
Uchiha revenge DxD

Vasilli_niko · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

A Different World

I do not own Naruto or Highschool DxD.

The moment after Madara spoke with Hashirama one final time as his last breath was leaving his body and his vision was fading, Hashirama gave him one last smile as the legendary Uchiha's eyes closed forever. Shortly after, the rest of the resurrected shinobi were also disappearing along side the Sage of the Six Paths. Madara awoke to the feeling of water underneath him before he stood up to see he was in a place where everything was dark and the floor was covered in water.

He looked around, but everything was too dark to see. "Where am I? Is this supposed to be Hell?" Madara asked himself.

"You are in the afterlife, reincarnation of Indra," Hagoromo said as he was floating behind him with a casual expression. Madara spun around quickly to see a old man before him, but he was powerless to do anything against him as all of his strength and powers were gone the moment he died.

"Is this suppose to be my Hell? I don't know who you are, but if this is suppose to be my Hell where it's an endless void, then you can do better than that." He said as he crossed his arms over his chest while staring at the man with an intense glare. Hagoromo smiled at Madara as he finally got the chance to speak with him after all this time. "Madara Uchiha, the place you are in is definitely not Hell as I have take you to a place where I can speak with you. And as for who I am... I am Hagoromo Otsutsuki, also known as the Sage of the Six Paths."

Madara's eyes widened a little bit. "What is the Sage of the Six Paths doing here talking with me? What are you scheming old man?"

"Well Madara... After I have observed you for a very long time as the reincarnation of Indra, I have noticed how much you truly wanted to give the people of the world a life to be exempt from pain, suffering, and emptiness, but the way you have done it was not how it was suppose to go. That is why I want to help you change and remove that cycle of hate withing just like how Sasuke and Naruto did... You will be reborn as this second chance at life will be my greatest gift to you. Redeem the sins you have piled up. Even though you became the Sage of the Six Paths and put everyone under the Infinite Tsukuyomi, I am still willingly giving you a second chance to break the curse that was placed upon you." He said.

"So you're just going to bring me back to life then? After everything I did, you're still giving me a second chance?" Madara asked.

Hagoromo nodded. "I am, but not in the Elemental nations."

Madara was confused. "Then what do you mean then? Where are you taking me?"

"To a world that is far more different the world you grew up in as this world is has lost its self and the people have given up. The world you will be in will look and feel completely foreign to you as the world functions far more differently than how the Elemental Nations do. There are rules that more strict in this world where you cannot break or bend in anyway." Hagoromo explained to him.

Hagoromo's explanation has left him confused as he had no clue what he was going on about. "Why are you even bothering giving me another chance at life? I might not follow your rules as I could try to do the same thing in this world you are talking about. Besides... I am tired of living in constant fighting and war as I have lived and died multiple times that it is starting to tire me." Hagoromo could see the emptiness in Madara's eyes as he was tired.

"You may think like that, Madara... You have lived a life that was filled with loneliness and suffering. You are the ghost of the Uchiha that was relentless and brutal, but before all that, you were a kind and a heartfelt person. Just like, Sasuke, you still hold onto the past. Hashirama and Izuna are two of the most important memories that shows me that you hold onto a past with regret." He explained to him.

Madara's fists tightened up, but he didn't say anything to him.

"Seeing you in this state reminds of my, Indra... I believe that if the endless cycle of hate between my two sons could end with Sasuke and Naruto, then that endless cycle of hate is possible to end with you. That's enough, for now... It's time for you to depart the afterlife once again, Madara. There will be many hardships and struggles that will come your way, but always remember this. Don't lose your path." Hagoromo said before he tapped the water with his staff that transported Madara away.

Madara woke up as he from the ground. He looked at his hands as he could feel that he was alive again, but he quickly realized the Sage was really being serious about bringing him back. He looked up to see different buildings and weird things on the road moving. He was confused and impressed at the same time.

"Where in the hell am I?" He asked as he walked forward a little. As Madara looked around he saw that people were giving him strange looks. He was looking at the different items of clothing they were wearing.

