
Uchiha Against The Gods

After defeating Kabuto and making him free the edo tensei jutsu, Itachi thought he would finally get his eternal rest. But, the next moment he woke up in the body of a young man named Xiao Che, along with memories of an older man named Yun Che. Yo ngl this might be a crappy fic. Just writing this because I hit a writers block on my other fic. Maybe writing this one will give me more ideas or inspire me to write more chaps on my other fic. I don't own ATG or Naruto

UchihaFanatic · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

20 - Xiao Sect Visit 3

The next day the Xiao Clan's entrance had become densely populated. There were many people who attended as to either gain favor from the Xiao Sect or out of fear of offending them. Even though the entrance was still closed they still remained until nine when it opened.

Today would be the Xiao Clan's most significant day. They all clearly knew what was going to happen today, and the vast majority had looks of excitement and anticipation. There were even some with mediocre talent who still wished in their hearts for the chance to be chosen by those from the Xiao Sect.

Itachi had arrived somewhat late as he walked together with Xia Qingyue. Of course they attracted attention because of her beauty, while both Itachi and Xia Qingyue ignored their comments. The duo went straight next to where Xiao Lie and Xiao Lingxi were located.

At this time, a loud and clear shout erupted from the front of the crowd. The crowd immediately quieted as everyone's eyes turned towards the source of the sound, wanting to catch a glimpse of the elegance of the Xiao Sect's members. Not long after, a luxuriously dressed young man with a proud demeanor walked over through the crowd. Xiao Moshan was not more than half a step behind him, and Xiao Yunhai was in front personally leading the way. Both his expression and posture were differential, with not even a hint of disrespect.

Under Xiao Yunhai's guidance, Xiao Kuangyun walked up the erected platform and sat on the seat of honor in the middle. He swept his gaze over the Xiao Clan members beneath him with a haughty look, like an emperor overlooking his subjects. A moment later, he nodded to Xiao Yunhai to indicate that they may begin.

After checking that everyone was confirmed and why there was a crowd at the entrance Xiao Kuangyun began to speak. He spoke about how the Xiao Clan was born from a trash of the Xiao Sect, while that did anger some of the Xiao Clan they didn't dare say anything.

After that he spoke of how he came here on the dying wish of an elder who was the father of the founder of the Xiao Clan. He then mentioned that he was going to take back one disciple from the clan to go to the sect, and the way to do it was that he was going to check the profound strength of those he called from the roster, but when he spoke he said it wasn't the strongest he was going to get but the one with the most potential. The way for this was a treasure in which shows the potential of a person.

{a/n: think of that tool used in the blue wind tournament used to measure the cultivation and age of a person}

After that the testing finally started. Xiao Kunagyun called out many names of disciples and were tested by Xiao Moshan but even after calling half of the people, there was still not one person he considered good enough. In fact even Xiao Yulong who only had 3rd to 4th of Elementary profound cultivation went.

Even though he used the profound medicine he still wasn't healed. But when he heard that the test was about potential and not about actual strength he regained a new ray of hope. As expected he was right as out of all the people he had the most potential so far. He then began to imagine if he really did enter that not only would they fix his veins but also give him resources.

Finally when Xiao Kuangyun looked at the next name his face morphed into disdain.

"Xiao Che" After all this was the name of the trash that married the woman he wanted. After hearing the name almost everyone in the courtyard also looked toward Itachi in a mocking way.

'...This, I didn't think it through' Itachi though. After all he thought that they were going to choose the strongest but instead they decided to test everyone's talent and potential. 'This... I wonder if this will work, otherwise I will be forced to reveal myself'

After a quick thought Itachi slowly walked towards the elder Xiao Moshan. Quickly the elder told him to put his hand over it and then circulate his profound energy. But Itachi stood there as he contemplated for a little.

" What's wrong boy?! Hurry up" Xiao Moshan said.

