
Uchiha With Glasses

Reborn in Naruto and become Uchiha Shisui brother, the descendant of Uchiha Kagami. You can read 20+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 天榜女装 (for the fanfic), Tite Kubo (for Bleach), and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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233 Chs

173. Butterfly Effect

You can read 20+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

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"Uchiha Yuki."

Nagato glanced over, his Rinnegan emitting a terrifying cold light. His powerful pupil ability instantly saw through the flow of Chakra in Yuki's body. 98% of his meridians were damaged, and his Chakra was minimal.

"Huh~ It seems, as the rumors said, Glasses Shinigami who once shook the ninja world, has become a thing of the past," Nagato closed his eyes, instantly losing interest. To him, a waste was not worth his attention.

"Ahhh~ I'm just an ordinary teacher now.

Yuki said kindly.

"Ahhh~ I'm just an ordinary teacher now," Yuki said kindly.

"Nagato, the value of a ninja isn't only in power, but also in their thought process," Konan earnestly reminded him.

Nagato looked away, internally expressing his disapproval. He remembered Yahiko's passionate and firm pacifist ideals, which had resulted in Yahiko being killed by a random kunai to the head. This reinforced Nagato's belief that in the unreasonable ninja world, only power can control everything.

"His head is worth 300 million!" Kakuzu's eyes widened at the thought of a fortune.

"The Uchiha clan's bloodline and legendary Muji Ninjutsu, if turned into a puppet, would be a masterpiece surpassing even the Third Kazekage!" Sasori, too, showed interest, his fingers controlling Chakra threads as if ready to act.

"The predecessor who defeated the Seven Swordsmen of The Mist, it's unbelievable they've been reduced to a mere ordinary person," Kisame commented with ill-intentions.

"Enough from all of you!" Konan stepped forward, positioning herself protectively in front of Yuki. A cold murderous intent shone in her orange eyes. "Yuki-kun is a teacher I invited back and is now a companion of Akatsuki!"

Everyone was surprised to hear this. How could Konan, usually so reserved, suddenly become so assertive, especially to protect a man who was just captured... and wait, a man? They all looked Yuki up and down with a newfound perspective.

"I see... After all, Konan is also a woman!" they realized with a knowing look.

"Hey! What's with those eyes?" Konan felt irritated by their scornful looks.

Orochimaru remained silent the entire time, subtly communicating with Yuki through glances.

Orochimaru: Why are you here? Yuki: Just a whim. Orochimaru: Your whim is ridiculous! Yuki: Stay calm, don't do anything rash.

"Well, isn't it just a minor teacher?" Nagato waved his hand dismissively, not paying much attention. "Konan, take him to Rain Shinobi's school. We just bought a group of talented children on the black market."

Rain Shinobi Village, where Akatsuki is based, has limited space and scarce high-quality ninja resources. It's difficult to cultivate decent ninjas locally, so Nagato buys ninja descendants with special bloodline limits from the black market, offering high prices for those with unique abilities. Bounty hunters like Kakuzu are common in the black market, willing to engage in dark trades for generous rewards.

"Next, we need to discuss an important combat meeting," Nagato ordered.

But Konan had no interest in discussions of war and turned to leave. "Let's go, Yuki-kun."

"OK," Yuki nodded, also showing no interest in Akatsuki's conflict with Konoha.

At the school in Rain Shinobi Village, it was more of a temporary training base for ninjas than a traditional school. Located in the rusty Madara tower, it housed children aged six to ten.

"Will anyone need me here?" A boy covered in rags and dirt, his delicate face not completely concealed, was an orphan from the Water Country, sold on the black market.

"It's unlucky to end up in a place like this," a blue-haired boy bit a straw and sipped from a kettle. He was a Kirigakure descendant, abducted due to war.

"Ahhh~ I want to kill someone!" An orange-haired boy had undergone strange changes in his body. He was from a fairy tribe and couldn't control the natural energy in his body, so he voluntarily came to Akatsuki, hoping to be controlled when he lost control.

"Calm down," a white-haired boy restrained him with a bone whip. He was from a fighting clan in Kirigakure, which had failed a coup, leading to their destruction. Now alone, he too was sold to Rain Shinobi Village.

"We just ran here from Oto no Kuni when we heard Lord Orochimaru was here," said a boy with six hands, another with two heads, a big fat man, and a girl with horns on her head. They were all descendants of ninjas with special abilities, shunned by their clans and seeking asylum with Orochimaru.

"This place lacks art," complained a boy with a mouth in his palm. He was from Iwagakure, a boy pursuing art, tricked into coming to Rain Shinobi Village.

"The Chakras here are so strange!" a red-haired girl huddled in a corner, originally from Grass Shinobi Village, sold at a high price because of her special bloodline limit.

Konan led Yuki to the tower. "Yuki-kun, this is the newly built school in Rain Shinobi Village," she said, noting the basic facilities and promising to propose increased education funding to Nagato.

"It's fine, as long as there's a place to teach," Yuki said, adjusting his glasses and surveying the children. A look of surprise crossed his face. He hadn't expected to find characters from the original story in Rain Shinobi Village. Considering the butterfly effect his presence had caused, this wasn't too surprising. These children could be excellent subjects for his experiments.

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