Civilians walked passed him while giving him weird glances. "What is that man wearing?" A woman asked her husband.

"Hahahaha, this guy is probably dressing up as some samurai warrior." A teenager said.

Madara ignored the people that were making fun of him. He looked around for anything that would help him grasp the situation or to at least gain some type of information before progressing. "I need to figure out where I am. What did that bastard do?" He said as he was walking down a sidewalk. Madara walked around endlessly, looking at the weird place he was sent to. "What is this strange and bizarre place? There are eyes everywhere with every turn you take. Children playing amongst each other with smiles and joy. No sign of worry or fear as everyone doesn't look frightened or even remotely scared as they are moving along with their mundane lives. I haven't seen anything like this..." He spoke to himself.

"I should just get my bearings first and observe the situation first, I don't want to bring attention to myself without knowing the possible attack strength of others." Madara was walking and wasn't paying attention when he bumped into someone.

"Hey! watch where your goi-" The young female stopped what she was going to say when she looked up to see who was the person who bumped into her, but the moment she did, she noticed how rigid his expression was. She was too terrified to even finish her sentence as he looked like he was controlling her life with strings the way he was glaring at her.

Madara didn't want to bother with her as this was holding him up. "Out of my way, child." Madara said as he pushed her aside and kept on walking.

She fell to the ground as she glanced up at him. "Child?! I'm not a child! Hey! Where do you think you're going? You can't just leave after pushing someone! Why don't you apologize for what you just did!"

Madara dealt with enough children that were always picking fights where they didn't belong, so he decided ignore her than to converse with someone who will hold no significance to him. He kept on walking, thinking about where he is and what to do.

The young girl couldn't stand him ignoring her, so she got up and caught up to him, getting in front of him. She slammed her hand against his chest to make him stop in his place that caused him to stop. He kept his eyes forward without looking at her. "What do you think you're doing? Are that heartless to make a simple apology for shoving me to the ground? Do you have some type of stick up your ass or something?"

Madara's eyes shifted downwards as his left eye that was the only visible eye to be seen narrowed from how annoying this woman was. Madara was about to grab her neck and snap it right here to just end this endless annoyance, but he didn't go through with it as this place was all new to him, so if he were to kill here and now, then he wouldn't know the outcome of it.

"Hello? Are you going to apologize or what weirdo? I'm not going to stand here all day and wait for you to do something as I have other important things I can be doing now..." She said "If you have other better things to do, then why are you even here conversing with me? You don't need an apology from me because the one who needs an apology is me as your endless annoyance has angered me just like how children don't know their place. You're acting just like those type of children that always reach to places that they shouldn't." Madara walked up to her that caused her to back up until her back hit against a wall.

She could see how close he was as he hovered over her with the menacing look she saw earlier. "All I'm asking for is for an apology! You don't have to do this!"

"I pity the weak, but I despise children like you." Madara turned away from her and left her.

Her teeth clenched up after hearing those words. She gave up on chasing him, so she started running towards a church "That bastard thinks of me as a child?! I am going to kill him as I will make him bow before me and apologize to me a hundred times before he can die..." She declared as she headed towards the church.

Scene Break

Madara made it to a park where there was many people walking passed him as he was sitting down and leaning against a tree with his right knee up and his left laying down. He had his right arm over his right knee that was like a armrest. He was looking towards the center of the park to see many people so happy and joyful.

He closed his eyes and started to meditate.

Madara's Subconscious

"Old man, where did you take me? what even is this place?" He asked.

"The world you are in holds many nations that either have problems with each other or are under civil war. The place you are in now is called Japan where people have no special talents or abilities such as chakra control. They all live a peaceful and normal life without having to worry about catastrophic wars, but these people are all lost as they do not see what is hiding in the shadows." He said.

Madara was still confused about the whole situation. "Why did you bring me here? This place looks like a world I dreamed of as everything is peaceful with no wars, no hate, and no despair."