But after that Itachi still didn't do it. All of the sudden the disciples of the Xiao Clan started to yell at the elder saying that he was trash and was a cripple. Hearing that Xiao Moshan guessed the reason for Itachi's hesitance was that he was embarrassed so he said.

"I don't care if you are a cripple or not. You are at least at the 1st stage of Elementary profound therefore you can at least bring out a bit of profound energy. Now do it!" Xiao Moshan berated.

Inwardly sighing, it seemed that itachi had finally made a choice. 'It seems there is no other way' He thought as he put his palm on it and circulated his profound energy.

[ Xiao Che - 16 years old - 1st of Elementary Profound Realm - Talent Average ]

As soon as the results came out another commotion was heard. It was the snickering of people and their mockeries. But that didn't get through Itachi. In fact he was heaving a sigh of relief, it seemed that his perfect control of his profound energy managed to trick the measuring device.

After him it was his Xiao Lingxi next. Once she was called up Xiao Kuangyun was ogling all over her body making her uncomfortable. Itachi looking at this scene looked at Xiao Kuangyun with a sharp gaze as a cold glint flashed in his eyes.

He won't be able to do anything to him so long as they were in Floating Cloud City because if he were to do that then the Xiao Sect in their wrath might take their anger out on it. There fore once the Xiao Sect's emissaries leave, he will use the Profound Blade Grass medicine he found into a pellet and strike once they are no longer in the territory of Floating Cloud City.

[ Xiao Lingxi - 15 years old - 6th of Elementary profound - Talent Decent ]

Once the results came out Xiao Moshan didn't say anything and only asked for the next person. She wasn't the only one who was at the 6th of Elementary profound after all.

After another hour or so, Xiao Kuangyun finally ended the test and announced. "After testing all disciple's of Floating Cloud City's Xiao Clan. We decided to choose Xiao Yulong to take back, as even if he is currently injured he has the highest talent of all."

After that everyone dispersed.


It was already night but Itachi wasn't yet getting ready for bed. He turned towards the location of the Clan head's courtyard as that was the place the young master of the Xiao Sect currently stayed.

Itachi thought for a moment before he headed towards the residence of his little aunt. Entering he quickly called Xiao Lingxi. " Little aunt "

" Huh? Little Che, what are you doing so late?" Xiao Lingxi asked in confusion.

" Little aunt you should go sleep at grandfather's courtyard tonight. " Itachi said coolly

" Huh? Why? " Xiao Lingxi spoke

" It seems that Xiao Kuangyun had taken a liking to you. Xiao Yulong was the one responsible for telling him about you. Therefore, tonight you shall stay with grandfather tonight" Itachi said

"This! R-really?!" Xiao Lingxi said as she was a little scared. She knew if Xiao Kuangyun wanted to do anything to her she couldn't resist or else she would risk offending the Xiao Sect.

All of a sudden she felt a hand flick her forehead. "...Little Che" She said looking at Itachi who warmly smiled towards her.

"Don't worry. Just leave it to me, I'll take care of this" He said to her

"But you can't they will hurt you" She reasoned

"Please little aunt, trust me" Itachi said seriously as he looked her in the eyes.

"...fine. But don't blame me for hating you if you get hurt" She said as she pouted

"Of course" Itachi said as he smiled

After their conversation, he had escorted her to his grandfather Xiao Lie's courtyard. They didn't tell him what was wrong since it would give even more stress to Xiao Lie that he already had. Anyway the reason Itachi had Xiao Lingxi stay with Xiao Lie was because he was at the 10th of Spirit Profound realm. Just under Earth profound, only the Elder of the Xiao Sect was a threat while Xiao Kuangyun who was at least True profound and his two 1st stage Spirit profound escorts were nothing in front of him.


Soon Itachi returned to Xiao Lingxi's courtyard and waited. He waited in her room because he knew for a fact that Xiao Kuangyun would either visit Xiao Lingxi or his courtyard first. Logically thinking he should visit Xiao Lingxi first as that way he could hold her hostage and use her to threaten him.

