
Uchiha Against The Gods

After defeating Kabuto and making him free the edo tensei jutsu, Itachi thought he would finally get his eternal rest. But, the next moment he woke up in the body of a young man named Xiao Che, along with memories of an older man named Yun Che. Yo ngl this might be a crappy fic. Just writing this because I hit a writers block on my other fic. Maybe writing this one will give me more ideas or inspire me to write more chaps on my other fic. I don't own ATG or Naruto

UchihaFanatic · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

19 - Xiao Sect Visit 2

Rushed chapter...


"It seems like Young Master Xiao has a similar taste in beautiful women. Actually, within our Xiao Clan, there are more beauties than just Xia Qingyue," Xiao Yulong said in a low voice. "Fifth Elder Xiao Lie has a daughter who just turned fifteen this year, but is already an outstanding beauty. She isn't worse than Xia Qingyue by much… I don't know if Young Master Xiao has any interest?"

"Fifteen year old… and is almost as beautiful as that fairy from just then?" Xiao Kuangyun's eyes fiercely widened, revealing a wolf-like glint.

Upon seeing the look in his eyes, Xiao Yulong knew what he should do next. He once again leaned towards Xiao Kuangyun and said in a low voice, "If Young Master Xiao is interested, then this is even easier. The method is really simple, we just have to…"

Xiao Yulong leaned close to Xiao Kuangyun's ear and again whispered into it.

"HAHAHA! HAHAHA…." Xiao Kuangyun started to laugh wildly as the obscene look in his eyes intensified: "When I return, I should really thank my father for letting me meet two stunning beauties…. I really didn't come here to this faraway place in vain."

His gaze turned towards Xiao Yulong. He then slowly nodded his head: "You're called… Xiao Yulong right?"

"Yes, yes! This lowly one is Xiao Yulong." Xiao Yulong showed excitement on his face. For Xiao Kuangyun to remember his name was his greatest honor.

"You are pretty good, not bad at all. If these two things are taken care of successfully, then after we return to the Xiao Sect, you should just stick to my side." Xiao Kuangyun said with narrowed eyes.

"Ah!" Xiao Yulong's entire body shook. He was moved to where his eyes were opened widely. After he recovered, he knelt in front of Xiao Kuangyun with a *putong* sound and heavily kowtowed. "Yulong thanks Young Master Xiao for his large kindness! If it's possible to stay by Young Master Xiao's side, then Yulong will definitely loyally, with all my heart take care of Young Master Xiao!"

This result caused Xiao Yulong's heart to wildly throb in pleasant surprise… He had already given up his hope when his cultivation dropped but after his father received a medicine to heal profound veins he once again regained hope. To be able to enter the Xiao Sect is already a delight equivalent to reaching heaven in one step. Yet to be able to follow the son of the sect master is an entirely different thing. It's something that Xiao Yulong would've never dared to imagine before.


At first Itachi had followed the group as he hid behind a tree and observed the group with his sharingan. He was about to leave as it seemed to be only a normal tour when he spotted Xia Qingyue.

' What is she doing? She warned me of Xiao Kunagyun but she herself didn't bother to hide herself?' Itachi thought confused. Xia Qingyue was the one who had warned him that the younges son of the Xiao Sect was lustful so it was indeed weird that she showed herself.

At first he did not care as even if they were to plan to do anything to her, with her status as a disciple of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace then they couldn't. Also from what Xia Qingyue explained her master might be in Floating Cloud City so there wasn't really a need to worry for her.

That was until he read their lips. He was enraged, Xiao Yulong actually said to hold his grandfather hostage! He grit his teeth until he was became more enraged. Silently he clenched his fists until his nails dug into his palm and drew blood. He suddenly unconsciously leaked out his killing intent as the entire area's atmosphere turned cold.

'Not only did you target my grandfather, but also my little aunt. Xiao Yulong, it seems you're death is imminent' Itachi thought as his face turned cold with his sharingan spinning. As he though of that his mouth curved into a small but still recognizable smile 'Even if you take that profound medicine, it's useless'

After that as the wind blew as Itachi vanished from sight.


As Xiao Moshan accompanied the youngest son of his Sect master he suddenly felt a chill go through his spine. Like that of a prey being stalked by a predator.

' Who is it? An expert?! ' He thought as he disappeared and reappeared in front of Xiao Kuangyun.

"Young master stay back! I sensed an enemy!" He said as he looked around while the other two disciples at the Spirit Profound who accompanied them also got into a defensive stance. He felt that the whole area was bathed in cold killing intent.

"What is it?" Xiao Kuangyun said, although a bit of fear in his voice.

After searching around, Xiao Moshan didn't feel anything out of the ordinary until he suddenly turned to a direction of a tree ' What?! I could have sworn someone was there!' He thought

" Nevermind, it must have been my imagination" He said as he went back behind Xiao Kuangyun.

"That's right, how could there be any enemy in this dump that could match you elder Moshan!" Xiao Kuangyun said arrogantly.

"..." Hearing such words Xiao Moshan only stayed quiet.


After leaving Itachi went straight to his grandfather's courtyard. As he entered he just got in time to hear the conversation between him and his little aunt.

"Daddy, I just heard them say that you and the clan master headed off to welcome the Xiao Sect's people. How come you're back so soon?" Xiao Lingxi had just happened to stop by to deliver food to Xiao Lie. With a face full of curiosity, she asked: "Have the people from the Xiao Sect already arrived? What kind of people are they? Do they have a really frightening aura?"

Xiao Lingxi's questions reminded him of the elder standing behind Xiao Kuangyun. He nodded: "Of course, the people from the Xiao Sect are unfathomable. However, Xi Er, you should avoid the Xiao Sect's people as much as possible in the few days that they're here. The young man leading them isn't some kind of benevolent person. If you can avoid them, then you should do so."