"You are only seeing the outside shell of this world as many people see what you are seeing. The world you see is filled with many disasters, I have sent you here because this world will help you redeem your sins, but also make you view the world in a different light just like Hashirama explained to you. It is completely different from your world." Hagoromo said.

Madara stayed quiet for a few seconds as he didn't want to admit the fact that all the things he has seen and heard has made him think differently. "How is this place different?" He asked.

"You will come to see that on your own as this journey you will begin will shape the world differently with you being here. I am not here to interfere with your journey, but what you do from here will result in having you be removed from Hell and be placed with those who were close to you. Madara Uchiha... This world is in your hands as it's nothing more than place where all of your sins and crimes placed into one place. Choosing either to wash those sins away from this world or pile more by destroying this world is your choice alone..."

Madara contemplated on his words.

"Live your life the way you want to now, I have brought you here to give you a second chance for redemption to outdo your wrong's in your previous life."

"What a generous offer from you, you make it sound like that I don't get to have a say in this," Madara said unpleasantly.

Madara turned to the side as Hagoromo began to speak. "Your life here isn't really going to be that simple like where you once were, Your life here is not of an ultimate ninja that is at war with many nations, but as a teacher at Kuoh Academy."

Madara looked over at him as he didn't like what he just heard. "Why should I be teaching children? You said I should change and see how it is to live a life without war, but this doesn't feel like anything, but me giving lectures to fools that honestly doesn't care about anything than themselves. That's just how children are." He said with annoyance.

"You see Madara, you see others as weaklings and beings who can't truly fight for themselves. You need to see the other perspective of life and also... To feel how it is to love again." Hagoromo said.

Madara chuckled a little before it turned into full blown laughter at hearing him say to love again. "Apparently, the only love I had in my previous life was for my brother, but he was killed. There is no one in this entire world who I will fall in love with as they all are nothing but mere fools that have no talent and constantly keep nagging at you." Madara said coldly.

"People change after a while, Madara, trust me... But do not worry, I have set everything for you in this new life of yours to make it much easier for you to move on. I have given you your own apartment and other than that, you are going to have to work for everything else since I used a lot of my power to grant you a second chance at life and making you a citizen of Japan." Hagoromo explained.

Madara put his hand to his face as he began to shake his head. "I guess Hashirama will always be a part of me where ever I go. I never saw how I am able to teach anyone anything like Hashirama did since I hold so much hate and pain. But also view those who are weak unworthy of being taught anything."

"I truly saw something in you a long time ago and I can still see that. You have the power to bring others into your fold, use that to your advantage and bring others to help you remove the hate from you and start to love again. That is why I sent you to this world to see a new perspective in life, but to also repent for those sins you have committed."

"I guess we will just see if that happens then, Sage of the Six Paths."

"After you truly see how life is and you live out your life here, then you will no longer suffer in this world. This is your punishment for everything you have done."

Madara snickered. "My punishment was the moment you brought me back from the dead."

Back to Reality

"Curse that old man." Madara opened up his eyes to see it's completely dark


Madara stood up and went to his apartment that the old man bestowed him with. After walking for some time and being lost for quite some time, he finally found his room and went straight in to go lay down on his bed. "We will just have to see what this old man was saying at how different this world is." He said as he drifted off to sleep.

Scene Break

Madara woke up and stood up from his bed. He went to the bathroom to wash up, but was caught off guard to see how young he looked when he saw his reflection in the mirror. If he were to guess, he would be in his early


He took off his armor and his clothes and got dressed into his Uchiha robe. It consisted of a blue high-collared, long sleeve mantle that splits down the lower half. He had blue pants on as he had the Uchiha crest on the back as well. He also had bandages around his shin's and he had his black ninja boots that covered most of his feet except for his toes.

Madara grabbed the books on the table that the old man left, and he walked out of his apartment. He looked at the map of Kuoh and started to walk. This was something he absolutely hated as he had to teach a bunch of students lessons. He always did things alone without teaching or training anyone, but him having to teach students wasn't on his to do list.