If going by the plan Xiao Yulong told Xiao Kuangyu about forcing Itachi to break off his marriage. He also doubted that Xiao Kuangyun would do so to Xiao Lie because of his cultivation level and also because Xiao Lingxi was an easier target.

While he was thinking he finally heard the sounds of footsteps. It sounded like four people, so it was safe for him to assume that it was Xiao Yulong, Xiao Kuangyun, and the two Spirit Profound realm experts.

" Here we are, young master " The voice of Xiao Yulong spoke. "This is the residence of Xiao Lingxi who you are interested in"

"Good! Good! I definitely made the right choice choosing you!" He said "You all stay here as I enjoy myself!"

After that Xiao Kuangyun entered through the door. He tried to see where his victim was but he found no sight of her. Then he turned and saw that he was being watched by the trash Xiao Che. He was about to retort when he suddenly felt his movements restricted.

"YO-" Xiao Kuangyun tried to berate but was stopped. He looked and saw that he was held in place by stakes. 'How dare this trash!' Xiao Kuangyun thought.

" You are lucky, you will not be dying today as I can't kill you in Floating Cloud City" Itachi spoke as he looked down at Xiao Kuangyun.

"Therefore I will only trap you in an illusion, but beware as this illusion is your worst nightmare" Itachi said as in Xiao Yulong's perspective he disappeared. He didn't even get to yell before his suffering started.


Looking at the downed Xiao Kuangyun, Itachi shook his head. He was quite bitter he could not touch him, but then he remembered they would leave tomorrow. He had knowledge of alchemy so he planned on converting the star concealing grass into 2 pills.

The star concealing grass a profound medicine that when turned to the star concealing pill will make whoever ingests it completely concealed and invisible. Regardless of body, sound, smell, and objects on the body, it would all be completely concealed. With those pills, they should last 2-3 hours each so he had about 5-6 hours. Although they are flawed because in the concealed state if someone were to touch him the effects would be cancelled he was confident in his skills.

After that he shook his head and used the body flicker to reappear on the roof. He made sure to conceal his aura and cultivation while minimizing the sound of his body and footprints. Of course as a former anbu he was already a master in stealth. From the roof top he saw Xiao Yulong patiently waiting along with 2 of Xiao Kuangyun's guards.

Soon after Itachi once again body flickered and reappeared in front of the two Spirit Profound experts.

"What?!" They both said but before they could do so they made a fatal mistake as they both stared at Itachi's eyes. How could they not be in the dark, the only thing they could see was his glowing crimson red eyes.

Watching the two experts at 1st of Spirit Profound fall, Itachi slowly turned to Xiao Yulong. Of course Xiao Yulong couldn't see his face as it was already dark, but still felt fear as the man in front of him with red eyes instantly took out 2 experts on par with the elders!

"Y-You! Do you know that those two were th-the Xiao Sect's people?!" He said fear was evident in his voice. "Don't come closer! I'm a future disciple of the Xiao Sect!" He said but paled as Itachi still calmly walked towards him.

"You are quite lucky. I only came here to erase your memories of you ever telling Xiao Kuangyun of Xia Qinhyue and Xiao Lingxi. But tomorrow your life would be forfeited" Itachi spoke calmly.

"Y-you are-" Xiao Yulong never got to finish as he too fell unconscious.

"With this, it is done," Itachi said. It was exactly as he said. He altered the memories of not only Xiao Kuangyun but Xiao Yulong and the other two 1st profound guards as well. He altered their memories making it so Xiao Kuangyun never saw Xia Qingyue nor Xiao Lingxi.

Next chapter is the death of some people. also be prepared as i will bs the shiit out of it and it might be pretty crap as I have already explained that my drafts of some chaps wasn't saved and i rushed rewriting them.

UchihaFanaticcreators' thoughts