"Ah?" Xiao Lingxi blinked her eyes in disbelief and then nodded lightly: "I know daddy. In fact, I was already a little bit afraid of them. After all, they are from the Xiao Sect. They must be super super powerful."

"Even if you're curious, you should try to stay away from them." Xiao Lie once again warned. He lightly breathed in and, with a heavy load on his mind, walked into the courtyard.

"Daddy, is there anything else? Alright I will stay away from them, but is that all?" Xiao Lingxi asked. Even if she was quite scared of them she was equally curious.

Xiao Lie paused for a moment as he realized that if he didn't say it out loud, then this clever daughter of his may not feel at ease for the rest of the day. He could only slowly respond: "The Xiao Sect brought a gift called the 'Profound Opening Powder'. From what that Xiao Kuangyun said, this Profound Opening Powder has a great restorative effect on damaged profound veins. But it is hidden away by the Clan head"

"Ah! It can fix damaged profound veins? Is that true?" Xiao Lie hadn't even finished talking, but Xiao Lingxi was already crying out in excitement. All of the sudden, her small hands tightly clenched the edges of her clothing. Fixing Itachi's profound veins had always been her greatest wish. These past few years, she had nonstop diligently searched for every possible method with Xiao Lie. Xiao Lie's words were no different to her than the celestial sound of heaven granting her wish.

"The effects of the Xiao Sect's medicine can't be compared to that of ordinary medicine. It may really be able to provide surprising results." Saying this, Xiao Lie's didn't change as he spoke "However, the Profound Opening Powder's most important use is to accelerate the speed of cultivation for a certain amount of time. Right now, the clan master and the rest of them all consider this 'Profound Opening Powder' as a treasure. In fact he might just use it to restore his son's profound veins, how can we get it" Xiao Lie spoke, if he hadn't learned of Itachi being to cultivate he might have expended everything to get it but now it wasn't needed.

Xiao Lingxi's expression became sluggish. Xiao Lie's words were like a pail of cold water that extinguished all of her excitement. She bit her lips and resolutely said, "No matter how, we must obtain the Profound Opening Powder. Little Che definitely isn't a good for nothing! He's the one that needs the Profound Opening Powder the most!"

"Forget it, it must have been given to Xiao Yulong by now" Xiao Lie said

"But-" Xiao Lingxi was going to speak again when Itachi used that moment to interrupt them.

" Little aunt, that is enough" He spoke as he entered the door.

" Little Che! What are you saying, this medicine could here your profound veins!" She said but then she was stupefied the next second. It was because Itachi unleashed his cultivation allowing her to sense it.

"This! This, Little Che you can cultivate? How?!" She said

"Calm down little aunt, what if someone hears you" Itachi spoke coolly as Xiao Lingxi yelped an "eep" and covered her mouth with both hands

"I already told grandfather, but a few weeks ago I had stumbled upon a fortuitous encounter which healed my profound veins allowing me to cultivate. Since then I cultivated in secret until now" Itachi said to her as Xiao Lie in the background laughed.

"Hahahahah! Indeed, not only did Che'er start cultivating, he already reached the Nascent profound realm and he's only began!" Xiao Lie said heartily, it was as if he became 10 years younger.

"What!? Really little che?" She said, it was because she was only in the Elementary profound realm that she didn't know his level of cultivation. She only knew he could cultivate because of the profound energy he began emitting which was considerably more than what a person in the 1st stage of Elementary profound realm should have.

" You really are my brothers son! You are another peerless genius!" She said happily but realized that both Itachi and her father had a look of shame on them.

"..." Neither one spoke as Xiao Lingxi grew confused.

"Is there something wrong? Little Che, daddy?" She questioned.

"... Little aunt. I... am not really Father, Xiao Ying's biological son... We aren't blood related "Itachi spoke.

"What?! Th-that can't be right daddy?" Xiao Lingxi said as she looked towards Xiao Lie who in turn just looked away in shame.

After that Itachi began to narrate what Xiao Lie told him. The origins of his birth parents, Xiao Ying becoming sworn brothers with his biological father, and finally until the death of her brother with a smile still on his face.

"This...This...!" She was lost for words as she looked lifeless, tears falling from her eyes.

" Little aunt, it's okay. Even if we are not blood relate we are still eternally family" Itachi said warmly as he wiped her tears away. Hearing him got her to look startled but she still had her eyes covered from her hair.

Then out of nowhere she began to mutter to herself.

"I'm sorry little aunt, what was that? I didn't hear you?" Itachi questioned.

"Little che you dummy! I said now you can marry me!" She yelled out as silence enveloped them. Both Itachi and her father Xiao Lie looked at her as she felt her face heat up and turn pink.

"...This! The both of you...!?" Xiao Lie said as he looked back and forth between the two of them. Xiao Lingxi looked really ashamed while Itachi, not so much.

"*sigh*, I knew the both of you had feelings more than that of family members " Xiao Lie said.

"What? You know!?" Xiao Lingxi spoke as she gasped.

"You always sneak out at night and both meet up to watch the stars together sometimes, while another time I caught Che'er stealing your lips. How can I not know?" Xiao Lie said as his face twitched.

"Grandfather that was-" Itachi tried to speak but Xiao Lie waved a hand towards them

"...I guess it's fine I suppose. After all in a month's time, you said Xia Qingyue and you will no longer be husband and wife" He said after a long pause. " After all, I trust you won't hurt your own little aunt"

"..." Itach was quiet as he looked at Xiao Lie. He was quite speechless that he allowed and even gave his blessing for the both of them.

who ever said some shiit about Itachi leaving at ch 30 or some shiit might be correct. Cuz damn I'm the author and even I think its slow af.

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