He was intrigued by all these new things he has never seen before in his entire life, he never saw houses that look liked fortresses. It was surprisingly calm and he could sense that there wasn't anyone ready to attack him like in the Elemental Nations. It felt odd to him on how peaceful this place was as no one recognized him or know about his past.

Madara was walking down the road to the school as he looked at the books he was carrying. "Japanese history, is that what I am teaching? History is one of my strongest suits that is a very important roll in forming the future by not making mistakes like in the past."

Without much delay, he approached the school he was suppose to teach at and looked at all the students. He was surprised that most of the students are females, there were rarely any males at his school.

The veins on his body was beginning to show from how annoyed he was by this whole situation. He realized what the Sage was planning the whole time when he brought him to this world. "So he tells me to try and love again and he sends me to a school that is mostly filled with a good majority of females, how ugly..."

He started to walk to the office of the school, but as he was heading over there, he heard some of the females talking about him that he ignored. "Oh, my god, is he a student? He looks so hot." One of the females said. "I don't know and I hope not." A boy said.

"Piss off you fucking piece of shit." A boy said with anger.

Madara ignored them and kept on walking. "Akeno, do you feel that?" Rias asked her Queen.

"Yes, Rias, Do you think he has a Sacred Gear?" Akeno asked with a smile.

Rias looked out the window as she began to wonder on who just entered her school. "Maybe, we will just have to see how it plays out," Rias said.

Madara made it to the office as he passed all those students who were glancing over at him constantly. He walked in. "Is this the head office?" He asked with a blank expression.

"Indeed it is, please take a seat." Madara did as he was asked. "So you are the new teacher we heard so much about." The Principal said.

"You must have heard a lot about me then? How much information did that bastard tell you about me?" Madara said as he was ready to kill him on the spot before he could get the chance to tell anyone about him.

The Principle was confused on what he was asking him. He could see how intense his eyes were by asking that question. "W-Who are you talking a- about, s-sir? It says here on your resume that you have studied abroad for a few years and you have been recommended by a very important person in the educational world. Nothing much is said here about you." He explained. Madara's expression quickly shifted as he wasn't expecting hear that. The answer was painfully clear that the Sage helped out with everything. His background, power, and identity all have been kept quiet. "Let's just get this useless thing over with."

"Oh, yes, here is your schedule and rule book of the school. You will be teaching class 2-B and everything you need will be provided for you here at the school. You may go now." Madara stood up and left for his classroom.

The classroom where he was gonna teach became rowdy and very talkative. "Hey, who do you think our new teacher is going to be?" a student asked as he was sitting on his desk.

"Don't know and I don't care," Aika said while reading a book.

"Yo Issei, do you know who it is?" Matsuda asked.

"No, but I hope it's a hot teacher with big tits," Issei said as he closed his eyes thinking about it.

"Pervert," A girl said.

The door slid open very slowly and Madara walked with a very impassive expression while he looked towards the students who were all acting like children. He didn't bother saying anything as began to write his name on the board, but someone raised their hand to ask a question, causing Madara to spin around quickly, throwing the chalk like a shuriken that nearly hit the students hand, but he managed to lower his hand quickly enough. Everyone was shocked to see that he nearly killed someone with a piece of chalk. "Old habits." Madara said without emotion.

The students quickly regained their composure's and they were surprised to see a young handsome man as there teacher. All the females blushed while the males gritted their teeth.

"My name is, Madara Uchiha, I will be teaching this class from now on about Japanese history. If you have any questions ask now." Madara said.

No one raised their hands because of the earlier incident. "Alright, we can begin class now." Madara opened up his book. He was confused when he saw all these new things he never saw before in his life. 'I guess I need to improvise.'

"Turn to page sixty-five." He said and he started to walk around the class. Everyone did as they were told and they flipped to page sixty-five.

"Hey, Issei, who the fuck is this guy?" Matsuda asked in a whispered tone. Issei looked at him and he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know."

