Extensions Machine: 3 sets of 10 reps with 23 kg, 30 seconds rest between sets.

Bicep Curls: 3 sets of 10 reps with 7 kg dumbbells, 30 seconds rest between sets.

Tricep Extensions: 3 sets of 10 reps with 7 kg dumbbells, 30 seconds rest between sets.

Cardio (15 minutes): Brisk walking or jogging.

Flexibility (5 minutes): Stretching exercises for major muscle groups.

Cool Down (5 minutes): Deep breathing and light stretching.

He was definitely feeling the burn a little more during workouts, but it was really paying off, his stats had now surpassed the boundary for an average human. He'd lost at total of 12.2 kg during the week, and he now weighed in at 159.5 kg. By now, his friends, along with Carlson and the other employees at The Front Line had gathered that he must have some form of powers, because this rapid development was unnatural.

They knew that he didn't take any steroids either. Dan checked his stats on Friday evening once more.



Vigour: 39

Sapience: 35

Deftness: 27

Constitution: 26

Luck: 36


He was around 60% faster than he'd been before now, so he was well on the way to achieving the first condition for the evolution of the System!