Madara caught the chatter as he walked over to location of the chatter and smacked Issei with the book. "This world is filled with childlike people? They always act like a spoiled brat who get involved in things they aren't suppose to get involved with. If I were to be given a chance, I would remove every type of person who is just like you, boy."

"You can't just hit a student. Teachers are not allowed to do such a thing." Issei said.

Madara didn't listen and he smacked him again. "HEY!" He yelled this time. Madara turned around and started to walk to the front of the class until someone threw a book at him.

Madara didn't look away from his book and he caught it. The entire class was shocked.

"If anyone else wants to stand up and do something foolish or disrupt class, then do so now because if anyone disrupts class in the future, you will be severely punished. I won't hold back like any other type of lecturer." He said as he looked around the class.

No one did anything. "Good, let us get back to our studies now." After the class has ended everyone went to go get lunch and some went to go do perverted things.

Madara kept on reading the book more as he needed to learn more about this nation he was in. He was intrigued by the book. He never knew that Japan had multiple wars or it had an Emperor.

He was interrupted by a student at his door. "Excuse me, are you Mr. Uchiha?" The student asked.

"Yes, and who might you be?" Madara asked as he closed the book. "Sorry, my name is Yuuto Kiba." He said.

"I don't care what your name is, what do you want?" Madara asked.

Kiba wanted to keep a good expression. "Well, my club President wants to speak with you. Madara stood up. "Always talking, I was never one meant for talking, but go on, lead the way." Kiba nodded and gestured for him to follow.

As they approached the door, Kiba opened it and the both of them walked in. "Ahhh, hello Mr. Uchiha, Please sit," Rias said as Akeno blushed at how handsome he looked and Koneko just had a neutral expression.

Madara didn't want to sit down again, but he didn't want to listen to her either. "I rather stand." He said.

"Alright then, do you know why I called you here?" She asked.

"Listen, if you sent someone to get me and bring me here and then you ask me, why am I here, you must be extremely unwise as that question alone shows me how your intellect really is. It's equivalent to me breaking your neck and then asking you do you know why I did it? I am getting tired of being told what to do, so let's get this stupid and useless conversation over with." Madara said with a bored expression as he crossed his arms.

Rias was a little embarrassed and a little mad at what he said. "That doesn't matter now, do you know about the supernatural?" She asked.


"I am talking about like Devil's, Angel's, and Fallen Angel's?" She asked.

"I see... no, I don't know about the supernatural. Why do you ask?" Madara asked.

Rias looked at him to see if he was lying, but the way he was standing along with his rock solid expression was hard to tell if he was or not. "Well, I have felt that there is something strange about you. Do you own a Sacred Gear?" Rias asked.

"Sacred what?" Madara asked.

"If you don't know what a Sacred Gear is, then what are you?" Rias asked.

"I am a hundred percent human. What type of stupid questions are you asking me, woman?" He asked.

"They are not stupid questions!" Rias raised her voice a little.

"Ara ara, There is no way you are human," Akeno said.

"I am human and nothing will change that." Rias looked over to Kiba and Kiba nodded. Kiba pulled out his sword and charged at Madara.

Kiba swung down with his sword and Madara caught it with both hands. "Is this how you treat guests every time? If you attacked first, then I will respond as well." He said as he knocked the sword out of his hands and he grabbed his neck.

Kiba was struggling to get out of his grip. "Let him go, Mr. Uchiha." But Madara didn't obey her command as his grip tightened. Kiba began to flail his hands and feet around to try to get out of his grip.

"He attacked, so I had to respond as well because if you don't know what this is called, it's called self-defense. It is common knowledge if someone tries to attack you, but you're telling me to let him go after he tried to strike first? You must be incredibly foolish to think that letting someone go after they tried totake my life."

"We were only testing out if you were actually human or not," Rias said. Madara let go of Kiba and he fell to the ground holding his throat while coughing as well.

"No human could catch his sword like that, you have to be something at least," Akeno said.

Madara returned to crossing his arms again. "If you say that I am not human, then what are you then?"

Rias and her peerage looked at each other, then they all looked at him. "We are Devil's," Rias said.

Madara stared at them. "Please tell me your joking?" He asked. Rias and the rest of them spread their wings.

"I'm afraid not." She said. 'So that old man wasn't joking about that this world is different, interesting.' He thought.

"This has gotten even more interesting than I thought... That bastard has put me in a world that is filled with liars and strange creatures that humans don't know of..." He said as he walked out of the club room.

"HEY! Where do you think you're going?" Rias asked, but she didn't get a response.

Akeno looked over towards Rias. "Do you think he will rat us out?"

"I hope not," Rias said.

Scene Break

Madara was walking home while reading the book he had when he was teaching the class. "This is truly remarkable." He said astoundingly. "Will you go out with me?" A girl asked.

Madara looked up from his book to see Issei and the girl he bumped into earlier. "Are you fucking kidding? Of course, I will." Issei said.

"Alright, here is my number." She gave him her number and she started to run off. "Wait, what is your name?" He asked.

She stopped and turned around. "Yuuma Amano." She said as she turned back around and ran again.

Issei was jumping up and down, he turned around quickly not realizing who he bumped into. "Watch where you go-"

Issei looked up and stopped what he was gonna say. Madara's cold gaze could freeze time by looking into his eyes from how cold and distant they looked. It was like looking at a God who was looking down at humans with that stance and gaze, but Issei didn't know what to do after bumping into him. "Why don't you finish that brat or maybe I should finish it for you." Madara suggested.

"No, sir, I will watch where I go next time," Issei said as he marched off like a soldier. Madara just stared at him.

"Children are always around you everywhere you go... Am I right...Hashirama?" He said as he touched the left side of his chest where Hashirama's face used to be. Madara looked back down at his book and started to walk again. As he began to walk, he came across a crosswalk and he stopped.

"Look who showed up! It's the guy who can't and won't apologize to me for shoving me to the ground. I don't know why you are here of all places, but if you're here, then I guess you can try to apologize to me again." Madara didn't look away from his book.

"And your that woman who won't shut up." He said as he turned a page.

She wasn't even surprised to hear him say that to her. "Why don't you just apologize and we will go our separate ways? It shouldn't be so hard to say two simple words. I don't know what problems you have, but you will force me to act if you don't apologize to me for what you did."

Madara didn't want to deal with her anymore as he looked straight at her. "What is that?" He pointed behind her. She looked behind her and saw nothing, so she turned back around to see him completely gone.

"I am surrounded by idiot's." Madara said as he kept on walking and was stopped by a group of thugs.

"Where do you think you're going, huh?" Madara didn't look away from his book. "I am just going home, so move out the way."

"Seems like we got a tough one here boys. You forgot to say please." The thug tried to punch him, but he just moved his head back and the thug just punched his buddy.

"Why you..." The thug tried to punch him again, but his hand was caught. Madara still didn't look away from his book.

"Why do arrogant people try to annoy people that didn't do anything wrong? Is it maybe because they are insignificant to society that they need to leave a impression by harming those underneath them? Or is it the fact that they are absolutely worthless in the eyes of millions that even the world doesn't care about them in the slightest?" He asked as he broke the thug's arm.

The second thug pulled out a knife and he tried to stab him, but he was disarmed. "What the Hell?!" Madara grabbed the knife and stabbed him straight in the neck.

The last thug ran away, screaming for his life. Madara turned the page and he started to walk again. "How ugly, they weren't suitable dance partners."

Unknown to him the girl witnessed the whole thing go down. As he approached his home he opened up the door and walked in.

"A long day today, but tomorrow is gonna be Hell." Madara set down his books and looked over to the corner of his room to see his Gunbai sitting there.

He walked over to it and saw a letter sitting on it. "You will be needing this for the upcoming future."

Madara had a smile. "You damn bastard..." Madara laid down on his bed and drifted off to sleep.